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Купить книгу The Mindful Coach. Seven Roles for Facilitating Leader Development, автора Doug  Silsbee
The Mindful Coach. Seven Roles for Facilitating Leader Development
Praise for The Mindful Coach «Success in business is predicated on eliciting the best from people. The Mindful Coach clearly articulates the essentials of how to do this. As someone who believes deeply in the potential of all people, I found Silsbee's approach both practical and profound. This is a must-read for everyone concerned with people and learning.»—Arthur M. Blank, philanthropist; cofounder, The Home Depot; and owner and CEO, Atlanta Falcons «The Mindful Coach is not just another coaching model. It is a frame of reference for anyone involved in developing people. This highly readable book should serve as a reference for anyone genuinely concerned about helping others. It has had a significant impact on the way I approach coaching and developing others.»—James N. Bassett, M.E?d., employee development, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations «The Mindful Coach digs deeply, offering a lens and structure for understanding the intimate and necessary connection between relationships and human development. No other skill set, knowledge, or awareness is more important to educators, leaders, and managers than what is presented in this precious volume.»—Robert C. Pianta, Ph.D., dean, Curry School of Education, University of ?Virginia «This revised edition provides the structure for presence, through which new solutions become available. This book itself is a practice in the art of 'becoming,' while providing a clear action framework for powerfully engaging others with their own development. Silsbee has provided a gift to leaders, teachers, and coaches!»—Connie Maltbie-Shulas, manager, V-22 Training Systems, Boeing «This book has broad appeal not only for coaches, but also for managers, executives, and consultants. Leaders of all kinds can benefit from Silsbee's clear and caring process for bringing out the best in people. This is a must-read book for anyone who wants to jump-start themselves and others on their journey to their potential.»—Diana Whitney, Ph.D., author, The Power of Appreciative Inquiry «This is the guide for leaders committed to helping others learn. The seven roles will help any leader facilitate more meaningful development conversations. This new edition engaged me instantly, with immediate applications in key relationships.»—Darelyn «DJ» Mitsch, MCC, president, The Pyramid Resource Group; former president, The International Coach Federation
Купить книгу Communication2Win. Praxishandbuch für Innovative Marketingkommunikation im Zeitalter Sozialer Netzwerke, автора
Communication2Win. Praxishandbuch für Innovative Marketingkommunikation im Zeitalter Sozialer Netzwerke
Ein Buch fur Praktiker in Unternehmen aller Branchen, insbesondere im B2B-Geschaft, die das Potential der zur Verfugung stehenden Kommunikationskanale noch nicht vollstandig ausgenutzt haben. Angelique Werner bietet Ihnen eine griffige Anleitung, um Ihre externen und internen Kommunikations- und Marketingaktivitaten zu optimieren. Sie liefert Tipps fur die klassischen Kommunikations- und Marketingkanale, wie auch fur den systematischen Aufbau von Social Media. Ein wesentlicher Fokus ist auf das gezielte Social Networking gerichtet, also die konsistente Netzwerkpflege und Kontaktsuche auf innovativen Kanalen. Social Media Marketing und Networking werden anhand eingangiger Praxisbeispiele als Schlussel zum Erfolg vermittelt. Die fundiert dargebotenen Kommunikationsinstrumente lassen sich unabhangig von der Unternehmensgro?e leicht umsetzen, effiziente Marketingstrategien mit einfachen Ma?nahmen schnell und wirksam implementieren. Praktische Tipps, Do?s und Don?ts erganzen das Informationspaket. Ein derart umfassender, praktischer und lebendig geschriebener Uberblick uber alle Facetten der Marketingkommunikation in der Welt von Google, XING, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter usw. ist in dieser Form neu. Er liefert dem Leser sowohl nutzliches Best-Practice-Wissen als auch die Motivation, Kommunikation als Phanomen zu verstehen, das wir permanent selbst mitgestalten konnen und sollten. Angelique Werner ist eine anerkannte Expertin fur innovatives Marketing- und Kommunikationsmanagement sowie eine gefragte Referentin und Autorin. Sie betreibt ein eigenes Blog und ist in allen relevanten Netzwerken prasent. «Ein rundum empfehlenswerter Ratgeber. Sehr praktisch, unkompliziert und gut umzusetzen. Wer wissen will, wie Marketingkommunikation im Social-Media-Zeitalter aussieht, kommt am Buch von Angelique Werner nicht vorbei.» Thomas Koch, Media-Urgestein und Ex-CEO Starcom, Grunder tkm und tk-one «Wenn man Marketingkommunikation auf den neuesten Stand bringen mochte, ist dieser praktische Ratgeber eine wertvolle Hilfe.» Matthias Moritz, CIO und Musikproduzent «Angelique Werner schildert anschaulich und ehrlich ihre Erfahrungen mit Social Media in der B2B-Kommunikation. Mit den zahlreichen Tipps und Checklisten, in denen das Buch die Erkenntnisse strukturiert und zusammenfasst, gewinnen sowohl Einsteiger als auch Fortgeschrittene.» Harriet Kasper, Researcher & Consultant, Fraunhofer-Institut IAO
