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Купить книгу Mindful Leadership For Dummies, автора Juliet  Adams
Mindful Leadership For Dummies
The easy way to become a more mindful leader Want to become a more mindful leader? With Mindful Leadership For Dummies, you'll find accessible and authoritative guidance for cultivating focus, clarity, and creativity from within your colleagues. Packed full of useful tips, this friendly how-to guide will help you incorporate mindfulness in your leadership style to manage and reap the benefits of a more attentive working life—all while nurturing compassion in the service of others. You'll discover how mindfulness can help improve decision-making and communication skills, manage modern workday challenges, and so much more. Mindful leadership is currently a high-trending topic in the self-help/business world, making headlines in such prominent publications as Forbes, Time magazine and The Guardian, and even earning a dedicated blog on Huffington Post. And all for good reason—the benefits of practicing mindfulness in the workplace are far-reaching, and as we begin to uncover more research that supports its effectiveness, it's no wonder business leaders are jumping aboard this positive bandwagon. Includes tips on incorporating mindfulness into your leadership style Shows you how mindfulness can help develop and deepen your leadership qualities Explains how mindfulness enhances productivity and minimizes the effects of stress in the workplace Outlines how adding mindfulness to your leadership approach will enable you to make positive choices that support your well-being If you're a businessperson looking to add mindfulness to your leadership tool belt, Mindful Leadership For Dummies has everything you need to get started today.
Купить книгу Anger Management For Dummies, автора
Anger Management For Dummies
Your one-stop guide to anger management Anger is a completely normal, healthy human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—at work, in personal relationships, and in the overall quality of life. Anger Management For Dummies provides trusted and authoritative information on anger management methods, skills, and exercises that will help you or a loved one identify sources of anger and release them healthily. Anger has become one of the most intimate issues in today's world – as life, in general, has become increasingly stressful. . Anger Management For Dummies shows you how anger is often a bi-product of other more primitive emotions, such as fear, depression, anxiety, and stress, and arms you with the strategies that can help you conquer them. Inside, you'll discover how to overcome obstacles to change, rethink rage, confront anger head-on with healthier responses, and much more. Features new and updated coverage on road rage, air rage, office rage, and dealing with angry children Introduces you to new cognitive strategies for changing angry thinking Explains the difference between anger and aggression Shows you how to effectively and safely deescalate difficult people and situations With the tools, tips, and strategies provided in this hands-on guide, you'll find everything you need to overcome anger and live a happier, more productive life.
Купить книгу Counselling Skills For Dummies, автора Gail  Evans
Counselling Skills For Dummies
Discover the practical skills for helping others. Whether you are considering becoming a counsellor, have to provide some form of counselling as part of your job, or are simply interested in communicating well, Counselling Skills For Dummies provides the perfect introduction to the practical basics of counselling. Starting with a thorough guide to the qualities, knowledge and skills needed to become a ‘listening helper’, the book goes on to provide a framework for a counselling session, helping you to successfully manage a potentially daunting process. Counselling Skills For Dummies, 2nd Edition: Illustrates how you can create a positive relationship between listener and speaker Teaches you how to structure a helping conversation Explains how asking the right questions are important to the progression of the relationship between speaker and listener Shows how you can better understand yourself, which is a crucial step in ensuring that you break down your own barriers to listening
Купить книгу Creative Thinking For Dummies, автора David  Cox
Creative Thinking For Dummies
Creative thinking made easy Being creative can be tough – and trying to come up with great ideas under pressure can leave the great ideas under wraps! Creative Thinking For Dummies helps you apply creative thinking techniques to everything you touch, whether it's that novel you have inside you or the new business idea you've had that will make you the next hot entrepreneur ??? or anything in between. Creative Thinking For Dummies is a practical, hands-on guide packed with techniques and examples of different ways to think creatively. It covers a range of techniques, including brainstorming, lateral thinking, mind mapping, synectics, drawing and doodling your way to great ideas, meditation and visualization, word and language games, and divergent thinking. See the world in a different way, and realise that you are surrounded by creative inspiration Brainstorm new ideas successfully and try out some lateral thinking exercises Open your mind to a new way of thinking and nail down those great ideas Discover creative thinking techniques using games, words, drawings, and storytelling Let creativity enhance all aspects of your life, whether developing your personal skills, becoming more professionally effective, or using creative thinking techniques to help your children develop their creative minds You'll soon discover that everybody, including you, has a wealth of creative potential within—you just need to tap into it!
