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Купить книгу Русь и Рим. Христос, автора Глеба Носовского
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Русь и Рим. Христос
Настоящее издание является новым и не основано на прежних изданиях «Руси и Рима». Оно выходит в свет по просьбе читателей, которые хотят видеть простое и, в то же время, достаточно полное изложение всеобщей истории с точки зрения Новой хронологии. Авторы решили пойти навстречу этим пожеланиям. Все доказательства, ссылки и научные подробности в настоящем издании опущены, и речь пойдет лишь о том, как выглядит наше прошлое сквозь призму Новой хронологии.
Купить книгу Резиденс в Москве, автора Антонио Менегетти
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Резиденс в Москве
«…Работа «Резиденс в Москве» написана по итогам семинара-резиденса, состоявшегося в российской столице в 1993 году и ориентированного непосредственно на психологов, психотерапевтов и специалистов в области медицины и образования в целом.
Купить книгу Менеджмент спортивных и физкультурно-оздоровительных организаций, автора Татьяны Коновой
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Менеджмент спортивных и физкультурно-оздоровительных организаций
Книга Татьяны Коновой «Менеджмент спортивных и физкультурно-оздоровительных организаций» будет полезна как начинающим руководителям, так и уже опытным управленцам организаций физической культуры и спорта. Данная книга раскрывает особенности управления спортивными и физкультурно-оздоровительными организациями.
Купить книгу Лучшие советские головоломки и задачи, автора
Лучшие советские головоломки и задачи
Эта книга заинтересует тех, кто ценит советские традиции интеллектуальных развлечений. На ее страницах представлены лучшие, прошедшие проверку временем головоломки и задачи, регулярно печатавшиеся в научных журналах Советского Союза. Опираясь на навыки, полученные при их решении, выросла интеллектуальная элита страны, заслуги которой перед наукой вызывают восхищение и сегодня. Во время разгадок подобных, на первый взгляд незатейливых задач развиваются навыки нестандартно мыслить, логически обосновывать найденное решение. А еще они тренируют умение прислушиваться к интуиции, ведь любая из этих, кажущихся порой сверхсложными головоломок может оказаться остроумным вопросом на сообразительность. Это издание доставит немало удовольствия ценителям полезного досуга.
Купить книгу Статистика в комиксах, автора
Статистика в комиксах
Демографическая статистика против математической, вероятности, выборки, популяции, «жизненная статистика» Уильяма Фарра и математическая Карла Пирсона… – в этом комиксе обзор истории, философии, основные концепции и то, как они связаны с реальными проблемами. Решения, основанные на статистике, принимаются каждый день и влияют на нашу повседневную жизнь. От тестов на профпригодность, которые дают нам работодатели, одежды, которую мы носим, до еды, которую мы едим, и даже пива, которое мы пьем. Знание основ статистики может даже спасти или продлить жизни!
Купить книгу Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice, автора Mark  Hoddle
Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice
Invasive species have a critical and growing effect upon natural areas. They can modify, degrade, or destroy wildland ecosystem structure and function, and reduce native biodiversity. Landscape-level solutions are needed to address these problems. Conservation biologists seek to limit such damage and restore ecosystems using a variety of approaches. One such approach is biological control: the deliberate importation and establishment of specialized natural enemies, which can address invasive species problems and which should be considered as a possible component of restoration. Biological control can be an effective tool against many invasive insects and plants but it has rarely been successfully employed against other groups. Safety is of paramount concern and requires that the natural enemies used be specialized and that targeted pests be drivers of ecological degradation. While modern approaches allow species to be selected with a high level of security, some risks do remain. However, as in all species introductions, these should be viewed in the context of the risk of failing to reduce the impact of the invasive species. This unique book identifies the balance among these factors to show how biological control can be integrated into ecosystem restoration as practiced by conservation biologists. Jointly developed by conservation biologists and biological control scientists, it contains chapters on matching tools to management goals; tools in action; measuring and evaluating ecological outcomes of biological control introductions; managing conflict over biological control; and includes case studies as well as an ethical framework for integrating biological control and conservation practice. Integrating Biological Control into Conservation Practice is suitable for graduate courses in invasive species management and biological control, as well as for research scientists in government and non-profit conservation organizations.
Купить книгу Molekularbiologie der Zelle, автора Julian  Lewis
Molekularbiologie der Zelle
"Molekularbiologie der Zelle" ist das führende Lehrbuch der Zellbiologie, international ebenso wie im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Studierende in den Fächern Molekularbiologie, Genetik, Zellbiologie, Biochemie und Biotechnologie begleitet dieses Buch durch das gesamte Studium, die Prüfungen und darüber hinaus. Mit erstklassiger und bewährter Didaktik führt die sechste Auflage sowohl in die grundlegenden Konzepte der Zellbiologie als auch in deren faszinierende Anwendungen in Medizin, Gentechnik und Biotechnologie ein. Sie vermittelt neue Erkenntnisse zu intrazellulärer Organisation, Membranstruktur, Dynamik und Transport und stellt hochaktuelle Themen verständlich dar, wie Nuclear Reprogramming und neu entdeckte Funktionen der RNA. Der unverwechselbare, zum Lesen verführende «Alberts»-Stil wird ergänzt durch über 1400 Farbabbildungen und 21 große Tafeln, die komplexe Vorgänge, klassische Experimente und aktuelle Methoden verdeutlichen. Vertieft wird der Stoff durch das frei zugängliche Zusatzmaterial auf www.wiley-vch.de/home/MolBioZelle6. Kostenloses Bonusmaterial für Dozenten ist erhältlich auf www.wiley-vch.de/textbooks.
