Изобразительное искусство, фотография - скачать книги или читать онлайн. Страница 33

Купить книгу Великие венецианцы Возрождения: Тициан, Тинторетто, Веронезе, автора
Великие венецианцы Возрождения: Тициан, Тинторетто, Веронезе
Многим обязаны Тициану его младшие современники – Тинторетто и Веронезе, каждый из которых пошел в искусстве своим путем. Родом из Вероны был Паоло Кальяри, получивший прозвище «веронец», то есть Веронезе, украсивший своими яркими жизнеутверждающими росписями интерьеры вилл венецианских патрициев и их роскошные палаццо в самой Венеции. Живописные работы Веронезе и его старшего современника Якопо Тинторетто составляют главный мотив убранства Дворца дожей, резиденции правителя Венецианской республики. В одном из залов этого знаменитого дворца находится самая большая в мире картина – «Рай», выполненная Якопо Тинторетто вместе с двумя его сыновьями.
Купить книгу Рафаэль в мировой изобразительной традиции, автора
Рафаэль в мировой изобразительной традиции
Воплотивший в своем творчестве основные принципы искусства и культуры Высокого Возрождения, Рафаэль оказал огромное влияние на последующее развитие всей европейской культуры. Основанный на переосмыслении классической античности, изобразительный язык мастера лег в основу классицизма (Аннибале Карраччи, Никола Пуссен, Клод Лоррен и другие), одного из ведущих направлений живописи XVII века, а позднее и неоклассицизма последней трети XVIII – начала XIX.
Купить книгу «Ночные летописи» Геннадия Доброва. Книга 2, автора Геннадия Доброва
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«Ночные летописи» Геннадия Доброва. Книга 2
«Ночные летописи» записывались на диктофон народным художником России Геннадием Михайловичем Добровым в начале 2006 года. Почти полная слепота его продолжалась более полутора лет, но после нескольких операций зрение частично восстановилось. Это было за пять лет до кончины.
Купить книгу Четыре портрета. Художники, автора Александра Толстикова
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Четыре портрета. Художники
Книга Марии Вяжевич и Александра Толстикова написана на основе впечатлений, полученных авторами во время общения с Народным художником СССР, академиком РАХ Петром Павловичем Оссовским (1925–2015), Народным художником СССР, академиком РАХ Виктором Ивановичем Ивановым (род. в 1924 г.), Народным художником РСФСР (РФ), академиком РАХ Дмитрием Дмитриевичем Жилинским (1927–2015) и Народным художником РФ, академиком РАХ Андреем Андреевичем Тутуновым (род. в 1928 г.) – выдающимися отечественными живописцами, яркими представителями изобразительного искусства второй половины XX столетия, так называемыми «шестидесятниками». Приводимые в тексте книги материалы дают возможность заинтересованному читателю познакомиться с многолетним творческим опытом и секретами профессионального мастерства четырех крупнейших художников, которые рассказывают о своих приемах и методах работы над картиной, обсуждая вопросы композиции, формы, колорита, цвета, тона, являющихся неотъемлемой частью техники современной станковой живописи. В качестве иллюстраций использованы фотографии атрибутов творческой деятельности персонажей книги и репродукции их портретов, представленных на документально-художественной выставке «Наука и искусство в лицах. Портреты современников» в залах Архива РАН в апреле 2016 года. Книга предназначена для специалистов и широкого круга любителей изобразительного искусства. Все разговоры с персонажами книги воспроизведены авторами по собственным дневникам и аудиозаписям с небольшой литературной редакцией. Авторы выражают благодарность О. В. Толстиковой за неоценимую помощь в подготовке рукописи книги к изданию.
Купить книгу The Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings, автора
The Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings
The detailed, highly illustrated, comprehensive guide to architectural working drawings The Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings is a complete guide to the skills you need to create a set of drawings that clearly and effectively communicate your design. Covering everything from site, floor, framing, and foundation plans to building sections and elevations, this book presents crucial concepts and real-world techniques architects rely on every day. You'll learn the standards, customs, regulations, and symbols, alongside computer-generated drawings, 3D modeling, Building Information Modeling, and other architectural technology. This new fifth edition includes updated information on sustainability concepts, layering systems in line with AIA standards, deeper explorations of dimensioning, more sample ADA drawings, and a new selection of case studies that offer a real-world glimpse into how these topics relate to the architect's everyday work. Hundreds of drawings demonstrate important skills and concepts, and online ancillary materials offer a robust set of resources to students and instructors. Architectural drawings must be precise, accurate, and complete; they must follow certain standards that make them universally understood in the proper context. This book teaches you how to produce professional-level drawings that leave no room for questions or confusion. Create architectural drawings that effectively communicate your design Learn techniques used in both residential and light commercial projects Investigate BIM, 3D modeling, and other architectural technologies Understand dimensioning, sustainability, ADA standards, and more Architects use drawings as a second language, to effectively communicate ideas to clients, contractors, builders, and other design professionals throughout all stages of the project. The Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings teaches you how to become fluent in the visual language of architecture, to communicate more effectively with all project stakeholders.
Купить книгу Care and Design. Bodies, Buildings, Cities, автора Kim  Kullman
Care and Design. Bodies, Buildings, Cities
Care and Design: Bodies, Buildings, Cities connects the study of design with care, and explores how concepts of care may have relevance for the ways in which urban environments are designed. It explores how practices and spaces of care are sustained specifically in urban settings, thereby throwing light on an important arena of care that current work has rarely discussed in detail.
