Изобразительное искусство, фотография - скачать книги или читать онлайн. Страница 47

Купить книгу Warcraft. Легенды. Том 1, автора
Warcraft. Легенды. Том 1
Откройте этот потрясающий сборник оригинальных историй и погрузитесь в мир увлекательных приключений, которые происходят во вселенной Warcraft. Траг Крутогор, отважный таурен, с которым мы познакомились во второй книге трилогии «Warcraft: Тени во льдах», возвращается в мир живых… в обличье нежити. Гном-механик с талантом говорить глупости в самый неподходящий момент оказывается единственным, кто может утихомирить свирепого тролля. Сборник включает в себя четыре истории, наполненные приключениями, сражениями, драматическими событиями и юмором.
Купить книгу Лаокоон, или О границах живописи и поэзии, автора Г. Э. Лессинга
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Лаокоон, или О границах живописи и поэзии
Готхольд Эфраим Лессинг – великий немецкий литературный критик и теоретик искусства, стоявший у истоков классической немецкой литературы.
Купить книгу Омерзительное искусство. Юмор и хоррор шедевров живописи, автора Софьи Багдасаровой
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Омерзительное искусство. Юмор и хоррор шедевров живописи
Эта книга ‒ новый взгляд на классическое искусство, покорившее весь мир. Провокационное исследование мировой живописи, где София Багдасарова проводит настоящее расследование самых темных историй, без купюр. Людоеды, фетишисты и убийцы: оказывается, именно они – персонажи шедевров, наполняющих залы музеев мира. Истории, о которых мы так много слышали и о которых так мало знаем!
Купить книгу Хрома. Книга о цвете, автора
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Хрома. Книга о цвете
«Хрома» – размышления о цветовом многообразии знаменитого британского режиссера и художника Дерека Джармена (1942–1994).
Купить книгу Кто первый и лучший, автора Тамары Алехиной
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Кто первый и лучший
«Кто первый и лучший?» – лирическая драма о трех флорентийцах: Брунеллески, Донателло, Гиберти. О том, как в борьбе за право стать первым и лучшим в своем деле, совершенствовалось мастерство, укреплялся дух и создавались мировые шедевры.Уникальность серии «Театр плюс вернисаж» – в синергии двух видов искусства: изобразительного и театрального. Погружаясь в театральное действо, зритель знакомится с жизнью и творчеством известных мастеров.Пьесы серии различны по жанру: миф, притча, лирическая драма, сказка, комедия-фэнтези и др.
Купить книгу Architectural Technology, автора Stephen  Emmitt
Architectural Technology
Since the publication of the first edition of Architectural Technology, in 2002, there have been significant developments in the number of courses, the profile of the discipline as well as significant changes in the Construction sector. The Second edition of Architectural Technology addresses these challenges directly. Much greater emphasis is given to the three core themes of the book – Environmental Sustainability; Innovation; and Design. An increase in the visual material included reinforces the critical role of Design, aiding students to better translate conceptual designs into built artefacts. Building upon solid teaching practice from the previous edition, Architectural Technology is now more concisely structured to take the reader through the whole life cycle of a building, emphasising sustainability and building performance. Material on digital information, building information modelling (BIM) and information communication technologies has been updated. Most chapters have been re-titled to emphasise the importance of design and make the book more accessible to a wider range of students. Chapters conclude with updated/more extensive links to further reading. Architectural Technology, 2nd Edition: Bridges the knowledge gap between design and construction Tackles the core subjects of management, technologies and design from a sustainable building angle Addresses the buildability and performance of a design from a whole life perspective Thoroughly revised and updated this undergraduate level textbook is essential for Architectural Technology courses. Students studying Architectural Engineering, Architecture, Building Surveying; and more general Construction courses, will find the material invaluable.
Купить книгу Ideas About Art, автора
Ideas About Art
Ideas About Art is an intelligent, accessible introductory text for students interested in learning how to think about aesthetics. It uses stories drawn from the experiences of individuals involved in the arts as a means of exposing readers to the philosophies, theories, and arguments that shape and drive visual art. An accessible, story-driven introduction to aesthetic theory and philosophy Prompts readers to develop independent ideas about aesthetics; this is a guide on how to think, not what to think Includes discussions of non-western, contemporary, and discipline-specific theories Examines a range of art-based dilemmas across a wide variety of disciplines – from art and design and law to visual and museum studies
Купить книгу The Gypsum Construction Handbook, автора
The Gypsum Construction Handbook
The tried-and-true Gypsum Construction Handbook is a systematic guide to selecting and using gypsum drywall, veneer plaster, tile backers, ceilings, and conventional plaster building materials. A widely respected training text for aspiring architects and engineers, the book provides detailed product information and efficient installation methodology. The Seventh Edition features updates in gypsum products, including ultralight panels, glass-mat panels, paperfaced plastic bead, and ultralightweight joint compound, and modern specialty acoustical and ceiling product guidelines. This comprehensive reference also incorporates the latest in sustainable products.
Купить книгу Materials for Interior Environments, автора Corky  Binggeli
Materials for Interior Environments
Organized by types of materials and applications, this guide helps designers successfully address material evaluation and selection of interior components. Engagingly written, highly detailed, and helpfully illustrated with more than 550 color illustrations, Materials for Interior Environments is a comprehensive guide to everything a designer needs to know about the materials available for interiors—from aesthetic qualities to manufacturing and fabrication, applications, installation and maintenance, and specifications for materials used in commercial and residential applications.
Купить книгу Interior Lighting for Designers, автора Gary  Gordon
Interior Lighting for Designers
This revised edition of the successful primer thoroughly covers fundamentals of lighting design, and also serves as a handy reference for professional designers. The Fifth Edition is more comprehensive than ever, with new information on LED, energy efficiency, and other current issues. In addition, it includes more information for drawing ceiling floor plans and the application of designs to specific types of interiors projects. Considered a «key reference» for the Lighting Certified exam, no other text combines both technical and creative aspects of lighting design for beginners and novice designers.
Купить книгу RSMeans Illustrated Construction Dictionary, автора
RSMeans Illustrated Construction Dictionary
This concise student edition of the most widely used dictionary for construction and design professionals offers clear explanations of essential construction-related terms and concepts. Illustrated throughout with explanatory drawings and photographs, it is an indispensable reference for beginning and advanced students in construction, architecture, design, facility management, real estate, and other related fields. Features include: Easy-to-understand definitions of nearly 10,000 terms, phrases, and abbreviations from every area of construction More than 1,400 drawings and photographs that help clarify concepts Up-to-date coverage of new industry trends, including building automation, energy conservation, green building, historic preservation, and more An extensive reference section with plan symbols, conversions and equivalents, and more
Купить книгу Manual Drafting for Interiors, автора Christine  Cavataio
Manual Drafting for Interiors
The interior designer's guide to effective hand drafting The kinesthetic act of completing a manually drafted drawing gives interior designers a greater understanding of the space they're designing, time to reflect on their work, and the skills needed to quickly draw freehand for presentations and design concept developments. Manual Drafting for Interiors is an essential reference for interior designers learning how to manually draft scaled floor plans, elevations, sections, and three-dimensional drawings. Clearly explaining techniques and methods, it begins with an explanation of drafting tools and their various uses, and then presents instructions and illustrations that indicate how to complete increasingly more difficult drafting conventions. Additionally, readers will learn drawing techniques for indicating various materials, symbols for coordinating related drawings, and architectural lettering. Complemented with extensive drawings, inspiring examples, and tips for developing your own style of graphic expression, Manual Drafting for Interiors arms readers with essential skills they'll use throughout their career as a designer.