Купить книгу Connecting with China. Business Success through Mutual Benefit and Respect, автора Joan  Turley
Connecting with China. Business Success through Mutual Benefit and Respect
If you are prepared to connect with China, it will make all the difference. Joan Turley provides all the signposts and insights to help those working with China understand the value of relationships and the importance of people as the key elements in making business and everything else work. This extremely powerful book will unlock your ability to build working relationships with China, for mutual success. «The book provides an invaluable reference for all businesses with any current or future interest of building a successful relationship with China. This is a topic that is as complicated and diffuse as the Chinese language itself and a reference such as this can save both time and money.» —David Paice, Marketing Manager, Cathay Pacific «Joan Turley's deep and delicate observation is really refreshing and practical and her understanding about China goes beyond my expectations. I believe Ms. Turley's new book will not only be welcomed by the British people but the Chinese people as well.» —Dizun Chen, Director of the General Office, Liaoning Provincial Party Committee «Joan Turley has great insight as well as ability to interpret different cultures for each other. Her knowledge is thorough as she has both academic and practical business experience of China. Her book has relevance both to the West and to China.» —Mr Huo, President, North Media «An indispensable handbook for developing successful UK/China business relationships. For an industry which thrives on ideas which turn customer understanding into commercial or social advantage, Joan's insights into Chinese culture and thinking are both instructive and relevant.» —Janet Hull, Consultant Head, Marketing and Reputation Management, IPA «The chapter on Law and Successful Relationships in China is a must for any lawyer wanting to do business in that part of the world.» —Eifion Morris, Partner, Stephenson Harwood, Law Firm of the Year 2009 «An authoritative and informative insight into conducting business in China, from an original standpoint that gives practical advice to both those with existing business and those approaching the Chinese market for the first time.» —Philip Moore, Asia-Pacific Manager, Andor Plc «Turley has taken her vast experience in working closely with Chinese companies, government and individuals to deliver robust advice on developing strategic and long term business relationships through communication, relationship development and sound planning and research.» —Barry Allaway, Managing Director, Worldwide Magazine Distribution Joan Turley has enormous understanding working successfully with China. Pivotal to her success is the understanding that connectivity is the key to building relationships, and it is this that will ultimately determine your success in business culture. Connecting with China aims to facilitate a smooth path for all those at the brink of working with China, or who are already involved but need further guidance. Understanding the forces that shape Chinese
Купить книгу Negotiating Globally. How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural Boundaries, автора
Negotiating Globally. How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural Boundaries
A framework for anticipating and managing cultural differences at the negotiating table In today's global environment, negotiators who understand cultural differences and negotiation fundamentals have a decided advantage at the bargaining table. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Negotiating Globally explains how culture affects negotiators' assumptions about when and how to negotiate, their interests and priorities, and their strategies. It explains how confrontation, motivation, influence, and information strategies shift due to culture. It provides strategic advice for negotiators whose deals, disputes, and decisions cross cultural boundaries, and shows how to anticipate cultural differences and then manage them when they appear at the negotiating table. It challenges negotiators to expand their repertoire of strategies, so that they are prepared to negotiate deals, resolve disputes, and make decisions regardless of the culture in which they find themselves. Includes a review of the various contexts and building blocks of negotiation strategy Explains how and why negotiation may be practiced differently in different cultures and how to modify strategy when confronted with different cultural approaches Explores the three primary cultural prototypes negotiators should understand Negotiating Globally is ideal for those relatively new to negotiation, particularly in the global arena, and offers an overview of the various contexts and tactics of negotiation strategy. Written by an award-winning negotiation expert, this book provides an ideal framework for any and all global negotiations.
