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Купить книгу The Laws Protecting Animals and Ecosystems, автора
The Laws Protecting Animals and Ecosystems
There is currently no basic text in wildlife law suitable for the wide range of courses in wildlife conservation and animal welfare at both bachelors and masters level, or for the large number of people who work in conservation and animal welfare; The Laws Protecting Animals and Ecosystems fills the gap in this significant market for a basic law text applicable to students and professionals whose primary training is in biology but who require a basic understanding of the laws relating to the protection of animals and ecosystems. The text is applicable to a wide range of subjects, including wildlife conservation, animal handling, animal welfare, animal husbandry, and veterinary science. This foundational text supports those studying animal and ecosystem law by providing an overview of the basic legal principles, national and international laws, terminology, the legal mechanisms used to protect animals and ecosystems, and a compendium of the major animal welfare and conservation laws in major English speaking countries. Dr. Rees has been teaching wildlife law for 20 years and ecology for over 35 years and is ideally placed to write this book.
Купить книгу Free-ranging Cats. Behavior, Ecology, Management, автора Stephen  Spotte
Free-ranging Cats. Behavior, Ecology, Management
Feral and stray domestic cats occupy many different habitats. They can resist dehydration for months by relying exclusively on the tissue water of their prey allowing them to colonize remote deserts and other inhospitable places. They thrive and reproduce in humid equatorial rainforests and windswept subantarctic islands. In many areas of the world feral cats have driven some species of birds and mammals to extinction and others to the edge, becoming a huge conservation concern. With the control of feral and stray cats now a top conservation priority, biologists are intensifying efforts to understand cat behaviour, reproductive biology, use of space, intraspecies interaction, dietary requirements, prey preferences, and vulnerability to different management strategies. This book provides the most comprehensive review yet published on the behavior, ecology and management of free-ranging domestic cats, whether they be owned, stray, or feral. It reviews management methods and their progress, and questions several widely accepted views of free-ranging cats, notably that they live within dominance hierarchies and are highly social. Insightful and objective, this book includes: a functional approach, emphasizing sensory biology, reproductive physiology, nutrition, and space partitioning; clear treatment of how free-ranging cats should be managed; extensive critical interpretation of the world’s existing literature; results of studies of cats in laboratories under controlled conditions, with data that can also be applied to pet cats. Free-ranging Cats: Behavior, Ecology, Management is valuable to ecologists, conservation scientists, animal behaviorists, wildlife nutritionists, wildlife biologists, research and wildlife veterinarians, clinical veterinarians, mammalogists, and park and game reserve planners and administrators.
Купить книгу Gravel Bed Rivers. Processes, Tools, Environments, автора Pascale  Biron
Gravel Bed Rivers. Processes, Tools, Environments
Gravel-Bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments presents a definitive review of current knowledge of gravel-bed rivers, derived from the 7th International Gravel-bed Rivers Workshop, the 5-yearly meeting of the world’s leading authorities in the field. Each chapter in the book has been specifically commissioned to represent areas in which recent progress has been made in the field. The topics covered also represent a coherent progression through the principal areas of the subject (hydraulics; sediment transport; river morphology; tools and methods; applications of science). Definitive review of the current knowledge of gravel-bed rivers Coverage of both fundamental and applied topics Edited by leading academics with contributions from key researchers Thoroughly edited for quality and consistency to provide coherent and logical progression through the principal areas of the subject.
Купить книгу The Banggai Cardinalfish. Natural History, Conservation, and Culture of Pterapogon kauderni, автора
The Banggai Cardinalfish. Natural History, Conservation, and Culture of Pterapogon kauderni
The Banggai cardinalfish, Pterapogon kauderni, is a fascinating species that possesses a series of remarkable biological characteristics making it unique among coral reef fishes. It has been the focus of studies in reproduction, ecology, population genetics and evolution. In addition, since its rediscovery in the late 1990s, it has become tremendously popular in the international ornamental fish trade, and indiscriminate collecting has led to its inclusion in the 2007 IUCN Red List as an endangered species. This book is divided into three main parts: a general introduction to the fish, including a historical synopsis with an overview of the Banggai Archipelago; a comprehensive treatment of the species’ natural history (distribution, morphology, reproduction, embryology, ecology, genetics, systematics and evolution); an account of the conservation of the species, including descriptions of its fishery, attempts to protect it under CITES, and introduction programmes. The book also includes an appendix offering information on captive breeding, juvenile mortality reduction, and common diseases. This book is a unique resource for ichthyology students and researchers working on fish biology, ecology and conservation, and for marine ornamental fish hobbyists and aquarium professionals. Visit www.wiley.com/go/vagelli/cardinalfish to access the figures and tables from the book.
