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Купить книгу Сила возраста. Уроки старости для семей и молодежи, автора Коллектива авторов
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Сила возраста. Уроки старости для семей и молодежи
Число пожилых людей в современном обществе растет, и присутствие их ставит ключевой вопрос – что есть жизнь? Как и всякая встреча со слабостью, общение со стариками заставляет нас переосмыслить природу человека и назначение его жизни.
Купить книгу Слухи. Технологии управления, автора Н. А. Игнатюка
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Слухи. Технологии управления
Пособие посвящено очень сложной, практически не изученной юристами теме – слухам, социальному явлению, имеющему слабую правовую регламентацию. В нем охвачен основной материал по спецкурсу «Прикладная информация в системах управления (государственного и местного)», рассматриваются варианты применения технологий управления слухами, дается описание основ таких технологий.
Купить книгу Социология труда: Методические указания к курсовым работам_, автора Андрея Алексеевича Булкова
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Социология труда: Методические указания к курсовым работам_
Методические указания предназначены для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 39.03.01 Социология и будут использованы для методического сопровождения научных исследований по «Социология труда».Методические указания направлены на углубление теоретических исследовательских знаний и формирование у практических навыков выполнения научных исследований. В указания включены примеры разделов курсового исследования. Описаны подходы к разработке методологического аппарата. Представлен алгоритм создания структуры курсовой работы. Даны примеры создания анкеты, транскрипта интервью.
Купить книгу Великая Россия – благо или зло?, автора Федора Тютчева
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Великая Россия – благо или зло?
Петр Яковлевич Чаадаев – русский философ и публицист, объявленный правительством сумасшедшим за свои сочинения, в которых резко критиковал действительность русской жизни. Его труды были запрещены к публикации в имперской России. По мнению Чаадаева, представления об особой великой роли России, о ее превосходстве над Западом ведут к духовному застою и препятствуют развитию страны.
Купить книгу Total Survey Error in Practice, автора
Total Survey Error in Practice
Featuring a timely presentation of total survey error (TSE), this edited volume introduces valuable tools for understanding and improving survey data quality in the context of evolving large-scale data sets This book provides an overview of the TSE framework and current TSE research as related to survey design, data collection, estimation, and analysis. It recognizes that survey data affects many public policy and business decisions and thus focuses on the framework for understanding and improving survey data quality. The book also addresses issues with data quality in official statistics and in social, opinion, and market research as these fields continue to evolve, leading to larger and messier data sets. This perspective challenges survey organizations to find ways to collect and process data more efficiently without sacrificing quality. The volume consists of the most up-to-date research and reporting from over 70 contributors representing the best academics and researchers from a range of fields. The chapters are broken out into five main sections: The Concept of TSE and the TSE Paradigm, Implications for Survey Design, Data Collection and Data Processing Applications, Evaluation and Improvement, and Estimation and Analysis. Each chapter introduces and examines multiple error sources, such as sampling error, measurement error, and nonresponse error, which often offer the greatest risks to data quality, while also encouraging readers not to lose sight of the less commonly studied error sources, such as coverage error, processing error, and specification error. The book also notes the relationships between errors and the ways in which efforts to reduce one type can increase another, resulting in an estimate with larger total error. This book: • Features various error sources, and the complex relationships between them, in 25 high-quality chapters on the most up-to-date research in the field of TSE • Provides comprehensive reviews of the literature on error sources as well as data collection approaches and estimation methods to reduce their effects • Presents examples of recent international events that demonstrate the effects of data error, the importance of survey data quality, and the real-world issues that arise from these errors • Spans the four pillars of the total survey error paradigm (design, data collection, evaluation and analysis) to address key data quality issues in official statistics and survey research Total Survey Error in Practice is a reference for survey researchers and data scientists in research areas that include social science, public opinion, public policy, and business. It can also be used as a textbook or supplementary material for a graduate-level course in survey research methods. Paul P. Biemer, PhD, is distinguished fellow at RTI International and associate director of Survey Research and Development at the Odum Institute, University of North Carolina, USA. Edith de Leeuw, PhD, is professor of survey methodology
Купить книгу Articulations of Capital. Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations, автора
Articulations of Capital. Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations
Articulations of Capital offers an accessible, grounded, yet theoretically-sophisticated account of the geographies of global production networks, value chains, and regional development in post-socialist Eastern and Central Europe. Proposes a new theorization of global value chains as part of a conjunctural economic geography Develops a set of conceptual and theoretical arguments concerning the regional embeddedness of global production Draws on longitudinal empirical research from over 20 years in the Bulgarian and Slovakian apparel industries Makes a major intervention into the debate over the economic geographies of European integration and EU enlargement
Купить книгу Health Geographies. A Critical Introduction, автора
Health Geographies. A Critical Introduction
