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Купить книгу Канатоходка, автора Натальи Варлей
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Наталья Варлей! И сразу ассоциация с героиней фильма «Кавказская пленница». Конечно, в этой книге есть главы, посвященные фильму и его создателям, – как же без этого! Но автор рассказывает не только смешные, но и горькие истории…
Купить книгу Hollywood, Interrupted. Insanity Chic in Babylon -- The Case Against Celebrity, автора Andrew  Breitbart
Hollywood, Interrupted. Insanity Chic in Babylon -- The Case Against Celebrity
Hollywood, Interrupted is a sometimes frightening, occasionally sad, and frequently hysterical odyssey into the darkest realms of showbiz pathology, the endless stream of meltdowns and flameouts, and the inexplicable behavior on the part of show business personalities. Charting celebrities from rehab to retox, to jails, cults, institutions, near-death experiences and the Democratic Party, Hollywood, Interrupted takes readers on a surreal field trip into the amoral belly of the entertainment industry. Each chapter – covering topics including warped Hollywood child-rearing, bad medicine, hypocritical political maneuvering and the complicit media – delivers a meticulously researched, interview-infused, attitude heavy dispatch which analyzes and deconstructs the myths created by the celebrities themselves. Celebrities somehow believe that it's their god-given right to inflict their pathology on the rest of us. Hollywood, Interrupted illustrates how these dysfunctional dilettantes are mad as hell… And we're not going to take it any more.
Купить книгу Playwriting For Dummies, автора Angelo  Parra
Playwriting For Dummies
The easy way to craft, polish, and get your play on stage Getting a play written and produced is a daunting process. From crystallizing story ideas, formatting the script, understanding the roles of the director stagecraft people, to marketing and financing your project, and incorporating professional insights on writing, there are plenty of ins and outs that every aspiring playwright needs to know. But where can you turn for guidance? Playwriting For Dummies helps any writer at any stage of the process hone their craft and create the most dramatic and effective pieces. Guides you through every process of playwriting?from soliloquies, church skits, and one act plays to big Broadway musicals Advice on moving your script to the public stage Guidance on navigating loopholes If you're an aspiring playwright looking to begin the process, or have already penned a masterpiece and need trusted advice to bring it into the spotlight, Playwriting For Dummies has you covered.
Купить книгу Flip Video For Dummies, автора Joe  Hutsko
Flip Video For Dummies
The full-color guide to shooting great video with the Flip Video camera The inexpensive Flip Video camera is currently one of the hottest must-have gadgets. It's portable and connects easily to any computer to transfer video you shoot onto your PC or Mac. Although the Flip Video camera comes with a quick-start guide, it lacks a how-to manual, and this full-color book fills that void! Packed with full-color screen shots throughout, Flip Video For Dummies shows you how to shoot the best possible footage in a variety of situations. You'll learn how to transfer video to your computer and then edit it and share your Flip Video movies. Walks you through the basics of using a Flip Video camera and connecting it to your Mac or PC Explains how to shoot footage indoors, outdoors, and even underwater Covers editing video footage using FlipShare, Windows Movie Maker, or iMovie Shows you how to share Flip Video movies or upload them to YouTube, Facebook, and other sites You'll flip out when you discover just how easy a Flip Video camera can be when you have this book by your side!
Купить книгу Fiddle For Dummies, автора
Fiddle For Dummies
Learn to play the fiddle? Easy. Tackling a new instrument can be intimidating, but with this easy-to-use guide, you'll have no trouble at all! From selecting, tuning, and caring for your fiddle to mastering various music styles, Fiddle For Dummies walks you step-by-step through everything you need to start playing the fiddle like a pro. You'll discover how to hold a fiddle, master fundamental techniques, and take your skills to the next level. This title also features companion audio tracks and instructional video clips hosted online at Dummies.com to help further enhance your skills. The fiddle is a popular instrument across many continents, and is a favorite for many because it is small and portable. Playing the fiddle can expose you to a range of musical styles from all over the world, such as Irish, Scottish, Celtic/Cape Breton, country, folk, bluegrass, and more. Plus, if you're already a violin player, you'll impress yourself and fellow musicians as you unlock your instrument to open up a whole new world of sounds. Learn fiddle techniques and fundamentals Select, tune, and care for your fiddle Join the folk instrument movement and master the fiddle Play fiddle music from all over the world Whether you're a complete beginner or a violin player looking to branch out and try something new, Fiddle For Dummies will have you fit as a fiddle in no time.
Купить книгу Film Studies For Dummies, автора James  Cateridge
Film Studies For Dummies
Make sense of the world of cinema Want to pull back the curtain on film? This hands-on, friendly guide unravels the complexities of film and helps you put cinema into a cultural context. You'll get an easy-to-follow introduction to different film genres and styles, learn about the history of cinema, get to know who makes up a filmmaking team, explore global cinema from Hollywood to Bollywood and much more. Film Studies For Dummies will open your mind to how the film industry works and help you to discover the impact of film on popular culture. You'll get easy-to-read information on analyzing and critiquing film from a range of theoretical, historical and critical perspectives, and learn how people communicate ideas in film. You'll also be able to shine a light on how stories are developed in movies, understand how a storyline is related to broader issues in society and become a well-versed and insightful film student. Covers the narrative, artistic, cultural, economic and political implications of cinema Provides conceptual frameworks for understanding a film's relationship to reality Explores how people tell stories and communicate ideas in film Helps you excel as a student of film Whether you're planning to study film, a humanities student with a forthcoming module on film or a film enthusiast wondering if this might be the future for you, Film Studies For Dummies has you covered.
