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Купить книгу Гурджиев. Учитель в жизни, автора Чеслава Чеховича
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Гурджиев. Учитель в жизни
Чеслав Чехович (1900–1958) во время Гражданской войны в России воевал в Белой армии в составе ее польского контингента. В 1920 году вместе со многими другими русскими офицерами высадился в Константинополе, ставшим его домом на полтора года. Здесь же он познакомился с П. Д. Успенским, а затем и с Георгием Ивановичем Гурджиевым.
Купить книгу Господи, научи нас молиться. Личная молитва по преданию святых отцов, автора
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Господи, научи нас молиться. Личная молитва по преданию святых отцов
Современному человеку трудно разглядеть те поразительные возможности, которые открывают нам святоотеческие тексты: «научиться молиться у Господа», то есть молиться, как молились люди Библии и наши отцы по вере, означает не только усвоение определенных текстов, но и всех методов, форм, жестов, при помощи которых молитва обретает подобающее ей выражение. Кто хочет пребывать в общении с Отцом, может прийти к Нему только по «пути» Сына, который проложили, и сами стали его живой частью, все те отцы в вере, что «правильно шествовали до нас». Глубокий личный опыт молитвы и серьезные знания трудов святых отцов делают книгу схиархимандрита Гавриила ценным подспорьем всем, кто встал на этот путь.
Купить книгу El mundo prodigioso de los ángeles, автора Susana Rodriguez
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El mundo prodigioso de los ángeles
Si el universo tiene un sentido, una armonía o una finalidad, entonces está claro que los hombres -y con ellos los animales y las plantas, que ocupan sólo un fragmento infinitesimal de este universo- no son necesariamente las únicas criaturas que habitan en él. Sería perfectamente lógico que, junto a ellos, existieran otras criaturas, habitando mundos diversos y paralelos, que huirían de la lógica con que estamos obligados a conducir nuestra vida en la tierra. En esta dimensión se ubicarían los ángeles, figuras siempre presentes en las distintas creencias, representadas con imágenes diferentes. En este libro pondremos al descubierto todo lo que hay que saber sobre estos maravillosos seres: jerarquía; papel en las distintas religiones, en la cultura y en el arte; diferentes maneras de contactar con ellos.
Купить книгу Искусство останавливать время, автора Педрама Шоджай
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Искусство останавливать время
Чтобы освоить искусство управления временем, не нужно в корне менять свою жизнь. Автор бестселлера New York Times и мастер медитации Шоджай Педрам предлагает курс, который поможет забыть о нехватке времени, все успевать и не жертвовать при этом любимыми занятиями. Самый правильный способ использовать эту книгу ‒ пройти её от начала до конца, выполняя практики каждый день.
Купить книгу Jesus Wept. When Faith and Depression Meet, автора
Jesus Wept. When Faith and Depression Meet
Praise for Jesus Wept «What courage it took for this priest and poet to explore depression in people of faith. Barbara Crafton writes with exquisite nakedness about the futile search for meaning in the meaninglessness of despair. Her own salvation is a beacon to those who believe God means them to suffer in order to understand.» —Gail Sheehy, author, Passages; Understanding Men's Passages «Writing well about depression is not nearly as challenging as surviving the beast, but it is still a hard thing to do. Having written about my own depression, I can say with some authority that Barbara Crafton, a fellow sufferer, writes wonderfully well on this difficult topic.... This book offers truth about the devastating darkness of this disease and about the hope that makes it possible to find one's way back to the light. Barbara Crafton offers up her truth with humor and gritty stories as well as candor and care.... May the many who suffer?and those who care for them, read this book, shed the shame, and find the new life that awaits them on the other side.» —Parker J. Palmer, author, A Hidden Wholeness, Let Your Life Speak, and The Courage to Teach «Having known the tension of faith and depression in her own life, Barbara Crafton offers us wisdom that comes from years of reflection, of faithful practice, of knowing 'dark is not dark to you, O Lord.' (Psalms 139:11) She has no truck with pablum Christianity; she knows that faith that does not meet our darkest days is no faith at all?. Crafton offers sound insight and speaks the truth in love, offering hope and acceptance to those of us who struggle with depression.» —Mary C. Earle, author, Broken Body, Healing Spirit: Lectio Divina and Living with Illness and Beginning Again: Benedictine Wisdom for Living with Illness
Купить книгу Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals. Weaving Together the Human and the Divine, автора Herbert  Anderson
Mighty Stories, Dangerous Rituals. Weaving Together the Human and the Divine
Bringing together two of our greatest sources of meaning and transformation This book marries two partners that are made for each other. The result, as in all good unions, is mutual enrichment and deeper life. –Jack Shea, author of Stories of God Now available in paperback, this moving and enlightening book presents us with a compelling vision of what can happen when we take the opportunity to connect stories and rituals–a vision of individuals and communities transformed through a deeper sense of connection to our loved ones, our communities, and God. Herbert Anderson and Edward Foley reveal how when stories and rituals work together, they have the potential to be both mighty and dangerous–mighty in their ability to lift us up and help us make these connections beyond ourselves and dangerous in challenging us to learn to live with complexity and contradiction. They show how much more meaningful a baptism, wedding, or funeral can be when liturgy is made to include and recognize the personal stories of those involved. Suddenly, these familiar life-cycle rituals are infused with new life as their participants become connected in a narrative web linking past and present, human and divine. Newly created rituals can also help us connect our stories to the divine story, giving meaning to what we experience and bringing us closer to God. Ministers, worship leaders, and pastoral caregivers can use this approach to storytelling and ritual to find ways to bring together worship and pastoral care, diminishing fragmentation and fostering coherence in their religious communities.
