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Купить книгу Театральные люди, автора Сергея Николаевича
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Театральные люди
Сергей Николаевич – театральный критик, журналист, культуртрегер. В разные годы возглавлял журналы «Советский театр», Madame Figaro и Citizen K, работал в журналах «Огонек», «Домовой», ELLE. Сейчас – главный редактор журнала «СНОБ», ведущий программы «Культурный обмен» на ОТР, автор и составитель одиннадцати литературных сборников, среди которых «Всё о моем отце» (2011), «Красная стрела» (2013), «Всё о моем доме» (2015), «33 отеля, или Здравствуй, красивая жизнь!» (2018) и другие. «Театральные люди» – это актерские портреты, яркие статьи о режиссерах, художниках и спектаклях, написанные в разные годы. Это книга о тех, для кого Театр не просто профессия, но потребность души и главное содержание жизни. Речь о великой страсти, которая проявляется по-разному и не только на сценических подмостках, – именно она определила судьбу героев Сергея Николаевича, сделав кого-то жертвой, а кого-то счастливым победителем. Впервые собранные под одной обложкой, эти тексты читаются как театральный роман, где один сюжет приводит к другому, а все вместе они создают картину времени.
Купить книгу Какие сериалы должен посмотреть настоящий киноман, автора Рината Азатовича Хаматова
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Какие сериалы должен посмотреть настоящий киноман
Перечень лучших сериалов таких популярных жанров, как комедия, драма, история, альтернативная реальность, триллер, детектив, боевик, криминал, военный, фэнтези, фантастика, приключение, ужас, документальный сосредоточены в этом сборнике. Этих сериалов настоящему любителю телефильмов хватит на 5 или даже 10 лет просмотра с перерывами на работу и отдых, не забывая о времяпрепровождении с семьей, которая также может разделить увлечение киномана. В книге представлены краткие описания телесериалов и небольшие рецензии с указанием интересных фактов. В основном список включает западные сериалы, особенно много современных американских.
Купить книгу Прозрачный экран, автора Андрея И
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Прозрачный экран
Во время просмотра фильма, особенно когда показывают какие-нибудь трюки или то, что в обычной жизни не увидишь, нам часто хочется заглянуть за экран и узнать, что же происходило там на самом деле, и как это все снималось. Любопытство и фантазия рисуют в нашем воображении невероятные картины. Автор, известный режиссер, ведущий, оператор и актер, стоявший у истоков возрождения российского кино, в своей книге дает читателю-зрителю возможность понаблюдать за съемками глазами участника этого таинственного действия, которое остается за кадром.
Купить книгу A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema, автора
A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema
A Companion to Contemporary French Cinema presents a comprehensive collection of original essays addressing all aspects of French cinema from 1990 to the present day. Features original contributions from top film scholars relating to all aspects of contemporary French cinema Includes new research on matters relating to the political economy of contemporary French cinema, developments in cinema policy, audience attendance, and the types, building, and renovation of theaters Utilizes groundbreaking research on cinema beyond the fiction film and the cinema-theater such as documentary, amateur, and digital filmmaking Contains an unusually large range of methodological approaches and perspectives, including those of genre, gender, auteur, industry, economic, star, postcolonial and psychoanalytic studies Includes essays by important French cinema scholars from France, the U.S., and New Zealand, many of whose work is here presented in English for the first time
Купить книгу A Companion to Latin American Cinema, автора
A Companion to Latin American Cinema
A Companion to Latin American Cinema offers a wide-ranging collection of newly commissioned essays and interviews that explore the ways in which Latin American cinema has established itself on the international film scene in the twenty-first century. Features contributions from international critics, historians, and scholars, along with interviews with acclaimed Latin American film directors Includes essays on the Latin American film industry, as well as the interactions between TV and documentary production with feature film culture Covers several up-and-coming regions of film activity such as nations in Central America Offers novel insights into Latin American cinema based on new methodologies, such as the quantitative approach, and essays contributed by practitioners as well as theorists
Купить книгу A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema, автора Gina  Marchetti
A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema
A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema provides the first comprehensive scholarly exploration of this unique global cinema. By embracing the interdisciplinary approach of contemporary film and cultural studies, this collection navigates theoretical debates while charting a new course for future research in Hong Kong film. Examines Hong Kong cinema within an interdisciplinary context, drawing connections between media, gender, and Asian studies, Asian regional studies, Chinese language and cultural studies, global studies, and critical theory Highlights the often contentious debates that shape current thinking about film as a medium and its possible future Investigates how changing research on gender, the body, and sexual orientation alter the ways in which we analyze sexual difference in Hong Kong cinema Charts how developments in theories of colonialism, postcolonialism, globalization, neoliberalism, Orientalism, and nationalism transform our understanding of the economics and politics of the Hong Kong film industry Explores how the concepts of diaspora, nostalgia, exile, and trauma offer opportunities to rethink accepted ways of understanding Hong Kong’s popular cinematic genres and stars
