5 David M. Shoup. The New American Militarism. — "The Atlantic 223", N 4, IV. 1969, pp. 51—56.

6 Clark M. Clifford. Address before the National Security Industrial Association. Washington, 26. IX. 1968.

7 Lawrence S. Wittner. IBM and the Pentagon. — "The Progressive", II. 1972, pp. 33-34.

8 Ibid.

9 Mildred Benton and Signe Ottersen. Roster of Federal Libraries. Washington, 1970.

10 "Я утверждаю, что министерство обороны, ведомство, потребляющее 9% валового национального продукта, ведомство, на службе у которого находится четыре с половиной миллиона американцев, должно больше чем когда бы то ни было способствовать удовлетворению социальных потребностей страны. Законность... внутреннее спокойствие... всеобщее благосостояние... дары свободы. Может ли быть, чтобы все эти элементы свободы ложились на плечи правительства Соединенных Штатов, минуя министерство обороны, на чью деятельность расходуется половина всех затрат нашего правительства?" (Clark M. Clifford, op. cit.).

11 Fred M. Heddtnger. Address before the 13th Annual Summer Conference of the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, 15. VII. 1967. — "Newsletter" of the Pennsylvania Electronics Technology» Inc. 68—3, p. 4.

12 "Phi Delta Kappan", V. 1967, 417.

13 Samuel Halperin. Things Don't Just Happen. — "Congressional Record", 20. II. 1968, p. E 981.

14 "Publishers Weekly", 19. II. 1973.

15 "Fortune", V. 1972, p. 149.

16 "New York Times", 11. II. 1972, p. 49.

17 J. Myron Atkin. The Federal Government, Big Business, and Colleges of Education.

18 "New York Times", 14. VII. 1968.

19 James A. Mecklenburger and John A. Wilson. Learning C.O.D. Can the Schools Buy Success? — "Saturday Review", 18. IX. 1971, p. 76.

20 "Los Angeles Times", 1. II. 1972.

21 "Los Angeles Times", 28. VII. 1972.

22 "Publishers' Weekly", 8. II. 1971.

23 John. D. Williams. Conglomerates Cause An Information Loss. — "Wall Street Journal", 29. XII. 1972.

24 William F. Luebbert. Instructional Technology, Education and Man as a Builder and User of Tools. — International Symposium on Communication, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 111» 23—25, 1972.

Глава четвертая

1 Erik Barnouw. Television as a Medium. — "Performance", N 3, 1972, p. 13.

2 Ibid., p. 40.

3 Franc Shor. Pacific Fleet: Force For Peace. — "National Geographic", IX, 1959, pp. 283—335.

4 "Broadcasting", 14. VIII. 1972, p. 39.

5 Les Brown. Television: The Business Behind the Box. New York, 1971, p. 59.

6 "New York Times", 27. XI. 1972.

7 James Playsted Wood. Magazines In the United States. New York, 1971, p. 291.

8 Ibid., p. 292.

9 Ibid., p. 291.

10 "New York Times", 31. VII. 1967.

11 "As We See it". - "TV Guide", 22. VII. 1972, p. 1.

12 Max Gunther. Revolution at the FTC. — "TV Guide", 24. VI. 1972. pp. 27—28.

13 John C. Schwarzwalder. Public Broadcasting Must Clean House. - "TV Guide", 30. IX - 6. X, 1972.

14 Merill Panitt. America Out of Focus. — "TV Guide", 15. I. — 12. II., 1972.

15 Ibid.

16 "Advertizing Age", 24. IV. 1972, p. 22.

17 "Advertizing Age", 3. VII. 1972.

18 Tom Buckley. With the National Geographic on Its Endless, Cloudless Voyage. — "New York Times Magazine", 6. IX. 1972.

19 Frank Luther Mott. A History of American Magazines. Cambridge, 1957, p. 626.

20 "National Geographic Society Elect Key Executives". — "National Geographic", X, 1967, p. 576.

21 M. B. Grosvenor. National Geographies Newest Adventure: A Color Television Series. — "National Geographic", X, 1965, p. 451.

