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Купить книгу Computer Architecture and Security. Fundamentals of Designing Secure Computer Systems, автора
Computer Architecture and Security. Fundamentals of Designing Secure Computer Systems
The first book to introduce computer architecture for security and provide the tools to implement secure computer systems This book provides the fundamentals of computer architecture for security. It covers a wide range of computer hardware, system software and data concepts from a security perspective. It is essential for computer science and security professionals to understand both hardware and software security solutions to survive in the workplace. Examination of memory, CPU architecture and system implementation Discussion of computer buses and a dual-port bus interface Examples cover a board spectrum of hardware and software systems Design and implementation of a patent-pending secure computer system Includes the latest patent-pending technologies in architecture security Placement of computers in a security fulfilled network environment Co-authored by the inventor of the modern Computed Tomography (CT) scanner Provides website for lecture notes, security tools and latest updates
Купить книгу Discovering Requirements. How to Specify Products and Services, автора
Discovering Requirements. How to Specify Products and Services
This book is not only of practical value. It's also a lot of fun to read. Michael Jackson, The Open University. Do you need to know how to create good requirements? Discovering Requirements offers a set of simple, robust, and effective cognitive tools for building requirements. Using worked examples throughout the text, it shows you how to develop an understanding of any problem, leading to questions such as: What are you trying to achieve? Who is involved, and how? What do those people want? Do they agree? How do you envisage this working? What could go wrong? Why are you making these decisions? What are you assuming? The established author team of Ian Alexander and Ljerka Beus-Dukic answer these and related questions, using a set of complementary techniques, including stakeholder analysis, goal modelling, context modelling, storytelling and scenario modelling, identifying risks and threats, describing rationales, defining terms in a project dictionary, and prioritizing. This easy to read guide is full of carefully-checked tips and tricks. Illustrated with worked examples, checklists, summaries, keywords and exercises, this book will encourage you to move closer to the real problems you're trying to solve. Guest boxes from other experts give you additional hints for your projects. Invaluable for anyone specifying requirements including IT practitioners, engineers, developers, business analysts, test engineers, configuration managers, quality engineers and project managers. A practical sourcebook for lecturers as well as students studying software engineering who want to learn about requirements work in industry. Once you've read this book you will be ready to create good requirements!
Купить книгу Lean Architecture. for Agile Software Development, автора
Lean Architecture. for Agile Software Development
More and more Agile projects are seeking architectural roots as they struggle with complexity and scale – and they're seeking lightweight ways to do it Still seeking? In this book the authors help you to find your own path Taking cues from Lean development, they can help steer your project toward practices with longstanding track records Up-front architecture? Sure. You can deliver an architecture as code that compiles and that concretely guides development without bogging it down in a mass of documents and guesses about the implementation Documentation? Even a whiteboard diagram, or a CRC card, is documentation: the goal isn't to avoid documentation, but to document just the right things in just the right amount Process? This all works within the frameworks of Scrum, XP, and other Agile approaches
Купить книгу Harnessing Green IT. Principles and Practices, автора
Harnessing Green IT. Principles and Practices
“Ultimately, this is a remarkable book, a practical testimonial, and a comprehensive bibliography rolled into one. It is a single, bright sword cut across the various murky green IT topics. And if my mistakes and lessons learned through the green IT journey are any indication, this book will be used every day by folks interested in greening IT.” – Simon Y. Liu, Ph.D. & Ed.D., Editor-in-Chief, IT Professional Magazine, IEEE Computer Society, Director, U.S. National Agricultural Library This book presents a holistic perspective on Green IT by discussing its various facets and showing how to strategically embrace it Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices examines various ways of making computing and information systems greener – environmentally sustainable -, as well as several means of using Information Technology (IT) as a tool and an enabler to improve the environmental sustainability. The book focuses on both greening of IT and greening by IT – complimentary approaches to attaining environmental sustainability. In a single volume, it comprehensively covers several key aspects of Green IT – green technologies, design, standards, maturity models, strategies and adoption -, and presents a clear approach to greening IT encompassing green use, green disposal, green design, and green manufacturing. It also illustrates how to strategically apply green IT in practice in several areas. Key Features: Presents a comprehensive coverage of key topics of importance and practical relevance – green technologies, design, standards, maturity models, strategies and adoption Highlights several useful approaches to embracing green IT in several areas Features chapters written by accomplished experts from industry and academia who have first-hand knowledge and expertise in specific areas of green IT Presents a set of review and discussion questions for each chapter that will help the readers to examine and explore the green IT domain further Includes a companion website providing resources for further information and presentation slides This book will be an invaluable resource for IT Professionals, academics, students, researchers, project leaders/managers, IT business executives, CIOs, CTOs and anyone interested in Green IT and harnessing it to enhance our environment.
Купить книгу Computer System Design. System-on-Chip, автора
Computer System Design. System-on-Chip
The next generation of computer system designers will be less concerned about details of processors and memories, and more concerned about the elements of a system tailored to particular applications. These designers will have a fundamental knowledge of processors and other elements in the system, but the success of their design will depend on the skills in making system-level tradeoffs that optimize the cost, performance and other attributes to meet application requirements. This book provides a new treatment of computer system design, particularly for System-on-Chip (SOC), which addresses the issues mentioned above. It begins with a global introduction, from the high-level view to the lowest common denominator (the chip itself), then moves on to the three main building blocks of an SOC (processor, memory, and interconnect). Next is an overview of what makes SOC unique (its customization ability and the applications that drive it). The final chapter presents future challenges for system design and SOC possibilities.