Купить книгу Christ of the Celts. The Healing of Creation, автора
Christ of the Celts. The Healing of Creation
Christ of the Celts «I explore the Celtic image of Christ as the Memory of what we have forgotten. He remembers the dance of the universe and the harmony that is deep within all things. He is the Memory also of who we are.» –from the Prelude «Diagnosing the human soul with a longing for peace in the face of fear and fragmentation nurtured by global political forces and fundamentalisms, Newell offers the ancient traditions of Celtic Christianity as a way forward in healing humankind and the earth.» –Publishers Weekly «This graceful, wise, and important book is a superb introduction to the treasures of Celtic Christianity for our time.» –Marcus Borg, author, The Heart of Christianity
Купить книгу Off-Road Disciplines. Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders, автора Dan  Kimball
Off-Road Disciplines. Spiritual Adventures of Missional Leaders
In Off-Road Disciplines, Earl Creps reveals that the on-road practices of prayer and Bible reading should be bolstered by the other kinds of encounters with God that occur unexpectedly—complete with the bumps and bruises that happen when you go “off-road.” Becoming an off-road leader requires the cultivation of certain spiritual disciplines that allow the presence of the Holy Spirit to arrange your interior life. Earl Creps explores twelve central spiritual disciplines—six personal and six organizational—that Christian leaders of all ages and denominations need if they are to change themselves and their churches to reach out to the culture around them.
Купить книгу The Present Future. Six Tough Questions for the Church, автора Reggie  McNeal
The Present Future. Six Tough Questions for the Church
In this provocative book, author, consultant, and church leadership developer Reggie McNeal debunks these and other old assumptions and provides an overall strategy to help church leaders move forward in an entirely different and much more effective way. In The Present Future, McNeal identifies the six most important realities that church leaders must address including: recapturing the spirit of Christianity and replacing «church growth» with a wider vision of kingdom growth; developing disciples instead of church members; fostering the rise of a new apostolic leadership; focusing on spiritual formation rather than church programs; and shifting from prediction and planning to preparation for the challenges of an uncertain world. McNeal contends that by changing the questions church leaders ask themselves about their congregations and their plans, they can frame the core issues and approach the future with new eyes, new purpose, and new ideas. Also available: The Present Future DVD Collection (978-0-7879-8673-5), Reggie McNeal's DVD presentation of the ideas and insights featured in his best-selling book.
Купить книгу The Lost Apostle. Searching for the Truth About Junia, автора Rena  Pederson
The Lost Apostle. Searching for the Truth About Junia
In The Lost Apostle award-winning journalist Rena Pederson investigates a little known subject in early Christian history—the life and times of the female apostle Junia. Junia was an early convert and leading missionary whose story was “lost” when her name was masculinized to Junias in later centuries. The Lost Apostle unfolds like a well-written detective story, presenting Pederson’s lively search for insight and information about a woman some say was the first female apostle.
Купить книгу Whole Church. Leading from Fragmentation to Engagement, автора Mel  Lawrenz
Whole Church. Leading from Fragmentation to Engagement
Praise for Whole Church «Mel is a thoughtful analyst of church life today. Best of all—he actually does what he writes about. This book can lead to new levels of engagement for your church.» —John Ortberg, author and pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church «Mel Lawrenz's vision of a local church that actually reflects the wholeness and beauty of God as it engages with the Lord, one another, and the community is a much-needed call back to God's original Plan A – a plan that has too often been cast aside in the name of specialization, church growth, and expediency.» —Larry Osborne, North Coast Church, and author, Sticky Church and Spirituality for the Rest of Us «Wow! This book is for every Christian leader who wants to move their church from a narrow self-focus to active engagement in the world with all the resources and possibilities of heaven.» —Mike Slaughter, Ginghamsburg Church «While Mel Lawrenz's 'four kinds of engagement' aims at congregational application, it also creates a template that individual Jesus-followers can use for self-evaluation of what it means to be the church today. The final 'dynamics' section is worth the price of admission for church leaders.» —Reggie McNeal, author, The Present Future and Missional Renaissance «Having known Mel Lawrenz for thirty-five years in various capacities as student, intern, colleague, and eventual successor as senior pastor of Elmbrook Church, I can testify to his keen mind, his profound respect for and knowledge of history, his forward-looking curiosity, and his undoubted communication gifts. Add all these to his many years as a seasoned practitioner of church ministry, and the result is this very helpful book, Whole Church.» —Stuart Briscoe, author, Flowing Streams and broadcaster, Telling the Truth
Купить книгу Church Unique. How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture, and Create Movement, автора Will  Mancini
Church Unique. How Missional Leaders Cast Vision, Capture Culture, and Create Movement
Written by church consultant Will Mancini expert on a new kind of visioning process to help churches develop a stunningly unique model of ministry that leads to redemptive movement. He guides churches away from an internal focus to emphasize participation in their community and surrounding culture. In this important book, Mancini offers an approach for rethinking what it means to lead with clarity as a visionary. Mancini explains that each church has a culture that reflects its particular values, thoughts, attitudes, and actions and shows how church leaders can unlock their church's individual DNA and unleash their congregation's one-of-a-kind potential.