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Купить книгу The Christmas Target, автора Charlotte  Douglas
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The Christmas Target
FOR JESSICA,The note was accompanied by a single red rose on a white satin pillow. For Miami businesswoman Jessica Landon, the gesture was anything but romantic. She'd been in snowy Montana less than a day, and already she'd become the target of a rifle-toting Santa, then run off the road and left for dead. Her protection through the holidays was sexy-as-sin cowboy cop Ross McGarrett–a man with a tragic past and a motherless young daughter….FROM YOUR SECRET SANTARoss liked city women and warm, tumbled beds. And Jessica fit him and his bed to a tee. With Christmas approaching, Ross dared to believe in love again–but could he keep Jessica safe through the silent and deadly night…?
Купить книгу A Winchester Homecoming, автора Pamela  Toth
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A Winchester Homecoming
CHARMING, CONFIDENT, SEXY…AND A HEARTBREAKERThat's how rancher David Major remembered his ex-love Kim Winchester. Romance had budded between them in high school, but ended abruptly when Kim moved away without even saying goodbye. Now she was back in his life, and though she was still strikingly beautiful, he wasn't ready to put his heart on the line again.When she'd returned home to Colorado after ten long years, the last person Kim expected to greet her at the airport was David. Seeing him set her heart aflutter, but she'd changed since she last saw him–matured, made herself over, moved on. As the two grew close again, she regretted leaving him all those years ago, but would she be able to heal his shattered heart?
Купить книгу A Season To Believe, автора Elane  Osborn
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A Season To Believe
WHO AM I?She asked. But no one knew. A near-fatal accident had stolen Jane's past, and now she struggled daily with her new life. Only the knowledge that policeman Matt Sullivan was rooting for her kept her going. But when flashes of her memory returned, Jane grew afraid she wouldn't like the person she used to be….And so she turned once more to Matt. Now a private detective, he vowed that this time he'd discover the truth about Jane. And this time no one would be able to hurt her in mind or body. Because suddenly Matt was realizing that the new Jane was everything he'd dreamed of getting for Christmas….But could he keep her?
Купить книгу Wolf In Waiting, автора Rebecca  Flanders
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Wolf In Waiting
Forbidden loversHe was the standard against which all others were measured–the strongest, the smartest, the sexiest and the most noble kind: Noel Duprey, whose birthright forbade him even to look Victoria St. Clare's way, for his destiny would never allow him to take her as his bride.Furthermore, Noel believed she was a traitor, out to destroy his legacy–out to destroy him. But all she was really after was his heart….Within a few lost souls, the Heart of the Wolf beats fierce and wild. Feel them, fear them, tame them….
Купить книгу Who Needs Decaf?, автора Tanya  Michaels
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Who Needs Decaf?
Hmm…give me something tall, dark and full-bodiedSheryl Dayton needs two cups of high-octane java to fuel her from morning-face-and-hair to PR Executive chic–not to mention an endless supply to keep her psyched around her boss, who just happens to be her ex-boyfriend. Ugh! But all that caffeine never keeps her up nights. Her love life is guaranteed to make her snore.Until now, that is.Enter Nathan Hall. The investigative journalist is digging for dirt on her workplace, and Sheryl's busy doing damage control. But the cynical, wisecracking, dangerously sexy Nathan is like a jolt of espresso to her once-snoozing libido. Just the thought of Nathan has Sheryl losing sleep. And after one taste of him, suddenly every other guy seems like decaf.
Купить книгу Who Is Deborah?, автора Elise  Title
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Who Is Deborah?
The face in her mirror…It was her face. It had to be. But it looked as unfamiliar as this morning's headlines, as frightening in its strangeness as the bogeyman who'd haunted her childhood dreams.The man in her bed was Nicholas Steele, and it seemed likely that he was her husband.Though his touch was unfamiliar, she was unable to escape his power to stir her passion.She might indeed be Deborah, a woman who had taken her husband's love and twisted it into something foul and frightening. That would be bad enough. Because if she wasn't Deborah, then Nicholas had murdered his wife–and she was in love with a man who had blood on his hands.
