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Купить книгу Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11, автора MItchell  Zuckoff
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Fall and Rise: The Story of 9/11
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER ‘The farewell calls from the planes… the mounting terror of air traffic control… the mothers who knew they were witnessing their loved ones perish… From an author who’s spent 5 years reconstructing its horror, never has the story been told with such devastating, human force’ Daily Mail This is a 9/11 book like no other. Masterfully weaving together multiple strands of the events in New York, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, Fall and Rise is a mesmerising, minute-by-minute account of that terrible day. In the days and months after 9/11, Mitchell Zuckoff, then a reporter for the Boston Globe, wrote about the attacks, the victims, and their families. After further years of meticulous reporting, Zuckoff has filled Fall and Rise with voices of the lost and the saved. The result is an utterly gripping book, filled with intimate stories of people most affected by the events of that sunny Tuesday in September: an out-of-work actor stuck in an elevator in the North Tower of the World Trade Center; the heroes aboard Flight 93 deciding to take action; a veteran trapped in the inferno in the Pentagon; the fire chief among the first on the scene in sleepy Shanksville; a team of firefighters racing to save an injured woman and themselves; and the men, women, and children flying across country to see loved ones or for work who suddenly faced terrorists bent on murder. Fall and Rise will open new avenues of understanding for everyone who thinks they know the story of 9/11, bringing to life – and in some cases, bringing back to life – the extraordinary ordinary people who experienced the worst day in modern American history. Destined to be a classic, Fall and Rise will move, shock, inspire, and fill hearts with love and admiration for the human spirit as it triumphs in the face of horrifying events.
Купить книгу Chastise: The Dambusters Story 1943, автора Max  Hastings
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Chastise: The Dambusters Story 1943
A masterly history of the Dambusters raid from bestselling and critically acclaimed Max Hastings. Operation Chastise, the overnight destruction of the Möhne and Eder dams in north-west Germany by the RAF’s 617 Squadron, was an epic that has passed into Britain’s national legend. Max Hastings grew up embracing the story, the classic 1955 movie and the memory of Guy Gibson, the 24-year-old wing-commander who won the VC leading the raid. In the 21st Century, however, Hastings urges that we should review the Dambusters in much more complex shades. The aircrew’s heroism was wholly authentic, as was the brilliance of Barnes Wallis, who invented the ‘bouncing bombs’. But commanders who promised their young fliers that success could shorten the war fantasised wildly. What Germans call the Möhnekatastrophe imposed on the Nazi war machine temporary disruption, rather than a crippling blow. Hastings vividly describes the evolution of Wallis’ bomb, and of the squadron which broke the dams at the cost of devastating losses. But he also portrays in harrowing detail those swept away by the torrents. Some 1,400 civilians perished in the biblical floods that swept through the Möhne valley, more than half of them Russian and Polish women, slave labourers under Hitler. Ironically, Air Marshal Sir Arthur ‘Bomber’ Harris gained much of the credit, though he opposed Chastise as a distraction from his city-burning blitz. He also made what the author describes as the operation’s biggest mistake – the failure to launch a conventional attack on the Nazis’ huge post-raid repair operation, which could have transformed the impact of the dam breaches upon Ruhr industry. Chastise offers a fascinating retake on legend by a master of the art. Hastings sets the dams raid in the big picture of the bomber offensive and of the Second World War, with moving portraits of the young airmen, so many of whom died; of Barnes Wallis; the monstrous Harris; the tragic Guy Gibson, together with superb narrative of the action of one of the most extraordinary episodes in British history.
