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Купить книгу Руководство по управлению финансами 2.0, автора Владимира Владимировича Кожухаря
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Руководство по управлению финансами 2.0
Прочитай эту книгу. Она поможет построить учёт денег. Денег, которые были, которые есть, и которые будут в твоём бизнесе. Ты сможешь построить весь необходимый учёт без дополнительного образования, без долгого изучения учебников, инструкций и схем. Это уже вторая редакция книги, и она стала ещё более практичной, более понятной и доступной для применения по сравнению с первой. В книге ты найдешь все необходимые формы и рекомендации для построения учёта с нулевого уровня. Эта книга уже принесла пользу множеству предпринимателей, и она безусловно принесёт пользу тебе!
Купить книгу Богатство: Начало, автора Алексея Геннадьевича Стоцкого
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Богатство: Начало
О человеческих достижениях можно говорить много и совершенно с разных сторон: это и спортивные победы, и научные открытия, и интеллектуальное творчество. Конечно, же, нельзя обойти стороной финансовую сферу нашей с вами жизни и преуспевание в ней. Именно на этот счет автор и хотел поговорить с Вами в данной книге. И даже если ни о каком богатстве Вам раньше и мысль в голову не приходила из соображений недостижимости такого положения, стоит пересмотреть свое видение финансового благополучия. Именно сейчас, в этот момент начать мыслить в позитивном ключе, не слушая многие доводы «нет, потому что», а сказать себе «а почему бы и нет?»
Купить книгу Думай как миллионер. 17 уроков состоятельности для тех, кто готов разбогатеть, автора Т.  Экера
Думай как миллионер. 17 уроков состоятельности для тех, кто готов разбогатеть
Мировая сенсация! Книга, издаваемая в 33 странах! Вы узнаете, о чем думают, что чувствуют и как поступают самые богатые люди планеты, а главное – что мешает вам стать одним из них. Первый в мире финансовый психолог Харв Экер поможет вам выяснить, какая «финансовая программа» установилась у вас на уровне подсознания и как она влияет на ваши текущие отношения с деньгами. Следуя его простым правилам, вы перепрограммируете себя на гораздо более высокий уровень доходов и достижений. Вы узнаете, как грамотно распоряжаться своими деньгами, какие источники пассивного дохода существуют и как, используя такое явление как «сложный процент», многократно увеличить свой капитал.
Купить книгу Как заработать миллионы?, автора Илоны Владимировны Колес
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Как заработать миллионы?
Как заработать миллионы и стать богатым преуспевающим человеком? Эти вопросы волнуют практически каждого из нас. Об этих вопросах я и предлагаю Вам поговорить вместе со мной. Разберём мышление миллионеров и их способы к достижению заветных целей. И постараемся найти верные ответы.Для обложки книги и для внутренних иллюстраций использованы фотографии с фотостока Pxhere, со свободной лицензией для бесплатного, личного и коммерческого использования. Не требуется атрибуции.
Купить книгу Уставный капитал: стереотипы и их преодоление, автора Андрея Глушецкого
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Уставный капитал: стереотипы и их преодоление
Недостатком многих юридических работ, посвященных уставному капиталу хозяйственных обществ, является самокопание в формулировках статей отдельных законов в отрыве от реальной эмиссионной практики. Большинство экономических процессов, связанных с формированием уставного капитала, выпадает из предмета рассмотрения, как правило, рассматривается размещение акций (долей в уставном капитале ООО) при учреждении общества и по подписке. Ограничение предмета исследования приводит к ограниченности выводов, которые не соответствуют современной эмиссионной практики.
Купить книгу Деньги в твоей жизни, автора Маруси Светловой
Деньги в твоей жизни
Почему у одних людей деньги заканчиваются через три дня после зарплаты, а у других их всегда достаточно? Книга Маруси Светловой – практического психолога, автора уникальных программ по личному росту – поможет ответить на этой вопрос. В своей книге она рассказывает, через какие «щели» утекают деньги, почему одним дается много, а другим – мало, и как нам научиться думать так, чтобы денег было всегда достаточно.