Купить книгу Business Leadership in China. How to Blend Best Western Practices with Chinese Wisdom, автора
Business Leadership in China. How to Blend Best Western Practices with Chinese Wisdom
In this revised edition of Frank Gallo's best-selling book, the author brings the story of leadership in China right up to date. With new material on Chinese leadership styles and the challenges of going global, the book is ideal for any international manager who wants to better understand how to blend the best practices of Western leadership with traditional Chinese wisdom. The content comes from a combination of English and Chinese literature, interviews with practicing executives in China as well as the author's own experience as a leader in China. Dr. Frank Gallo, the Greater China Chief Leadership Consultant for Hewitt Associates, offers sage advice on effective leadership practices for the China market. His key areas of focus include: the unique challenge and complex issues of leading a firm or division in China major areas of cultural differences such as teamwork, decision-making and employee motivation, between Chinese and Western business practices common areas of misunderstanding such as truth versus courteousness; managing a hierarchy versus empowerment; and dealing with the role of the individual rather than the rule of law implementing effective leadership strategies and development with a Chinese company. This timely book will ensure a harmonious leadership style that draws out the best from both Western and Chinese business practices.
Купить книгу Positive Psychology at Work. How Positive Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organizations, автора Sarah  Lewis
Positive Psychology at Work. How Positive Leadership and Appreciative Inquiry Create Inspiring Organizations
Positive Psychology at Work brings the fields of positive psychology and appreciative inquiry together for the first time to provide leaders and change agents with a powerful new approach to achieving organizational excellence. Draws together positive psychology and appreciative inquiry in the context of leadership organizational challenges for the first time Presents academically rigorous and referenced material in a jargon-free, accessible manner Arranged with chapters focused on specific organizational challenges to allow readers to quickly find ideas relevant to their unique situation Features short contributions from experienced practitioners of positive psychology and Appreciative Inquiry, and includes case studies from the UK, Europe, Australia and the USAÂ
Купить книгу The Little Book of Behavioral Investing. How not to be your own worst enemy, автора James  Montier
The Little Book of Behavioral Investing. How not to be your own worst enemy
A detailed guide to overcoming the most frequently encountered psychological pitfalls of investing Bias, emotion, and overconfidence are just three of the many behavioral traits that can lead investors to lose money or achieve lower returns. Behavioral finance, which recognizes that there is a psychological element to all investor decision-making, can help you overcome this obstacle. In The Little Book of Behavioral Investing, expert James Montier takes you through some of the most important behavioral challenges faced by investors. Montier reveals the most common psychological barriers, clearly showing how emotion, overconfidence, and a multitude of other behavioral traits, can affect investment decision-making. Offers time-tested ways to identify and avoid the pitfalls of investor bias Author James Montier is one of the world's foremost behavioral analysts Discusses how to learn from our investment mistakes instead of repeating them Explores the behavioral principles that will allow you to maintain a successful investment portfolio Written in a straightforward and accessible style, The Little Book of Behavioral Investing will enable you to identify and