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Купить книгу Get a Grip!. Overcoming Stress and Thriving in the Workplace, автора Bob  Losyk
Get a Grip!. Overcoming Stress and Thriving in the Workplace
Practical tips and easy exercises for relieving the stress of everyday life Get a Grip! offers powerful, prescriptive advice for living and thriving in our high-stress times. Integrating techniques that relax the mind, the body, and the spirit, it presents quick and easy ways to make the day less stressful-and get the most out of each and every day. For business owners, office workers, and even those who work at home raising a family, Get a Grip! helps them understand the sources of their stress and deal with it effectively with advice on such topics as: stress-busting exercises, breathing techniques, meditation, visualization, diet, attitude, humor and work/life balance. Though it's impossible to lead a completely stress-free life, Get a Grip! will help everyone-from CEOs to homemakers-deal with the difficulties of daily life. Bob Losyk (Fort Lauderdale, FL) is a business consultant, trainer, and international speaker whose clients include American Express, Honda, Marriott, Taco Bell, IBM, and Inc. magazine, among others. His articles on management have appeared in such magazines as Futurist, Travel Weekly and Training & Development Journal.
Купить книгу Уверенность в себе. Умение контролировать свою жизнь, автора Роба Янга
Уверенность в себе. Умение контролировать свою жизнь
Купить книгу Семь шагов к финансовой свободе, автора Александра Евстегнеева
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Семь шагов к финансовой свободе
Если вы зарабатываете приличные деньги, но неприлично много тратите; если вы с болью смотрите, как инфляция жадно пожирает ваши сбережения, а безжалостные финансовые кризисы разрушают все ваши планы на будущее, – эта книга для вас!
Купить книгу Улыбнись, пока не поздно. Позитивная психология для повседневной жизни, автора Александра Свияша
Улыбнись, пока не поздно. Позитивная психология для повседневной жизни
Написанная в популярной форме книга известных психологов и эзотериков представляет интерес для читателей, занимающихся вопросами самосовершенствования. Книга поможет каждому изменить свою жизнь к лучшему.
Купить книгу А вы пробовали гипноз?, автора Сергея Горина
А вы пробовали гипноз?
«А вы пробовали гипноз?» ‒ бестселлер, проверенный временем, теперь и в аудиоформате! Автор книги Сергей Горин – крупнейший специалист по эриксонианскому гипнозу и легенда НЛП в России. Благодаря приемам, представленным в книге, вы сможете оказывать влияние на людей, завоевывать доверие и добиваться любых поставленных целей. Пошаговые инструкции и упражнения, множество примеров и легкий стиль изложения позволяют изучить технологии гипноза самостоятельно.
Купить книгу Ставь цели! Найти свою цель и достичь ее за 1 год, автора Ицхака Пинтосевича
Ставь цели! Найти свою цель и достичь ее за 1 год
Авторская методика обучения тому, как эффективно двигаться в выбранном направлении и достигать целей, не забывая радоваться и получать удовольствие от жизни.
Купить книгу Суворов & бизнес, автора Юрия Яворского
Суворов & бизнес
Как известно, Александр Васильевич Суворов был чрезвычайно образованным человеком: знал семь иностранных языков, в том числе турецкий и финский, военную историю, отлично владел математикой, и главное – не проиграл ни одного сражения!
Купить книгу Кроссфит мозга: Как подготовить себя к решению нестандартных задач, автора Игоря Намаконова
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Кроссфит мозга: Как подготовить себя к решению нестандартных задач
Быстро придумать оригинальный ответ на неожиданный вопрос. Найти решение в экстренной рабочей ситуации. Подобрать четкие аргументы в пользу вашей идеи. Эти навыки пригодятся в любой сфере деятельности. А развить их можно, если регулярно тренировать своё креативное мышление.