Health Geographies: A Critical Introduction explores health and biomedical topics from a range of critical geographic perspectives. Building on the field’s past engagement with social theory it extends the focus of health geography into new areas of enquiry. Introduces key topics in health geography through clear and engaging examples and case studies drawn from around the world Incorporates multi-disciplinary perspectives and approaches applied in the field of health geography Identifies both health and biomedical issues as a central area of concern for critically oriented health geographers Features material that is alert to questions of global scale and difference, and sensitive to the political and economic as well sociocultural aspects of health Provides extensive pedagogic materials within the text and guidance for further study
Купить книгу Smoking Geographies. Space, Place and Tobacco, автора Graham  Moon
Smoking Geographies. Space, Place and Tobacco
Smoking Geographies provides a research-led assessment of the impact of geographical factors on smoking. The contributors uncover how geography can show us not only why people smoke but also broader issues of tobacco control, providing deeper clarity on how smoking and tobacco is ‘governed’. The text centres on one of the most important public health issues worldwide, and a major determinant of preventable mortality and morbidity in developed and developing countries Records the outcomes of a long-term research collaboration that brings a geographical lens to smoking behaviour Uncovers how geography can play a part in understanding not only why people smoke but also broader issues of tobacco control Provides a deeper understanding of how smoking and tobacco is ‘governed’, regarding where people may smoke, but also more subtle governance as a climate is produced in which smoking becomes ‘denormalised’ Brings both quantitative and qualitative perspectives to bear on this major source of mortality and morbidity
Купить книгу The Handbook of Homicide, автора Mike  Maguire
The Handbook of Homicide
The Handbook of Homicide presents a series of original essays by renowned authors from around the world, reflecting the latest scholarship on the nature, causes, and patterns of homicide, as well as policies and practices for its investigation and prevention. Includes comprehensive coverage of the complex phenomenon of homicide and its various forms Features original contributions from an esteemed team of global experts and scholars with chapters highlighting the authors’ original research Represents the first internationally-focused collection of the latest research on the nature and causes of homicide Covers both the causes and dynamics of homicide, as well as policies and practices intended to address it
Купить книгу A Companion to Celebrity, автора Sean  Redmond
A Companion to Celebrity
Companion to Celebrity presents a multi-disciplinary collection of original essays that explore myriad issues relating to the origins, evolution, and current trends in the field of celebrity studies. Offers a detailed, systematic, and clear presentation of all aspects of celebrity studies, with a structure that carefully build its enquiry Draws on the latest scholarly developments in celebrity analyses Presents new and provocative ways of exploring celebrity’s meanings and textures Considers the revolutionary ways in which new social media have impacted on the production and consumption of celebrity
Купить книгу The Handbook of Measurement Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice, автора
The Handbook of Measurement Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice
This volume of the series was designed to provide a comprehensive primer on the existing best practices and emerging developments in the study and design research on crime and criminology. The work as a whole includes chapters on the measurement of criminal typologies, the offenders, offending and victimization, criminal justice organizations, and specialized measurement techniques. Each chapter is written by experts in the field and they provide an excellent survey of the literature in the relevant area. More importantly, each chapter provides a description of the various methodological and substantive challenges presented in conducting research on these issues and denotes possible solutions to these dilemmas. An emphasis was placed on research that has been conducted outside of the United States and was designed to give the reader a broader more global understanding of the social context of research. The goal of this volume is to provide a definitive reference for professionals in the field, researchers, and students. This volume in the Handbooks in Criminology and Criminal Justice series identifies the principal topical areas of research in this field and summarizes the various methodological and substantive challenges presented in conducting research on these issues. In each chapter, authors provide a summary of the prominent data collection efforts in the topical area, provide an overview of the current methodological work, discuss the challenges in the measurement of central concepts in the subject area, and identify new horizons emerging in data collection and measurement. We encouraged authors to discuss work conducted in an international context and to incorporate discussion of qualitative methodologies when appropriate.
Купить книгу The Handbook of the Criminology of Terrorism, автора
The Handbook of the Criminology of Terrorism
The Handbook of the Criminology of Terrorism features a collection of essays that represent the most recent criminological research relating to the origins and evolution of, along with responses to, terrorism, from a criminological perspective. Offers an authoritative overview of the latest criminological research into the causes of and responses to terrorism in today’s world Covers broad themes that include terrorism’s origins, theories, methodologies, types, relationship to other forms of crime, terrorism and the criminal justice system, ways to counter terrorism, and more Features original contributions from a group of international experts in the field Provides unique insights into the field through an exclusive focus on criminological conceptual frameworks and empirical studies that engage terrorism and responses to it