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Купить книгу A House of Air, автора Hermione  Lee
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A House of Air
WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY HERMIONE LEEThe previously uncollected occasional prose of a great English writer – full of wit, feeling and illumination.Penelope Fitzgerald was a prolific letter writer. She avoided the phone if she could, never even contemplated the possibility of going online. Her warmth, humour and supreme storytelling abilities found their best forum here. Surprising, wonderfully funny, definitive, this is a major collection of Penelope Fitzgerald’s reviews, essays and autobiographical writings.This collection includes pieces on contemporary novelists Giles Foden, Anne Enright, Carol Shields, Rose Tremain, Roddy Doyle; on classic writers Muriel Spark, A.E. Housman, Rose Macaulay, M.R. James, Stevie Smith, Dorothy L. Sayers; on remembering her grandfather E.H. Shepard; on her love of Devon and Spain and William Morris: on writers in their old age; and witty and poignant recollections of her schooldays, her life on a Thames barge, her childhood in Hampstead and the ghost who lived next door but one.This is a fantastically funny book – as much of an entertainment as the Kingsley Amis letters.
Купить книгу A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages, автора Andrew  Higgins
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A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages
First ever critical study of Tolkien’s little-known essay, which reveals how language invention shaped the creation of Middle-earth and beyond, to George R R Martin’s Game of Thrones.J.R.R. Tolkien’s linguistic invention was a fundamental part of his artistic output, to the extent that later on in life he attributed the existence of his mythology to the desire to give his languages a home and peoples to speak them. As Tolkien puts it in ‘A Secret Vice’, ‘the making of language and mythology are related functions’’.In the 1930s, Tolkien composed and delivered two lectures, in which he explored these two key elements of his sub-creative methodology. The second of these, the seminal Andrew Lang Lecture for 1938–9, ‘On Fairy-Stories’, which he delivered at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, is well known. But many years before, in 1931, Tolkien gave a talk to a literary society entitled ‘A Hobby for the Home’, where he unveiled for the first time to a listening public the art that he had both himself encountered and been involved with since his earliest childhood: ‘the construction of imaginary languages in full or outline for amusement’.This talk would be edited by Christopher Tolkien for inclusion as ‘A Secret Vice’ in The Monsters and the Critics and Other Essays and serves as the principal exposition of Tolkien’s art of inventing languages. This new critical edition, which includes previously unpublished notes and drafts by Tolkien connected with the essay, including his ‘Essay on Phonetic Symbolism’, goes some way towards re-opening the debate on the importance of linguistic invention in Tolkien’s mythology and the role of imaginary languages in fantasy literature.
Купить книгу Proust Among the Stars: How To Read Him; Why Read Him?, автора Malcolm  Bowie
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Proust Among the Stars: How To Read Him; Why Read Him?
The first book to address everyone who relishes reading Proust and wants to know more about how his writing works.This is a matchless close reading of a literary masterpiece, In Search of Lost Time, and a lesson in how to read the Great Books profitably and pleasurably.‘Read this excellent book’ Stuart Jeffries, Guardian‘Very refreshing… a splendidly tough-minded and generous introduction’ Gabriel Josipovici, Independent‘Brilliant’ Peter Conrad, Observer‘A splendidly thought-filled book’ Eric Griffiths, Evening StandardA book that recalls that Proust’s novel is one of the great exercises in speculative imagining in the world’s literature; and that its originality lies first in the quality of Proust’s textual invention, page after page, line after line. Art, death, sex, politics, loss, guilt, morality – all Proust’s major themes are here in all their glory, but revealed close up.