Купить книгу The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice, автора
The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice
This book provides a comprehensive examination of the use of MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, and MPEG-A standards, providing a detailed reference to their application. In this book, the authors address five leading MPEG standards: MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, and MPEG-A, focusing not only on the standards themselves, but specifically upon their application (e.g. for broadcasting media, personalised advertising and news, multimedia collaboration, digital rights management, resource adaptation, digital home systems, and so on); including MPEG cross-breed applications. In the evolving digital multimedia landscape, this book provides comprehensive coverage of the key MPEG standards used for generation and storage, distribution and dissemination, and delivery of multimedia data to various platforms within a wide variety of application domains. It considers how these MPEG standards may be used, the context of their use, and how supporting and complementary technologies and the standards interact and add value to each other. Key Features: Integrates the application of five popular MPEG standards (MPEG-2, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, and MPEG-A) into one single volume, including MPEG cross-breed applications Up-to-date coverage of the field based on the latest versions of the five MPEG standards Opening chapter provides overviews of each of the five MPEG standards Contributions from leading MPEG experts worldwide Includes an accompanying website with supporting material (www.wiley.com/go/angelides_mpeg) This book provides an invaluable reference for researchers, practitioners, CTOs, design engineers, and developers. Postgraduate students taking MSc, MRes, MPhil and PhD courses in computer science and engineering, IT consultants, and system developers in the telecoms, broadcasting and publishing sectors will also find this book of interest.
Купить книгу Distributed Database Management Systems. A Practical Approach, автора
Distributed Database Management Systems. A Practical Approach
This book addresses issues related to managing data across a distributed database system. It is unique because it covers traditional database theory and current research, explaining the difficulties in providing a unified user interface and global data dictionary. The book gives implementers guidance on hiding discrepancies across systems and creating the illusion of a single repository for users. It also includes three sample frameworks—implemented using J2SE with JMS, J2EE, and Microsoft .Net—that readers can use to learn how to implement a distributed database management system. IT and development groups and computer sciences/software engineering graduates will find this guide invaluable.
Купить книгу Микросервисы на платформе .NET (pdf+epub), автора Кристиана Хорсдала
Микросервисы на платформе .NET (pdf+epub)
Создание микросервисов – удобная и надежная парадигма для программирования легких отказоустойчивых приложений. В этой книге подробно и интересно рассмотрены тонкости построения микросервисов на платформе .NET с применением таких популярных технологий, как Nancy и OWIN. Книга учитывает тонкости работы на платформе .NET Core и будет интересна всем, кому требуется эффективно и быстро решать нетривиальные задачи при работе с растущими системами.
Купить книгу Психбольница в руках пациентов. Алан Купер об интерфейсах, автора Алана Купера
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Психбольница в руках пациентов. Алан Купер об интерфейсах
Все мы – безумцы, живущие в технологическом сумасшедшем доме, и создали этот безумный мир мы сами. Своими руками сотворили этот кошмар: интерфейсы, которые нас раздражают и утомляют глаза, устройства, которые приводят к болям в спине и в запястьях. Эта книга стала манифестом и до сих пор не потеряла актуальность. Дверь на свободу распахнута. Почему же мы не замечаем выхода? Об этом и рассказывает Алан Купер, объясняя разницу между интерфейсом и взаимодействием.
Купить книгу Java. Объектно-ориентированное программирование, автора Алексея Васильева
Java. Объектно-ориентированное программирование
Учебное пособие предназначено для изучающих объектно-ориентированное программирование в вузе, а также для всех желающих самостоятельно изучить язык программирования Java. Книга охватывает все базовые темы, необходимые для эффективного составления программ на Java, в том числе базовые типы данных, управляющие инструкции, особенности описания классов и объектов в Java, создание пакетов и интерфейсов, перегрузку методов и наследование. Особое внимание уделяется созданию приложений с графическим интерфейсом.
Купить книгу Quantum Networking, автора
Quantum Networking
Quantum networks build on entanglement and quantum measurement to achieve tasks that are beyond the reach of classical systems. Using quantum effects, we can detect the presence of eavesdroppers, raise the sensitivity of scientific instruments such as telescopes, or teleport quantum data from one location to another. Long-distance entanglement can be used to execute important tasks such as Byzantine agreement and leader election in fewer rounds of communication than classical systems, improving the efficiency of operations that are critical in distributed systems.
Купить книгу CSS3 Foundations, автора Ian  Lunn
CSS3 Foundations
Master innovative and eye-catching website design with the exciting new Treehouse Series of books Turn plain words and images into stunning websites with CSS3 and this beautiful, full-color guide. Taking web designers beyond the constraints of prebuilt themes and simple site-building tools, this new Treehouse book combines practicality with inspiration to show you how to create fully customized, modern websites that make viewers stop and stay. The exciting new Treehouse Series of books is authored by Treehouse experts and packed with innovative design ideas and practical skill-building. If you're a web developer, web designer, hobbyist, or career-changer, every book in this practical new series should be on your bookshelf. Part of the new Treehouse Series of books, teaching you effective and compelling website development and design, helping you build practical skills Provides career-worthy information from Treehouse industry pros and trainers Explains the basics of cascading style sheets (CSS), such as how to structure with CSS, use CSS syntax, how to manipulate text, and visual formatting Also covers the box model, how to animate page elements, cross-browser compatibility, and more Leverage pages of dazzling website design ideas and expert instruction with a new Treehouse Series book.