Автор McManus Seumas

Книги автора McManus Seumas

In Chimney Corners - McManus Seumas
In Chimney Corners


  • Дата добавления: 22/07/2015

  • Язык книги: Английский

  • Кол-во страниц: 26

A collection of irish folklore tales retold by Seumas MacManus.
Donegal Fairy Tales - McManus Seumas
Donegal Fairy Tales


  • Дата добавления: 23/07/2015

  • Язык книги: Английский

  • Кол-во страниц: 24

There are no fairy tales in the world like the Irish. For humor and exaggeration and excitement they can’t be beaten. On of the best teller of Irish tales is Seumas MacManus. In this book you have the perfect combination of good tales and perfect story teller. You’ll laugh as you haven’t laughed for many a day at “Conal and Donal and Taig”, “Manus the Miller,” and other stories found here.