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Купить книгу Drops Like Stars: A Few Thoughts on Creativity and Suffering, автора Rob  Bell
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Drops Like Stars: A Few Thoughts on Creativity and Suffering
Rob Bell’s extraordinary and provocative Drops Like Stars, published as part of the Rob Bell Classics relaunch, explores the relationship between suffering and creativity, and the transformative power of pain.‘We plot. We plan. We assume things are going to go a certain way. And when they don’t, we find ourselves in a new place – a place we haven’t been before; a place we never would have imagined on our own. It is the difficult and the unexpected, and maybe even the tragic, that opens us up and frees us to see things in new ways.‘Many of the most significant moments in our lives come not because it all went right but because it all fell apart. Suffering does that. It hurts, but it also creates. This book is an exploration of the complex relationship between suffering and creativity, driven by the belief that there is art in the agony.’ Rob Bell
Купить книгу Hebrew Daily Prayer Book, автора
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Hebrew Daily Prayer Book
The official prayer book for Orthodox Jews in the UK, with supporting commentary by Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.The Hebrew Daily Prayer Book is the official prayer book for all Orthodox Jews in the UK.With both Hebrew and English translations on facing pages, and an attractive and readable layout, this Standard Edition Prayer Book is ideal for synagogue use and individual reading.The Hebrew Daily Prayer Book also features commentary from Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, one of the UK’s foremost religious thinkers, whose sensible and sensitive approach brings new insights into the most familiar things.
Купить книгу The Compass, автора Tammy  Kling
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The Compass
A enthralling novel about the journey of life.The Compass focuses on the individual journey, as seen through the lead character Jonathan's eyes and walk in life.Jonathan's family has been torn apart following a horrific car accident and he is numb to everything around him. Unable to continue life as normal, he sets of on a journey – a journey that places him alone in a desert, trekking through the wilderness.As Jonathan embarks on his journey, he meets many people; each person has a reason for being there. Each pivotal person represents a specific element of life: love, forgiveness, prophecy. This is the way that life is.Reading this book, the reader is taken on the same journey, and taught how to understand what is happening in life, as they are led towards an internal excavation of their soul. Illustrating key principles taught by leading life experts, The Compass will help to give people direction in their lives.
Купить книгу Socrates in the City: Conversations on Life, God and Other Small Topics, автора Eric  Metaxas
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Socrates in the City: Conversations on Life, God and Other Small Topics
Following the extraordinary success of the New York Times bestseller Bonhoeffer, Eric Metaxas's latest book offers inspirational and intellectually rigorous thoughts on the big questions surrounding us all today.The Greek philosopher Socrates famously said that ‘the unexamined life is not worth living’. Taking this as a starting point, Eric Metaxas founded a speaking series that encouraged busy and successful professionals to attend forums and think actively about the bigger questions in life. Thus Socrates in the City: Conversations on ‘Life, God, and Other Small Topics’.This book is for the seeker in all of us, the collector of wisdom, and the person who asks ‘what’s the point?’. Within this collection of original essays that were first given to standing-room-only crowds in New York City are serious thinkers from all around the world taking on Life, God, Evil, Redemption, and other similarly small topics.Luminaries such as Dr. Francis Collins, Sir John Polkinghorne, Tom Wright, Os Guinness, Peter Kreeft and George Weigel have written about extraordinary topics vital to both secular and Christian thinking, such as ‘Making Sense Out of Suffering’, ‘The Concept of Evil after 9/11’, and ‘Can a Scientist Pray?’. No question is too big – in fact, the bigger and the more complex the better. These essays are both thought-provoking and entertaining, because nowhere is it written that finding answers to life's biggest questions shouldn't be great fun…
Купить книгу Sex God: Exploring the Endless Questions Between Spirituality and Sexuality, автора Rob  Bell
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Sex God: Exploring the Endless Questions Between Spirituality and Sexuality
Sex God, Rob Bell’s follow-up to the bestselling Velvet Elvis, tackles the controversial relationship between sexuality and spirituality. Published as part of the Rob Bell Classic relaunch, Sex God explores the links between love, sex, and God.‘God and sex go together. You can’t separate the two’, says Rob Bell, because this physical world is intimately linked to deeper spiritual realities. And so, in order to make sense of sexuality, at some point you have to talk about God. With beauty and unusual insight, Sex God explores this connection.
