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Купить книгу Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies, автора Jeff  Strong
Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies
Save studio fees with pro-quality recording at home Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies offers simple explanations on how to record music in a home studio, no matter your style, method, or sound. With expert guidance every step of the way, you'll find the answers to your questions about choosing equipment, recording tracks, editing, mixing, mastering, and more. Updated to reflect the latest home recording technology, this new edition addresses styles from live bands to electronica with easy navigation to the information you need most. Beginners will find straightforward instruction on the fundamentals, while more experienced home recording engineers will appreciate insight to the tricks the pros use. With home recording gear increasingly approaching professional quality, the home studio is no longer the domain of the DIY-or-die. Even professional musicians are saving studio fees by recording at home, and today's plug-and-play technology makes high-quality sound accessible to those with a more amateur level of experience and budget. Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies gives you the information you need to set up your studio and use it like a pro: Choose the right gear for the job, and set up for quality sound Learn the fundamentals of recording, from choosing a mic to working with a mixer Master MIDI, multitrack recording, and audio capture for optimum sourcing Edit, mix, and master your tracks, and add effects to enhance your sound Don't let poor audio quality distract from your music. Find out what tools you need, how to use them, and how to follow the time-tested steps of making a record. You spend valuable time developing your talent, skills, and sound, so take a minute to learn how to make your music shine with the expert advice and easy-to-follow instruction in Home Recording For Musicians For Dummies.
Купить книгу Logic Pro X For Dummies, автора Graham  English
Logic Pro X For Dummies
Crank your sound up to X with Apple's premier recording software and Logic Pro X For Dummies! Apple's Logic Pro X levels the playing field, making high-quality studio recordings accessible for any musician. It's a professional-level tool with a user-friendly interface and loads of new features to keep you more organized so you can focus on creating rather than computing. Record live audio and MIDI tracks and edit faster with the new Mixer. Create your own drum kit, or work with the native virtual session drummer. Add flavor to your sound with new Pedalboard stompboxes, and fine-tune it all with Flex Pitch. You'll let loose with Logic Pro X and let your creativity flow with help from For Dummies. Written by veteran music and audio professional Graham English, Logic Pro X For Dummies jumps right in to using Apple's high-end recording software so you can focus on doing what you do best—making music. From navigating the user interface to working with real and virtual instruments, recording tracks, editing audio, adding plug-ins, and everything in between, you'll learn how to turn your musical inspiration into a fully-engineered and mastered demo. Shows you how to create a project, record live audio and MIDI tracks, import video, and mix songs like a pro Covers editing audio and adding effects and plug-ins to achieve your ideal sound Walks you through the entire audio engineering process from mix-down to mastering and exporting your final cut Includes information on how to use iPad and its touch interface to create amazing sound If you're serious about your sound, Logic Pro X For Dummies is your ultimate guide to achieving the quality you've been dreaming of and turning the volume up on all your musical endeavors.
Купить книгу Piano and Keyboard All-in-One For Dummies, автора Michael  Pilhofer
Piano and Keyboard All-in-One For Dummies
The go-to reference for aspiring pianists and keyboard players Piano & Keyboard All-in-One For Dummies makes it easier and more fun than ever to make music! If you don't know how to read music, this book explains in friendly, uncomplicated language all the basics of music theory, and applies it to playing the piano and keyboard. And if you've been playing for awhile—or took lessons when you were a child but haven't played since—you can pick up some valuable tips to improve your playing, or use the book as a refresher course. This indispensible resource combines the best of For Dummies books, including Piano For Dummies, Keyboard For Dummies, Music Theory For Dummies, and Piano Exercises For Dummies to get you up and running in no time. The handy reference helps you to master the traditional black-and-white keys and gives you an understanding of the possibilities that unfold when those black-and-whites are connected to state-of-the-art music technology. Discover the secrets for becoming a master on the piano and keyboard Improve your skills with a wealth of easy-to-apply piano exercises Tap into your creativity and get the lowdown on composing an original song Find out how to use keyboards anywhere using external speakers, amps, home stereos, computers, and tablets Dive right in! This comprehensive book offers the most complete learning experience for aspiring pianists, keyboard enthusiasts, and students of music.
Купить книгу Guitar Rhythm and Technique For Dummies, автора Desi  Serna
Guitar Rhythm and Technique For Dummies
Improve your guitar-playing rhythm, feel, and timing If you want to improve your timing, sharpen your technique, or get inspired by new ideas, Guitar Rhythm & Technique For Dummies breaks down the basics of reading, counting, strumming, and picking rhythms on guitar to make you an ace on the axe in no time. With the help of this friendly guide, you'll learn to play examples of eighth and sixteenth note rhythms—including common strum patterns heard in popular music—to improve your guitar rhythm, feel, and timing. Plus, access to audio downloads and online video lessons complement the coverage presented in the book, giving you the option of supplementing your reading with additional visual and audio learning. There's no denying that guitar is one of the coolest musical instruments on the planet. Okay, perhaps undeniably the coolest. Whether you bow at the feet of Chuck Berry, Keith Richards, the Edge, or Eddie Van Halen, they all have one thing in common: they make it look incredibly, naturally easy! However, anyone who's actually picked up a guitar knows that mastering rhythm and technique is something that takes a lot of practice—not to mention good coaching. Luckily, Guitar Rhythm & Technique For Dummies makes your aspirations to play guitar like the pros attainable with loads of helpful step-by-step instruction on everything from mastering hammer-ons, pull-offs, and slides to perfecting your picking—and beyond. Covers strum patterns, articulations, picking techniques, and more Showcases musical styles such as pop, rock, blues, folk, and funk Includes techniques for playing with both your right and left hand Provides access to online audio tracks and video instruction so you can master the concepts and techniques presented in the book Whether you're new to guitar or an advanced player looking to improve your musical timing and skills, Guitar Rhythm & Technique For Dummies quickly gets you in the groove before the rhythm gets you.
