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Купить книгу The Guru Investor. How to Beat the Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies, автора
The Guru Investor. How to Beat the Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies
Today's investor is faced with a myriad of investment options and strategies. Whether you are seeking someone to manage your money or are a self-directed investor deciding to tackle the market on your own, the options can be overwhelming. In an easy-to-read and simple format, this book will dissect the strategies of some of Wall Street's most successful investment gurus and teach readers how to weed through the all of the choices to find a strategy that works for them. The model portfolio system that author John Reese developed turns each strategy into an actionable system, addressing many of the common mistakes that doom individual investors to market underperformance. This book will focus on the principles behind the author's multi-guru approach, showing how investors can combine the proven strategies of these legendary «gurus» into a disciplined investing system that has significantly outperformed the market. Gurus covered in the book are: Benjamin Graham; John Neff; David Dreman; Warren Buffett; Peter Lynch; Ken Fisher; Martin Zweig; James O'Shaughnessy; Joel Greenblatt; and Joseph Piotroski.
Купить книгу Stop the Investing Rip-off. How to Avoid Being a Victim and Make More Money, автора
Stop the Investing Rip-off. How to Avoid Being a Victim and Make More Money
The Investing Rip-Off How can you tell whether an advisor is conflicted or looking out for your best interests? What questions should you ask when making important investment decisions? How can you select investments that avoid needless expenses and risk? As investors, many of us have put our faith in the financial services industry when it comes to the stewardship of our wealth. Unfortunately, the industry has consistently failed us on this front. The financial services industry—including banks, brokerages, and insurance companies—is unique among all others. Through effective advertising and marketing, it's been able to evade being painted with the brush other underperforming industries have, and in most cases, their well-designed sales pitch has allowed them to effectively prey on the emotional desires of investors. Based on author David Loeper's nearly twenty-five years of experience with this industry's inner workings, Stop the Investing Rip-off reveals the real costs of the investments we make, details the false and misleading information sold to us, and discusses the devastating effects they can have on personal wealth. With this book as your guide, you'll gain invaluable insights into the major segments of the financial services industry, how they spin their offerings, and the questions you need to ask before committing any money to a financial product or service you may be interested in. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Stop the Investing Rip-off sheds much-needed light on the often-unseen aspects of the financial services industry—exposing what¿only insiders know—and shows you how to avoid the conflicts of interest that could compromise your financial well-being.
Купить книгу Coached to Lead. How to Achieve Extraordinary Results with an Executive Coach, автора Susan  Battley
Coached to Lead. How to Achieve Extraordinary Results with an Executive Coach
Coached to Lead is the first consumer’s guide to executive coaching. Drawing on her twenty years of experience and direct research with an elite international clientele, renowned CEO coach Susan Battley offers step-by-step advice for achieving the same extraordinary results that top leaders get from executive coaching. Filled with insider tips, engaging real-life cases, and handy checklists and sample documents, Coached to Lead will help anyone who considers working with a professional coach to make smart decisions that maximize valuable resources. Battley reveals all the insider secrets about coaching—how to determine your coaching readiness, how to choose the right coach, and how to use a winning five-step coaching model. She covers all the issues commonly raised as well as not-so-obvious situations and troubleshooting.
Купить книгу Trading Option Greeks. How Time, Volatility, and Other Pricing Factors Drive Profit, автора
Trading Option Greeks. How Time, Volatility, and Other Pricing Factors Drive Profit
Veteran options trader Dan Passarelli explains a new methodology for option trading and valuation. With an introduction to option basics as well as chapters on all types of spreads, put-call parity and synthetic options, trading volatility and studying volatility charts, and advanced option trading, Trading Option Greeks holds pertinent new information on how more accurate pricing can drive profit. Most options traders focus on strategies such as covered calls, vertical spreads, butterflies and condors, and so on. But traders often don't know how to use the «greeks»—the five factors that influence an option's price—to trade more effectively. The «greeks» (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, Rho) are tools to measure minute changes in an option's price based on corresponding changes in: Interest rates Time to expiration Price changes in the underlying security Volatility Dividends Using the greeks can lead to more accurate pricing information that will alert an option trader to mispriced derivatives that can be exploited for profit. In straightforward language and making use of charts and examples, Passarelli explains how to use the greeks to be a better options trader.