Купить книгу Essentials of Personal Financial Planning, автора
Essentials of Personal Financial Planning
ESSENTIALS OF PERSONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING Essentials of Personal Financial Planning was written to challenge the status quo by promoting personal financial planning (PFP) as a profession, not as a sales tool to gather assets under management or facilitate sales of insurance products. The book takes a comprehensive and integrated approach to PFP for accounting students, allowing them to view the profession through the lens of a CPA – with integrity and objectivity. This book systematically introduces the essentials of all the major PFP topics (estate, retirement, investments, insurance, and tax), as well as: The PFP process, concepts and regulatory environment. Professional responsibilities of a CPA personal financial planner and the requirements of the Statement on Standards in PFP Services. Time value of money concepts. The book then builds on these foundational concepts, showing their interconnectivity and professional opportunities, to provide a deeper understanding of PFP and its application. After reading this book, students will be able to apply the knowledge and skills gained from this course to have an immediate and long-term positive impact for themselves and for the clients they serve.
Купить книгу Personal Finance For Dummies, автора Eric  Tyson
Personal Finance For Dummies
Take stock of your financial situation From budgeting, saving, and reducing debt, to making timely investment choices and planning for the future, Personal Finance For Dummies provides fiscally conscious readers with the tools they need to take charge of their financial life. This new edition includes coverage of an extensive new tax bill that took effect in 2018 and the impact on individuals, families, small businesses, and on real estate and investing decisions. Plus, it covers emerging investing interests like technology and global investing, cryptocurrencies, pot stocks, the lifestyle changes occurring with millennials, and more. Evaluate and manage your financial fitness Assess your credit report and improve your score Make smart investments in any economic environment Find out about international investing The expert advice offered in Personal Finance For Dummies is for anyone looking to ensure that their finances are on the right track—and to identify the areas in which they can improve their financial strategies.
Купить книгу J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2019. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible, автора Barbara  Weltman
J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2019. Your Complete Guide to Everything Deductible
A complete list of individual tax relief opportunities J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2019 is the complete and thorough guide to reducing your tax burden. By listing every possible deduction and credit available to individual taxpayers, this book can help you achieve substantial savings on your 2018 tax return. Updated and expanded to cover new and changing tax law, this edition also includes an e-supplement covering the latest developments from Congress and the IRS to keep you fully up-to-date. Stop overpaying and gain peace of mind as you find the answers you need for your specific tax situation. Mine your paperwork for write-off opportunities, and claim your tax breaks correctly; easy-to-follow instructions give you clear guidance through the maze of worksheets to help you reclaim what is legally yours. Echoing cries of «Can I claim…?», «How do I deduct…?», «Where do I find…?» mean it's tax season again, and America's most trusted tax advisor is here to take away the stress. Find answers, save money, and streamline the filing process. Examine your records for deduction opportunities Identify each and every deduction for which you qualify Learn about new or updated deductions for your 2018 return See what types of income are tax free Claim correctly, with the appropriate forms and evidence Deductions and credits were put in place precisely to help everyday people like yourself keep more of their hard-earned money—but only if you claim them. Instead of mounting an expedition into impenetrable tax code, let an expert do the legwork for you: J.K. Lasser's 1001 Deductions and Tax Breaks 2019 gives you the straightforward, no-nonsense information you need to stop overpaying and keep more of what's yours.
