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The 38 Million Dollar Smile
Автор: Stevenson Richard
Жанр: Прочие Детективы
Серия : Donald Strachey Mystery #4
Дата добавления: 21/01/2016
Языки книги: Английский
Кол-во страниц: 62
Просмотров: 310
ID книги: 274199
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О книге
Gary Griswold, cheerily dim gadfly scion of Albany old money, late of the Key West artists colony, goes missing, and his ex-wife wants to know what's happened to him - not to mention his 38 million dollars in cash. Turns out that religious dilettante Gary and his money have disappeared into Thailand, where corruption has its own etiquette. Soon, Albany's only gay PI, Don Strachey, is out of his element, and his lover Timmy is way out of his comfort zone as they comb the Land of Smiles for a man with an unerring weakness for the poorest choice possible and a daft plan to buy 38 million dollars worth of good karma. #10 in the award-winning Donald Strachey Mystery Series