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Купить книгу HBR Guide. Эмоциональный интеллект, автора
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HBR Guide. Эмоциональный интеллект
Специалисты полагают, что эмоциональный интеллект порой важнее многих профессиональных навыков. Этот сборник статей содержит множество подсказок и приемов, которые помогут вам лучше понять себя и своих коллег. Вы научитесь справляться с различными сложными ситуациями на работе и в жизни, улучшите навыки взаимодействия и станете действовать более эффективно.
Купить книгу Teejuht investeerimismaailma – dividendinvestor.ee blogi artiklite kogumik, автора
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Teejuht investeerimismaailma – dividendinvestor.ee blogi artiklite kogumik
Lühike sisututvustus: Kauaaegne pensionifondide fondijuht ja blogi dividendinvestor.ee eestvedaja Märten Kress on sellesse e-raamatusse kokku kogunud rohkem kui kolme aasta jooksul dividendinvestor.ee blogis ilmunud artiklid. Need, millest on kasu nii alustavale kui ka edasijõudnud investorile. Need, mis aitavad laduda kindla vundamendi, selgitavad lahti põhitõed ja põhimõisted ning võimaldavad tükk tüki haaval üles ehitada kogu investeerimisemaailma suurt pilti. Need, mis aitavad alustaval investeerimishuvilisel kergema vaevaga sel pikal ja pidevat õppimist nõudval rajal teha esimesed edukad sammud. Artiklid on teemade alusel jaotatud kokku seitsme peatüki vahel. E-raamatus tuleb muuhulgas juttu investeeringuteks raha kõrvale panemisest ehk säästmisest, investorvajaduste hierarhiast, isiklike rahaasjade planeerimisest ja investeerimisstrateegiatest kui ka olulistest finantsturgude ajaloo tähelepanekutest, mida investoritel on tarvis teada. E-raamatu kaks viimast peatükki keskenduvad börsil kaubeldavate fondide ehk ETFide ja dividendiaktsiate teemadele.
Купить книгу The Management of Living Beings or Emo-management, автора
The Management of Living Beings or Emo-management
This book is based on the author's research carried out over the last ten years in terms of emotional management. It establishes the intervention of emotions at all levels of management: the Littré definition, management being the art of the possible, «the art of guiding, managing, handling, motivating … even resolving and arranging». Emotion is a subject studied particularly in management in English speaking countries and has become a topic of growing interest in organizational behavior. E-motion is, in this book, considered based on its etymological origin (ex-movere: put into action by the external factors). The objective is to demonstrate a new vision of responsible management and to confront the current challenges in motion. In this way, the latter tends to take into consideration the 'living', i.e. the psychobiological, neurological and sociological aspects of people in business.
Купить книгу Stock Trader's Almanac 2019, автора
Stock Trader's Almanac 2019
The best data in the business, updated for 2019 Stock Trader's Almanac 2019 provides the cleanest historical data in the business to give traders and investors an advantage in the market. The 2019 edition is consistent with decades of the Stock Trader's Almanac showing you the cycles, trends, and patterns you need to know in order to invest with minimum risk and maximum profit. Updated with the latest numbers, this indispensable guide is organized in a calendar format to provide monthly and daily reminders, including upcoming opportunities to grab and dangers to avoid. Proprietary strategies include the Hirsch Organization's Best Six Months Switching Strategy, the January Barometer, and the Four-Year Presidential Election/Stock Market Cycle, arming you with the tools savvy investors use to achieve their market goals. Trusted by Barron's, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and other respected market authorities, this indispensable guide has helped generations of investors make smart market moves. This new edition provides the same level of invaluable guidance, with the latest data straight from the vault. Access the most trusted historical market data available Identify patterns and trends you won't find anywhere else Get advance notice about upcoming risks and opportunities Bring accuracy to your forecasting and confidence to your investing Analytical tools are essential to successful investing, but they're only as useful as the data is accurate. Even the most beautifully designed model cannot forecast accurately based on incomplete, misleading, or inaccurate numbers; data quality is the bedrock of your entire investing strategy, and when it comes to data, cleanliness is next to profitability. Get the edge this year with the best data in the business, plus a wealth of valuable strategies in the Stock Trader's Almanac 2019.