Купить книгу September 1, 1939: A Biography of a Poem, автора Ian  Sansom
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September 1, 1939: A Biography of a Poem
This is a book about a poet, about a poem, about a city, and about a world at a point of change. More than a work of literary criticism or literary biography, it is a record of why and how we create and respond to great poetry. This is a book about a poet – W. H. Auden, a wunderkind, a victim-beneficiary of a literary cult of personality who became a scapegoat and a poet-expatriate largely excluded from British literary history because he left. About a poem – ‘September 1, 1939’, his most famous and celebrated, yet one which he tried to rewrite and disown and which has enjoyed – or been condemned – to a tragic and unexpected afterlife. About a city – New York, an island, an emblem of the Future, magnificent, provisional, seamy, and in 1939 about to emerge as the defining twentieth-century cosmopolis, the capital of the world. And about a world at a point of change – about 1939, and about our own Age of Anxiety, about the aftermath of September 11, when many American newspapers reprinted Auden’s poem in its entirety on their editorial pages.
Купить книгу Irish History: People, places and events that built Ireland, автора Neil  Hegarty
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Irish History: People, places and events that built Ireland
From mesolithic Ireland to the peace process, this little book covers all of the main historical and cultural events, places and figures in Irish history. A must for all lovers of Ireland and the Irish. An excellent, concise guide to how Ireland has come to be what it is today. Some key events, people, topics and places include: • Monastic Ireland, Vikings and Normans• The Irish language, the Book of Kells• Patrick, Colm Cille, Brian Boru, Granuaile (Grace O’Malley)• Colonial Ireland, Emigration• Rebellion, Famine and Partition• The Troubles, Good Friday Agreement and Brexit A helpful index is found at the back of the book. Beautifully produced, Collins Little Book of Irish History is a treasure in itself and makes a perfect gift for any Ireland enthusiast.
Купить книгу Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989, автора Kristina  Spohr
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Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989
This landmark global study makes us rethink what happened when the Cold War ended and our present era was born. The world changed dramatically as the Berlin Wall fell and protest turned to massacre in Tiananmen Square. Now, with deft analysis and a wealth of newly declassified archival sources, historian Kristina Spohr offers a bold and novel interpretation of the revolutionary upheaval of 1989 and, how in its aftermath, a new world order was forged without major conflict. The Post-Wall world, Spohr argues, was brought about in significant measure through the determined diplomacy of a small cohort of international leaders. They engaged in tough but cooperative negotiation and worked together to reinvent the institutions of the Cold War. Exploring this extraordinary historical moment, Spohr offers a major reappraisal of US President George H. W. Bush and innovative assessments of Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, and President François Mitterrand of France. But the transformation of Europe must be understood in global context. Spohr elegantly weaves together the Western and Asian timelines to revelatory effect, by contrasting events in Berlin and Moscow with the story in Beijing, where the pro-democracy movement was brutally suppressed by Deng Xiaoping. Post Square, he pushed through China’s very different Communist reinvention. Meticulously researched and brilliantly original, Post Wall, Post Square provides an authoritative contemporary history of those crucial hinge years of 1989-1992 and their implications for our times. The world of Putin, Trump and Xi, with a fractious European Union, rogue states and the crisis of mass migration has its roots in the global exit from the Cold War.
Купить книгу Промежуток, автора Инги Кузнецовой
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Что, если допустить, что голуби читают обрывки наших газет у метро и книги на свалке? Что развитым сознанием обладают не только люди, но и собаки, деревья, безымянные пальцы? Тромбоциты? Кирпичи, занавески? Корка хлеба в дырявом кармане заключенного? Платформа станции, на которой собираются живые и мертвые? Если все существа и объекты в этом мире наблюдают за нами, осваивают наш язык, понимают нас (а мы их, разумеется, нет) и говорят?
Купить книгу Кошка с Собакой 2, автора Алексея Свешникова
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Кошка с Собакой 2
Городская сага для взрослых, потрясающе остроумная повесть, с иронией и грустью описывающая жизнь и внутренний поиск молодого мужчины в современном обществе. История противостояния личности с навязанными стандартами. Тесное переплетение абсурдного и смешного, документальности и выдумки вместе с неподражаемым исполнением автора создают полное ощущение реальности происходящего и заставляют читателя чувствовать себя в эпицентре интереснейших событий.
