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Купить книгу The Secrets of Happily Married Men. Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever, автора Scott  Haltzman
The Secrets of Happily Married Men. Eight Ways to Win Your Wife's Heart Forever
Praise for The Secrets of Happily Married Men «Manly men rest assured: You can hope to become a better husband without having to get in touch with your feminine side. . . . Lively and entertaining, this broad guidebook provides Haltzman's insights illuminated by anecdotes from his online discussion forum for married men.» —Psychology Today «Haltzman . . . launches his eight strategies with remarkable vigor. More important, they are extraordinarily well fleshed out and convincingly supported with useful 'to do' lists and a multitude of examples. They will no doubt prove helpful to many men struggling to build a happy marriage.» —Publisher's Weekly «Scott Haltzman, a psychiatrist and Brown University professor, has been studying marriages good and bad for a long time. . . . View marriage as your most important task, Haltzman urges men, and pursue success as you would anything else that matters.» —Washington Post «Men are good at fixing problems, not talking about them, so Haltzman advises playing to your strength. The genius of this book is that it . . . asks politically incorrect questions about men and women at home—the neglected front in the gender wars.» —New York Times «The insights in this book reveal a new and effective way for men and women to understand and appreciate each other. It shows what it really takes to create a loving and lasting relationship.» —John Gray, author, Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus Marriage and relationships are in crisis. The breakup and divorce rate remain incredibly high, despite all the couples therapy, afternoon talk shows, and other books in the marketplace, many of which describe men as abusive commitment phobic creeps who'd better change fast or else. But this new book is totally different, a whole different way of looking at how to build a successful long-lasting relationship from a man's point of view, men who are happy in their partnerships, who have figured out what works for them in accomplishing the goal of a loving, intimate, lifetime commitment. Dr. Scott Haltzman, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown University, and founder of www.secretsofmarriedmen.com, has devised a proven method for improving relationships, based on a man's special and unique skills, strengths, powers—as a responsible and motivated worker, manager, leader, problem-solver, partner, husband, and father. Men are different, Dr. Haltzman says. They don't approach relationships with the same skills and techniques that women do—and viva la difference. Dr.Haltzman therefore lays out eight ways, tasks, proven techniques which men have revealed in confidential correspondence to his highly successful website, including The First Way: Make Your Marriage Your Job, The Second Way: Know Your Wife, The Third Way: Be Home Now, The Fourth Way: Expect Conflict and Deal With It, The Fifth Way: Learn to Listen, The Sixth Way: Aim to Please, The Seventh Way: Understand the Truth About Sex, The Eighth Way: Int
Купить книгу Why Talking Is Not Enough. Eight Loving Actions That Will Transform Your Marriage, автора Susan  Page
Why Talking Is Not Enough. Eight Loving Actions That Will Transform Your Marriage
Why Talking Is Not Enough, written by Susan Page, author of the acclaimed bestseller If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? presents a novel relationship strategy based on subtle, powerful changes in your own actions. This method shows you the magic of “Keep your mouth out of it!” Page’s pioneering eight-step program invites you to give up problem solving and move directly to a warmer, more loving and fun relationship, based on universal spiritual principles. In this book you will learn how to transform your relationship into a Spiritual Partnership by adopting these Eight Loving Actions: Adopt a Spirit of Good Will Give Up Problem Solving Act as If Practice Restraint Balance Giving and Taking Act on Your Own Practice Acceptance Practice Compassion
Купить книгу The Secrets of Happy Families. Eight Keys to Building a Lifetime of Connection and Contentment, автора Scott  Haltzman
The Secrets of Happy Families. Eight Keys to Building a Lifetime of Connection and Contentment
Proven ways to create a more loving family Research proves that happy families are good for health, longevity, peace of mind, productivity, and success. In The Secrets of Happy Families, Scott Haltzman offers an original approach to building family contentment that works for families of all ethnicities and make-ups–two-parent, single-parent, blended, childless, or same-sex couple. He provides a «positive psychology» way of solving family problems through strategy and leadership, including knowing and accepting who you are, taking a leadership role in loving and united relationships, building a network of support in extended families and communities, and making quality time for fun, adventures, holidays, and rituals.