Купить книгу A Companion to Nordic Cinema, автора Mette  Hjort
A Companion to Nordic Cinema
A Companion to Nordic Cinema presents a collection of original essays that explore one of the world’s oldest regional cinemas from its origins to the present day. Offers a comprehensive, transnational and regional account of Nordic cinema from its origins to the present day Features original contributions from more than two dozen international film scholars based in the Nordic countries, the United States, Canada, Scotland, and Hong Kong Covers a wide range of topics on the distinctive evolution of Nordic cinema including the silent Golden Age, Nordic film policy models and their influence, audiences and cinephilia, Nordic film training, and indigenous Sámi cinema. Considers Nordic cinema’s engagement with global audiences through coverage of such topics as Dogme 95, the avant-garde filmmaking movement begun by Danish directors Lars von Trier and Thomas Vinterberg, and the global marketing and distribution of Nordic horror and Nordic noir Offers fresh investigations of the work of global auteurs such as Carl Th. Dreyer, Ingmar Bergman, Lars von Trier, Aki Kaurismäki, and Roy Andersson. Includes essays on Danish and Swedish television dramas, Finland’s eco-documentary film production, the emerging tradition of Icelandic cinema, the changing dynamics of Scandinavian porn, and many more
Купить книгу A Companion to Jean-Luc Godard, автора Tom  Conley
A Companion to Jean-Luc Godard
This compendium of original essays offers invaluable insights into the life and works of one of the most important and influential directors in the history of cinema, exploring his major films, philosophy, politics, and connections to other critics and directors. Presents a compendium of original essays offering invaluable insights into the life and works of one of the most important and influential filmmakers in the history of cinema Features contributions from an international cast of major film theorists and critics Provides readers with both an in-depth reading of Godard’s major films and a sense of his evolution from the New Wave to his later political periods Brings fresh insights into the great director’s biography, including reflections on his personal philosophy, politics, and connections to other critics and filmmakers Explores many of the 80 features Godard made in nearly 60 years, and includes coverage of his recent work in video
Купить книгу A Companion to Woody Allen, автора
A Companion to Woody Allen
Edited by two renowned Allen experts, A Companion to Woody Allen presents a collection of 26 original essays on the director’s films. Contributions offer a number of divergent critical perspectives while expanding the contexts in which his work is understood. A timely companion by the authors of two of the most important books on Allen to date Illuminates the films of Woody Allen from a number of divergent critical perspectives Explores the contexts in which his work should be understood Assesses Allen’s remarkable filmmaking career from its early beginnings and investigates the conflicts and contradictions that suffuse it Discusses Allen’s recognition as a global cinematic figure
Купить книгу A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock, автора Leland  Poague
A Companion to Alfred Hitchcock
The most comprehensive volume ever published on Alfred Hitchcock, covering his career and legacy as well as the broader cultural and intellectual contexts of his work. Contains thirty chapters by the leading Hitchcock scholars Covers his long career, from his earliest contributions to other directors’ silent films to his last uncompleted last film Details the enduring legacy he left to filmmakers and audiences alike
Купить книгу A Companion to Film Noir, автора Andre  Spicer
A Companion to Film Noir
An authoritative companion that offers a wide-ranging thematic survey of this enduringly popular cultural form and includes scholarship from both established and emerging scholars as well as analysis of film noir's influence on other media including television and graphic novels. Covers a wealth of new approaches to film noir and neo-noir that explore issues ranging from conceptualization to cross-media influences Features chapters exploring the wider ‘noir mediascape’ of television, graphic novels and radio Reflects the historical and geographical reach of film noir, from the 1920s to the present and in a variety of national cinemas Includes contributions from both established and emerging scholars
Купить книгу A Companion to Contemporary Documentary Film, автора Alisa  Lebow
A Companion to Contemporary Documentary Film
A Companion to Contemporary Documentary Film presents a collection of original essays that explore major issues surrounding the state of current documentary films and their capacity to inspire and effect change. Presents a comprehensive collection of essays relating to all aspects of contemporary documentary films Includes nearly 30 original essays by top documentary film scholars and makers, with each thematic grouping of essays sub-edited by major figures in the field Explores a variety of themes central to contemporary documentary filmmakers and the study of documentary film – the planet, migration, work, sex, virus, religion, war, torture, and surveillance Considers a wide diversity of documentary films that fall outside typical canons, including international and avant-garde documentaries presented in a variety of media