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Купить книгу Material Forming Processes. Simulation, Drawing, Hydroforming and Additive Manufacturing, автора
Material Forming Processes. Simulation, Drawing, Hydroforming and Additive Manufacturing
Manufacturing industries strive to improve the quality and reliability of their products, while simultaneously reducing production costs. To do this, modernized work tools must be produced; this will enable a reduction in the duration of the product development cycle, optimization of product development procedures, and ultimately improvement in the productivity of design and manufacturing phases. Numerical simulations of forming processes are used to this end, and in this book various methods and models for forming processes (including stamping, hydroforming and additive manufacturing) are presented. The theoretical and numerical advances of these processes involving large deformation mechanics on the basis of large transformations are explored, in addition to the various techniques for optimization and calculation of reliability. The advances and techniques within this book will be of interest to professional engineers in the automotive, aerospace, defence and other industries, as well as graduates and undergraduates in these fields.
Купить книгу Biomechanics. Optimization, Uncertainties and Reliability, автора Ghias  Kharmanda
Biomechanics. Optimization, Uncertainties and Reliability
In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that they developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied to biomechanical studies.
Купить книгу Organic Reactions, Volume 88, автора
Organic Reactions, Volume 88
Volume 88 represents the tenth single-chapter-volume produced in our 73-year history. Such single-chapter volumes represent definitive treatises on extremely important chemical transformations. The success of the research efforts over the past 20 years forms the basis for the single chapter in this volume namely, Hydroamination of Alkenes by Alexander L. Reznichenko and Kai C. Hultzsch. The authors have compiled an enormous (and growing) literature and distilled it into an extraordinarily useful treatise on all aspects of the hydroamination process.
Купить книгу The HPLC-MS Handbook for Practitioners, автора Stavros  Kromidas
The HPLC-MS Handbook for Practitioners
Filling the gap for an expert text dealing exclusively with the practical aspects of HPLC-MS coupling, this concise, compact, and clear book provides detailed information to enable users to employ the method most efficiently. Following an overview of the current state of HPLC-MS and its instrumentation, the text goes on to discuss all relevant aspects of method development. A chapter on tips and tricks is followed by user reports on the advantages – and pitfalls – of applying the method in real-life scenarios. The whole is rounded off by a look at future developments by renowned manufacturers.
Купить книгу Micro- and Nanosystems for Biotechnology, автора
Micro- and Nanosystems for Biotechnology
Emphasizing their emerging capabilities, this volume provides a strong foundation for an understanding of how micro- and nanotechnologies used in biomedical research have evolved from concepts to working platforms. Volume editor Christopher Love has assembled here a highly interdisciplinary group of authors with backgrounds ranging from chemical engineering right up to materials science to reflect how the intersection of ideas from biology with engineering disciplines has spurred on innovations. In fact, a number of the basic technologies described are reaching the market to advance the discovery and development of biopharmaceuticals. The first part of the book focuses on microsystems for single-cell analysis, examining tools and techniques used to isolate cells from a range of biological samples, while the second part is dedicated to tiny technologies for modulating biological systems at the scale of individual cells, tissues or whole organisms. New tools are described which have a great potential for (pre)clinical development of interventions in a range of illnesses, such as cancer and neurological diseases. Besides describing the promising applications, the authors also highlight the ongoing challenges and opportunities in the field.
Купить книгу Asymmetric Dearomatization Reactions, автора Shu-Li  You
Asymmetric Dearomatization Reactions
The first comprehensive account of the rapidly growing field of asymmetric dearomatization reactions with a focus on catalytic methods. It introduces the concept of dearomatization and describes recent progress in asymmetric reaction procedures with different catalyst systems, such as organocatalysts, transition metal catalysts, and enzymes. Chapters on dearomatizations of electron-deficient aromatic rings, dearomatization reactions via transition metal-catalyzed cross-couplings as well as dearomatization strategies in the synthesis of complex natural products are also included. Written by pioneers in the field, this is a highly valuable source of information not only for professional synthetic chemists in academia and industry but also for all those are interested in asymmetric methodologies and organic synthesis in general.
Купить книгу Click Reactions in Organic Synthesis, автора Srinivasan  Chandrasekaran
Click Reactions in Organic Synthesis
This book on click reactions to focus on organic synthesis, this reference work describes the click concept and underlying mechanisms as well as the main applications in various fields. As such, the chapters cover green chemical synthesis, metal-free click reactions, synthesis of pharmaceuticals, peptides, carbohydrates, DNA, macrocycles, dendrimers, polymers, and supramolecular architectures. By filling a gap in the market, this is the ultimate reference for synthetic chemists in academia and industry aiming for a fast and simple design and synthesis of novel compounds with useful properties.
Купить книгу Anorganische Chemie kompakt für Dummies, автора Uwe  Böhme
Anorganische Chemie kompakt für Dummies
Sie suchen einen schnellen und leicht verstandlichen Einstieg in die Anorganische Chemie? Wunderbar, dann ist dieses Buch genau das richtige fur Sie! Dr. Uwe Bohme erklart Ihnen alles Wichtige zu Atomen, Verbindungen, Reaktionsmechamismen und Co. Sie erfahren, welche Eigenschaften die Elemente des Periodensystems haben und was es mit Sauren, Basen, Redoxreaktionen und vielem mehr auf sich hat. So ist dies Ihr perfekter Nachhilfelehrer fur die Tasche: freundlich, kompetent, gunstig.