Купить книгу Virtual Teams For Dummies, автора
Virtual Teams For Dummies
Set your virtual team on a path to success In the global marketplace, people can work practically anywhere and anytime. Virtual teams cut across the boundaries of time, space, culture, and sometimes even organizations. Rising costs, global locations, and advances in technology are top reasons why virtual teams have increased by 800 percent over the past 5 years. Packed with solid advice, interviews and case studies from well-known companies who are already using virtual teams in their business model and their lessons learned, Virtual Teams For Dummies provides rock-solid guidance on the essentials for building, leading, and sustaining a highly productive virtual workforce. It helps executives understand key support strategies that lead virtual teams to success and provides practical information and tools to help leaders and their teams bridge the communication gaps created by geographical separation—and achieve peak performance. Includes research findings based on a year-long study on the effectiveness of virtual teams Mindset and skill shift for managers from old school traditional team management to virtual team management Covers the communication and relationship strategies for virtual teams Examines how the frequency of in-person meetings affects a remote team’s success Written by an award-winning leadership expert, this book is your one-stop resource on creating and sustaining a successful virtual team.
Купить книгу Digital Rebirth. Wie sich intelligente Unternehmen neu erfinden, автора Marius  Leibold
Digital Rebirth. Wie sich intelligente Unternehmen neu erfinden
Die digitale Transformation wird in vielen Fällen nicht ausreichen, um die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu bewältigen. Digital Rebirth ist mehr, es bedeutet eine Neukonzeption der Ziele, Leistungen, Kultur und Prozesse eines Unternehmens, inklusive der technologischen Plattform. Dieses Buch präsentiert praktische Rahmenbedingungen für den Digital Rebirth. Es richtet sich an etablierte große und mittlere Unternehmen, an deren Zulieferer und Dienstleister ebenso wie an jüngere Unternehmen und Startups. Und damit an Vorstände und Eigentümer, Führungskräfte, Unternehmensgründer und Consultants. – In jedem Kapitel beschreibt es bewährte Konzepte des Digital Rebirth, von der digitalen Neuausrichtung über digitale Plattformen und Ökosysteme bis zu Hinweisen, wie man von überkommenen Auffassungen zu neuartigen Denkweisen kommt und sich von unternehmerischem Ballast und alten Prozessen befreit. – Es zeigt deutlich, wie bekannte Unternehmen den Rebirth bereits gemeistert haben – oder gerade dabei sind, sich zu einem der Spielmacher der digitalen Wirtschaft zu entwickeln. – Darstellungen für Unternehmen und Branchen werden unterstützt durch Beschreibungen der Ansätze, Methoden und praktische Tools. – Der Inhalt des Buchs dient als Grundlage für Workshops, Management-Meetings sowie Führungskräfte-Brainstormings, wie sie von den Autoren bereits erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden. – Am Ende des Buchs wird der Ansatz des Digital Rebirth zu einem Set von fünf digitalen Treibern zusammengefasst, als Tools für eine zielgerichtete und erfolgreiche Unternehmensneuausrichtung. Das Konzept des Digital Rebirth zeigt deutlich, dass etablierte Business- und Wettbewerbsmodelle unter dem Aspekt des Internet der Dinge, künstlicher Intelligenz, Industrie 4.0 und cloudbasierten Diensten nicht mehr ausreichen, die digitale Welt abzubilden und zu verstehen. Inhalt Digital Rebirth. Weil Digitale Transformation und Roadmaps nicht ausreichend sind Was Digitalisierung wirklich bedeutet. Trends, Konsequenzen, Mythen Was Digitalisierung von uns verlangt. Neue Denkweisen, richtige Fragestellungen Das Kernkonzept des Digital Rebirth. Der Aufbau digitaler Unternehmensplattformen Horizontaler Digital Rebirth. Unternehmens-Ökosysteme gestalten und pflegen Vertikaler Digital Rebirth. Die Nutzung cloudbasierter Dienste Prozesse, Menschen, Qualifikationen. Die Fähigkeiten zum Digital Rebirth entwickeln Digital Leadership. Die Neuausrichtung von Unternehmen Das Werkzeug. Fünf Treiber für erfolgreichen Digital Rebirth Fazit. Digital Rebirth als entscheidender Impulsgeber für Unternehmen «Eine zeitgemäße Orientierungshilfe für Manager und Berater in praktisch jeder Branche.» ? Prof. Dr. Thomas Bauer
Купить книгу Leadership Language. Using Authentic Communication to Drive Results, автора Chris  Westfall
Leadership Language. Using Authentic Communication to Drive Results