Купить книгу Guitar Amps and Effects For Dummies, автора Dave  Hunter
Guitar Amps and Effects For Dummies
Learn the secrets to achieving your ultimate sound Whether amateur or pro, guitarists live for the ultimate sound. Guitar Amps & Effects For Dummies provides the information and instruction you need to discover that sound and make it your own! Written in the characteristically easy-to-read Dummies style, this book is ideal for beginners and experienced musicians alike, and can help all players expand their skill set with effects. Guitarists tend to be gearheads when it comes to sound, and this book provides guidance on topics ranging from the guitar itself to amps, pedals, and other sound technology. Amps and effects are the unsung heroes of guitar music. While most people recognize the more psychedelic effects, many don't realize that effects are often responsible for the unique quality of tone that can become a musician's trademark. Certain effects work on the volume or signal level, others work on the environment, and still others work on the bass and treble content. Guitar Amps & Effects For Dummies covers them all, and shows how effects can not only add something extra, but also «fix» problematic areas. Topics include: Gain-based effects, like distortion, compression, volume pedals, and gates Tone-based effects, including graphic and parametric EQ, and the wah-wah pedal Modulation effects, like the flanger, phase shifter, and tremolo Ambience effects, including reverb and delay The journey to incredible guitar music never ends. No matter how experienced you are with a guitar, there is always room for improvement to your tone and sound. Whether you're looking for the sound of angels or thunder, Guitar Amps & Effects For Dummies will help you achieve the music you hear in your dreams.
Купить книгу Секреты музыки, автора
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Секреты музыки
"Вся наша жизнь пронизана звуками, музыкой. Качество музыки является очень важным фактором, от которого напрямую зависит дальнейший ход эволюции, развитие нашей цивилизации. В нашем организме все органы и клетки работают с определенным ритмом, поэтому внешние звуки с определенным ритмом оказывают на нас большое воздействие
Купить книгу Неизвестный Чайковский. Последние годы, автора Сборника
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Неизвестный Чайковский. Последние годы
Настоящее издание – попытка приблизить современников к личности и творчеству гениального русского композитора. Здесь описаны события последних пяти лет жизни П.И. Чайковского (1888–1893), когда им были созданы величайшие произведения – оперы «Иоланта» и «Пиковая дама», музыка к балету «Щелкунчик» и Шестая («Патетическая») симфония, которой он впервые дирижировал сам.
Купить книгу Партитуры тоже не горят, автора Артема Варгафтика
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Партитуры тоже не горят
Артем Варгафтик – известный музыкальный критик, радио- и тележурналист. Его передачи «Оркестровая яма» и «Партитуры не горят» были удостоены национальной телевизионной премии «ТЭФИ». С 2007 года А. Варгафтик сотрудничает с Московской филармонией и другими концертными организациями страны в качестве лектора.
Купить книгу Чайф. Рок-н-ролл – это мы!, автора Дмитрия Карасюка
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Чайф. Рок-н-ролл – это мы!
Группа «Чайф» – признанный лидер отечественного рок-н-ролла. Она собирает стадионы, её альбомы расходятся влёт, её песни постоянно звучат в радиоэфирах. Более чем тридцатилетний путь от школьного ансамбля с самодельными гитарами до вершины музыкального Олимпа подробно, но не скучно, дотошно, но весело описан в новой книге исследователя феномена уральского рока Дмитрия Карасюка.
Купить книгу Piano pianissimo, автора
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Piano pianissimo
Sven Kullerkupp on eesti muusik – klassikaline ja džässpianist, soolo-, stuudio- ja ansamblimuusik, fonogrammitootja, helilooja, arranžeerija, pedagoog ja mida kõike veel. Aga peale selle on Sven ka osav sõnaseadja ja lugude jutustaja. Humoorikad lapsepõlvepildid, elumuutvad kohtumised ja uskumatud seiklused alates sügavast stagnaajast, konservatooriumis õppimisest ja muusikutee käänakutest kuni hullude üheksakümnendateni on kaante vahele saanud nõnda, et raamatut on raske käest panna.
Купить книгу Анна Павлова. Легенда русского балета, автора Елены Литвинской
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Анна Павлова. Легенда русского балета
Анна Павлова прославила русский балет по всему миру, превратившись в легенду еще при жизни. Каждое выступление гениальной Павловой, каждый ее танец рождал в душах зрителей целый мир мыслей и эмоций. Имя Анны Павловой, окруженное ореолом слухов, сплетен и недомолвок, до сих пор обладает огромной притягательной силой. Недолгая жизнь внезапно скончавшейся в 1931 г. в Гааге русской балерины до сих пор будоражит умы и заставляет искать ответы на разные вопросы. Что гнало ее по свету? Что заставляло ее отправляться в бесконечные турне? Выходить на сцену больной, на грани обморока? Вечная неуспокоенность таланта? Предчувствие безвременного конца?
Купить книгу Страсти по Высоцкому, автора Бориса Кудрявова
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Страсти по Высоцкому
Новая книга известного журналиста Бориса Кудрявова – особый взгляд на жизнь и творчество Владимира Высоцкого. Без излишнего пафоса, опираясь на высказывания людей, знавших Владимира Семеновича при жизни, автор в увлекательной форме строит непростую внутреннюю конструкцию книги.