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Купить книгу Машинное обучение и TensorFlow, автора Нишанта Шаклы
Машинное обучение и TensorFlow
Знакомство с машинным обучением и библиотекой TensorFlow похоже на первые уроки в автошколе, когда вы мучаетесь с параллельной парковкой, пытаетесь переключить передачу в нужный момент и не перепутать зеркала, лихорадочно вспоминая последовательность действий, в то время как ваша нога нервно подрагивает на педали газа. Это сложное, но необходимое упражнение. Так и в машинном обучении: прежде чем использовать современные системы распознавания лиц или алгоритмы прогнозирования на фондовом рынке, вам придется разобраться с соответствующим инструментарием и набором инструкций, чтобы затем без проблем создавать собственные системы.
Купить книгу Criptomonedas, автора Jordan  Smith
Электр. книга
Muchas oportunidades de inversión han aparecido y desaparecido. Ahora es el momento de las criptomonedas, así que no pierda el tren. Las criptomonedas son la mayor redistribución de la riqueza de la historia, que apenas comienza a llamar la atención. La gente todavía está confundida sobre lo que es la cadena de bloqueo, y muy pocos entienden el potencial que tiene. ¿No es este el momento perfecto para aprender más sobre el tema? Si usted tropezó con este libro, entonces usted debe tener un interés en criptomoneda. Tal vez, sin embargo, el tema no está muy claro para usted. Este libro le informará sobre esta nueva forma de oro digital. Si está considerando invertir o si sólo desea obtener información sobre criptomoneda, este libro es para usted. En este libro, primero le familiarizaremos con los conceptos de criptomoneda, le explicaremos los diversos beneficios y riesgos que conlleva y le daremos los consejos que debe seguir al invertir en criptomonedas.
Купить книгу Прагматичный ИИ. Машинное обучение и облачные технологии, автора Ноа Гифт
Прагматичный ИИ. Машинное обучение и облачные технологии
Искусственный интеллект – это мощный инструмент в руках современного архитектора, разработчика и аналитика.
Купить книгу React в действии, автора Марка Тиленса Томаса
React в действии
Книга «React в действии» знакомит фронтенд-разработчиков с фреймворком React и смежными инструментами. Сначала вы познакомитесь с библиотекой React, затем освежите материал о некоторых фундаментальных идеях в данном контексте и узнаете о работе с компонентами. Вы на практике освоите чистый React (без транспиляции, без синтаксических помощников), перейдете от простейших статических компонентов к динамическим и интерактивным.
Купить книгу Unity в действии. Мультиплатформенная разработка на C#, автора Джозефа Хокинга
Unity в действии. Мультиплатформенная разработка на C#
Второе издание знаменитого бестселлера «Unity в действии» было полностью переработано, чтобы познакомить вас с новыми подходами и идеями, позволяющими максимально эффективно использовать Unity для разработки игр. Больше внимания уделено проектированию двумерных игр, фундаментальные концепции которых читатель может применить на практике и построить сложный двумерный платформер. Эту книгу можно смело назвать введением в Unity для профессиональных программистов. Джозеф Хокинг дает людям, имеющим опыт разработки, всю необходимую информацию, которая поможет быстро освоить новый инструмент и приступить к созданию новых игр. А учиться лучше всего на конкретных проектах и практических заданиях.
Купить книгу Functional Programming For Dummies, автора
Functional Programming For Dummies
Your guide to the functional programming paradigm Functional programming mainly sees use in math computations, including those used in Artificial Intelligence and gaming. This programming paradigm makes algorithms used for math calculations easier to understand and provides a concise method of coding algorithms by people who aren't developers. Current books on the market have a significant learning curve because they're written for developers, by developers—until now. Functional Programming for Dummies explores the differences between the pure (as represented by the Haskell language) and impure (as represented by the Python language) approaches to functional programming for readers just like you. The pure approach is best suited to researchers who have no desire to create production code but do need to test algorithms fully and demonstrate their usefulness to peers. The impure approach is best suited to production environments because it's possible to mix coding paradigms in a single application to produce a result more quickly. Functional Programming For Dummies uses this two-pronged approach to give you an all-in-one approach to a coding methodology that can otherwise be hard to grasp. Learn pure and impure when it comes to coding Dive into the processes that most functional programmers use to derive, analyze and prove the worth of algorithms Benefit from examples that are provided in both Python and Haskell Glean the expertise of an expert author who has written some of the market-leading programming books to date If you’re ready to massage data to understand how things work in new ways, you’ve come to the right place!