The only language you need to know to change your results. Inside each of us is a vision of how things could be. Yet most people remain frustrated by a lack of impact, unable to connect and inspire the people they care about the most. Why? There’s a language we understand, but rarely use. A language that’s sincere. Powerful. Compelling. A language of words—and actions—that can’t be denied. Leadership Language will help you to peel back the ineffective “business speak”, so you can change the conversation. And change your results. Imagine what could happen when you replace frustration with an irresistible vision—for yourself, your team and your organization. Today’s leaders face so many challenges—employee retention, operational efficiency, culture, collaboration, leading across generations, and more—but communication is at the heart of every one of those issues. A clear message with a powerful delivery gets you halfway home. Honing in on your next conversation can drive more impact, better relationships, and greater overall effectiveness. For yourself. Your career. Your company. They say there’s nothing that can stop an idea whose time has come. So, take the lead. It’s time for you to create what’s missing. And Leadership Language will show you how. Get clear on your vision, get aligned with your story, and get others engaged with your message Connect with the people that matter most, in a way that invites innovation and new outcomes Find the courage to move forward, conquer change, and create powerful impact—while you help others do the same From student leaders to the C-suite, there is only one way for a leader to make an impact: communication. Leadership Language is your personal guide to mastering critical skills and unveiling your authentic potential.
Купить книгу Volatility. Practical Options Theory, автора
Volatility. Practical Options Theory
Gain a deep, intuitive and technical understanding of practical options theory The main challenges in successful options trading are conceptual, not mathematical. Volatility: Practical Options Theory provides financial professionals, academics, students and others with an intuitive as well as technical understanding of both the basic and advanced ideas in options theory to a level that facilitates practical options trading. The approach taken in this book will prove particularly valuable to options traders and other practitioners tasked with making pricing and risk management decisions in an environment where time constraints mean that simplicity and intuition are of greater value than mathematical formalism. The most important areas of options theory, namely implied volatility, delta hedging, time value and the so-called options greeks are explored based on intuitive economic arguments alone before turning to formal models such as the seminal Black-Scholes-Merton model. The reader will understand how the model free approach and mathematical models are related to each other, their underlying theoretical assumptions and their implications to level that facilitates practical implementation. There are several excellent mathematical descriptions of options theory, but few focus on a translational approach to convert the theory into practice. This book emphasizes the translational aspect, while first building an intuitive, technical understanding that allows market makers, portfolio managers, investment managers, risk managers, and other traders to work more effectively within—and beyond—the bounds of everyday practice. Gain a deeper understanding of the assumptions underlying options theory Translate theoretical ideas into practice Develop a more accurate intuition for better time-constrained decision making This book allows its readers to gain more than a superficial understanding of the mechanisms at work in options markets. Volatility gives its readers the edge by providing a true bedrock foundation upon which practical knowledge becomes stronger.
Купить книгу Lead Yourself to Success. Ordinary People Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Self-leadership, автора Alan  Chambers
Lead Yourself to Success. Ordinary People Achieving Extraordinary Results Through Self-leadership
Let your lifelong adventure begin today Lead Yourself to Success is your personal guidebook to greatness. Alan Chambers has led many expeditions to the North and South poles but you don't have to lead a national team or a multinational corporation to be successful, as long as you can lead yourself. The desire to learn is human nature, and lessons from those who have been where you want to go are extraordinary opportunities. You gain the insight and guidance you need to get there, and learn how to lead your own expedition down the path to success. Like any adventure, good preparation is key. You don't take off for the North pole on a whim, and you don't just leap into leadership without understanding the responsibilities it entails. This book shows you how to develop the leadership mindset to get wherever you want to go in life, trust your own judgement and come out on top of the world. Uncover your inner leadership potential Learn how others succeed Find the adventure in everyday life Lead yourself on an expedition to greatness Alan helps thousands of people every year unlock the door to higher performance. Every single one of those people was a leader waiting to happen, even if they didn't know it – but once they truly realised where their potential could take them, they became unstoppable. Let yourself become unstoppable with Lead Yourself to Success.
