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Купить книгу Талант побеждает, автора Рэма Чарана
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Талант побеждает
Сегодня большого успеха добиваются компании, которые ставят на первое место не стратегию, а людей. Эксперты по найму и лидерству – Рэм Чаран, Доминик Бартон и Деннис Кэри – предлагают совершенно новое руководство по привлечению, удержанию и развитию талантливых сотрудников. В наши дни HR-департамент должен стать частью бизнеса и наравне с финансовым отделом управлять судьбой компании. Эта книга научит распоряжаться человеческим капиталом так же строго и эффективно, как и финансовым.
Купить книгу Вы приняты!, автора Корина Гранта
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Вы приняты!
Пошаговое руководство для студентов и выпускников вузов, которые пока не понимают, как приступать к покорению профессионального мира, ведь все работодатели требуют опыт работы. Вдохновляющие кейсы, полезные упражнения, практические советы ведущих специалистов в области построения карьеры, которые собраны в этой книге, помогут правильно поставить карьерные цели, найти первую работу, грамотно составить резюме, успешно пройти собеседование и услышать желанное «вы приняты»!
Купить книгу Внутренний компас лидера, автора Билла Джорджа
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Внутренний компас лидера
Лидерство – это наука. Именно такой манифест объявил Уоррен Беннис – первопроходец этого учения. Самый опасный и распространненый миф – то, что лидерами рождаются, а не становятся. Беннис опровергает его, называя чушью. Почему? В книге «Внутренний компас лидера» автор аргументирует свою позицию.
Купить книгу Suure juhtimistarkuse väike käsiraamat, автора James  McGrath
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Suure juhtimistarkuse väike käsiraamat
James McGrathi sulest ilmunud „Suure juhtimistarkuse väike käsiraamat“ on järg tema menukile „Suurte juhtimisteooriate väikene käsiraamat“, mis hinnati aastal 2015 Suurbritannia juhtimisinstituudi ja Briti raamatukogu poolt praktilise juhi kategooria parimaks. Sarnaselt McGrathi eelmisele kogumikule külvab ka selle järg lugeja üle tarkuseteradega, millest enamik teooriaõpikuid vaikivad.
Купить книгу Руководители-чемпионы, автора Станислава Шекшни
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Эта книга о современных российских бизнес-лидерах. В условиях неопределенности и турбулентности они трансформируют свои компании, делая их флагманами индустрии, и задают новые стандарты для всей отрасли.
Купить книгу Впереди перемен, автора Джона П. Коттера
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Впереди перемен
В бизнесе перемены неизбежны. Компании, которым не удалось адаптироваться, ждет крах. Но, к сожалению, мало у кого из руководителей получается проводить преобразования в компании. Джон Коттер изучил опыт успешных и провальных преобразований в тысячах компаний и разработал универсальный алгоритм внедрения изменений. В книге вы найдете десятки примеров эффективности или неэффективности того или иного подхода. Здесь подробно разобраны восемь стадий реформирования компании, а также основные ошибки, которые допускают руководители.
Купить книгу Как гибнут великие, автора Джима Коллинза
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Как гибнут великие
Джим Коллинз, взирая взглядом ученого на безжизненные руины когда-то казавшихся несокрушимыми, а ныне канувших в Лету компаний, задается вопросом: как гибнут великие? Действительно ли крах происходит неожиданно или компания, не ведая того, готовит его своими руками? Можно ли обнаружить признаки упадка на ранней стадии и избежать его? Почему одни компании в трудных условиях остаются на плаву, а другие, сопоставимые с ними по всем показателям, идут ко дну? Насколько сильными должны быть кризисные явления, чтобы движение к гибели стало неотвратимым? Как совершить разворот и вернуться к росту?
Купить книгу Jõud. Kuidas luua vabadusest ja vastutusest kantud töökultuuri, автора Patty McCord
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Jõud. Kuidas luua vabadusest ja vastutusest kantud töökultuuri
Patty McCord oli Netflixi talendijuht ning üks sealse ainulaadse ja tõhusa kultuuri loojatest. Oma värskes raamatus jagab ta Netflixis ja mujal Silicon Valleys saadud kogemusi.
Купить книгу Private Debt. Opportunities in Corporate Direct Lending, автора
Private Debt. Opportunities in Corporate Direct Lending
The essential resource for navigating the growing direct loan market Private Debt: Opportunities in Corporate Direct Lending provides investors with a single, comprehensive resource for understanding this asset class amidst an environment of tremendous growth. Traditionally a niche asset class pre-crisis, corporate direct lending has become an increasingly important allocation for institutional investors—assets managed by Business Development Company structures, which represent 25% of the asset class, have experienced over 600% growth since 2008 to become a $91 billion market. Middle market direct lending has traditionally been relegated to commercial banks, but onerous Dodd-Frank regulation has opened the opportunity for private asset managers to replace banks as corporate lenders; as direct loans have thus far escaped the low rates that decimate yield, this asset class has become an increasingly attractive option for institutional and retail investors. This book dissects direct loans as a class, providing the critical background information needed in order to work effectively with these assets. Understand direct lending as an asset class, and the different types of loans available Examine the opportunities, potential risks, and historical yield Delve into various loan investment vehicles, including the Business Development Company structure Learn how to structure a direct loan portfolio, and where it fits within your total portfolio The rapid rise of direct lending left a knowledge gap surrounding these nontraditional assets, leaving many investors ill-equipped to take full advantage of ever-increasing growth. This book provides a uniquely comprehensive guide to corporate direct lending, acting as both crash course and desk reference to facilitate smart investment decision making.