Купить книгу Enterprise Interoperability: Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability, автора Guy  Doumeingts
Enterprise Interoperability: Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability
The ability of future industry to create interactive, flexible and always-on connections between design, manufacturing and supply is an ongoing challenge, affecting competitiveness, efficiency and resourcing. The goal of enterprise interoperability (EI) research is therefore to address the effectiveness of solutions that will successfully prepare organizations for the advent and uptake of new technologies. This volume outlines results and practical concepts from recent and ongoing European research studies in EI, and examines the results of research and discussions cultivated at the I-ESA 2018 conference, “Smart services and business impact of enterprise interoperability”. The conference, designed to encourage collaboration between academic inquiry and real-world industry applications, addressed a number of advanced multidisciplinary topics including Industry 4.0, Big Data, the Internet of Things, Cloud computing, ontology, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and enterprise modelling for future “smart” manufacturing. Readers will find this book to be a source of invaluable knowledge for enterprise architects in a range of industries and organizations.
Купить книгу Twitch For Dummies, автора Tee  Morris
Twitch For Dummies
The first full resource to offer advice on tapping into Twitch Twitch got its start as a live-streaming platform mostly populated by gamers and their fans. It's quickly grown to host streaming events of all kinds—concerts, conferences, production events like podcast recording sessions, and even pro sports. Twitch For Dummies helps initiate those new to streaming with advice on how to launch and build a Twitch channel. Podcasting For Dummies author Tee Morris guides readers through the basics of starting a channel, streaming games or live events, growing and interacting with an audience, and how to overcome common tech glitches. • Build a streaming studio • Create your Twitch profile • Find successful streaming strategies • Interact with your audience This guide offers friendly, reliable advice for broadcasters, marketers, and video fans on how to tap into the most popular online live-streaming service.
Купить книгу JavaScript and Open Data, автора Robert  Jeansoulin
JavaScript and Open Data
Купить книгу Word 2019 For Dummies, автора Dan  Gookin
Word 2019 For Dummies
The bestselling beginner’s guide to Microsoft Word Whether you've used older versions of this popular program or have never processed a single word, this hands-on guide gets you going with the latest version of Microsoft Word. In no time, you'll begin editing, formatting, proofing, and dressing up your Word documents like a pro. In this leading book about the world’s number one word processing application, Dan Gookin talks about using Microsoft Word in friendly, easy-to-follow terms. Focusing on the needs of the beginning Word user, it provides everything you need to know about Word—without any painful jargon. Covers the new and improved features found in the latest version of Word Create your own templates Explains why you can’t always trust the spell checker Offers little-known keyboard shortcuts If you’re new to Word and want to spend more time on your actual work rather than figuring out how to make it work for you, this new edition of Word X For Dummies has you covered.
Купить книгу Mastering SolidWorks, автора Matt  Lombard
Mastering SolidWorks
The complete SolidWorks reference-tutorial for beginner to advanced techniques Mastering SolidWorks is the reference-tutorial for all users. Packed with step-by-step instructions, video tutorials for over 40 chapters, and coverage of little-known techniques, this book takes you from novice to power user with clear instruction that goes beyond the basics. Fundamental techniques are detailed with real-world examples for hands-on learning, and the companion website provides tutorial files for all exercises. Even veteran users will find value in new techniques that make familiar tasks faster, easier, and more organized, including advanced file management tools that simplify and streamline pre-flight checks. SolidWorks is the leading 3D CAD program, and is an essential tool for engineers, mechanical designers, industrial designers, and drafters around the world. User friendly features such as drag-and-drop, point-and-click, and cut-and-paste tools belie the software’s powerful capabilities that can help you create cleaner, more precise, more polished designs in a fraction of the time. This book is the comprehensive reference every SolidWorks user needs, with tutorials, background, and more for beginner to advanced techniques. Get a grasp on fundamental SolidWorks 2D and 3D tasks using realistic examples with text-based tutorials Delve into advanced functionality and capabilities not commonly covered by how-to guides Incorporate improved search, Pack-and-Go and other file management tools into your workflow Adopt best practices and exclusive techniques you won’t find anywhere else Work through this book beginning-to-end as a complete SolidWorks course, or dip in as needed to learn new techniques and time-saving tricks on-demand. Organized for efficiency and designed for practicality, these tips will remain useful at any stage of expertise. With exclusive coverage and informative detail, Mastering SolidWorks is the tutorial-reference for users at every level of expertise.
Купить книгу Deterministic Network Calculus. From Theory to Practical Implementation, автора
Deterministic Network Calculus. From Theory to Practical Implementation
Deterministic network calculus is a theory based on the (min,plus) algebra. Its aim is to compute worst-case performance bounds in communication networks. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive view of this theory and its recent advances, from its theoretical foundations to its implementations. The book is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the (min,plus) framework and its algorithmic aspects. The second part defines the network calculus model and analyzes one server in isolation. Different service and scheduling policies are discussed, particularly when data is packetized. The third part is about network analyses. Pay burst only once and pay multiplexing only once phenomena are exhibited, and different analyses are proposed and compared. This includes the linear programming approaches that compute tight performance bounds. Finally, some partial results on the stability are detailed.