Купить книгу Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book, автора
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Anna and the Black Knight: Incorporating Anna’s Book
Though her short life was vividly presented in Mister God, This is Anna, its huge success led to Fynn being inundated to write more about his experiences with her.Anna and the Black Knight introduces us to Mister John, a veteran of World War I and local schoolmaster, who was to have a profound effect on Anna. Anna's astonishing capacity for looking at things from fresh perspectives, and her fascination with mathematics and Mister God, stands her in good stead as her life is opened up to new things, such as school, priests and motor cars.This sequel also includes the full text of Anna’s Book, reproductions of her own letters and writings. Her artless and transparent conversations speak to the heart and are recorded using her own unique and colourful spellings. The book is again illustrated throughout with Papas’s unequalled drawings.
Купить книгу The Three Questions: How to Discover and Master the Power Within You, автора
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The Three Questions: How to Discover and Master the Power Within You
From the author of the international bestseller The Four Agreements comes a profound guide which grounds itself further in the tradition of Toltec wisdom, helping us find and use the hidden power within us to achieve our fullest and most authentic lives.
Купить книгу Тайна, автора Ронды Берн
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Со времен «Кода да Винчи» и «Алхимика» читающий мир не знал такой сенсации. «Тайна» прочно обосновалась на верхних строчках книжных рейтингов по обе стороны океана. На данный момент продано уже более трех миллионов экземпляров, и это только начало. Книга Ронды Берн – ваш шанс изменить судьбу. Не упустите же его.
Купить книгу Направляемые медитации, исследования и исцеляющие практики, автора Стивена Левина
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Направляемые медитации, исследования и исцеляющие практики
Автор посвятил почти двадцать лет работе со смертельно больными людьми. Его медитации, в основе которых лежат буддийские техники работы с сознанием, глубоко затрагивают общечеловеческие проблемы и заинтересуют людей различных религиозных взглядов. Эта книга будет особенно полезна тем, кто испытывает хронические боли, страдает от зависимости и от угрожающих жизни болезней, а также готовится к смерти.
Купить книгу Хаос-контроль. Эффективная уборка своими силами, автора Тиши Моррис
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Хаос-контроль. Эффективная уборка своими силами
Уборка – это не просто процесс избавления от хлама, это вечный поиск действительно важных вещей. Беспорядок – физическое воплощение наших ментальных и эмоциональных блоков, и стоит их удалить, перемены начинаются очень быстро. Мы выражаем свою жизнь через наше ментальное и эмоциональное тела. Избавление от хлама буквально освобождает застойные области нашей психики подобно открытию шлюза в плотине, позволяя воде снова течь свободно. Когда вы будете хорошо распознавать, что именно блокирует вашу энергию, то сумеете использовать свой дом как инструмент самовыражения, чтобы привлечь, притянуть в свою жизнь желанные перемены.
Купить книгу Когда все рушится. Сердечный совет в трудные времена, автора Пемы Чодрон
Когда все рушится. Сердечный совет в трудные времена
Как жить во времена, когда вся жизнь рушится, и как совладать с душевной болью, рассказывает в своем бестселлере буддийская монахиня, американка Пема Чодрон.
Купить книгу Счастье – это состояние ума. Как создать в своей жизни место для счастья, автора Гьялванга Друкпа
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Счастье – это состояние ума. Как создать в своей жизни место для счастья
В своей книге Гьялванг Друкпа Ринпоче устраняет заблуждения, заслоняющие истинный смысл счастья. Она указывает нам на препятствия, которые приводят к тому, что мы становимся чужими самим себе, и раскрывает методы, позволяющие развить позитивное отношение к этим препятствиям и тем самым их преодолеть. Эта книга послужит руководством, которое поможет нам научиться принимать собственную жизнь такой, как она есть, вместо того, чтобы бесконечно подстраивать её под собственные желания.