eliminate behavioral traits that can hinder your investment endeavors and show you how to go about achieving superior returns in the process. Praise for The Little Book Of Behavioral Investing «The Little Book of Behavioral Investing is an important book for anyone who is interested in understanding the ways that human nature and financial markets interact.» —Dan Ariely, James B. Duke Professor of Behavioral Economics, Duke University, and author of Predictably Irrational «In investing, success means¿being on the right side of most trades. No book provides a better starting point toward that goal than this one.» —Bruce Greenwald, Robert Heilbrunn Professor of Finance and Asset Management, Columbia Business School «'Know thyself.' Overcoming human instinct is key to becoming a better investor.¿ You would be irrational if you did not read this book.» —Edward Bonham-Carter, Chief Executive and Chief Investment Officer, Jupiter Asset Management «There is not an investor anywhere who wouldn't profit from reading this book.» —Jeff Hochman, Director of Technical Strategy, Fidelity Investment Services Limited «James Montier gives us a very accessible version of why we as investors are so predictably irrational, and a guide to help us channel our 'Inner Spock' to make better investment decisions. Bravo!» —John Mauldin, President, Millennium Wave Investments
Купить книгу The World Economy. Global Trade Policy 2012, автора David  Greenaway
The World Economy. Global Trade Policy 2012
This is the nineteenth volume in an annual series in which leading economists provide a concise and accessible evaluation of major developments in trade and trade policy. Examines key issues pertinent to the multinational trading system, as well as regional trade arrangements and policy developments at the national level Includes chapters exploring WTO issues, and agricultural trading issues Provides up-to-date assessments of the World Trade Organization's current Trade Policy Reviews Analyses global trade policy in areas such as Australia and Sri Lanka, and includes special sections on both China and Malaysia A vital resource for researchers, analysts and policy-advisors interested in trade policy and other open economy issues
Купить книгу Die Kunst, bevorzugt zu werden. Das Erfolgskonzept Wertebalance, автора Peter  Kinne
Die Kunst, bevorzugt zu werden. Das Erfolgskonzept Wertebalance
Das Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an Personen, die mit Fuhrung und Management von Unternehmen und Organisationen im privaten und offentlichen Bereich betraut sind. Daruber hinaus sollte es fur Lehrer und Dozenten sowie Studenten der Betriebswirtschaft, der Management- und Organisationswissenschaften und der Padagogik nutzlich sein. Peter Kinne beschreibt einen neuen Weg, Organisationen im Wettbewerb zukunftsfahig zu machen. Die dargestellte Methodik bezieht im Gegensatz zu den klassischen Ansatzen das Praferenzverhalten von Kunden und Mitarbeitern ein und bietet damit aus strategischer Sicht klare Vorteile selbst gegenuber integrativen Managementmethoden wie der Balanced Scorecard. Sie basiert auf einer messbaren Balance der – fur den Erfolg relevanten – Werte an den kritischen Schnittstellen zwischen der Organisation und ihren Key-Stakeholdern. Anhand eines ganzheitlichen Orientierungsmodells konnen die Wettbewerbsposition optimiert, kritische Veranderungsprozesse beschleunigt und die Nachhaltigkeit im Management verbessert werden. Die Methodik liefert effektive Werkzeuge fur die Steuerung nicht nur der materiellen, sondern vor allem auch der kritischen, immateriellen Unternehmensressourcen, zu denen das Wissen und Verhalten der Mitarbeiter gehort. Sie ist branchenunabhangig, leicht verstandlich und relativ einfach implementierbar. Wie sie sich praktisch umsetzen lasst, zeigen die beiden im Buch beschriebenen Fallstudien fur ein Privatunternehmen sowie fur eine Schule als Beispiel fur den offentlichen Bereich.