Купить книгу Watching For Willa, автора
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Watching For Willa
Someone was out thereWilla's new neighbor was watching her. Her every move, her every breath. A horror writer with a questionable past, Zachary Denton was an irresistible enigma. He claimed he only wanted to warn her, protect her–possess her.And like a butterfly drawn into a deadly web, Willa could not resist his mesmerizing, sensual pull.But was Zachary a loving protector–or a scheming predator? Willa had to determine his true motives before she lost her heart further. Because a madman was stalking the women of her quiet Texas town–and his victims looked exactly like Willa.
Купить книгу Undercover with the Mob, автора Elizabeth  Bevarly
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Undercover with the Mob
It's true what they say–all the good guys are married……or have Mob connections!And Natalie Dorset should know. The guy who moved in downstairs may be gorgeous, but the things he says–who uses «whacked» anymore?–and the way he dresses… Well, let's just say that Jack Miller isn't the type you bring home to Mom. Good enough reason for Natalie to stay clear.Too bad their landlady is cracking matchmaking schemes that make covert ops look like child's play. But before this little–okay, it's a pretty big–attraction can get out of hand, Natalie is determined to get to the bottom of Jack's story.Because maybe…just maybe…this time the good guy wears black.
Купить книгу The Year Of Living Famously, автора Laura  Caldwell
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The Year Of Living Famously
Some girls seek fame, others have it thrust upon them….Clothing designer Kyra Felis has never been one to worship celebrities–she'd rather read a good book or make a blouse out of an old tablecloth. She marries Hollywood up-and-comer Declan McKenna for love, with no inkling of how his newfound notoriety will send her life spinning out of control.But once Kyra reluctantly becomes a celebrity by association there's no turning back. And even though she has all the trappings of success, she can't do the things that make her happy–throw a party; drink a glass of wine (or four) at a quiet café; confide in her friends. When Declan's fame literally endangers Kyra's life, she starts to wonder, can she survive more than a year of living famously?
Купить книгу The Wolfe's Mate, автора Paula  Marshall
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The Wolfe's Mate
MISTAKEN IDENTITYUnbeknownst to Miss Susanna Beverly, her stepfather had cheated her out of her rightful inheritance. Thus she was forced to become the companion of Miss Amelia Western, who was betrothed to Viscount Darlington. Who would have guessed she'd be mistaken for Amelia and kidnapped by Mr. Ben Wolfe's henchmen!Ben's intentions were honorable. He did at least intend to marry Amelia. But his real aim was revenge upon Darlington's family.Kidnapping the wrong woman upset all his plans, but as Ben got to know the forthright Susanna, he couldn't really admit to being sorry….
Купить книгу The Wicked West, автора Victoria Dahl
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The Wicked West
The Wicked West by Victoria Dahl writing as Holly SummersWhen Lily Anders gave up her proper English roots to settle in the Wild West, she didn't dare hope that she'd meet someone who shared her own wicked bedroom secrets. But the virtuous Sheriff Hale has never told anyone about his shocking desires. Will he give in to the surprising temptation of the young widow?Meet bestselling erotica author Holly Summers in Victoria Dahl's contemporary romances, TALK ME DOWN (January 2009) and START ME UP (July 2009).
Купить книгу The Whitney Chronicles, автора Judy  Baer
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The Whitney Chronicles
spinster:noun1 : an unmarried woman or a woman for whom marriage seems dubious2 : a woman who spins or weavesHer mother, sister and friends (?) fear spinsterhood may be thirty-year-old Whitney Blake's fate. And while she doesn't believe she'll be weaving tablecloths, Whitney wonders if Mr. Right will ever arrive.Deciding to be more proactive, Whitney starts a journal, stating her goals: «This month–Lose two pounds (sensibly). GET ORGANIZED. Start by cleaning closets. Have friends over for dinner. Pray more, obsess less.»It must be working–suddenly there are several men in Whitney's life. But are any of them marriage material, or is «fabulous, single, Christian man» an oxymoron?