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Купить книгу Храброе сердце. Как сочувствие может преобразить вашу жизнь, автора Туптена Джинпа
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Храброе сердце. Как сочувствие может преобразить вашу жизнь
Развитие сочувствия – в личных интересах каждого человека, говорит в этой книге ведущий переводчик Далай-ламы, один из самых приближенных к нему учеников, ученый Туптен Джинпа. Основываясь на древних буддийских практиках, новейших исследованиях западной науки и примерах из жизни, Джинпа переносит сочувствие из области высоких идей в хаос повседневной жизни и показывает, как его развивать и применять.
Купить книгу Как победить стресс на работе за 7 дней, автора Стивена Эванса-Хоуи
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Как победить стресс на работе за 7 дней
Мы постоянно слышим разговоры о стрессе – наверняка вы и сами не раз говорили, что находитесь в состоянии стресса. Перед вами простое практическое руководство по избавлению от стресса в рабочей обстановке. Даже если вы сами не управляете сотрудниками, вы можете использовать знания, полученные из этой книги, для влияния на тех, кто принимает решения, возможно, даже на собственного руководителя.
Купить книгу Как забыть все забывать. 15 простых привычек, чтобы не искать ключи по всей квартире, автора Такаси Цукияма
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Как забыть все забывать. 15 простых привычек, чтобы не искать ключи по всей квартире
Если иногда вы чувствуете, что мозг дает сбой, вы плохо запоминаете новую информацию, с трудом сосредотачиваетесь, никак не можете вспомнить, куда положили  телефон или ключи, обязательно прочитайте эту книгу. Она нужна всем, кто живет в мире информационного шторма, работает в условиях многозадачности, всегда в делах и забывает о себе. Японский нейробиолог и нейрохирург Такаси Цукияма написал о решении этих проблем ясно, просто и доступно. Его советы не потребуют много времени и денег, но положительно повлияют как на работу вашего мозга, так и на качество жизни в целом.
Купить книгу Как побороть застенчивость, автора Филипа Зимбардо
Как побороть застенчивость
Застенчивость способна серьезно усложнить жизнь человека: она мешает работать, отдыхать и любить, отстаивать свои интересы и наслаждаться жизнью. Чтобы она не отравляла существование, важно понимать, что это такое, и какие нужны условия, чтобы вернуть себе свободу – в речах и действиях. Всемирно известный психолог Ф. Зимбардо считает, что эту проблему можно преодолеть с помощью специальных упражнений. Его книга откроет перед застенчивыми мир, полный дружелюбия и приятного общения, а их самих превратит в искусных собеседников и уверенных в себе людей.
Купить книгу Zig Zag. The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity, автора Keith  Sawyer
Zig Zag. The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity
A science-backed method to maximize creative potential in any sphere of life With the prevalence of computer technology and outsourcing, new jobs and fulfilling lives will rely heavily on creativity and innovation. Keith Sawyer draws from his expansive research of the creative journey, exceptional creators, creative abilities, and world-changing innovations to create an accessible, eight-step program to increasing anyone's creative potential. Sawyer reveals the surprising secrets of highly creative people (such as learning to ask better questions when faced with a problem), demonstrates how to come up with better ideas, and explains how to carry those ideas to fruition most effectively. This science-backed, step-by step method can maximize our creative potential in any sphere of life. Offers a proven method for developing new ideas and creative problem-solving no matter what your profession Includes an eight-step method, 30 practices, and more than 100 techniques that can be launched at any point in a creative journey Psychologist, jazz pianist, and author Keith Sawyer studied with world-famous creativity expert Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Sawyer's book offers a wealth of easy to apply strategies and ideas for anyone who wants to tap into their creative power.
Купить книгу Motivation For Dummies, автора Gillian  Burn
Motivation For Dummies
Packed with motivational tools and techniques to help you succeed Inspire yourself and others to make positive changes and create a more motivated life Motivation is a powerful tool and is central to achieving your goals; whether you want to change your career, promote teamwork in the office, quit a bad habit, or find a new interest, you need to find the motivation to get going and keep going! This no-nonsense guide explains the psychology of motivation and offers practical strategies to help you master your mind and body to unlock your motivation and get more of what you want in all aspects of your life. Discover how to: * Muster the motivation to make a change * Motivate your mind and your body * Set goals and maintain motivation * Develop a strategy for success * Overcome motivational barriers and deal with setbacks
Купить книгу Relaxation For Dummies, автора Shamash  Alidina
Relaxation For Dummies
New ways to embrace relaxation every day! Relaxation For Dummies provides a straightforward guide to understanding the importance of relaxation in our readers' day-to-day lives. Covering a variety of simple relaxation techniques, including meditation, breathing techniques, hypnotherapy, guided imagery and yoga, this book shows readers how to use physical and emotional relaxation to combat a range of issues including stress, anxiety, phobias and fears. The book is accompanied by an audio CD that provides accompanying relaxation exercises for readers to follow. Relaxation For Dummies: Shows readers how to understand the meaning of relaxation Provides relaxation strategies to help you take it easy Teaches the benefits of healthy breathing Allows the reader to harness the powers of Yoga and Tai Chi to increase well-being Note: CD files are available to download when buying the e-Book version
Купить книгу Confidence For Dummies, автора Brinley  Platts
Confidence For Dummies