Купить книгу Structured Credit Products. Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation, автора Moorad  Choudhry
Structured Credit Products. Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation
Updated coverage of structured credit products with in-depth coverage of the latest developments Structured credit products are one of today's fastest growing investment and risk management mechanisms, and a focus of innovation and creativity in the capital markets. The building blocks of these products are credit derivatives, which are among the most widely used products in finance. This book offers a succinct and focused description of the main credit derivative instruments, as well as the more complex products such as synthetic collateralized debt obligations. This new edition features updated case studies from Europe and Asia, the latest developments in synthetic structures, the impact of the subprime meltdown, along with models and teaching aids. Moorad Choudhry returns with this excellent update of the credit derivatives market. The second edition of his classic work is, like the subject matter itself, at the forefront of the financial industry. It deserves a wide readership. —Dr Didier Joannas Regional Director, Thomson Reuters, Hong Kong This is the perfect companion for both experienced and entry level professionals working in the structured credit fraternity. It is an erudite, insightful and enjoyable read that successfully demystifies one of the most topical subject areas in banking today, while also providing important practical examples that link the theory to the job itself. —Dr James Berriman Global Pricing Unit, Royal Bank of Scotland Moorad Choudhry has earned a deserved reputation from both academics and practitioners as one of the leading practical yet rigorous authors of finance books. In this Second Edition, his practical knowledge of credit derivatives keeps the audience engaged with straightforward explanations of complicated structures, and an accessible level of mathematical sophistication necessary to understand structured credit products. The author offers complete, rigorous analysis while avoiding overuse of mathematical formulas and carefully balanced practical and theoretical aspects of the subject. I strongly recommend this book for those wishing to gain an intuitive understanding of structured credit products, from practitioners to students of finance! —Mohamoud Barre Dualeh Senior Product Developer, Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank, UAE This is THE book for credit derivative trading. From first steps to advanced trading strategies, this is invaluable. Well written and insightful, perfect for ad hoc reference or reading cover to cover. —Andrew Benson ETF Market Making, KBC Peel Hunt, London Professor Choudhry has inspired me to really get into credit derivatives. It’s great to be lectured by someone with such energy and practical hands-on experience, as well as the ability to get stuck into the details. —George Whicheloe Equity-Linked Technology, Merrill Lynch, London Moorad Choudhry is Head of Treasury at Europe Arab Bank plc in London. He is a Visiting Professor at the Department of Economics at London Metropolitan Univ
Купить книгу Biotechnology Valuation. An Introductory Guide, автора Karl  Keegan
Biotechnology Valuation. An Introductory Guide
The first book to provide a simple and practical means of valuing biotech companies The book begins with a short history of the biotechnology industry; this is important as although it is about 30 years old, the first company went public only in 1996, so it is possible to plot the course of investment waves and dips It examines the European industry and its evolvement, and draws parallels between the similarities and differences between that and the US Looks at the various companies which make up the biotech industry (therapeutic; life sciences; and the medical technology company) and gives tools for the investor to properly evaluate them Praise for Biotechnology Valuation «Keegan states that the valuation of Biotech companies is as much an art as a science. This brief but comprehensive review of the skills and knowledge required, not of just the financial market and sentiment, but also of the technical attributes of a company and the drug development and regulatory hurdles that must be overcome, highlights the importance of the breadth of understanding required. Biotech investing is not for the timid, but it can bring substantial returns. Keegan's book, punctuated with his personal experience and opinions, is a good place to start.» —Chris Blackwell, Chief Executive, Vectura Group plc «A user-friendly, yet thorough discussion of a notoriously difficult topic. Dr Keegan's book is a fine resource for both business types and academicians.» —Steve Winokur, Managing Director, CanaccordAdams «A highly readable and comprehensive explanation of the technical and commercial parameters that influence biotechnology companies at all stages of development, providing clear context for selection from the toolkit of valuation methodologies the author recommends to assess company and product performance, or ascribe value.» —Dr L.M. Allan, Director, Bioscience Enterprise Programme, University of Cambridge «A fabulous approach to a difficult topic.» —Deirdre Y. Gillespie, MD, President & CEO, La Jolla Pharmaceutical Company
Купить книгу The Big Secret for the Small Investor. A New Route to Long-Term Investment Success, автора Joel  Greenblatt
The Big Secret for the Small Investor. A New Route to Long-Term Investment Success
Acclaim for Joel Greenblatt's New York Times bestseller THE LITTLE BOOK THAT BEATS THE MARKET «One of the best, clearest guides to value investing out there.» —Wall Street Journal «Simply perfect. One of the most important investment books of the last fifty years!» —Michael Price «A landmark book-a stunningly simple and low-risk way to significantly beat the market!» —Michael Steinhardt, the dean of Wall Street hedge-fund managers «The best book on the subject in years.» —Financial Times «The best thing about this book-from which I intend to steal liberally for the next edition of The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need-is that most people won't believe it. . . . That's good, because the more people who know about a good thing, the more expensive that thing ordinarily becomes. . . .» —Andrew Tobias, author of The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need «This book is the finest simple distillation of modern value investing principles ever written. It should be mandatory reading for all serious investors from the fourth grade on up.» —Professor Bruce Greenwald, director of the Heilbrunn Center for Graham and Dodd Investing, Columbia Business School