Купить книгу Digital Rebirth. How Smart Companies Recreate Themselves in the Digital Era, автора Marius  Leibold
Digital Rebirth. How Smart Companies Recreate Themselves in the Digital Era
Digital Rebirth transcends digital transformation. It involves a revolutionary reinventing of the purpose, nature and processes of a company, with accompanying digital business and technological platforms. This book presents a clear framework for practical digital rebirth of companies, contrasting it to prevalent «digital transformation» approaches. Aimed at large and medium-sized companies, as well as their subcontractors and service providers, but also at budding entrepreneurs, it should be read and used by company boards, executives, managers, startup leaders and business consultants.. – In every section of the book you will find proven concepts of Digital Rebirth, digital reinvention, collaborative digital practices, combinatorial technologies, digital platforms, digital ecosystems and pointers how to move from obsolete mindsets and left-over baggage to reinvented digitalization minds and processes. – It shows clearly how some major companies have digitally rebirthed themselves – or are in the process of it – to be or to become a leading player in the digital economy. – Company (and industry) illustrations are accompanied by descriptions of Digital Rebirth approaches, methodologies and practical tools. – The book's content is ideal for use in company workshops and executive sessions, as well as business leadership mindset sessions, and has been validated in such activities by the authors, including boards of highly renowned companies on all continents. – At the end of the book, the unique approach of Digital Rebirth is condensed into a framework of five digital drivers, to assist in the right activities for purposeful and successful company rebirth. The concept of Digital Rebirth shows clearly that, in the light of recent developments like Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and Cloud-based Services, well-established traditional industry and competitive models are not any longer satisfactory to understanding and dealing with digital realities.
Купить книгу The 25 Minute Meeting. Half the Time, Double the Impact, автора Donna  McGeorge
The 25 Minute Meeting. Half the Time, Double the Impact
Sharpen your focus and tighten your time frames to get more done in less time The 25 Minute Meeting goes beyond “cut to the chase” and shows you how to take back your work day with smarter planning and more productive action. Meetings have become a de facto way of working, and as they pile up and stretch to interminable lengths, they eat up our days and sink productivity—if they are poorly planned and run. Done well, meetings are short, sharp, productive affairs that provide critical time and space for the interactions that drive business forward. This book shows you how to effectively and efficiently recover your time with a roadmap to the 25-minute meeting. A clear framework walks you through the entire meeting process, with emphasis on timing and focus, with illustrative case studies showing how real-world meetings have transformed from painful to purposeful with a few simple changes. From purging the invite list, to shutting down irrelevant tangents and facilitating more efficient communication, this book can help you reclaim your lost hours without sacrificing collaboration. Learn the art and science of conducting short, useful, purposeful meetings Follow a clear framework for meeting planning, preparation, and participation Assess your meetings’ effectiveness using helpful checkpoints in each chapter Boost your meetings’ impact with variety and visuals—without adding unnecessary time A well-run meeting is a goldmine of opportunity for Getting Things Done; it is where the diverse set of talents on your team come together into a whole of achievement—it is your most valuable commodity. It’s time to leave dusty, boring, time-sucking meetings in the past and revolutionize the way we come together. The 25 Minute Meeting shows you a fresh, more productive approach to working, cooperating, collaborating, and communicating the 21st century way.
Купить книгу Project Management JumpStart, автора Kim  Heldman
Project Management JumpStart
An informative introduction for those considering a career in project management Project Management JumpStart offers a clear, practical introduction to the complex world of project management, with an entertaining approach based on real-world application. Fully revised to align with a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge –PMBOK Guide©, 6th edition, this book provides an overview of the field followed by an exploration of current best practices. The practical focus facilitates retention by directly linking critical concepts to your everyday work, while the close adherence to PMBOK guidelines makes this book the perfect starting point for those considering certification to earn either PMP or CompTIA Project+ credentials. Project management is a top-five, in-demand skill in today’s workplace, and the demand has spread far beyond IT to encompass nearly every industry; any organization that produces goods or services, whether for profit or not, has a vested interest in ensuring that projects are completed on time, on budget, and to the satisfaction of the client—this is the heart of the project management function. Let Kim Heldman, bestselling author of PMP Study Guide and CompTIA Project+ Study Guide, walk you through the basic principles and practices to help you build a strong foundation for further training. Understand current project management methods and practices Explore project management from a practical perspective Delve into illustrative examples that clarify complex issues Test your understanding with challenging study questions Trillions of dollars are invested in various projects around the world each year, and companies have learned that investing in qualified project management professionals pays off in every aspect of the operation. If you’re considering a career in project management, Project Management JumpStart provides an excellent introduction to the field and clear direction for your next steps.