Купить книгу J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line, автора Barbara  Weltman
J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019. Your Complete Guide to a Better Bottom Line
Maximize your bottom line with the nation's most trusted small business tax guide J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019 is the small business owner's ultimate guide to a money-saving, stress-free tax season. Providing straightforward advice from the nation's most trusted tax expert on small business taxes, this book gives you the answers you need quickly, with clear, concise guidance. Updated to cover changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and other legislation, this edition also includes an e-supplement covering additional developments from Congress and the IRS to keep you fully up-to-date. A complete listing of all available business deductions and credits helps you identify those you qualify for, and includes critical information on dollar limits, recordkeeping requirements, and how to actually take the write-off—all the way down to the IRS form to use. Organizational and planning strategies help you get through the process quickly and with fewer headaches, and this year's changes to the tax laws are explained in terms of how they affect your filing. Keeping up with the intricacies of tax law and filing is a full-time job—but it's not your full-time job. You have a business to run. This book gives you the guidance you need in the time that you have so you can get taxes out of the way and get back to work. Learn which expenses qualify for deductions—and which ones don't Adopt a more organized recordkeeping system to streamline the filing process Explore small-business-specific strategies for starting or closing a business, running a sideline business, and operating in multiple businesses Decode the various forms and worksheets correctly with step-by-step guidance Audit-proof your return Review obligations for the “other taxes,” including payroll and excise taxes Every year, millions of small business owners overpay their taxes because they lack the time and expertise to make tax-sensitive business decisions throughout the year only to learn that it’s too late to act when it comes to tax time. Now you can put your money back where it belongs—in your business. J.K. Lasser's Small Business Taxes 2019 helps you take wise actions during the year and tells you how to file completely and accurately while maximizing your bottom line.
Купить книгу From Here to Financial Happiness. Enrich Your Life in Just 77 Days, автора Jonathan  Clements
From Here to Financial Happiness. Enrich Your Life in Just 77 Days
Just 77 days to a happier, more prosperous life! From Here to Financial Happiness is the day-by-day guide for anyone dreaming of a better life. Whether you’re dealing with debt, uncertain about retirement or simply want to get a grip on your finances, this book can put you on the road to happiness with a simple 11-week journey. Just 5-10 minutes a day to think about money, your habits, your goals, and your dreams. What steps can you take today to get your finances on track? What bad habits, bad investments, and misconceptions should you let go of? This book is packed with 77 days’ worth of real, actionable guidance for getting your money right—for good. It’s not an investment scheme, not extreme couponing, not something else to add to your daily to-do list. Instead, it’s about changing you—and the way you handle and think about money—so you can start building the life of your dreams. The next 11 weeks will be a revelation: Some days you’ll learn about finance, other days you’ll learn about yourself. Many days, you will be given a concrete list of things to do—right at that moment—to start steering your financial situation onto the right path. Learn how to stack the financial odds in your favor Amass savings for retirement, the children’s college or that next financial emergency Change your perspective on money and its role in your life Get your financial house in order—and keep it that way A better life is possible. You do have the power to change things for the better. From Here to Financial Happiness is your personal roadmap to financial freedom.
Купить книгу The Psychology of Money. An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market, автора Jim  Ware
The Psychology of Money. An Investment Manager's Guide to Beating the Market
Discover the Ideal Investment Strategy for Yourself and Your Clients «To enhance investment results and boost creativity, Jim Ware replaces the maxim know your investments with know yourself. And he gives us specific testing tools to do the job.» —Dean LeBaron, Founder, Batterymarch Financial Management, Chairman, Virtualquest.company, and investment author and commentator «Many investment firms fail, even though they are run by intelligent, qualified professionals, because they lack creativity. This book can rescue you. Jim Ware explains how to organize your business to encourage creative thinking. In five years, your customers will be working with an advisor who read this book, so make sure you are the one who did.» Ralph Wanger, President, Acorn Investment Trust, CFA and author of A Zebra in Lion Country: Ralph Wanger's Guide to Investment Survival «Jim Ware has a great knack for understanding people and successful investing. This unusual combination of skills creates a rare find: useful insights to improve investment performance through helping people work together better. Jim’s wit and humor make this a fun read as well!» —Dee Even, Senior Investment Officer, Allstate Insurance Company, Property & Casualty «The Psychology of Money represents a major step toward development of a portfolio theory that recognizes human dynamics and differences among people. Jim's content is solid, and his presentation is engaging. This book ought to be on every practitioner’s bookshelf.» —Kenneth O. Doyle, University of Minnesota, Author, The Social Meanings of Money and Property: In Search of a Talisman «Finally, an insightful look at the human side of investing. A step-by-step guide to enhancing management performance to increase returns.» —Abbie Smith, PhD, Professor of Accounting.University of Chicago Business School