Купить книгу Дочь любимой женщины (сборник), автора Дениса Драгунского
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Дочь любимой женщины (сборник)
Мастер короткой прозы Денис Драгунский в своем новом сборнике снова преподносит читателю новеллы с крутыми сюжетами и внезапными развязками, меткие юмористические зарисовки, а также три маленькие повести, в которых действуют неожиданные герои в непростых обстоятельствах.
Купить книгу Замки, автора Ирины Фингеровой
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Таня живет в маленьком городе в Николаевской области. Дома неуютно, несмотря на любимых питомцев – тараканов, старые обиды и сумасшедшую кошку. В гостиной висят снимки папиной печени. На кухне плачет некрасивая женщина – ее мать. Таня – канатоходец, балансирует между оливье с вареной колбасой и готическими соборами викторианской Англии. Она снимает сериал о собственной жизни и тщательно подбирает декорации. На аниме-фестивале Таня знакомится с Морганом. Впервые жить ей становится интереснее, чем мечтать. Они оба пишут фанфики и однажды создают свою ролевую игру. Действие ее происходит в средневековой Франции, где вовсю свирепствует лепра. Прокаженных отправляют в вечное плаванье на корабле дураков…
Купить книгу Баженовъ, автора Владимира Александровича Ковтонюка
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После окончания в 1962 году Московского авиационного института автор некоторое время работал на лётных испытаниях ракет. Жизнь знакомила меня со многими выдающимися людьми – авиаконструкторами, лётчиками-испытателями, героями, выжившими в Великой Отечественной войне. Воспоминания многие годы жгли мне душу и я решился рассказать вам о том, как это было… Владимир Ковтонюк.
Купить книгу Эволюция. Книга 3, автора Виктора Ивановича Свешникова
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Эволюция. Книга 3
Жизнь неандертальцев. Появление жестоких представителей каннибалов-рептилоидов. Нещадная эксплуатация месторождений металлов и местного населения. Выведение "нового" неандертальца для работы на рудниках. Война рептилоидов с Содружеством за Землю и их изгнание. Печальные следствия этого противостояния и появление представителей дружественных цивилизаций. Выведение ими наших прямых предков и их стычки с неандертальцами. Прибытие бируанцев и добыча ими радиоактивных материалов для спасения своей планеты. Исход части населения Марса на Землю в связи с приблизившейся планетной катастрофой.
Купить книгу Vernon Subutex, автора Virginie  Despentes
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Vernon Subutex
Müstilise intuitsiooni, kuratliku sarmi ja võluva sõnaosavusega Vernon Subutex oli kunagi Pariisi legendaarseim plaadipoodnik, kelle leti ääres sündisid oma aja rokkstaarid ning kogunesid parketikõlbuliku ja -kõlbmatu kultuuriskeene eriskummalisimad eksemplarid.Täna on ta töötu ja kodutu, kes peatub järgemööda kunagiste sõprade juures, kuni selgub, et neid polegi nii palju, kui oleks võinud arvata. Ta jääb ilma oma ainsast maisest varast: varalahkunud ja ülikuulsa muusikust sõbra Alex Bleachi kokaiiniuimas lindistatud intervjuudest iseendaga. Kõmu nende lindistuste ümber levib aga kulutulena ja kuigi keegi neid näinud ega kuulnud ei ole, on Subutexi kannul ühtäkki terve armee, mis koosneb eranditult fruktidest, kelle teed kipuvad ühist sihtmärki taga ajades ristuma.„Vernoni” looja, endine seksitöötaja, pornoajakirjanik, nüüd rahvusvaheliselt hinnatud kirjanik ja feminist Virginie Despentes on Eestis seni pigem tundmatu autor, kui tema kättemaksuromaani „Kepi mind” (Baise-moi, 1994) alusel vändatud samanimeline film välja arvata. Oma Subutexi-triloogias pigistab Despentes teadlikult sotsiaalset närvi täpselt sealt, kust valutab, ning talletab seejuures elegantse kergusega kaasaegsete kõnekeelt.