Купить книгу Geochronology and Thermochronology, автора
Geochronology and Thermochronology
This book is a welcome introduction and reference for users and innovators in geochronology. It provides modern perspectives on the current state-of-the art in most of the principal areas of geochronology and thermochronology, while recognizing that they are changing at a fast pace. It emphasizes fundamentals and systematics, historical perspective, analytical methods, data interpretation, and some applications chosen from the literature. This book complements existing coverage by expanding on those parts of isotope geochemistry that are concerned with dates and rates and insights into Earth and planetary science that come from temporal perspectives. Geochronology and Thermochronology offers chapters covering: Foundations of Radioisotopic Dating; Analytical Methods; Interpretational Approaches: Making Sense of Data; Diffusion and Thermochronologic Interpretations; Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf; Re-Os and Pt-Os; U-Th-Pb Geochronology and Thermochronology; The K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar Systems; Radiation-damage Methods of Geo- and Thermochronology; The (U-Th)/He System; Uranium-series Geochronology; Cosmogenic Nuclides; and Extinct Radionuclide Chronology. Offers a foundation for understanding each of the methods and for illuminating directions that will be important in the near future Presents the fundamentals, perspectives, and opportunities in modern geochronology in a way that inspires further innovation, creative technique development, and applications Provides references to rapidly evolving topics that will enable readers to pursue future developments Geochronology and Thermochronology is designed for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students with a solid background in mathematics, geochemistry, and geology.
Купить книгу Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change, автора
Crop Wild Relatives and Climate Change
Two major challenges to continued global food security are the ever increasing demand for food products, and the unprecedented abiotic stresses that crops face due to climate change.Wild relatives of domesticated crops serve as a reservoir of genetic material, with the potential to be used to develop new, improved varieties of crops. Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change integrates crop evolution, breeding technologies and biotechnologies, improved practices and sustainable approaches while exploring the role wild relatives could play in increasing agricultural output. Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change begins with overviews of the impacts of climate change on growing environments and the challenges that agricultural production face in coming years and decades. Chapters then explore crop evolution and the potential for crop wild relatives to contribute novel genetic resources to the breeding of more resilient and productive crops. Breeding technologies and biotechnological advances that are being used to incorporate key genetic traits of wild relatives into crop varieties are also covered. There is also a valuable discussion on the importance of conserving genetic resources to ensure continued successful crop production. A timely resource, Crop Wild Relative and Climate Change will be an invaluable resource for the crop science community for years to come.
Купить книгу Biomedical Devices. Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing, автора
Biomedical Devices. Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing
Biomedical Devices: Design, Prototyping, and Manufacturing features fundamental discussions of all facets of materials processing and manufacturing processes across a wide range of medical devices and artificial tissues. Represents the first compilation of information on the design, prototyping, and manufacture of medical devices into one volume Offers in-depth coverage of medical devices, beginning with an introductory overview through to the design, manufacture, and applications Features examples of a variety of medical applications of devices, including biopsy micro forceps, micro-needle arrays, wrist implants, spinal spacers, and fixtures Provides students, doctors, scientists, and technicians interested in the development and applications of medical devices the ideal reference source
Купить книгу Australian Freshwater Ecology. Processes and Management, автора Andrew  Boulton
Australian Freshwater Ecology. Processes and Management
As pressures on Australia’s inland waters intensify from population growth, expanding resource development and climate change, there is an urgent need to manage and protect these special areas. Understanding their ecology underpins their wise management and conservation. Australian Freshwater Ecology vividly describes the physical, chemical and biological features of wetlands, lakes, streams, rivers and groundwaters in Australia. It presents the principles of aquatic ecology linked to practical management and conservation, and explains the causes, mechanisms, effects and management of serious environmental problems such as altered water regimes, eutrophication, salinization, acidification and sedimentation of inland waters. Key features: contributions from a diverse, highly qualified team of aquatic ecologists whose expertise spans the ecology and management of standing and running waters in Australia sections covering groundwaters, biodiversity, temporary and tropical waters, climate change, invasive species and freshwater conservation numerous Australian case-studies and guest ‘text-boxes’ showing management in practice concise descriptions of ecological processes and conceptual models illustrated with original, high- quality diagrams and photographs Readable and logically structured, this text supports undergraduate and postgraduate courses in aquatic ecology and management. It is a valuable reference for consultants, restoration ecologists, water resource managers, science teachers, and other professionals with an interest in the ecology of surface and groundwaters.
Купить книгу Other Geographies. The Influences of Michael Watts, автора Susanne  Freidberg
Other Geographies. The Influences of Michael Watts
An international group of distinguished scholars pay homage to and build on the work of one of the most influential thinkers of our time, Michael Watts. Shows how Michael Watts’ research, writings, teaching and mentoring have relentlessly pushed boundaries, transforming his chosen field of geography and beyond Spans an array of topics including the political economy and ecology of African societies, governmentality and territoriality in various Southern contexts, food security, cultural materialist expositions of capitalism, modernity and development across the postcolonial world Builds on his legacy, exploring its theoretical, analytical, and empirical implications and proposing exciting new possibilities for further exploration in the tracks of Watts