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Купить книгу Управление дебиторской задолженностью. Практическое руководство для разумных руководителей, автора Михаила Мухина
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Управление дебиторской задолженностью. Практическое руководство для разумных руководителей
Столкнувшись со всеми трудностями начинающего предпринимателя, ныне успешный владелец бизнеса Михаил Мухин пришел к парадоксальному выводу: дебиторскую задолженность чаще всего создают сотрудники компании, и очень редко – клиенты. А значит, чтобы оценить и минимизировать риски, не допуская кассовых разрывов, всей управленческой команде нужно слаженно работать, четко распределять обязанности и ответственность.
Купить книгу Лабораторный практикум по бухгалтерскому учету, автора М. А. Вахрушиной
Лабораторный практикум по бухгалтерскому учету
Дисциплина «Лабораторный практикум по бухгалтерскому учету» является дисциплиной вариативной части профессионального цикла обучения по направлению подготовки 38.03.01 (080100.62) «Экономика» (профиль «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»).
Купить книгу Правовое регулирование налогообложения контролируемых иностранных компаний: опыт зарубежных стран и России, автора
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Правовое регулирование налогообложения контролируемых иностранных компаний: опыт зарубежных стран и России
В работе приводится детальный анализ теоретических основ и практических аспектов применения российских и зарубежных правил налогообложения контролируемых иностранных компаний (КИК), в частности, рассматриваются история и цели принятия правил налогообложения КИК, механизм правил КИК, их место в системе права (соотношение правил налогообложения КИК с основными правовыми принципами, положениями соглашений об избежании двойного налогообложения). Сравнительно-правовой анализ зарубежных и российских правил проводится на основе актуального зарубежного законодательства, административной и судебной правоприменительной практики и охватывает правила о налогообложении КИК начиная с их принятия в 1962 г. в США до современных правил, принятых 24 ноября 2014 г. в Российской Федерации. Отдельно рассматриваются проблемные аспекты применения правил о налогообложении КИК, связанные с международным обменом информацией.
Купить книгу Audit and Accounting Guide: Entities With Oil and Gas Producing Activities, 2018, автора
Audit and Accounting Guide: Entities With Oil and Gas Producing Activities, 2018
First update in 4 years! As fluctuating oil prices, off-shore drilling, and other energy-related issues impact the way your clients conduct business, it i essential to have a keen understanding of the domestic and international topics and trends facing the oil and gas industry today. This 2018 edition includes over 200 pages of invaluable guidance to help accountants improve their industry knowledge, fine-tune their strategies, and provide high-quality services to their clients. This publication provides important technical guidance, summarizes new standards and practices, and delivers «how-to» advice for handling audit and accounting issues that will be critical to your success. Key Features of this title are: An updated illustrative representation letter that contains industry-specific representations. Discussion and interpretive guidance associated with FASB ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers
Купить книгу Life and Health Insurance Entities 2018, автора
Life and Health Insurance Entities 2018
Купить книгу Guide to Audit Data Analytics, автора
Guide to Audit Data Analytics
Designed to facilitate the use of audit data analytics (ADAs) in the financial statement audit, this title was developed by leading experts across the profession and academia. The guide defines audit data analytics as “the science and art of discovering and analyzing patterns, identifying anomalies, and extracting other useful information in data underlying or related to the subject matter of an audit through analysis, modeling, and visualization for planning or performing the audit.” Simply put, ADAs can be used to perform a variety of procedures to gather audit evidence. Each chapter focuses on an audit area and includes step-by-step guidance illustrating how ADAs can be used throughout the financial statement audit. Suggested considerations for assessing the reliability of data are also included in a separate appendix.
Купить книгу Accounting for Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets, автора
Accounting for Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets
Concepts, methods, and issues in calculating the fair value of intangibles Accounting for Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets is a guide to one of the most challenging aspects of business valuation. Not only must executives and valuation professionals understand the complicated set of rules and practices that pertain to intangibles, they must also be able to recognize when to apply them. Inside, readers will find these many complexities clarified. Additionally, this book assists professionals in overcoming the difficulties of intangible asset accounting, such as the lack of market quotes and the conflicts among various valuation methodologies. Even the rarest and most problematic situations are treated in detail in Accounting for Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. For example, the authors analyze principles for identifying finite intangible assets and appropriately accounting for amortization expenses or impairment losses. Using the information in this book, the results of these calculations can also be reported with precision on financial statements. These topics are especially important for ensuring the success of any asset acquisition or business combination. In these special cases, the utmost accuracy is essential. This book provides: Rules for identifying and recognizing intangible assets in business combinations and asset acquisitions Guidance on the accurate valuation and carrying amount calculation of acquired and self-created intangibles Tips for overcoming the challenges unique to intangible assets, including impairment testing Clear instructions for disclosing intangible assets, goodwill, and amortization expenses Accounting for Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets is an indispensable reference for valuation students and specialists. Ervin L. Black and Mark L. Zyla provide thorough instructions for understanding, accounting for, and reporting this challenging asset class.
