Жанры книг
Book of the Samurai - Hagakure

Book of the Samurai

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  • Жанр: Древневосточная литература

  • Дата добавления: 24/07/2015

  • Языки книги: Английский

  • Кол-во страниц: 26

  • Просмотров: 326

  • ID книги: 92096

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О книге

"A Classic of Japanese thought…Poetic, robust…a feast of aphorisms and martial anecdotes." – The New York Review of Books"HAGAKURE became a kind of magical discovery for me, and 'hidden under its leaves' were some important gifts." – Jim Jarmusch"A fascinating glimpse into another place and time." -Library Journal"Yamamoto brought together three temperaments: loyalty to his master, a literary sensibility, and the enlightenment of Zen." – Choice