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Купить книгу Human Biology. An Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspective, автора
Human Biology. An Evolutionary and Biocultural Perspective
This comprehensive introduction to the field of human biology covers all the major areas of the field: genetic variation, variation related to climate, infectious and non-infectious diseases, aging, growth, nutrition, and demography. Written by four expert authors working in close collaboration, this second edition has been thoroughly updated to provide undergraduate and graduate students with two new chapters: one on race and culture and their ties to human biology, and the other a concluding summary chapter highlighting the integration and intersection of the topics covered in the book.
Купить книгу Лекция «Смена поколения и трансформация семьи», автора Екатерины Шульман
Лекция «Смена поколения и трансформация семьи»
На лекции «Смена поколения и трансформация семьи» Екатерины Шульман мы поговорим о поколениях, о том, что это такое, о смене поколений и как это выглядит на нынешнем историческом этапе, о свойствах поколений и о тех изменениях, которые происходят в институте семьи и с ценностями в широком смысле.
Купить книгу Среднее профессиональное образование. Состояние и прогноз развития, автора Е. А. Полушкиной
Среднее профессиональное образование. Состояние и прогноз развития
В докладе представлен анализ современного состояния системы среднего профессионального образования и разработан прогноз потребности в бюджетных средствах для развития данной сферы до 2024 г.
Купить книгу Мониторинг трудоустройства молодежи, автора Е. М. Авраамовой
Мониторинг трудоустройства молодежи
Тема взаимодействия системы профессионального образования и рынка труда постоянно находится в центре общественного внимания. Успешность молодежи на рынке труда зачастую рассматривается как индикатор состояния этой системы. Нередко в расчет принимается лишь мнение работодателей о несоответствии уровня подготовки специалистов современным требованиям экономики, при этом среди предприятий доля тех, кто осуществляет технические инновации, не так уж велика. Таким образом, с одной стороны, спрос на рынке труда могут предъявлять морально устаревшие предприятия, на которых современная молодежь не стремится работать, а с другой стороны, инновационные производства нередко не могут найти специалистов требуемой квалификации, поскольку система образования не имеет кадровых и технических ресурсов для подготовки персонала столь высокого уровня.
Купить книгу Социология интеллектуальной жизни: карьера ума внутри и вне академии, автора Стива Фуллера
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Социология интеллектуальной жизни: карьера ума внутри и вне академии
Предлагаемая книга представляет очерк социальной теории знания XXI века. С характерной тонкостью и живостью Стив Фуллер исследует мир, в котором университеты и академическая среда уже не принимаются по умолчанию как самое лучшее место для интеллектуальной жизни. Хотя автор и защищает привилегии академиков, он очень серьезно относится к историческим расхождениям между академиками и интеллектуалами, специально обращаясь к различным типам производства знания, которые среди них ценятся.
Купить книгу A Companion to Rock Art, автора
A Companion to Rock Art
This unique guide provides an artistic and archaeological journey deep into human history, exploring the petroglyphic and pictographic forms of rock art produced by the earliest humans to contemporary peoples around the world. Summarizes the diversity of views on ancient rock art from leading international scholars Includes new discoveries and research, illustrated with over 160 images (including 30 color plates) from major rock art sites around the world Examines key work of noted authorities (e.g. Lewis-Williams, Conkey, Whitley and Clottes), and outlines new directions for rock art research Is broadly international in scope, identifying rock art from North and South America, Australia, the Pacific, Africa, India, Siberia and Europe Represents new approaches in the archaeological study of rock art, exploring issues that include gender, shamanism, landscape, identity, indigeneity, heritage and tourism, as well as technological and methodological advances in rock art analyses
Купить книгу Doing Ethnography Today. Theories, Methods, Exercises, автора
Doing Ethnography Today. Theories, Methods, Exercises
Doing Ethnography Today explores the methodologies and theories behind contemporary, collaborative ethnography and provides an opportunity to cultivate experience with included exercises. • Presents ethnography as creative and artful rather than analytical or technical • Emphasises the collaborative nature of ethnography • Structured exercises cultivate practical experience • Includes a discussion on indexing and interpreting project materials • Provides guidance on interview questions and selecting appropriate field equipment
Купить книгу Crime Scene Management. Scene Specific Methods, автора
Crime Scene Management. Scene Specific Methods
Crime Scene Management is an accessible introduction to the common forms of evidence that may be encountered at a scene of crime and the techniques used for recovery of that evidence. The book is clearly focused on the techniques for handling crime scenes from the role of the first officer attending through to the specialist personnel who may be called to deal with specific evidence types. Clearly structured to enhance student understanding, methods covered include, DNA-rich samples, fingerprints, toolmarks and footwear impressions. Later chapters move on to consider examples of specialised scenes such as arson and vehicle crime. The content of each chapter can be tested with self-assessment questions to reinforce student understanding. Written for undergraduate students studying forensic science courses, Crime Scene Management will also be of interest to scene of crime officers, police officers and legal professionals as well as students taking courses in criminalistics and law. Focuses on the crime scene and on the science underpinning the gathering of evidence at the scene Written in conjunction with experienced practitioners Supplementary website to include figures from the book and further references Suitable for delivery in a modular course. Chapters written by a team consisting of experts and academics to ensure an accessible and well-informed text.
