The Wonderful Waterfall

As the little company sat eating their breakfast they talked about what would be the best thing to do. How were they to find a way into the Secret Mountain?

“You know, I believe that Mafumu’s uncle knew something,” said Ranni. “I rather think there is some sort of secret way in, if only we could find it.”

“Ranni! I know how we could find it!” said Mike excitedly. “Couldn’t we hide until we see some of the Secret Mountain Folk — and then track them to see how they get inside?”

“Yes — if we could only see some of the folk, without them seeing us!” said Ranni. “We should have to scout round a bit — it is perfectly plain that no one could possibly get into the mountain from this side — it’s so steep. I don’t believe even a goat could get up it!”

“Well — let’s explore round the other side,” said Mike. “Hurry up and finish your breakfast, girls. I can hardly wait.”

“Of course, you realize that we shall all have to be very careful,” said Pilescu. “It is quite possible that the folk in the Secret Mountain already know we are here, and are waiting to capture us.”

“Oooh,” said Nora, not liking the sound of that at all. “I shall keep very near to you and Ranni, Pilescu!”

“I hope you will,” said Pilescu, taking the little girl’s hand in his. “I would not have come on this mad adventure if I had known what it was to be. But now it is too late to draw back.”

“I should think so!” cried Mike indignantly. “Why, Pilescu, things are going very well, I think. We have discovered where our parents are — and we may be able to rescue them at any time now. We’ve got guns!”

“Yes — but first we have to find where your parents are!” said Pilescu. “And how to get to them.”

“Well, let’s make a start,” said Mike. “Come on. It will be too hot soon to explore anywhere! All my clothes are sticking to me already.”

The party packed up their things. Ranni and Pilescu carried most of them, but the children had to take some too. Mafumu as usual carried his share balanced on his head. They all set off cautiously, keeping as near to the foot of the queer steep mountain as they could, and yet taking cover as they went, so as not to be seen.

It was difficult going. Mafumu was a great help, for he seemed to know the best paths at once. He went in front, with Ranni and Jack just behind him. Pilescu was at the back, his hand on his gun. He was taking no risks!

As they went round the mountain a strange noise came to their ears.

“What’s that?” said Nora, alarmed. They all stood and listened. Mafumu beckoned them on, not knowing why they had stopped.

“Big noise, Mafumu, big noise,” said Jack, holding up his hand for Mafumu to listen. The boy laughed.

“Big water,” he said. “Big water.” He was very proud of himself for being able to answer Jack in his own language. He was as sharp as a needle, and in half an hour was quite able to pick up twenty or more new words.

“Big water” said Jack puzzled. “Does he mean the sea?”

“No — I know what it is — it’s a waterfall!” said Mike. “Hark! It sounds like thunder, but it’s really water tumbling down the mountain-side not far off. Come on — I bet I’m right.”

The little company pressed on, following their new guide. The noise grew louder. It really did sound like thunder, but was more musical. The echoes went rolling round the valley, and now and again the noise seemed to get inside the children’s heads in a queer manner. They shook their heads to get it out! It was funny.

And then they suddenly saw the waterfall! It was simply magnificent. It fell almost straight down the steep mountain-side with a tremendous noise. Spray rose high into the air, and hung like a mist over the fall. The children could feel its wetness on their faces now and again from where they stood, awed and silent at the sight of such a wonderful fall of water.

“My goodness!” said Peggy, full of astonishment and delight. “No wonder it makes such a noise! It’s a marvellous waterfall. It’s coming from the inside of the mountain!”

“Yes — it is,” said Mike, shading his eyes and looking upwards. “There must be an underground river that wanders through the mountain and comes out at that steep place. Golly! How are we going to get by?”

It was very difficult. They had to go a good way out of their path. The waterfall made a surging, violent river at its foot, that shouted and tumbled its way down the valley, and joined the hidden river down which they had come not long before.

Mafumu was not to be beaten by a waterfall! He made his way alongside the surging water until he came to a shallow part, where big boulders stuck up all the way across.

“Hurryup, hurryup,” he said, pointing to the stones. “We go there, hurryup.”

“I believe we could get across there,” said Ranni. “The stones are almost like stepping-stones. I will carry Nora across, and then Peggy — and you take Paul, Pilescu. The boys can manage themselves.”

“I can manage by myself,” said the little Prince indignantly. “I’m a boy too, aren’t I?”

“You are not so big as the others,” said Pilescu with a grin, and he caught up the angry boy and put him firmly on his shoulder. Paul was red with rage, but he did not dare to struggle in case he sent Pilescu into the water. As it was, Pilescu lost his footing once, and almost fell. He just managed to swing himself back in time, and sat with a bump on a big rock. Paul was almost jerked off his shoulder.

The girls were taken safely across. As Ranni had said, the stones were almost like stepping-stones, although one or two were rather far apart — but fortunately the water there was only waist-deep, so a little wading solved the difficulty. The other three boys got across easily. Mafumu jumped like a goat from one stone to another.

And now they were the other side of the waterfall. The noise of its falling still sounded thunderous, but they liked it.

“The foam is like soap-suds,” said Nora, watching some swirling down the river.

The sun was now too high for any of them to go further. Even Mafumu was hot and wanted to rest. Also his foot pained him a little now, in spite of the careful bandaging. Everyone curled up in the cool shade of an enormous tree, where they could occasionally feel the delicious coldness of the misty spray from the waterfall.

“I suppose we ought to have a meal,” said Ranni, too lazy to do anything about it.

“I’m so hot and tired I couldn’t eat even an ant’s egg!” said Jack.

“You haven’t been offered one,” said Peggy. “The only thing I’d like would be something sweet to drink.”

Mafumu disappeared for a moment. He came back laden with some strange-looking fruit, that looked like half nut, half pomegranate. He slit a hole in the top-end and showed Peggy how to drink from it.

“I suppose it’s safe to drink the juice of this funny fruit,” said Peggy doubtfully.

Ranni nodded. “Mafumu knows what is good or not,” he said. “Taste it and see what it’s like. If it’s nice I’ll have some too!”

Peggy tipped up the queer green fruit. It was full of some thick, fleshy juice that trickled out rather like treacle. At first the taste was bitter, like lemon — but as the little girl sucked hard, a delicious coolness spread over her mouth and down her throat.

“Golly!” said Peggy. “It makes me feel as if I’ve got ice-cream going down me, but not at all sweet. Do have some, you others!”

Soon everyone was sucking the strange fruit. Nobody liked the bitter taste at first, but they all loved the glorious coolness that came afterwards.

“Mafumu, you are very, very clever,” said Jack sleepily to the little boy, who was, as usual, curled up as near to his hero as he could manage. Mafumu grinned in delight. A word of praise from Jack made him very happy.

Soon everyone was sleeping soundly — except Ranni, who was on guard, though he found it very difficult to keep awake in such heat. The heat danced round, and everything shimmered and quivered. If it had not been for the coolness that blew over from the nearby waterfall it would have been quite unbearable.