Купить книгу The Tokens. 11 Lessons to Help Build the Foundation of Success and Find Your Path to Greatness, автора
The Tokens. 11 Lessons to Help Build the Foundation of Success and Find Your Path to Greatness
The Tokens tells the fascinating story of Eric, a skilled craftsman and builder. During the course of his business journey, Eric struggles to take his burgeoning company to the next level. A chance encounter introduces him to Carl, a retired multimillionaire. Carl offers Eric the opportunity to take any material and supplies from his log cabin in exchange for demolishing the building. While working on the cabin, Eric discovers an unexpected and mystifying gift from Carl, a note and a wooden token. As his relationship with Carl evolves, Eric is faced with countless business challenges and growth. Carl becomes a close friend and indispensable mentor offering his wisdom, knowledge, and business tips (tokens). Eric applies these valuable lessons and discovers the importance of the core concepts that created success for the members of Carl's mastermind group. Along the way, Eric also learns to appreciate the insights and advice from his own grandfather. The Tokens is centered on the building and construction industry and each business lesson helps to build a foundation of success that is so vital for sustaining growth and overcoming challenges. Written by successful entrepreneurs and devout instructors of personal and professional development, The Tokens outlines the eleven points for developing and maintaining a successful building or construction business with many of the lessons applicable to any business. The authors explain how to build confidence, become a person of integrity and optimism, create successful relationships, learn to overcome obstacles, and much more. The Tokens is an informative, entertaining, and heartwarming parable that motivates, inspires, and teaches.
Купить книгу Out of the Gobi. My Story of China and America, автора
Out of the Gobi. My Story of China and America
Foreword by Janet Yellen Weijian Shan's Out of the Gobi is a powerful memoir and commentary that will be one of the most important books on China of our time, one with the potential to re-shape how Americans view China, and how the Chinese view life in America. Shan, a former hard laborer who is now one of Asia's best-known financiers, is thoughtful, observant, eloquent, and brutally honest, making him well-positioned to tell the story of a life that is a microcosm of modern China, and of how, improbably, that life became intertwined with America. Out of the Gobi draws a vivid picture of the raw human energy and the will to succeed against all odds. Shan only finished elementary school when Mao Zedong's Cultural Revolution tore his country apart. He was a witness to the brutality and absurdity of Mao’s policies during one of the most tumultuous eras in China’s history. Exiled to the Gobi Desert at age 15 and denied schooling for 10 years, he endured untold hardships without ever giving up his dream for an education. Shan’s improbable journey, from the Gobi to the “People’s Republic of Berkeley” and far beyond, is a uniquely American success story – told with a splash of humor, deep insight and rich and engaging detail. This powerful and personal perspective on China and America will inform Americans' view of China, humanizing the country, while providing a rare view of America from the prism of a keen foreign observer who lived the American dream. Says former Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen: “Shan’s life provides a demonstration of what is possible when China and the United States come together, even by happenstance. It is not only Shan’s personal history that makes this book so interesting but also how the stories of China and America merge in just one moment in time to create an inspired individual so unique and driven, and so representative of the true sprits of both countries.”
Купить книгу Authentic Marketing. How to Capture Hearts and Minds Through the Power of Purpose, автора Larry  Weber
Authentic Marketing. How to Capture Hearts and Minds Through the Power of Purpose
Engage on a deeper level by disrupting the typical business development script Authentic Marketing offers a forward-thinking approach to achieving an entirely new level of engagement with today’s purpose-driven and skeptical audiences. The heart of this process involves finding the soul of your organization. When moral purpose becomes central to your organization, it can deliver benefits to both the bottom line and mankind: a profit meets purpose proposition. This path requires a reinvention of today’s dated business model, abolishing the inefficient, siloed approach of developing a business strategy first and then later creating separate strategies for marketing, HR, manufacturing, R&D, etc. The new integrated model fuses a tight integration of business, technology innovation and engagement strategies, all of which are bound together by a company’s moral purpose. When moral purpose is central to an organization’s core, everything branches out from a place of authenticity. Rather than a siloed CSR effort, you develop employee and customer relationships based on real—not curated—connections with a brand’s moral mission. You build true engagement, trust and evangelism. And, along the way, your customers will actually help to co-create your brand. This book shows you how to transform your business by putting moral purpose to work for your stakeholders and the planet. Embrace a new model that integrates business, technology innovation, and engagement strategies with moral purpose as the glue that binds them together Learn the key steps to find your moral purpose Discover how to engage audiences with a transparent, authentic marketing approach that forges powerful connections and builds trust. With a world of options at their fingertips, today’s purpose-driven customers want a brand they can identify with and trust. Authentic Marketing shows you how to make your brand more human, more likeable, more genuine and guides you on how to connect with audiences on a moral level. This process will build a new level of engagement that will benefit both your long-term value and the world.