Изобразительное искусство, фотография - скачать книги или читать онлайн. Страница 60

Купить книгу Юнг в комиксах. Биография, идеи труды, автора Мэгги Хайд
Юнг в комиксах. Биография, идеи труды
Мэгги Хайд – журналист и специалист по астрологии. Майкл МакГиннесс – художник и графический дизайнер, его работы украшали галереи самых разных стран мира. Мэгги и Майкл создали идеальный путеводитель по жизни и достижениям Карла Густава Юнга. Как архетипы влияют на культуру? Из чего состоит структура личности? Каким образом творчество продлевает жизнь человека? Работы и личность Карла Густава Юнга выделяются таинственностью и настоящей увлеченностью человеческой психологией. Сотни комиксов в книге помогут читателю быстро разобраться в жизни и смысле трудов великого психиатра.
Купить книгу Ницше в комиксах. Биография, идеи, труды, автора Гейн Лоренс
Ницше в комиксах. Биография, идеи, труды
Лоренс Гейн – профессор философии, преподает в лондонском UCL. Пьеро Каттанео – художник и графический дизайнер, чьи работы дважды попадали в список «Лучшей Британской Иллюстрации». Лоренс и Пьеро создали идеальный путеводитель по волнующей философии Фридриха Ницше. Почему мы должны верить, что Бог мертв? Человеческая эволюция окончена или сейчас только ее начало? Каковы границы научного знания? Работы и личность Фридриха Ницше отличает необыкновенная проницательность к человеческой психологии. Сотни комиксов в книге помогут читателю быстро разобраться в жизни и смысле трудов великого философа.
Купить книгу Aestheticism in Art, автора William  Hogarth
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Aestheticism in Art
William Hogarth wrote his Analysis of Beauty in 1753, during the Age of Enlightenment. Through this captivating text, he tends to define the notion of beauty in painting and states that it is linked, per se, to the use of the serpentine lines in pictorial compositions. He calls it the line of beauty . His essay is thus dedicated to the study of the composition of paintings, depending on the correct use of the pictorial lines, light, colour, and the figure's attitudes. These timeless concepts have been applied by several artists through the centuries. Paintings from every period have here been chosen to support this demonstration. They allow us to explore the various manners in which beauty can be expressed in painting.
Купить книгу The Splendor of English Gothic Architecture, автора John  Shannon Hendrix
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The Splendor of English Gothic Architecture
This book explains and celebrates the richness of English churches and cathedrals, which have a major place in medieval architecture. The English Gothic style developed somewhat later than in France, but rapidly developed its own architectural and ornamental codes. The author, John Shannon Hendrix, classifies English Gothic architecture in four principal stages: the early English Gothic, the decorated, the curvilinear, and the perpendicular Gothic. Several photographs of these architectural testimonies allow us to understand the whole originality of Britain during the Gothic era: in Canterbury, Wells, Lincoln, York, and Salisbury. The English Gothic architecture is a poetic one, speaking both to the senses and spirit.
Купить книгу 1000 Paintings of Genius, автора Victoria  Charles
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1000 Paintings of Genius
Featuring 1,000 internationally recognised paintings, this collection spans the history of art from the 13th century to the present, from the early stirrings of the Renaissance movement in Italy to the boundary-pushing experiments of the Abstract Expressionists in post-World War II America. These cultural treasures are presented in historical context, along with extended captions and biographies of one hundred of the most influential artists. Each chapter reviews major events that had an impact on the art world, defines significant techniques, and comments on relevant innovations. An artistic, cultural, and educational resource, this book invites us to consider the interaction between history and art, and the influence artists through the ages have had on each other, as well as the future of the discipline. The traditional and the controversial, the mythic and the understated, the quietly subversive and the deliberately challenging – all are thought-provoking if only for their persistence, and together they document the progress of Western history through the eyes of our most creative visionaries.
Купить книгу 1000 Scupltures of Genius, автора Joseph  Manca
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1000 Scupltures of Genius
From antiquity to the 20th century, this sculpture collection offers a truly original vision of Western art. Here are the most sensual and harmonious masterworks to the most provocative and minimalist sculptures. Sculpture shapes the world and our concept of beauty, leaving everlasting silhouettes and always creating new intriguing ones. These masterworks are the mirror of an era, of an artist and his public and through this sculpture gallery, one visits not only the history of art, but history as a whole. Between the acclaimed ideals of beauty and the most controversial works, 1,000 Sculptures of Genius will give you a true panoramic view of Western sculpture. Along with numerous references, comments on masterworks and biographies, this work enables the reader to rediscover Western world heritage and is the perfect guide for art students and statuary lovers.
