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Купить книгу Charlie All Night, автора Jennifer  Crusie
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Charlie All Night
Dumped by her boyfriend and demoted from WBBB's prime-time spot, radio producer Allie McGuffey has nowhere to go but up.She plans to make her comeback by turning temporary DJ Charlie Tenniel into a household name. And if he's willing to help cure her breakup blues with a rebound fling, that's an added bonus. Charlie just wants to kick back, play good tunes and eat Chinese food. He's not interested in becoming famous. But he is interested in Allie. And after all, what harm is a little chemistry between friends?But suddenly their one-night stand has become a four-week addiction. Night after night on the airwaves, his voice seduces herand all the other women in town. He's a hit. It looks as if Charlie's solved all Allie's problemsexcept one. What is she going to do when he leaves?
Купить книгу Burning The Map, автора Laura  Caldwell
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Burning The Map
The choices Casey Evers has made in her twenty-six years aren't exactly making her happy. In fact, her life is so on course–college, law school, boyfriend, job offer–that it's actually off.So, before she slides into fourteen-hour days at a Chicago law firm, she heads to Rome and Greece with her two best friends for one last hurrah. The thing is, her best friends haven't really been all that close to her since she started seeing John two years ago, she hasn't been all that close to John lately, and she's awfully partial to Mediterranean men….
Купить книгу Bride of Lochbarr, автора Margaret  Moore
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Bride of Lochbarr
Lady Marianne scarce dreamed it possible her life could get any worse!That was before she found herself transplanted to the wild highlands of Scotland–land of savage barbarians–and the promised bride of a doddering old Scot. But when a boldly handsome warrior arrived at her door, she knew her prayers had been answered….Adair MacTaren had come in friendship, but one look at the comely lass standing before him addled the young man's mind beyond repair. The tempting Norman lady lured him like a siren–yet he had no wish to be rescued. And 'twas no time before the brash chieftain's son had sworn to free Marianne from her loveless betrothal–and claim her for his own ladywife!
Купить книгу Big Sky Cowboy, автора Jennifer  Mikels
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Big Sky Cowboy
A passion fiercer than the Montana heat…When rugged rancher Colby Holmes wanted to solve his aunt's murder, he reluctantly enlisted the help of stunning psychic Tessa Madison. Despite her mysterious beauty, Colby swore that he would never let a woman near his heart again. But it wasn't long before a burning desire tantalized him each time he looked Tessa's way.With a past that proved falling in love only brought pain, Tessa kept her heart under lock and key. But Colby's kiss brought on a sweet emotion that left her enchanted. So when the town's skeptics tried to force her from her home, would the love of one handsome cowboy be enough to make her stay?
Купить книгу Biding Her Time, автора Wendy  Warren
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Biding Her Time
How did Audrey Griffin–a blacksmith by trade– become a wine hostess? Sure, she's all about «seizing the day,» but she's a tomboy, not a booth bunny. Granted, her makeover has transformed her into a hottie–but when you're working with a straitlaced Aussie god like vintner Shane Preston, a little fashion goes a long way!Unfortunately, no-strings-attached doesn't work for Shane. Something about Audrey makes him want more from their fiery attraction–despite the fact that «commitment» leaves Audrey shakier than a horse on Rollerblades. Is she balking at love…or simply biding her time?
Купить книгу Better Off Dead, автора Meryl  Sawyer
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Better Off Dead
She'd better run…Devon's used to a life on the run–when she entered the Witness Protection program, she had to give up her friends, her family…even her name. But now someone's cracked her FBI file and sent a hired killer after her, and Devon can't count on the Feds to protect her.She'd better hide…Now Devon's fighting to stay one step ahead of the crime lord who's after her, but she can't do it alone. Her neighbor, a security expert, is willing to help her…but is he her guardian angel, or working with the assassins chasing her? Devon has to decide, and soon…Because someone thinks she'd be better off dead.