Купить книгу Reconnecting. A Self-Coaching Solution to Revive Your Love Life, автора
Reconnecting. A Self-Coaching Solution to Revive Your Love Life
Reconnecting A Self-Coaching Solution to Revive Your Love Life «Reconnecting is an extraordinary book that can end needless relationship struggle and frustration. Dr. Luciani's approach is to empower you to become a catalyst for change and healing. Regardless of the nature of your struggle, if you read this book, you will be in a position to direct the love back into your life and reconnect with the relationship potential that you once knew.» -Joe Franklin, legendary TV and radio personality «An enlightening and hands-on approach to exploring change in relationships. This remarkable book gives us all another opportunity to create better partnerships and benefit from the process. Dr. Luciani facilitates personal change in a clear and concise style.» -Janice Grossman, former publisher of Seventeen and New York magazines What kind of animal are you? Are you a tiger or a turtle? How about a peacock? Maybe a little bit of everything? In Reconnecting, you'll find out how your animal personality and your partner's lie at the center of the conflicts that plague your relationship. These animals represent habits of behavior we use to defend ourselves and hide our insecurities in relationships. Understanding them and breaking the habits that are characteristic of your personality type are key to transforming your relationship from a constant series of struggles into a loving partnership. Dr. Joseph Luciani explains how to put Self-Coaching to work to break these habits and make your relationship better, even if you must begin the process on your own with a reluctant partner. With clear, prescriptive advice and analyses as well as stories of Dr. Luciani's work with couples who successfully overcame bitter conflicts and developed loving committed relationships, this unique and invaluable resource is a powerful tool for anyone working through relationship issues. Read Reconnecting and discover how to start rebuilding your relationship today.
Купить книгу The Great Marriage Tune-Up Book. A Proven Program for Evaluating and Renewing Your Relationship, автора
The Great Marriage Tune-Up Book. A Proven Program for Evaluating and Renewing Your Relationship
From Dr. Jeffry Larson– the author of the best-selling Should We Stay Together? that was featured on the Today Show– comes a must-have book for couples in a long-term relationship. All serious couples reach a point where they feel frustrated, stuck, bored, disillusioned, and misunderstood. But now, drawing on over fifty years of research in marital and family relationships, Dr. Larson provides helpful and easy-to-use quizzes, self-tests, and personal assessments that reveal why you're feeling this way, explain the underlying issues, and provide solutions to specific issues and problems. Throughout this practical book, Dr. Larson highlights strengths and weaknesses, and focuses on goals for improvement.
Купить книгу Психология семьи. Учебное пособие, автора Т. В. Андреевой
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Психология семьи. Учебное пособие
В третьем, переработанном и дополненном, издании известного учебного пособия Т. В. Андреевой (предыдущие издания вышли в 2007, 2010 гг.) рассмотрены различные аспекты семейной жизни: гендер и семейные отношения, половая социализация и подготовка к браку, предбрачный период, выбор супруга и факторы риска при вступлении в брак, проблемы любви и брака, функции, структура и жизненный цикл семьи, удовлетворенность браком и супружеская совместимость, супружеские конфликты, ревность и супружеские измены, проблема разводов и повторных браков, семейная социализация и семейное воспитание, особенности и тенденции современной семьи.
Купить книгу Психология семьи. Учебник для вузов, автора Е. И. Николаевой
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Психология семьи. Учебник для вузов
Новое издание учебника посвящено дисциплине «Психология семьи», которая входит в учебный план подготовки бакалавров по направлениям 050400 «Психолого-педагогическое образование» и 050100 «Педагогическое образование». Указанная дисциплина входит в профессиональный цикл дисциплин как вариативная часть. Учебник соответствует Государственному стандарту третьего поколения. Содержание книги выстраивается с ориентировкой на компетенции ОПК-6 и ПКПП-3. Отличительной особенностью учебника является то, что моменты, рассматриваемые сейчас как кризисные, интерпретируются в нем с точки зрения развития в определенном обществе. Большое внимание уделяется семьям, о которых мало информации, в том числе семьям неполным, с больным ребенком и т. д. Для преподавателей и студентов психологических, социологических и педагогических факультетов, изучающих психологию семьи.
