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Купить книгу Распад, автора Алисии Лис
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Они боялись смотреть на себя в зеркало, чувствуя себя потерянными и ненужными. У них не было будущего, потому что они бежали от него возможными способами. Но можно ли обмануть самого себя, спрятавшись в коридоре собственного подсознания? И не окажется ли это очередной сказкой с плохим концом?Содержит нецензурную брань.
Купить книгу Word about the poet Zharaskan Abdrashev (Аралдан ұшқан ақсұңқар), автора
Word about the poet Zharaskan Abdrashev (Аралдан ұшқан ақсұңқар)
In this work, the Doctor of Philology, professor Mussaev Alpysbai analyzed artistic appearance and multifaceted skills in the poems of one of the biggest personalities in the Kazakh poetry Zharaskan Abdrashev. The first object of study were selected features of the world of lyrical poet questions the national spirit, national traditions and national psychology, and especially the writer's skill in his poems.
Купить книгу The bells of my heart (Жүрегімнің қоңыраулары), автора
The bells of my heart (Жүрегімнің қоңыраулары)
In this collection of poetry collected and presented poems Doctor of philological sciences, professor A.M. Mussaev. In the verses of the poet clearly visible motives life, space and time. The work impulsively writer and lyrically praises topics such as youth, love, and the birthplace of civic duty.
Купить книгу Грани, автора Марины Ламар
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Этот поэтический сборник был назван "Грани" по причине многогранности таланта автора, способного писать совершенно в разных стилях и жанрах. В нем вы найдете и верлибры, и поэтические эксперименты, и сонеты. Эта книга примечательна тем, что в ней опубликованы необычные стихотворения, названные "ламаризмами" в честь автора, поскольку подобную форму "построения" стихотворного текста придумала впервые именно Марина Ламар. Произведения автора отличаются своей пронзительной искренностью, подаваемой через призму философского осмысления и тонкого юмора.
Купить книгу Адель, автора Дмитрия Итальева
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Роман предоставляет возможность ознакомиться со страницами истории постреволюционной Франции, периодом правления Наполеона Бонапарта. Автор знакомит читателя с примечательным событием, имевшим место в жизни молодого генерала во время Египетской экспедиции 1798-1801гг. Параллельная сюжетная линия романа посвящена веяниям нового времени: интерпретация понятия патриотизм, эмигрантские настроения, антагонизм прошлого и будущего в развитии современного общества.
Купить книгу Стихи: о нас, автора Дмитрия Георгиевича Боррони
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Стихи: о нас
-Эта книга стихов о душе человеческой несправедливости. Они о покое, о том какая есть у нас душа. Она стремится вырваться из клетки и порхать в небесах. Здесь есть стихи о законе, о врачах. А также есть и рекламные, и весёлые стишки. В общем о нас, людях.Это фото мое.Содержит нецензурную брань.
Купить книгу Пальмира, автора Юлии Кузовковой
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Уважаемый читатель, вашему вниманию представлен великолепный поэтический сборник стихов Юлии Кузовковой. На страницах сборника вы найдете стихи в жанре любовной лирики, философские и иронические стихи.
Купить книгу Validate Me: A life of code-dependency, автора
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Validate Me: A life of code-dependency
‘Charly is social media’s answer to Carol Ann Duffy’ Sunday Times STYLE [Charly] is turning a new generation on to poetry’ The Telegraph From the bestselling author of She Must Be Mad comes the second book of poetry and prose from Charly Cox. What is love? Baby don’t hurt me… but please like my Instagram post. Hello, my name is Charly and I am code-dependent, so would you please, please just validate me? From the bestselling author of She Must Be Mad comes Charly Cox’s second collection of poetry and prose. This is an account of a life lived online. Swiping for approval. Scrolling for gratification. Searching for connection. From the glow of a screen in the middle of the night, to the harsh glare of the hospital waiting room, Validate Me is a raw and honest look at the highs and the lows of a digital life. The new voice of a generation, Charly’s words have the power to make us all feel less alone.
Купить книгу Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life, автора
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Unlearn: 101 Simple Truths for a Better Life
Forget what you think you know Influencer, rapper and spoken word artist Humble the Poet is here to revolutionise your life and help you reach your full potential. Full of insights, wisdom and clarity, Unlearn is a brutally-honest, empowering book that defies conventional thinking. You will shed the sabotaging habits, fixed mindsets and past regrets that characterise modern life and instead tap into your best, most authentic self. Structured as 101 short and accessible life lessons covering everything from ‘Money is a Funny Thing’ to ‘Love is a Gift Not a Loan’, this is the ideal book to turn to whenever you need a flash of inspiration. Profound in its simplicity, Unlearn is the perfect invitation to a new beginning and to pursue a life of fulfilment.
Купить книгу The Making of Poetry: Coleridge, the Wordsworths and Their Year of Marvels, автора Adam  Nicolson
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The Making of Poetry: Coleridge, the Wordsworths and Their Year of Marvels
Wordsworth and Coleridge as you’ve never seen them before in this new book by Adam Nicolson, brimming with poetry, art and nature writing. Proof that poetry can change the world. It is the most famous year in English poetry. Out of it came The Ancient Mariner and ‘Kubla Khan’, as well as Coleridge’s unmatched hymns to friendship and fatherhood, Wordsworth’s revolutionary verses in Lyrical Ballads and the greatness of ‘Tintern Abbey’, his paean to the unity of soul and cosmos, love and understanding. Bestselling and award-winning writer Adam Nicolson tells the story, almost day by day, of the year in the late 1790s that Coleridge, Wordsworth, his sister Dorothy and an ever-shifting cast of friends, dependants and acolytes spent together in the Quantock Hills in Somerset. To a degree never shown before, The Making of Poetry explores the idea that these poems came from this place, and that only by experiencing the physical circumstances of the year, in all weathers and all seasons, at night and at dawn, in sunlit reverie and moonlit walks, can the genesis of the poetry start to be understood. What emerges is a portrait of these great figures as young people, troubled, ambitious, dreaming of a vision of wholeness, knowing they had greatness in them but still in urgent search of the paths towards it. The poetry they made was not from settled conclusions but from the adventure on which they were all embarked, seeing what they wrote as a way of stripping away all the dead matter, exfoliating consciousness, penetrating its depths. Poetry for them was not an ornament for civilisation but a challenge to it, a means of remaking the world.
Купить книгу Things No One Else Can Teach Us, автора
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Things No One Else Can Teach Us
Create your own silver linings. SHIFT YOUR PERSPECTIVE. CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Setbacks, disappointments, failures can incapacitate anyone. But they don’t have to. Spoken word artist, rapper, and international bestselling author of Unlearn, Humble the Poet, shares raw and honest stories from his own life – from his rocky start becoming a rapper, nearly going broke to being the victim of racial prejudice – to reveal how a change in mindset can radically alter our outlook. Simple yet profound, Things No One Else Can Teach Us show how our hardest moments can help us flourish, but only if we recognize and seize the opportunity.
Купить книгу Моя неправильная правда, автора Андрея Михайловича Сутоцкого
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Моя неправильная правда
Мои стихи расскажут о себе самиСодержит нецензурную брань.