Купить книгу Defoe on Sheppard and Wild: The True and Genuine Account of the Life and Actions of the Late Jonathan Wild by Daniel Defoe, автора Даниэля Дефо
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Defoe on Sheppard and Wild: The True and Genuine Account of the Life and Actions of the Late Jonathan Wild by Daniel Defoe
Part of the outstanding biographical series – edited by Richard Holmes – that recovers the great classical tradition of English biography. Every book is a biographical masterpiece, still thrilling to read and vividly alive.In this pioneering series, Richard Holmes, the world’s leading Romantic biographer, sets out to recover the great forgotten tradition of English biographical writing. ‘I have had no time for dusty tomes,’ writes Holmes, ‘I have looked for brevity, intelligence and style. Above all, I have sought out great biographical writers: biographers with passion, biographers who have found a way to the heart and soul of a memorable subject.’Jack Sheppard was an 18th-century Houdini – a handsome young escape artist who broke out of his cell on Newgate’s grim Death Row three times. Jonathan Wild was the infamous Thief-Taker General who helped to recapture him and many other criminals, only to be tried and executed himself for racketeering, among scenes of mayhem at Tyburn.Daniel Defoe, the master of adventure fiction, was fascinated by ‘True Confessions’ and the workings of the criminal personality (including its daring, its stoicism and its humour). He was the first to retell these stories, based on personal interviews in Newgate, which also include a thrilling (sometimes hour by hour) reconstruction of events.
Купить книгу The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, автора Christopher  Tolkien
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The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien
A comprehensive collection of letters spanning the adult life (1914-1973) of one of the world’s most famous storytellers.‘It is not possible even at great length to «pot» The Lord of the Rings in a paragraph or two. It was begun in 1936, and every part has been written many times… the labour has been colossal; and it must stand or fall, practically as it is.’J.R.R. Tolkien was one of the most prolific letter writers of this century. Over the years he wrote to his publishers, his family, to friends (including C.S. Lewis, W.H. Auden and Naomi Mitchison) and to fans of his books. The letters present a fascinating and highly detailed portrait of the man in many of his aspects: as storyteller, scholar, Catholic, parent and observer of the world around him. They also shed much light on his creative genius and grand design for the creation of a whole new world – Middle-earth.This collection will appeal not only to the legions of Tolkien fans, but will entertain anyone who appreciates the art of letter-writing, of which Tolkien was a master.‘I am nearly always written to as Tolkein (not by you): I do not know why, since it is pronounced by me always -keen.’
Купить книгу The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 3: Reader’s Guide PART 2, автора
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The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 3: Reader’s Guide PART 2
Volume 2 of the most comprehensive in-depth companion to Tolkien’s life and works ever published. This volume includes a superlative day-by-day chronology of Tolkien’s life, presenting the most detailed biographical record available.The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide is a comprehensive handbook to one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century.One of two volumes comprising this definitive work, the Reader's Guide is an indispensable introduction to J. R. R. Tolkien's life, writings, and art. It includes histories and discussions of his works; analyses of the components of his vast 'Silmarillion' mythology; brief biographies of persons important in his life; accounts of places he knew; essays on topics such as Tolkien's interests and attitudes towards contemporary issues, ideas found in his works, adaptations, and invented languages; and checklists of his published works, his poetry, his pictorial art, and translations of his writings.
Купить книгу The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 2: Reader’s Guide PART 1, автора
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The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 2: Reader’s Guide PART 1
Volume 2 of the most comprehensive in-depth companion to Tolkien’s life and works ever published. This volume includes a superlative day-by-day chronology of Tolkien’s life, presenting the most detailed biographical record available.The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide is a comprehensive handbook to one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century.One of two volumes comprising this definitive work, the Reader's Guide is an indispensable introduction to J. R. R. Tolkien's life, writings, and art. It includes histories and discussions of his works; analyses of the components of his vast 'Silmarillion' mythology; brief biographies of persons important in his life; accounts of places he knew; essays on topics such as Tolkien's interests and attitudes towards contemporary issues, ideas found in his works, adaptations, and invented languages; and checklists of his published works, his poetry, his pictorial art, and translations of his writings.