Build up your confidence levels and become more effective in all areas of your life Self-confidence is more than just a feeling inside – it's an indispensable ingredient for success in life. Written by two of the most sought-after executive coaches in the world, Confidence For Dummies, 2nd Edition arms you with proven tools and techniques for overcoming insecurity and social inhibitions, and for learning how to think and behave with more confidence at work, socially, and even in love. Know where you stand – gauge your confidence level, identify which aspects of your life need confidence-building, and find out what's keeping you stuck in place Get on track – tailor a personal programme for creating the new super-confident you that you want to present to the world Find your focus – find out how to let go of perfectionism and unrealistic expectations Project self-confidence – broadcast your new-found confidence to the world and connect more easily with others Open the book and find: What confidence is and where it comes from How to connect confidently through social media Top tips to prepare you for a presentation or job interview Advice for approaching romantic relationships with confidence How to say 'No' with confidence Ways to recover quickly from any setback Learn to: Recognise your strengths and believe in your ability Develop your confidence both personally and professionally Get the results you want, whatever the situation
Купить книгу Ayurveda For Dummies, автора Angela  Hope-Murray
Ayurveda For Dummies
Rebalance your mind, body and spirit—the natural way! Ayurveda is an ancient system of prevention and treatment of illness by maintaining balance in the body, mind, and spirit according to your individual body type. Ayurveda For Dummies provides you with a comprehensive introduction to this area of complementary medicine, considering the origins and history of Ayurveda as well as practical guidance on utilizing the correct balance of nutrition and exercise, herbal remedies, yoga, and Ayurvedic massage to treat ailments and maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle. Helps you develop a diet based on your body type Advises you on ways to optimize your health by exercising to suit your body type Gives you trusted info on stretching your body with Yoga This hands-on, friendly guide helps you understand your body type and restore balance to your life using the principles of Ayurveda.
Купить книгу Overcoming Depression For Dummies, автора
Overcoming Depression For Dummies
Up to 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from diagnosable depression (bbc.co.uk) – that’s approximately 12 million people. Depression takes multiple forms, including seasonal affective disorder, bipolar disorder, and postnatal depression. Research by the BBC claims that up to 75% of sufferers are not receiving any form of professional medication or therapy, which strongly suggests that self-help is often a preferred course of action. Overcoming Depression For Dummies outlines practical methods for recognising and managing the symptoms of depression for those readers who might be too scared to go to their GP, who want to know more about the illness before they seek professional medical guidance, or for those who are just curious about depression and what it means. Overcoming Depression For Dummies: Is written by an expert team of clinical psychologists and provides step-by-step guidelines on proven therapeutic exercises and ways to implement positive psychology methods Provides sound advice on nutrition, relaxation and support, to help make those vital first steps towards a happier life Gives comprehensive information on the wide variety of prescription medication and complementary therapies available, including their effectiveness and side effects Is aimed at people suffering from depression looking for straightforward, realistic advice and also loved ones and parents of those suffering from depression wanting to better understand the condition and find out how they can help.
Купить книгу Creative Visualization For Dummies, автора Robin  Nixon
Creative Visualization For Dummies
The secret to getting exactly what you want from life – from the man who has! A businessman who has built up, owned and sold software companies, a nightclub, a bed and breakfast (plus a couple of alehouses), author Robin Nixon knows that worldly success has little to do with the world. It begins with one's self—and one's deepest thoughts. When altered, your thoughts have the ability to impact your behavior and immediate universe, and, indeed, your destiny. Known as «Creative Visualization,» this powerfully simple tool has adherents as well known as Oprah Winfrey. In Creative Visualization For Dummies, Robin Nixon gives you the practical tools for pinpointing your goals, becoming more assertive and self-confident, and increasing energy levels and creativity—while on a new journey of self-fulfillment. Includes useful visualization techniques and exercises that help you tune into the mind/body connection Offers psychological approaches that allow you to take real steps towards success and happiness For those interested in finding a new direction or finally creating their own luck, this tell-all guide—from the man who's capitalized on its secrets—will offer an inspiring game plan for a new beginning.
Купить книгу Self-Esteem For Dummies, автора Vivian  Harte
Self-Esteem For Dummies
Boost your self-esteem and truly believe that you are perfectly awesome Looking to get your hands on some more self-esteem? You're not alone. Thankfully, Self-Esteem For Dummies presents clear, innovative, and compassionate methods that help you identify the causes of low self-esteem—as well the lowdown on the consequences. Packed with trusted, hands-on advice to help you improve your overall self-worth, Self-Esteem For Dummies arms you with the proven tools and techniques for learning how to think and behave with more self-assurance at work, in social situations, and even in relationships. Self-esteem is shaped by your thoughts, relationships, and experiences. When you were growing up, your successes, failures, and how you were treated by your family, teachers, coaches, religious authorities, and peers determined how you feel about yourself. But you can shift your thinking and reclaim your self-worth with the help of Self-Esteem For Dummies. Helps you understand the ranges of self-esteem and the benefits of promoting self-esteem Arms you with the tools to learn how to think and behave with more self-assurance Covers the importance of mental wellbeing, assertiveness, resilience, and more Shows you how to improve your self-image, increase personal power, and feel better about yourself If you're looking to boost your sense of self-worth, Self-Esteem For Dummies sets you on the path to a more confident, awesome you.