Купить книгу River Conservation and Management, автора
River Conservation and Management
This book is intended for those with an academic, scientific and practical interest in river conservation and management. It provides an overview of how changes in legislation, policies, institutional responsibilities, science, technology, practical techniques and public perception have influenced how rivers have been managed over the past 20 years and the challenges that lie ahead during the next 20 years. The book is based on the international conference River Conservation and Management:20 Years On held at York. Thirty-one chapters, with contributions from North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australasia provide a wide-ranging perspective on this complex but profoundly important subject. Following an introduction that chronicles the most important contextual changes, the book is organized into four broad topics: Catchment management, ecosystem integrity and the threats to river ecosystems – this covers progress on understanding and addressing the pressures affecting rivers, many of which will be amplified by climate change and increasing human demands for water; Methods and approaches – illustrating some recent techniques that have been developed to assess condition and conservation status across different types of river; Recovery and rehabilitation – providing an insight into the principles, practice, public involvement and institutional networks that support and make improvements to modified river reaches; Integrating nature conservation into wider river management –demonstrating the importance of integrated planning, involvement of local communities and the use of adaptive management in achieving multiple environmental and economic benefits along rivers used for different purposes. The final chapter discusses the challenges faced in dealing with an uncertain future. More than 1200 different references and numerous web-site citations provide the reader with an invaluable source of knowledge on the subject area.
Купить книгу Biological Oceanography, автора
Biological Oceanography
This new edition of Biological Oceanography has been greatly updated and expanded since its initial publication in 2004. It presents current understanding of ocean ecology emphasizing the character of marine organisms from viruses to fish and worms, together with their significance to their habitats and to each other. The book initially emphasizes pelagic organisms and processes, but benthos, hydrothermal vents, climate-change effects, and fisheries all receive attention. The chapter on oceanic biomes has been greatly expanded and a new chapter reviewing approaches to pelagic food webs has been added. Throughout, the book has been revised to account for recent advances in this rapidly changing field. The increased importance of molecular genetic data across the field is evident in most of the chapters. As with the previous edition, the book is primarily written for senior undergraduate and graduate students of ocean ecology and professional marine ecologists. Visit www.wiley.com/go/miller/oceanography to access the artwork from the book.
Купить книгу Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation, автора
Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation
The new, completely updated edition of the aerial photography classic Extensively revised to address today's technological advances, Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation, Third Edition offers a thorough survey of the technology, techniques, processes, and methods used to create and interpret aerial photographs. The new edition also covers other forms of remote sensing with topics that include the most current information on orthophotography (including digital), soft copy photogrammetry, digital image capture and interpretation, GPS, GIS, small format aerial photography, statistical analysis and thematic mapping errors, and more. A basic introduction is also given to nonphotographic and space-based imaging platforms and sensors, including Landsat, lidar, thermal, and multispectral. This new Third Edition features: Additional coverage of the specialized camera equipment used in aerial photography A strong focus on aerial photography and image interpretation, allowing for a much more thorough presentation of the techniques, processes, and methods than is possible in the broader remote sensing texts currently available Straightforward, user-friendly writing style Expanded coverage of digital photography Test questions and summaries for quick review at the end of each chapter Written in a straightforward style supplemented with hundreds of photographs and illustrations, Aerial Photography and Image Interpretation, Third Edition is the most in-depth resource for undergraduate students and professionals in such fields as forestry, geography, environmental science, archaeology, resource management, surveying, civil and environmental engineering, natural resources, and agriculture.
Купить книгу Мой любимый зоопарк, автора Натальи Преображенской
Мой любимый зоопарк
В этой книге рассказывается об удивительных обитателях Московского зоопарка, их необычайных талантах и способностях. В зоопарке вы можете познакомиться с животными из самых разных уголков земного шара. Где же ещё можно за час совершить кругосветное путешествие, увидев арктического белого медведя, африканского жирафа и австралийского кенгуру?
Купить книгу Мы – совы, автора Натальи Преображенской
Мы – совы
Что ты знаешь о совах? У них большие глаза, они умеют поворачивать голову так, чтобы смотреть назад, громко ухают и хорошо прячутся. Думаешь это все? Ну уж нет! Спорим, ты даже не догадываешься, что совы слышат лучше людей в 16 раз! А как устроены их крылья? где совы прячутся днем? Как выращивают птенцов? Все это и многое другое ты узнаешь из нашей книжки. Совы сами откроют тебе очень важные секреты. Они расскажут как понять их язык, где они охотятся, какой у них режим, от кого произошли, какие мифы и легенды рассказывают о них люди. Ты сможешь узнать о некоторых видах сов подробно, научишься различать. А еще проверишь какой совой тебе посчастливилось бы оказаться.
Купить книгу Мы – кошки, автора Натальи Преображенской
Мы – кошки
Что ты знаешь о кошках? Все? Как бы не так! Сколько у кошки позвонков? Куда она прячет когти? С какой скоростью лакает молоко? Все это и многое другое ты узнаешь из нашей книжки. Домашние кошки сами откроют тебе свои тайны и секреты. Они расскажут как понять их язык, что им нужно для счастья, от кого они произошли, как устроены их глаза и когда и зачем они пришли к человеку. А еще ты можешь узнать о некоторых кошачьих породах и о том, какой кошкой тебе посчастливилось бы оказаться.
Купить книгу Короткие встречи, автора Александра Владимировича Токарева
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Короткие встречи
В этой книге рассказывается о самом близком для души увлечении – рыбалке. Здесь читатель увидит картины лесной жизни, где на глухом озере живёт себе вековечно семья воронов и ловится со льда желтобрюхая ямная щука. Волга встретит бескрайними просторами и ветрами, пахнущими инеем и дымком костра с островов. Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора.
Купить книгу Ребята и зверята (сборник), автора Ольги Перовской
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Ребята и зверята (сборник)
Книга, известная многим поколениям юных читателей нашей страны, рассказывает о трогательной дружбе ребят с домашними и приручёнными дикими животными.