Купить книгу Audit and Accounting Guide. Gaming 2018, автора
Audit and Accounting Guide. Gaming 2018
Most of the accounting and financial reporting practices of entities undertaking gaming or gaming-related activities (collectively referred to as «gaming entities») are essentially the same as those of other industries. However, some activities of gaming entities are unique. Developed by leading experts, this guide delivers «how-to» strategies for handling audit and accounting issues common to entities in the gaming industry, so accounts and financial managers can provide high-quality services to their clients. Updated for recent auditing standards, this guide summarizes new standards, guidance and practices, explaining the numerous activities specific to gaming entities and provides information regarding accounting and auditing for many types of gaming industry issues. Also included are illustrative independent auditor's reports and financial statements of both a non-governmental gaming entity and a governmental gaming entity. Key benefits include: Provides important technical guidance, summarizes new standards and practices, and delivers how-to advice for handling audit and accounting issues that will be critical to your success. Offers clear and practical guidance on recent developments in areas such as online gaming and governmental gaming entities. Includes helpful industry coverage of the New Jersey Casino Redevelopment Authority, currency transaction reporting in the gaming industry, the tribal gaming industry, lotteries, and analytical procedures and internal controls unique to the gaming industry. Includes an appendix that highlights FASB ASU No. 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606). Includes an appendix that contains the finalized revenue recognition implementation issues specific to gaming entities.
Купить книгу IPSAS Explained. A Summary of International Public Sector Accounting Standards, автора
IPSAS Explained. A Summary of International Public Sector Accounting Standards
Global diversity in the practice of public sector accounting continues to impede the reduction of bureaucracy and the creation of comparable standards in terms of accountability and transparency. The International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) continues to engage in the ongoing process of harmonizing public sector accounting with their International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSASs). IPSAS Explained: A Summary of International Public Sector Accounting Standards, Second Edition provides up to date information on the Conceptual Framework Project and other projects related to IPSASs, along with details of all the current IPSASs, including newly approved standards of the Board, especially those relating to financial instruments, intangible assets and service concession arrangements from a grantor perspective. Each IPSAS is distilled into a useful and accessible summary, and illustrated with graphs, figures and tables. Beyond that the book focuses on the current sovereign debt crisis and discusses possible implications for public sector financial management. Through an examination of the objectives of the standards and an overview of the principles relevant to key topics such as the accrual basis of accounting as against cash basis, fair value, present value, cost, and measurement bases, IPSAS Explained provides decision-makers in the public sector with a thorough grounding on the IPSASs and the operations of the IPSASB.
Купить книгу Depository and Lending Institutions- Banks and Savings Institutions, Credit Unions, Finance Companies, and Mortgage Compani, автора
Depository and Lending Institutions- Banks and Savings Institutions, Credit Unions, Finance Companies, and Mortgage Compani
The 2018 edition of this financial institution industry standard resource offers clear and practical guidance of audit and accounting issues such as transfers and servicing, troubled debt restructurings, financing receivables and the allowance for loan losses, and fair value accounting. It also provides direction for institutions assessing their operations and internal controls for regulatory considerations as well as discussions on existing regulatory reporting matters.
Купить книгу Practice Aid: Enterprise Risk Management: Guidance For Practical Implementation and Assessment, 2018, автора
Practice Aid: Enterprise Risk Management: Guidance For Practical Implementation and Assessment, 2018
This publication includes invaluable guidance for anyone responsible for or advising on an enterprise risk management process (ERM), whether the process is in its early stages or is already well established. This resource will help ensure the ERM process is well designed, well executed, and ultimately successful. Global, economic, and regulatory conditions as well as everyday internal risks can affect business operations, so it is important to have a process in place that identifies these events and manages risks. This guide leverages the concepts of existing frameworks as a foundation for providing illustrative examples, best practices, and guidance for implementing or assessing an enterprise risk management process.
Купить книгу Audit and Accounting Guide: Investment Companies, автора
Audit and Accounting Guide: Investment Companies
Whether you are a financial statement preparer or auditor, it is critical to understand the complexities of the specialized accounting and regulatory requirements for investment companies. This 2018 guide provides authoritative how-to accounting and auditing advice, including implementation guidance and illustrative financial statements and disclosures. This guide is the industry standard resource, supporting practitioners in a constantly changing industry landscape packed with continuous regulatory developments. Updates include: References to appropriate AICPA Technical Questions and Answers that address when to apply the liquidation basis of accounting. Appendices discussing the new standards for financial instruments, leases and revenue recognition. Appendices discussing common or collective trusts and business development companies.