Купить книгу Time Management For Dummies – UK, автора Clare  Evans
Time Management For Dummies – UK
If you’re finding yourself tied down by piles of paperwork, endless unanswered emails and thousands of to-do lists, then this is the book for you! Become a more efficient, effective and productive you with Time Management For Dummies- your one-stop guide to taking control of your life. Packed with hundreds of time-saving ideas, techniques and strategies, you’ll be able to: get on top of your workload, communicate effectively, make the most of your business meetings, organise your desk and files, prioritise and delegate well, and kick the procrastination habit. With tips on getting more out of your time away from your desk, maintaining a productive home office environment and still finding time to see to your finances, health and social life, these time management tools will leave you feeling in control of your life – at work and at home. Time Management For Dummies covers: What is Time Management? Getting Your Time in Order Organising The Work You Have To Do Working From Home The Bigger Picture
Купить книгу The Now Habit at Work. Perform Optimally, Maintain Focus, and Ignite Motivation in Yourself and Others, автора
The Now Habit at Work. Perform Optimally, Maintain Focus, and Ignite Motivation in Yourself and Others
Increase productivity, efficiency, and full-brain power when you apply Now Habit strategies to your business What if working harder, stressing more, and putting in more hours aren't the secret to success? What if truly effective managers, entrepreneurs, and businesspeople simply use more of their brain to make creative decisions, work in the zone, and live more fully in the process? The Now Habit at Work gives you a hands-on manual enabling the resilience and focus of champions-the ability to bounce back from set-backs, to believe in yourself, and focus on solving problems rather than seeing only obstacles. This one-of-a-kind program offers Tools to enable superior quality work that creates work-life balance Strategies to maintain focus and self-confidence Tips to conquer stress through effective time management and goal setting Daily exercises to ignite motivation in yourself and others to tackle projects with creativity and ease Filled with practical examples that are throroughly tested and easy to implement, The Now Habit at Work will have you increasing your mindfulness while reforming old habits and reducing your stress. You'll be amazed at how soon your new habits will be inspiring and motivating those around you to new levels of productivity!
Купить книгу Eliminate the Chaos at Work. 25 Techniques to Increase Productivity, автора Laura  Leist
Eliminate the Chaos at Work. 25 Techniques to Increase Productivity
Create office efficiency and business productivity with this helpful book. Eliminate the Chaos at Work increases your business productivity and peace of mind by showing you how to create streamlined information systems, processes and workflows. Laura's proven 25 techniques are easy to implement, realistic and results oriented. Using these techniques, you can take control over your time and information to create workable systems built to reflect how you think and process information. Eliminate the Chaos at Work breaks down the everyday organization and productivity challenges you face at work into four areas: time, paper and information management as well as managing all of the stuff in your office. You'll learn effective time and information management techniques including how to: Produce logical, user friendly information management systems to ensure information is organized and easily retrievable Schedule and manage meetings that aren't total time wasters Implement a system to process and follow up on e-mail Create an organized e-mail filing structure for easy retrieval De-clutter paper files, decide what can be stored, scanned, shredded or recycled Learn what paper management system will work best for you and how to create the filing structure Use the PAPERS method for maintaining efficient paper management systems Determine which task management system is right for your needs and how to manage your tasks and projects daily using the 20-minute rule Use the 10-step process to organize the stuff in your office Imagine working in an office where you feel in control and on top of things, instead of overwhelmed. Setup a comfortable workspace and make yourself and your team's office more productive, supported and in control with Eliminate the Chaos at Work.
Купить книгу Successful Time Management For Dummies, автора Dirk  Zeller
Successful Time Management For Dummies
Incorporate effective time management and transform your life If you always feel like there's not enough time in the day to get everything accomplished, Successful Time Management For Dummies is the resource that can help change your workday and your life. Filled with insights into how the most successful people manage distractions, fight procrastination, and optimize their workspace, this guide provides an in-depth look at the specific steps you can use to take back those precious hours and minutes to make more of your workday and your leisure time. Modern life is packed with commitments that take up time and energy. But by more effectively managing time and cutting out unnecessary and unproductive activities, you really can do more with less. In this complete guide to time management, you'll find out how to manage email effectively, cut down on meetings and optimize facetime, use technology wisely, maximize your effectiveness during travel, and much more. Find out how to accomplish more at work and in life, all in less time Organize your professional life and workspace for optimal productivity Learn to put an end to procrastination and successfully handle interruptions Get specific insights into time management in various functions, from administration professionals to executives If you're looking to take back your time and ramp up your productivity, Successful Time Management For Dummies is the resource to help get your there in a hurry.