Купить книгу Awakening His Lady, автора Kathrynn  Dennis
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Awakening His Lady
King John's summons to war in France may have taken Sir Thomas Addecker away from his beloved Lady Meriom before they could wed, but not before they shared one passionate night together on the eve of his departure.The memory of that love and desire helped Thomas survive, even after he was brutally scarred in battle. But nothing could be more painful than the thought of Meri, believing Thomas was killed, marrying another man. Can this warrior reawaken the passion they once shared before it is too late?
Купить книгу Abide With Me, автора Delia  Parr
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Abide With Me
The three Long sisters of Welleswood, New Jersey, felt they could handle any problem, any crisis together…But suddenly, each was facing the most critical challenge of her life. Andrea, a single mom, was in a fight for survival, against cancer. Madge, who'd once lived a storybook life, needed to find forgiveness–if she ever could–for a husband who'd kept a shocking secret for years. Jenny, pregnant with her third child, longed to keep her husband's dream alive, whatever the sacrifice.To get through it all, they would have to lean on one another as never before, trusting that their love and hope–and their faith, no matter how far it was tested–would see them through.
Купить книгу A.k.a. Goddess, автора Evelyn  Vaughn
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A.k.a. Goddess
This wasn't in my job description….Reporting a break-in, avoiding my overprotective exlover, dodging dangerous men out to kill me…not exactly a typical day for a comparative mythology professor. So how did I, Maggie Sanger, get mixed up in all this?It started with a family legend that connects me to a goddess and charges me with recovering the grail she hid away ages ago. Apparently some powerful people heard the story and are bent on destroying the grail at any cost–including my life. Now I have to find it before the enemy closes in….The Grail Keepers: Going for the Grail with the goddess on their side.
Купить книгу A Royal Mission, автора Elizabeth  August
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A Royal Mission
Protecting Princess VictoriaUnder cover of darkness, Lance Grayson conducted the most crucial rescue mission of his career. And succeeded. Though dazed from her ordeal, the rightful Princess Victoria of Thortonburg was still breathtakingly beautiful…and spirited enough to question where her tall, dark savior was taking her. Alone.His safe house was humble, but would have to do. With her kidnappers still at large, it was Lance's duty to watch over Victoria Rockford…and to reveal the secret that would turn her life upside down. Not known for compassion, Lance couldn't resis comforting this woman. Yet he was honor-bound to resist making Princess Victoria his in every war…
Купить книгу A Perfect Life?, автора Dawn  Atkins
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A Perfect Life?
Claire Quinn has a perfect ife–in her dreamsIn reality, she has an advertising job headed for permanent entry-level, a pricey apartment and a rat of a boyfriend. So now she has to make her wish come true.But she can get this figured out, right? She just has to hit on the plan and her life will get better. Good thing she has the Chickateers–her loyal girlfriends who regularly dish on their love lives, but never snivel! With their smart-ass outlooks and cheeky advice guiding her, how can she go wrong?Except that it turns out her ad exec mentor is a closet lecher, her new roommate is a little, uh, wild and the cute guy who just captured her attention? He's got a no-attachments, no-regrets mantra that doesn't fit the plan.Looks as if she's going to have to stop following her own advice.
Купить книгу A New Attitude, автора Charlotte  Hughes
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A New Attitude
Marilee Abernathy's life is a mess. Everyone in Chickpea, South Carolina, knows about her husband's affair with the town floozy.But when her dignified farewell–complete with pearls and impeccably applied Mary Kay cosmetics–turns into a spectacularly unsuccessful attempt to hang herself from a fake ceiling beam, Marilee figures there has to be a better way to cope.Marilee needs a new attitude–at least, that's what her neighbor Sam Brewer thinks. Between his demanding mother and his crazy ex-wife, though, the last thing he wants is another woman whose life is out of control. But Marilee's learning on her own that a little attitude can go a long way–suddenly she's taking charge and taking chances she'd never imagined. And watching her blossom reminds Sam of some long-forgotten dreams of his own. Now he's just got to convince her to turn some of that attitude his way….