Изобразительное искусство, фотография - скачать книги или читать онлайн. Страница 64

Купить книгу Utamaro, автора Edmond de Goncourt
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If sensuality had a name, it would be without doubt Utamaro. Delicately underlining the Garden of Pleasures that once constituted Edo, Utamaro, by the richness of his fabrics, the swan-like necks of the women, the mysterious looks, evokes in a few lines the sensual pleasure of the Orient. If some scenes discreetly betray lovers’ games, a great number of his shungas recall that love in Japan is first and foremost erotic.
Купить книгу Malevich, автора Gerry Souter
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Pioneer of geometric abstract art and one of the most important members of the Russian Avant-garde, Malevitch experimented with various modernist styles. In reaction to the influence of Cubism and Futurism on artists in Russia, Malevitch in his art reduced the world of nature to basic elements and colours, such as in his Red Square (1915). He introduced his abstract, non-objective geometric patterns in a style and artistic movement he called Suprematism. One of the important names of the twentieth century, he however turned back to Primitivism once Russia’s communist leaders forced him to do so.
Купить книгу Icons, автора Nikodim Pavlovich Kondakov
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Icon painting has reached its zenith in Ukraine between the 11th and 18th centuries. This art is appealing because of its great openness to other influences – the obedience to the rules of Orthodox Christianity in its early stages, the borrowing from Roman heritage or later to the Western breakthroughs – combined with a never compromised assertion of a distinctly Slavic soul and identity.
Купить книгу Chinese Art, автора Stephen W. Bushell
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Chinese Art
Dealing not only with architecture, sculpture, and painting, but also with bronze and ceramics, this text offers a complete panorama of Chinese arts and civilisation. In his text, the author Bushell stresses the importance of knowing the society to understand the arts.
Купить книгу Canaletto, автора Octave Uzanne
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Canaletto began his career as a theatrical scene painter, like his father, in the Baroque tradition. Influenced by Giovanni Panini, he is specialised in vedute (views) of Venice, his birth place. Strong contrast between light and shadow is typical of this artist. Furthermore, if some of those views are purely topographical, others include festivals or ceremonial subjects. He also published, thanks to John Smith, his agent, a series of etchings of Cappricci. His main purchasers were British aristocracy because his views reminded them of their Grand Tour. In his paintings geometrical perspective and colours are structuring. Canaletto spent ten years in England. John Smith sold Canaletto’s works to George III, creating the major part of the Royal Canaletto Collection. His greatest works influenced landscape painting in the nineteenth century.
Купить книгу Émile Gallé, автора Emile Galle
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Émile Gallé
An icon in the Art Nouveau movement, Émile Gallé (1846-1904) sought to portray the beauty and simplicity of nature in his glass art. His designs, referred to as “poetry in glass”, range from fine pottery to jewellery and furniture. Everything Gallé produced contains traces of his masterful technique which reflects his innovativeness as an artist and his skill as a designer. In this rich text, Gallé unravels the beauty and ingenuity found within his own work.
Купить книгу Mucha, автора Patrick Bade
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Born in 1860 in a small Czech town, Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was an artist on the forefront of Art Nouveau, the modernist movement that swept Paris in the 1910s, marking a return to the simplicity of natural forms, and changing the world of art and design forever. In fact, Art Nouveau was known to insiders as the “Mucha style” for the legions of imitators who adapted the master’s celebrated tableaux. Today, his distinctive depictions of lithe young women in classical dress have become a pop cultural touchstone, inspiring album covers, comic books, and everything in between. Patrick Bade and Victoria Charles offer readers an inspiring survey of Mucha’s career, illustrated with over one hundred lustrous images, from early Parisian advertisements and posters for Sandra Bernhardt, to the famous historical murals painted just before his death, at the age of 78, in 1939.
Купить книгу Love, автора Jp. A. Calosse
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A timeless theme that cannot be ignored, love has always fascinated artists. Painters, sculptors and even architects have drawn inspiration from and illustrated it. Ever new, love has led artists to create the masterworks of their life.
Купить книгу Klee, автора Donald  Wigal
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An emblematic figure of the early 20th century, Paul Klee participated in the expansive Avant-Garde movements in Germany and Switzerland. From the vibrant Blaue Reiter movement to Surrealism at the end of the 1930s and throughout his teaching years at the Bauhaus, he attempted to capture the organic and harmonic nature of painting by alluding to other artistic mediums such as poetry, literature, and, above all, music. While he collaborated with artists like August Macke and Alexej von Jawlensky, his most famous partnership was with the abstract expressionist, Wassily Kandinsky.
Купить книгу Все прекрасное – ужасно, все ужасное – прекрасно. Этюды о художниках и живописи, автора Гриши Брускина
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Все прекрасное – ужасно, все ужасное – прекрасно. Этюды о художниках и живописи
«В этой книге Брускин предлагает совершенно неожиданный, чрезвычайно заманчивый способ прочтения визуального произведения искусства как художественного сообщения, радикально отличающийся от всех известных мне опытов подобного рода (например, памятных текстов А. Бенуа или А. Эфроса). У Брускина это не развернутое нарративное высказывание, а яркие интуитивные озарения, базирующиеся тем не менее на годах „ума холодных наблюдений и сердца горестных замет“» (Соломон Волков). Автор пишет как о творчестве художников-современников (В. Бахчанян, Э. Булатов, В. Немухин, Л. Пурыгин, Э. Штейнберг, В. Яковлев и т. д.), так и об искусстве прошедших эпох (П. Веронезе, Г. Климт, Микеланджело, Я. Тинтаретто и др.), находя неожиданные ракурсы для их осмысления и не менее неожиданные параллели. Гриша (Григорий Давидович) Брускин (р. 1945) – один из самых известных современных русских художников, автор вышедших в «Новом литературном обозрении» книг «Прошедшее время несовершенного вида» (2001), «Мысленно вами» (2003), «Подробности письмом» (2005), «Прямые и косвенные дополнения» (2008). На обложке – работа Г. Брускина (фрагмент оформления пола кафедрального собора в Сиене).
Купить книгу Импрессионизм. Основоположники и последователи, автора Михаила Германа
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Импрессионизм. Основоположники и последователи
Импрессионизм – живопись впечатления, мгновения, выхваченного из монотонности будней. Хотя зародилось это течение в Париже еще во второй половине XIX века, по сию пору оно вызывает повышенный интерес публики. Замечательный знаток французской культуры М. Ю. Герман, доктор искусствоведения, изложил в книге собственную, глубоко продуманную и эмоциональную версию истории импрессионизма, рассказал о пути великих мастеров (Эдуара Мане, Клода Моне, Эдгара Дега, Огюста Ренуара и многих других), а также о том, как французское влияние отозвалось в искусстве других стран, в том числе – России.
Купить книгу Top 5 Masterpieces Vol. 1, автора Klaus  Carl
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Top 5 Masterpieces Vol. 1
This book offers our young readers an enjoyable approach to the history of art by transforming five masterpieces into fun puzzles. provides parents and teachers with a wonderful way to develop children’s imaginations and grow their awareness of great art from an early age.