Купить книгу Au Pair, автора
Au Pair
Many families leave their children for years to be looked after by young people about whom they know next to nothing, from places they have barely heard of. Who are these au pairs, why do they come and what is their experience of this arrangement? Do they, for their part, find that they are treated as one of the family, and would they even want to be? After a year of careful research, this book shows how most of our assumptions and expectations about au pairs are wrong. This is the first book devoted to the lives of au pairs, their leisure as well as their work time. We see this world from the eyes of the visitors, and their unique perspective on what lies at the heart of our family life. The book does not flinch from documenting the realities of the situation Ð the racism and the problematic behaviour of the au pairs themselves, as much as the ignorance and exploitation they can be subject to. The book is a case study in how to come to feel modern life empathetically from the viewpoint of one of those many migrant groups we take for granted and rely on but rarely try to understand.
Купить книгу Reflective Practice, автора
Reflective Practice
Reflective practice is an essential skill for those working in health and social care, but why is it so vital and how can it be learned? As inter-disciplinary working becomes more common, finding shared ways of reflection on practice are becoming more and more important. How do we share our ideas and thoughts to enrich both professionals and their client base? This book uses stories and exercises to enable readers to develop their skills. Its emphasis is on the practical, from how to construct a reflective essay to the ethical ambiguities of whistleblowing and constructing a professional persona. The book is written with the needs of students of health and social care in mind. For those who want to develop their skills beyond the scope of the book, each chapter ends by with a step-up suggestion enabling them to build on what they have already learned.
Купить книгу Digital War Reporting, автора
Digital War Reporting
Digital War Reporting examines war reporting in a digital age. It shows how new technologies open up innovative ways for journalists to convey the horrors of warfare while, at the same time, creating opportunities for propaganda, censorship and control. Topics discussed include: How is the role of the war reporter evolving as digital technologies become ever more prominent? What is the rhetoric of war in digital journalism? How does an emphasis on liveness, immediacy or realness shape public perceptions of the nature of warfare itself? Is technology widening the gap between 'us' and 'them', or are new kinds of empathy being established with distant others as time, space and place are effectively compressed? A key focus is journalists' use of digital imagery, real-time video and audio reports, multimedia databases – as well as satellites, broadband, podcasting, and mobile telephones – in the reporting of a range of wars, conflicts and crises. The examples analysed range from 24-hour television news coverage of the Persian Gulf War, the first 'internet war' in Kosovo, digital photography, from September 11 to Abu Ghraib, and bloggers in Iraq, including journalists, soldiers and ordinary citizens. Digital War Reporting is required reading for students, researchers and journalists.
Купить книгу After the Car, автора
After the Car
It is difficult to imagine a world without the car, and yet that is exactly what Dennis and Urry set out to do in this provocative new book. They argue that the days of the car are numbered: powerful forces around the world are undermining the car system and will usher in a new transport system sometime in the next few decades. Specifically, the book examines how several major processes are shaping the future of how we travel, including: Global warming and its many global consequences Peaking of oil supplies Increased digitisation of many aspects of economic and social life Massive global population increases The authors look at changes in technology, policy, economy and society, and make a convincing argument for a future where, by necessity, the present car system will be re-designed and re-engineered. Yet the book also suggests that there are some hugely bleak dilemmas facing the twenty first century. The authors lay out what they consider to be possible 'post-car' future scenarios. These they describe as 'local sustainability', 'regional warlordism' and 'digital networks of control'. After The Car will be of great interest to planners, policy makers, social scientists, futurologists, those working in industry, as well as general readers. Some have described the 20th Century as the century of the car. Now that century has come to a close – and things are about to change.