Жанры книг

Поиск по метке: Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators

The Mystery of the Talking Skull - Arthur Robert
The Mystery of the Talking Skull


The Mystery of the Nervous Lion - West Nick
The Mystery of the Nervous Lion


The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon - West Nick
The Mystery of the Coughing Dragon


The Mystery of Monster Mountain - Carey M. V.
The Mystery of Monster Mountain


The Mystery of the Screaming Clock - Arthur Robert
The Mystery of the Screaming Clock


The Secret of the Crooked Cat - Arden William
The Secret of the Crooked Cat


The Secret of Phantom Lake - Arden William
The Secret of Phantom Lake


The Mystery of the Moaning Cave - Arden William
The Mystery of the Moaning Cave


Diablo-The Devil! The very name of the legendary outlaw strikes fear in the hearts of California ranch owners. Many years ago, the young El Diablo disappeared into a mountain cave, never to be seen again. But the ranchers think he may still be alive — especially now that an eerie moaning sound is coming from his old hideout. The Three Investigators set out in the dark of night to explore the moaning cave — and they soon wish that they were armed with more than a flashlight!
The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow - Arden William
The Mystery of the Laughing Shadow


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The Mystery of the Headless Horse - Arden William
The Mystery of the Headless Horse


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