Купить книгу Voice Acting For Dummies, автора David  Ciccarelli
Voice Acting For Dummies
Make a career out of your voice? Easy. Voice acting is like acting, but just using your voice! It's a unique career where the actor's voice can be heard worldwide-in commercials, on audiobooks, in animated movies, documentaries, online videos, telephone systems and much, much more. The point is to bring the written word to life with the human voice. With step-by-step explanations and an abundance of examples, Voice Acting For Dummies is the ultimate reference for budding voice actors on auditioning, recording, producing voice-overs, and promoting themselves as a voice actor. Creating a voice acting demo Finding your signature voice Interpreting scripts Using audio editing software Promoting your voice acting talents If you're an aspiring voice actor or an actor or singer considering a career transition, Voice Acting For Dummies has everything you need to let your voice talents soar.
Купить книгу Terrori käest vabadusse, автора
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Terrori käest vabadusse
Kes on see Eesti kodakondsuse saanud maailmakuulus näitlejanna, kellel perekond ei lubanud lavakarjääri alustada, aga kes teenis ära nii Stanislavski kui ka Meierholdi kiidusõnad ja kes on mänginud Murnau lavastatud filmis? Kes käis läbi Vene keisririigi koorekihiga ja kelle suguvõsa on saanud alguse William Vallutaja ajal? Kelle abikaasa perele kuulus Kumna mõis, mille Eesti riik neilt ilma kompensatsioonita ära võttis? See oli paruness Stella Meyendorff (1884–1976), Peterburis sündinud inglanna, kelle neiupõlvenimi oli Whishaw ja lavanimi Arbenina, intelligentne ja emotsionaalne naine, kes mängis 1920. aastate algul Revali lavalaudadel üle 100 peaosa. Ta laulis Vene revolutsioonikaoses oma Peterburi kodus „Madama Butterfly“ aariaid, et mitte hulluda, kui akna all käis tulistamine. Sõda lahutas ta oma lastest, nii et ta ei teadnud midagi nende saatusest, saates Paul Pinna neid otsima. 1929. aastal avaldatud mälestustes kirjeldab ta privilegeeritud elu Peterburis, sõja- ja revolutsioonikeerist Venemaal, mis ta endasse tõmbas, kui Nõukogude komissar neljateistkümne püssimehe valve all ta vanglasse sõidutas, nii et inimesed tänaval teda vaadates risti ette lõid ja pead paljastasid. See on emotsionaalne lugu võitlusest lähedaste ellujäämise nimel, armastusest teatri vastu, põgenemisest ja endale näitlejana nime tegemisest nii Eestis kui ka mujal Euroopas. E-raamat ei sisalda fotosid.
Купить книгу От «А» до «Я». Александр Абдулов и Олег Янковский, автора
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От «А» до «Я». Александр Абдулов и Олег Янковский
Александр Абдулов и Олег Янковский, наверное, ярчайшие артисты театра «Ленком», наряду с Евгением Леоновым, Татьяной Пельтцер, Леонидом Броневым. «Хочу остаться легендой», – говорил в интервью Александр Гаврилович Абдулов. «Хочу остаться…» – не произносил вслух Олег Иванович Янковский. Эта книга нашей памяти о них. «Чтобы помнили», – говорил другой артист, служивший другому театру. Мы помним всех.
Купить книгу Красный вестерн, автора Сергея Лаврентьева
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Красный вестерн
«Тринадцать» и «Смелые люди», «Неуловимые мстители» и «Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих», «Лимонадный Джо» и «Чингачгук – Большой Змей»… Эти фильмы были любимы в Советском Союзе. Десятки миллионов зрителей вновь и вновь приходили в кинозалы, чтобы насладиться захватывающими приключениями, выпавшими на долю киногероев. Но мало кто отдавал себе отчет в том, что сделаны эти картины в жанре вестерна. Ковбойский фильм был в СССР признан порочным, и классических вестернов из США на советских экранах почти не было. В борьбе с «тлетворным влиянием Запада» кинематографическое начальство еще на заре советской власти повелело снимать свои, собственные приключенческие фильмы, в которых ковбоев и индейцев заменили красные бойцы, сражающиеся с классовыми врагами.
Купить книгу Лицедеи. Сборник, автора Стаса Канина
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Лицедеи. Сборник
"Лицедеи" – это сборник откровенных рассказов о великих и не очень великих актерах, с которыми судьба подарила мне счастье встретиться, и не просто встретиться, а снимать их в своих фильмах. Эта книжка не обычный пересказ их жизненных историй – это мои наблюдения. Здесь есть то, что не попало в кадр и о чем нигде и никогда не говорилось. Герои сборника: О. Янковский, М. Боярский, А. Демьяненко, А. Джигарханян, Л. Гурченко, Г. Хазанов, В. Высоцкий, Н. Андрейченко, Л. Якубович, О. Стриженов, Ю. Николаев, С. Иванов. 2017 год.
Купить книгу Тематические вечеринки. Часть 2, автора Анастасии Алексеевны Поповой
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Тематические вечеринки. Часть 2
Сборник сценариев как традиционных так и не традиционных праздников из весёлого календаря. Книга будет полезна как начинающим аниматорам, так и воспитателям детских садов, а так же вожатым. Пусть каждый день проведённый вами с детьми сияет их улыбками и звонким смехом. Раскрасим вместе будни яркими красками.