Купить книгу Continuum Theory and Modeling of Thermoelectric Elements, автора Christophe  Goupil
Continuum Theory and Modeling of Thermoelectric Elements
Sound knowledge of the latest research results in the thermodynamics and design of thermoelectric devices, providing a solid foundation for thermoelectric element and module design in the technical development process and thus serving as an indispensable tool for any application development. The text is aimed mainly at the project developer in the field of thermoelectric technology, both in academia and industry, as well as at graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Some core sections address the specialist in the field of thermoelectric energy conversion, providing detailed discussion of key points with regard to optimization. The international team of authors with experience in thermoelectrics research represents such institutes as EnsiCaen Universite de Paris, JPL, CalTech, and the German Aerospace Center.
Купить книгу Introductory Quantum Mechanics for Applied Nanotechnology, автора
Introductory Quantum Mechanics for Applied Nanotechnology
This introductory textbook covers fundamental quantum mechanics from an application perspective, considering optoelectronic devices, biological sensors and molecular imagers as well as solar cells and field effect transistors. The book provides a brief review of classical and statistical mechanics and electromagnetism, and then turns to the quantum treatment of atoms, molecules, and chemical bonds. Aiming at senior undergraduate and graduate students in nanotechnology related areas like physics, materials science, and engineering, the book could be used at schools that offer interdisciplinary but focused training for future workers in the semiconductor industry and for the increasing number of related nanotechnology firms, and even practicing people could use it when they need to learn related concepts. The author is Professor Dae Mann Kim from the Korea Institute for Advanced Study who has been teaching Quantum Mechanics to engineering, material science and physics students for over 25 years in USA and Asia.
Купить книгу Physik für Alle, автора Martin  Pohl
Physik für Alle
Physik fur alle – das schlie?t neben Naturwissenschaftlern und Lehramtskandidaten auch Geisteswissenschaftler ein. Dieses Buch richtet sich an Leser, die die der Physik zugrunde liegenden Konzepte sowie Struktur und grundlegende Aussagen physikalischer Formeln verstehen wollen. In leicht verstandlicher Form wird die Physik in der Folge ihrer historischen Entwicklung beschrieben. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den physikalischen Konzepten und, unter Verwendung einfacher Mathematik, ihrer Formulierung in einfachen Formeln. Ein weiteres Thema sind die Methoden der Wahrheitsfindung in der Physik. Konzeptionelle Fragen an den Leser sowie Ubungsaufgaben am Ende der einzelnen Kapitel bieten Gelegenheit fur eine Reflexion und die Festigung der Methoden und Inhalte. Aufgrund des intuitiven Zugangs zu physikalischen Themen und der Diskussion der grundlegenden Konzepte der Physik eignet sich dieses Buch besonders als Einfuhrung in die Physik fur alle Nicht-Naturwissenschaftler. Es ist aus der gleichnamigen, sehr erfolgreichen Vorlesung entstanden, die der Autor seit dem Jahr 2010 an der Universitat Potsdam halt. Die einzelnen Kapitel sind mit Ausnahme des ersten als in sich abgeschlossene Themenblocke konzipiert. Aus dem Inhalt: * Aufgabe und historische Entwicklung der Physik * Koordinaten, Geschwindigkeit und Beschleunigung * Erhaltungssatze, Masse und Impuls * Das Gravitationsgesetz und der Aufbau des Sonnensystems * Arbeit, Energie und Leistung * Elektrizitat und Magnetismus * Die Magie gro?er Zahlen: Flussigkeiten und Gase * Wellen * Der Weg zur Speziellen Relativitatstheorie * Einsteins Spezielle Relativitatstheorie * Die Allgemeine Relativitatstheorie * Atome und ihr Aufbau * Auf dem Weg zur Quantenphysik * Quantenmechanik * Wahrscheinlichkeit und Unscharfe * Vom Standardmodell zu heutigen Entwicklungen der Physik
Купить книгу Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials, автора Marc  Descamps
Disordered Pharmaceutical Materials
A one-stop resource for researchers, developers, and post graduate students in pharmaceutical science. This handbook and ready reference provides detailed, but not overloaded information – presenting the topic without unnecessarily complex formalism. As such, it gives a systematic and coherent overview of disordered materials for pharmaceutical applications, covering fundamental aspects, as well as preparation and characterization techniques for the target-oriented development of drug delivery systems based on disordered crystals and amorphous solids. Special attention is paid to examine the different facets and levels of disorder in their structural and dynamic aspects as well as the effect of disorder on dissolution and stability. Chapters on processing induced disorder and on patenting issues round off the book. As a result the book helps overcoming the challenges of using these materials in the pharmaceutical industry. For pharmaceutical and medicinal chemists, materials scientists, clinical physicists, and pharmaceutical laboratories looking to make better and more potent pharmaceuticals.