Купить книгу A Companion to American Art, автора John  Davis
A Companion to American Art
A Companion to American Art presents 35 newly-commissioned essays by leading scholars that explore the methodology, historiography, and current state of the field of American art history. Features contributions from a balance of established and emerging scholars, art and architectural historians, and other specialists Includes several paired essays to emphasize dialogue and debate between scholars on important contemporary issues in American art history Examines topics such as the methodological stakes in the writing of American art history, changing ideas about what constitutes “Americanness,” and the relationship of art to public culture Offers a fascinating portrait of the evolution and current state of the field of American art history and suggests future directions of scholarship
Купить книгу Designing Interiors, автора
Designing Interiors
After its publication in 1992, Designing Interiors became a hugely successful reference tool and designing textbook. In Designing Interiors, Second Edition, updates on trends in sustainability and green design, building codes, universal design, and building information models amplify the already invaluable interior design tricks of trade. Design professors Rosemary and Otie Kilmer provide a fuller design history that incorporates non-Western design and dynamic color illustrations that flesh out technical concepts.
Купить книгу Fundamentals of Residential Construction, автора Rob  Thallon
Fundamentals of Residential Construction
The leading guide to professional home construction, updated and expanded Fundamentals of Residential Construction is the definitive guide to single family and multifamily home building that details every step of the construction process. From siting and foundations to finishing details, this book provides a complete walk-through of professional home construction. Over 1,200 drawings and photographs animate the textbook, while interactive supplementary online resources help facilitate an understanding of the material. This fourth edition accommodates the latest developments in materials and methods, including new coverage of sustainable building and energy efficiency, multifamily construction, prefabricated building components, and CAD/BIM planning tools in residential construction. Authoritative coverage of wood light-frame construction, building systems, industrialized fabrication, insulating concrete forms, light-gauge steel and masonry construction, multi-family buildings, and more provides a solid foundation in residential construction methods, tools, and processes. Building a home requires a deeply integrated understanding of materials, structures, codes, and management procedures. Because the process involves such a broad array of considerations and challenges, construction professionals must regularly draw on a clear body of knowledge to keep a project running smoothly. This book helps you lay the groundwork of expertise required to successfully complete a residential project. • Learn the advantages and disadvantages of common materials and systems • Understand site preparation, foundations, and framing • Delve into the details of roofing, finishing, and energy efficiency • Understand heating/cooling, plumbing, and electrical options • Examine the latest codes, costs, and management best practices Designing and constructing a home presents a unique project dynamic; people's homes are their sanctuaries, where they make the memories of a lifetime. They must be designed to be lived in, not simply «used.» Lifetime costs play a major role in decision-making, materials must be carefully chosen and sourced, and spaces must be structured to be efficient yet enjoyable. Fundamentals of Residential Construction shows you how to bring it all together to turn a project into a family's cherished home.
Купить книгу The Handbook of Interior Design, автора
The Handbook of Interior Design
The Handbook of Interior Design explores ways of thinking that inform the discipline of interior design. It challenges readers to consider the connections within theory, research, and practice and the critical underpinnings that have shaped interior design. Offers a theory of interior design by moving beyond a descriptive approach to the discipline to a 'why and how' study of interiors Provides a full overview of the most current Interior Design research and scholarly thought from around the world Explores examples of research designs and methodological approaches that are applicable to interior design upper division and graduate education courses Brings together an international team of contributors, including well established scholars alongside emerging voices in the field – reflecting mature and emergent ideas, research, and philosophies in the field Exemplifies where interior design sits in its maturation as a discipline and profession through inclusion of diverse authors, topics, and ideas
Купить книгу A Companion to Chinese Art, автора
A Companion to Chinese Art
Exploring the history of art in China from its earliest incarnations to the present day, this comprehensive volume includes two dozen newly-commissioned essays spanning the theories, genres, and media central to Chinese art and theory throughout its history. Provides an exceptional collection of essays promoting a comparative understanding of China’s long record of cultural production Brings together an international team of scholars from East and West, whose contributions range from an overview of pre-modern theory, to those exploring calligraphy, fine painting, sculpture, accessories, and more Articulates the direction in which the field of Chinese art history is moving, as well as providing a roadmap for historians interested in comparative study or theory Proposes new and revisionist interpretations of the literati tradition, which has long been an important staple of Chinese art history Offers a rich insight into China’s social and political institutions, religious and cultural practices, and intellectual traditions, alongside Chinese art history, theory, and criticism
Купить книгу A Companion to Public Art, автора
A Companion to Public Art
A Companion to Public Art is the only scholarly volume to examine the main issues, theories, and practices of public art on a comprehensive scale. Edited by two distinguished scholars with contributions from art historians, critics, curators, and art administrators, as well as artists themselves Includes 19 essays in four sections: tradition, site, audience, and critical frameworks Covers important topics in the field, including valorizing victims, public art in urban landscapes and on university campuses, the role of digital technologies, jury selection committees, and the intersection of public art and mass media Contains “artist’s philosophy” essays, which address larger questions about an artist’s body of work and the field of public art, by Julian Bonder, eteam (Hajoe Moderegger and Franziska Lamprecht), John Craig Freeman, Antony Gormley, Suzanne Lacy, Caleb Neelon, Tatzu Nishi, Greg Sholette, and Alan Sonfist.