Купить книгу Attracting Capital From Angels. How Their Money - and Their Experience - Can Help You Build a Successful Company, автора
Attracting Capital From Angels. How Their Money - and Their Experience - Can Help You Build a Successful Company
"The complexity of business in economically demanding times makes finding constructive angels that much more challenging. The advice and tips in Attracting Capital from Angels are, therefore, invaluable. The wisdom offered here is not just for start-ups or neophytes, but is a well-timed companion to already existing resources and approaches to helping a business in all phases of development. It's also a great manual for people who want to share their knowledge (and invest capital) as an angel. I plan to recommend Attracting Capital from Angels to every entrepreneur I run into in the future who asks for mentoring sources. Great job!" —Bob Bozeman, General Partner, Angel Investors, LP PENNIES FROM HEAVEN This book offers all the information entrepreneurs need for finding elusive angel investors. Comprehensive, eminently readable, and based on the authors' years of experience dealing with venture capital firms, angels, and entrepreneurs, this book covers all the angles on angels: What are angels and what do they want? Different types of angels Pitching and preparing for angels Finding angels Working with angels The future of angel investing Attracting Capital from Angels is the ultimate guide to finding the money your business needs to get on its feet-and make a run at success.
Купить книгу Keynes and the Market. How the World's Greatest Economist Overturned Conventional Wisdom and Made a Fortune on the Stock Market, автора Justyn  Walsh
Keynes and the Market. How the World's Greatest Economist Overturned Conventional Wisdom and Made a Fortune on the Stock Market
Keynes and the Market is an entertaining guide to John Maynard Keynes– amazing stock market success. It weaves the economist's value investing tenets around key events in his richly lived life. This timely book identifies what modern masters of the market have taken from Keynes and used in their own investing styles–and what you too can learn from one of the greatest economic thinkers of the twentieth century. If you want to profit in today's turbulent stock market the techniques outlined here will put you in a better position to succeed.
Купить книгу Future Energy. How the New Oil Industry Will Change People, Politics and Portfolios, автора Bill  Paul
Future Energy. How the New Oil Industry Will Change People, Politics and Portfolios
Praise for Future Energy «Do not despair. Energy independence is in our future and this book has the road map! Bill Paul, one of the most astute observers of the energy scene, describes the new technologies that are taking us there and that will change our lives. A must-read book showing how business, citizens, and investors can take advantage.» —Consuelo Mack, Anchor and Managing Editor Consuelo Mack WealthTrack Concerns over the availability and security of world energy supplies, especially when it comes to crude oil, have many people wondering what the future of this industry holds and how technology will continue to change it. Thanks to the energy technology revolution currently taking place, a promising «new» oil industry is quickly beginning to take shape-and it will, without a doubt, affect every company, household, and investor. In Future Energy, author Bill Paul-a national energy and environmentaljournalist for more than thirty years-skillfully addresses the investment implications of this new oil industry and shows you how to profit from the changes that lie ahead. Filled with in-depth insights and expert advice, Future Energy will introduce you to some of the most essential issues found within this new environment, including: The companies that will be counted on as the producers andinfrastructure providers of the new oil industry Why you should consider holding «oil shock» absorbing investmentsin your portfolio How electricity will become a new transportation fuel, providingunprecedented transportation fuel diversity The role that substitute liquid fuels (SLFs) will play in the newoil industry And much more
Купить книгу The Fattening of America. How The Economy Makes Us Fat, If It Matters, and What To Do About It, автора
The Fattening of America. How The Economy Makes Us Fat, If It Matters, and What To Do About It
In The Fattening of America, renowned health economist Eric Finkelstein, along with business writer Laurie Zuckerman, reveal how the U.S. economy has become the driving force behind our expanding waistlines. Blending theory, research, and engaging personal anecdotes the authors discuss how declining food costs—especially for high-calorie, low-nutrient foods—and an increasing usage of technology, which make Americans more sedentary, has essentially led us to eat more calories than we burn off.