Купить книгу #Как не стать лягушкой в кипятке, или Искусство быть счастливой, автора
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#Как не стать лягушкой в кипятке, или Искусство быть счастливой
Как встретить любовь? Как не спугнуть зарождающееся чувство неверным шагом, неправильным словом? Как вести себя в сложных ситуациях? Как отличить настоящую любовь от подделки? Как принять другого человека со всеми его недостатками и особенностями?
Купить книгу Блондинка в Южных Штатах, автора Марины Литвиновой
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Блондинка в Южных Штатах
Русские, почему вы обходите стороной Южные Штаты? Независимые женщины, вы хотите найти новые пути для самореализации? Вероятно, эта книга поможет кому-то решиться и изменить свою жизнь, кому-то – проложить новый туристический маршрут, а кому-то просто развлечься.
Купить книгу This I Believe. On Motherhood, автора
This I Believe. On Motherhood
Compelling stories of motherhood from the producers of the popular public radio show This touching, thought-provoking book includes pieces on motherhood in its many manifestations written by more than sixty remarkable men and women from ordinary life, whose reflections and sentiments will resonate with readers far and wide. Among the contributors are young, middle-aged and elderly mothers (and stepmothers), as well as sons and daughters of all ages and from many different backgrounds. By turns funny and profound, this book is always engaging. Includes stories that are reverential and loving, as well as stories that are sad and clouded by yearning, loss, and regret Offers a compelling portrait of the diverse range of beliefs and experiences related to what is the most powerful and complex of human relationships Describes universal experiences that everyone can relate to, no matter your age, gender, or parenting status Written as a keepsake book that can be thoughtful gift for someone special in your life, This I Believe: On Motherhood feels like flipping through a family photo album, each page offering another richly detailed snapshot of daily life from the delivery room to the deathbed.
Купить книгу This I Believe. On Love, автора
This I Believe. On Love
Inspiring essays on love shared by men, women, and young people from all walks of life In the 1950's, Edward R. Murrow's radio program, This I Believe, gave voice to the feelings and treasured beliefs of Americans around the country. Fifty years later, the popular update of the series, which now continues on Bob Edwards Weekend on public radio, explores the beliefs that people hold dear today. This book brings together essays on love from ordinary people far and wide whose sentiments and stories will surprise, inspire, and move you. Includes extraordinary essays written by «ordinary» Americans on love in its many manifestations-from romantic love and love of family to love of place and love of animals Paints a compelling portrait of the diverse range of beliefs and experiences related to what is perhaps the most powerful and complex of human emotions-love Based on the popular This I Believe radio series and thisibelieve.org Web site By turns funny and profound, yet always engaging, This I Believe: On Love is a perfect gift to give or to keep.
Купить книгу This I Believe. On Fatherhood, автора
This I Believe. On Fatherhood
Compelling stories of fatherhood from the popular NPR radio show From the popular radio series This I Believe comes this touching and thought-provoking compilation of original essays on one of the most fundamental of human relationships-fatherhood. It is a relationship filled with joy and heartbreak, love and anger, lessons learned, and opportunities missed. The stories in this collection are engaging and meaningful. Some are reverential and loving; some are sad and clouded by yearning, loss, and regret: You'll read reflections from expectant and new dads, full of optimism, as well as from longtime parents who, through the distance of time, are able to reflect on their successes and failures as fathers. We also hear from children (some young and some well into adulthood) writing about their fathers. They honestly and openly introduce us to the men who shaped them, sometimes in surprising ways. They talk about the fathers they want to emulate, the mistakes they hope to avoid repeating, and the wisdom they realized they've gained. This I Believe: On Fatherhood offers a compelling portrait of the diverse range of experiences and beliefs related to the father-child relationship. With personal insights and inspiration, this collection makes a wonderful gift for long-time fathers, new fathers, and fathers-to-be.