Купить книгу The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 1: Chronology, автора
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The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 1: Chronology
Volume 1 of the most comprehensive in-depth companion to Tolkien’s life and works ever published, including synopses of all his writings, and a Tolkien gazetteer and who’s who.The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide is a comprehensive handbook to one of the most popular authors of the twentieth century.One of two volumes comprising this definitive work, the Chronology traces J.R.R. Tolkien's progress from his birth in South Africa in 1892, to the battlefields of France and the lecture-halls of Leeds and Oxford, to his success as the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, until his death in 1973.It is the most extensive biographical resource about Tolkien ever published. Thousands of details have been drawn from letters, contemporary documents in libraries and archives, and a wide variety of other published and unpublished sources. Assembled together, they form a revealing portrait of Tolkien in all his aspects: the distinguished scholar of Old and Middle English, the capable teacher and administrator, the devoted husband and father, the brilliant creator of Middle-earth.
Купить книгу Лекции об искусстве, автора Джона Рёскина
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Лекции об искусстве
Джон Рёскин (1819–1900) – английский писатель, художник, поэт, литературный критик, но более всего он известен как теоретик искусства, оказавший огромное влияние на на развитие искусствознания и эстетики второй половины XIX – начала XX века. Рёскин многое сделал для укрепления позиций прерафаэлитов, например, в статье «Прерафаэлитизм», а также сильно повлиял на антибуржуазный пафос движения. Кроме того, он «открыл» для современников Уильяма Тернера, живописца и графика, мастера пейзажной живописи. «Лекции об искусстве» – фундаментальный труд Рескина, который он сам считал самым значительным своим произведением, в котором он изложил новую методологию анализа искусства. Искусство, по мнению Рескина неразрывно связано с моралью, религией, природой и человеческой жизнью в целом.
Купить книгу Уличная философия, автора Михаила Евграфовича Салтыкова-Щедрина
Уличная философия
Статья представляет собой одно из значительных выступлений Салтыкова в защиту революционной молодежи от так называемой «антинигилистической» критики; была отмечена цензурой в годовом обзоре как «предосудительная» и как характеризующая направление «Отечественных записок». Так как изображение «нового человека» – Марка Волохова – в романе Гончарова «Обрыв», по существу, смыкалось с тем представлением о революционерах, которое насаждала «антинигилистичесяая» литература, Салтыков посвятил свою статью преимущественно этой теме. В письме к Некрасову 22 мая 1869 г. Салтыков сообщал, что написал статью «по поводу „Обрыва“, то есть не касаясь собственно романа, а философии Гончарова». Речь в статье идет о трех основных проблемах, решение которых объясняет салтыковскую оценку произведения Гончарова: 1) об отношении творчества писателя к его мировоззрению, 2) об отношении общества к прогрессу, в частности – к развитию передовой философской и естественнонаучной мысли, 3) о роли крупнейших литераторов 40-х годов в современном общественном движении.
Купить книгу Жизнь, как она есть. Записки неизвестного, изданные Л. Брантом…, автора Виссариона Белинского
Жизнь, как она есть. Записки неизвестного, изданные Л. Брантом…
Л. В. Брант – беллетрист и критик конца 1830–1840-х гг., в течение ряда лет фельетонист «Северной пчелы». Одержимый, по выражению Белинского, страстью «сочинять во что бы то ни стало», Брант перепробовал себя во многих родах – в повести, романе, критических статьях и библиографических обзорах и т. д., публикуя книжки и брошюры за свой счет. Все это неизменно вызывало насмешку в журналах самых разных направлений. В рецензии Белинский приводит без каких-либо изменений и сокращений все, что было сказано по этому поводу автором романа, а затем кончает своеобразной пародией на эти его выпады, пародией, заключающей убийственную характеристику самого Бранта.
Купить книгу Зёрна. Публицистические и литературно-критические статьи, автора Елены Дмитриевны Трухан
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Зёрна. Публицистические и литературно-критические статьи
В сборник «Зёрна» вошли публицистические и литературно-критические статьи, посвященные творчеству писателей-современников, Ф. М. Достоевскому, деятелям культуры, а также знаковым событиям и культурным феноменам Кузнецкой Земли.