Купить книгу What Happy Working Mothers Know. How New Findings in Positive Psychology Can Lead to a Healthy and Happy Work/Life Balance, автора
What Happy Working Mothers Know. How New Findings in Positive Psychology Can Lead to a Healthy and Happy Work/Life Balance
A fact-based and proven approach to help working mothers rediscover happiness as they balance their duties at home and work Science and sociology have made great strides in understanding what makes us happy and how we achieve it. For working mothers who face endless demands on their time and attention, What Happy Working Mothers Know provides scientifically proven and practical ways to find the right balance and replace stress with happiness. Written by a behavioral scientist and global leadership guru, and an international lawyer and career coach, this mom-friendly guide offers practical tactics that truly work. The demands of juggling work and home lead many women to try to do everything and be everything to everyone. In the effort to be Superwoman, many women lose sight of what makes them happy and they fail to realize how important their happiness is to being a good worker and a good mother. The key to being your best at everything you do is to take care of your happiness the way you take care of your health, through conscious choices every day. You’ll learn to overcome obstacles, apply lessons learned at work to your motherhood skills, and learn lessons from your children that you can apply at work. Includes interactive activities that illustrate important lessons in the book Shows you how to use positive psychology to shift from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mentality for workplace success Helps you tap into your own sense of joy every day for your own happiness and the happiness of those around you Science-based and packed with real case studies of real working moms Written by authors with impeccable qualifications and real-world experience Many moms raise great kids and achieve the professional success they desire and deserve, but if they aren’t happy, what’s the point? This book doesn’t show you how to have it all, but how to have all the things that really matter.
Купить книгу Unlocking the Secrets of the Fed. How Monetary Policy Affects the Economy and Your Wealth-Creation Potential, автора
Unlocking the Secrets of the Fed. How Monetary Policy Affects the Economy and Your Wealth-Creation Potential
Written by America's most respected Fed watcher-Dr. David Jones-Unlocking the Secrets of the Fed gets inside the world of monetary and fiscal policymaking and explains how understanding and anticipating the actions of the Federal Reserve is critical to your investment success. This straightforward and well-rounded guide offers a wealth of practical information on the leading economic policy institution in the world-the Federal Reserve. This unique book: * Addresses the impact of Federal Reserve actions on the economy and the average American's wealth-creation potential * Closely examines the Fed's policy objectives, operating techniques, and favorite financial and economic indicators * Reviews the modern-day Fed's main challenges * Underscores the important role that psychology plays in our nation's economic expansions and contractions * Explains asset price bubbles and the implications for the economy * Assesses the performance of contemporary Fed leaders such as William McChesney Martin, Paul Volcker, and Alan Greenspan As one of the pioneers of «Fed watching,» Dr. Jones knows all there is to know about the Federal Reserve. Take this opportunity to learn how the Federal Reserve's decisions affect your investments as well as the economy as a whole.
Купить книгу You Can Hear Me Now. How Microloans and Cell Phones are Connecting the World's Poor To the Global Economy, автора
You Can Hear Me Now. How Microloans and Cell Phones are Connecting the World's Poor To the Global Economy
Bangladeshi villagers sharing cell phones helped build what is now a thriving company with more than $200 million in annual profits. But what is the lesson for the rest of the world? This is a question author Nicholas P. Sullivan addresses in his tale of a new kind of entrepreneur, Iqbal Quadir, the visionary and catalyst behind the creation of GrameenPhone in Bangladesh. GrameenPhone—a partnership between Norway's Telenor and Grameen Bank, co-winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize—defines a new approach to building business opportunities in the developing world. You Can Hear Me Now offers a compelling account of what Sullivan calls the «external combustion engine»—a combination of forces that is sparking economic growth and lifting people out of poverty in countries long dominated by aid-dependent governments. The «engine» comprises three forces: information technology, imported by native entrepreneurs trained in the West, backed by foreign investors.
Купить книгу Re-energizing the Corporation. How Leaders Make Change Happen, автора Jonas  Ridderstrale
Re-energizing the Corporation. How Leaders Make Change Happen
Re-energizing The Corporation is built on the groundbreaking 3e leadership model which makes sense of the three Es of Envisioning, Engaging and Executing. By understanding and following the model, you will be able to create compelling pictures of the future of your organization; build a following of individuals committed to getting the vision into reality; and maximize team performance to deliver on your dream.