Купить книгу 1000 Erotic Works of Genius, автора Joe A.  Thomas
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1000 Erotic Works of Genius
Different eras and civilisations have treated erotic images with varying acceptance and different concepts of erotica and these tendencies are reflected within the works themselves. From ancient statues devoted to fertility to Renaissance engravings designed to encourage procreation within marriage, erotic art has always held an important place in society. Here, for the first time, 1,000 authentic images of erotic art have been brought together, spanning the centuries and civilisations to demonstrate the evolution of the genre. In an era such as ours when eroticism is abundant in advertising and the media, this book gives a refreshing insight into the background of erotic imagery, highlighting the artistic value of beautiful works of eroticism executed with skill.
Купить книгу 1000 Portraits of Genius, автора Victoria  Charles
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1000 Portraits of Genius
According to the predominant standards, a portrait should be a faithful representation of its model. However, this is not always the case. This gallery of 1,000 portraits illustrates how the genre has been transformed throughout history, and has proven itself to be much more complex than a simple imitation of reality. Beyond exhibiting the artist’s skill, the portrait must surpass the task of imitation, as just and precise as it may be, to translate both the intention of the artist as well as that of its patron, without betraying either’s wishes. Therefore, these silent witnesses, carefully selected in these pages, reveal more than faces of historic figures or anonymous subjects: they reveal a psychology more than an identity, illustrate an allegory, serve as political and religious propaganda, and embody the customs of their epochs. With its impressive number of masterpieces, biographies, and commentaries on works, this book presents and analyses different portraits, giving a reflection of the evolution of society, and above all the upheavals of a genre that has dramatically shaped the history of art.
Купить книгу 1000 Drawings of Genius, автора Victoria  Charles
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1000 Drawings of Genius
Long thought of as the neglected stepchild of painting, the art of Drawing has recently begun to enjoy a place in the sun. With major museums around the world, from the Met to the Uffizi, mounting exhibitions focussed on the art of draughtsmanship, Drawing is receiving more critical and academic attention than ever before. This captivating text gives readers a sweeping analysis of the history of Drawing, from Renaissance greats like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, to Modernist masters like M.C. Escher, Pablo Picasso, and everyone in between.
Купить книгу 1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art, автора Victoria  Charles
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1000 Masterpieces of Decorative Art
From ancient Sumerian pottery to Tiffany stained glass, Decorative Art had been a fundamental part of the human experience for generations. While Fine Art is confined to galleries and museums, Decorative Art is the art of the every day, combining beauty with functionality in objects ranging from the prosaic to the fantastical. In this work, authors Albert Jacquemart and Émile Bayard celebrate the beauty and artistic potential behind even the most quotidian object. Readers will walk away from this text with a newfound appreciation for the subtle artistry of the manufactured world.
Купить книгу Певцы и вожди, автора Владимира Фрумкина
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Певцы и вожди
Владимир Фрумкин – известный музыковед, журналист, ныне проживающий в Вашингтоне, США, еще в советскую эпоху стал исследователем феномена авторской песни и «гитарной поэзии».
Купить книгу Искусство жизни: Жизнь как предмет эстетического отношения в русской культуре XVI–XX веков, автора Шаммы Шахадат
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Искусство жизни: Жизнь как предмет эстетического отношения в русской культуре XVI–XX веков
«Искусство есть искусство жить» – формула, которой Андрей Белый, enfant terrible, определил в свое время сущность искусства, – является по сути квинтэссенцией определенной поэтики поведения. История «искусства жить» в России берет начало в истязаниях смехом во времена Ивана Грозного, но теоретическое обоснование оно получило позже, в эпоху романтизма, а затем символизма. Эта книга посвящена жанрам, в которых текст и тело сливаются в единое целое: смеховым сообществам, формировавшим с помощью групповых инсценировок и приватных текстов своего рода параллельную, альтернативную действительность, противопоставляемую официальной; царствам лжи, возникавшим ex nihilo лишь за счет силы слова; литературным мистификациям, при которых между автором и текстом возникает еще один, псевдоавторский пласт; романам с ключом, в которых действительное и фикциональное переплетаются друг с другом, обретая или изобретая при этом собственную жизнь и действительность. Вслед за московской школой культурной семиотики и американской poetics of culture автор книги создает свою теорию жизнетворчества.