22 Tom Buckley. With the National Geographic..., p. 22.

23 Mott. History of American Magazines, p. 625.

24 Volkman Wentzel. Mozambique, Land of the Good People. — "National Geographic", VIII. 1964, pp. 214—215.

25 Jules В. Вllard. Panama, Link Between Oceans and Continents. — "National Geographic", III. 1970, p. 404.

26 Ibid., p. 412.

27 Buckley. "With the National Geographic...", p. 18.

28 Wentzel. Mozambique..., pp. 203—204.

29 Buckley. With the National Geoff rap hie..., p. 18.

30 Peter T. White. Saigon, Eye of the Storm. — "National Geographic", VI. 1965, p. 862.

31 Peter T. White. Mosaic of Cultures. — "National Geographic", III. 1971, p. 329.

32 Wilhelm G. Solheim II. New Light On a Forgotten Past. — "National Geographic", III. 1971, p. 330.

33 Buckley. With the National Geographic..., p. 20.

34 W. E. Garrett. Pagan On the Road to Mandalay. — "National Geographic", III. 1971, p. 349.

35 Franc Shor. Pacific Fleet..., p. 283.

36 "National Geographic", VI. 1972, cover.

37 Franc Shor. Pacific Fleet, Dp. 283, 311.

38 Thomas W. Mс Knew. Four Ocean Navy in the Nuclear Age. — "National Geographic", II. 1965.

39 "National Geographic", IX. 1965.

40 "Magazines for Libraries". New York, 1969, p. 169.

41 Buckley. With the National Geographic..., p. 12.

42 "Fortune", VI. 1972, p. 110.

43 "Nation's Business", III. 1971, pp. 46, 49.

44 Leo E. Litwak. Fantasy That Paid Off. — "New York Times Magazine", 27. VI. 1965.

45 Richard Schickel. The Disney Version. New York, 1968, p. 19.

46 Ibid., p. 165.

47 Предварительное письмо к держателям акций и служащим, "Уолт Дисней продакшнз", 24. IV. 1972.

48 Ibid.

49 Annual Report, Walt Disney Productions, 1971, p. 4.

50 Schickel. Disney Version..., p. 313.

51 Annual Report... p. 28.

52 Предварительное письмо к держателям акций и служащим, "Уолт Дисней продакшнз", 24. IV. 1972.

53 Dwight Whitney. It's Practically a Branch of the U. S. Mint. — "TV Guide*, 15-21, VII. 1972, p. 25.

54 "Disney's Live Action Profits". — "Business Week", 24. VII. 1965, p. &2.

55 Schickel. Disney Version..., p. 164.

56 Litwak. "Fantasy", p. 28.

57 "Los Angeles Times", 16. XII. 1966.

58 Robert Shayon. Entertainment. — "Performance", N 3, VII/VIII, 1972, p. 91.

59 Annual Report..., p. 21.

60 Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart. Para Leer Al Pato Donald. Valparaiso, 1971.

61 A. Mattelart. Mass Media In the Socialist Revolution; The Experience of Chile. — Communications Technology and Social Policy. New York, 1973.

62 "Los Angeles Times", 1. VI. 1972.

63 Дисней сказал однажды: "У меня не бывает подавленного настроения, и я не хочу, чтобы оно у меня появилось. Я счастлив, просто очень, очень счастлив". (/. Anthony Lukas. "The Alternative Life — Style of Playboys and Playmates", — "New York Times Magazine", 11. VI. 1972.).

64 Litwak. Fantasy, p. 27.

65 M. B. Grosvenor. Walt Disney. Genius of Laughter and Learn- ing. — "National Geographic", VIII. 1963, p. 158.

66 Mott. A History of American Magazines, p. 632.

67 James L. C. Ford. Magazines for Millions, Carbondale, 1969, pp. 57—58.

68 "Reader's Digest at the White House". — "New York Times", 29. I. 1972.

Глава пятая

1 Harwood L. Childs. Public Opinion: Nature, Formation and Role. Princeton, 1965, p. 1.

2 Marshall A. Caskey. Polls: Critics and Proposed Controls, Freedom of Information Center Report N 220. Columbia, 1969, p. 3. Предположительно насчитывается тысяча американских фирм по опросу общественного мнения. (Stephen Isaacs. The Pitfalls of Polling", Columbia Journalism Review, V/VI. 1972, p. 34.)