Купить книгу Can I Have Your Attention?. Inspiring Better Work Habits, Focusing Your Team, and Getting Stuff Done in the Constantly Connected Workplace, автора Jonathan  McKee
Can I Have Your Attention?. Inspiring Better Work Habits, Focusing Your Team, and Getting Stuff Done in the Constantly Connected Workplace
"A must read for anyone in the business of leading others." Ken May, CEO of Top Golf; former CEO of Fedex «If you want your team to stay focused, you will want to read Can I Have Your Attention?» Chester Elton, New York Times Best-Selling author of All In, The Carrot Principle and What Motivates Me Inspire better work habits. Focus your team. Get stuff done in the constantly connected workplace. As our workloads expand, attention has never been more valuable. Or more difficult to keep. In Can I Have your Attention?, Curt Steinhorst shows business leaders how to cut through the noise and get their employees back to work. Curt has spent years helping Fortune 500 companies overcome distraction and achieve focus. With technology creating endless opportunites to «improve productivity», people spend so much time responding to the interruptions that they've lost the ability to focus and do their jobs. Yet, the potential for harnessing the power of your team's attention has never been greater–if you can capture it. You'll learn how to: Implement a comprehensive organizational strategy to increase focus and overcome digital distraction. Take back control of the technology in your organization and life. Establish a Communication Compact, defining how, when, and why your team will communicate with each other. Create a «vault» to increase productivity, decrease stress, and boost your creativity. Free yourself and your employees from the never-ending flood of emails and messages. Achieve unmatched focus in the age of distraction. The smartphone isn't going away. Learn the simple rules and guidelines that will improve focus and create the mental space needed for your people to work to their full potential.
Купить книгу Mindfulness At Work For Dummies, автора Shamash  Alidina
Mindfulness At Work For Dummies
Do you want to reduce stress and boost your productivity? Mindfulness at Work For Dummies provides an overview of the concept of mindfulness and a programme to improve your work performance and overall wellbeing. Find out how the brain incorporates new mindful work patterns and discover tips to incorporate mindfulness into your routine to truly shine at work! The audio download contains guided mindfulness exercises and meditations suited to workplace scenarios, a core feature of mindfulness programmes. Mindfulness at Work For Dummies includes: An introduction to mindfulness, and how it can help improve working behaviour An explanation of how the brain retains new mindful working patterns. . . with a bit of practice! Useful tips on incorporating mindfulness into your working day Guidance for leaders on how mindfulness can help develop their leadership qualities.
Купить книгу Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy For Dummies, автора James  Furrow
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy For Dummies
A practical, down-to-earth guide to using the world's most successful approach to couple therapy One of the most successful therapeutic approaches to healing dysfunctional relationships, emotionally focused couple therapy provides clients with powerful insights into how and why they may be suppressing their emotions and teaches them practical ways to deal with those feelings more constructively for improved relationships. Unlike cognitive-behavioural therapy, which provides effective short-term coping skills, emotionally focused therapy often is prescribed as a second-stage treatment for couples with lingering emotional difficulties. Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy For Dummies introduces readers to this ground-breaking therapy, offering simple, proven strategies and tools for dealing with problems with bonding, attachment and emotions, the universal cornerstones of healthy relationships. An indispensable resource for readers who would like to manage their relationship problems independently through home study Delivers powerful techniques for dealing with unpleasant emotions, rather than repressing them and for responding constructively to complex relationship issues The perfect introduction to EFT basics for therapists considering expanding their practices to include emotionally focused therapy methods Packed with fascinating and instructive case studies and examples of EFT in action, from the authors' case files Provides valuable guidance on finding, selecting and working with the right EFT certified therapist
Купить книгу Managing Anger with CBT For Dummies, автора Gillian  Bloxham
Managing Anger with CBT For Dummies
Defuse your anger with CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a hugely popular self-help technique, which teaches you how to break free from destructive or negative behaviors and make positive changes to both your thoughts and your actions. This practical guide to managing anger with CBT will help you to understand your anger, identify solutions to your problems, and maintain your gains and avoid relapse. This concise, user-friendly guide provides focused advice on defusing anger using proven CBT techniques. You'll discover how to keep your anger under control and identify the negative thought processes that lead to angry outbursts. Shows you how to use CBT to help you react positively to frustrating situations Helps you learn to assert yourself effectively without losing your temper Gives you tried-and-true CBT techniques to let go of unhealthy anger If you're struggling with anger management, Managing Anger with CBT For Dummies gives you the tools you need to keep your cool and live a happier, more balanced life.
Купить книгу Flip the Switch. Achieve Extraordinary Things with Simple Changes to How You Think, автора Jez  Rose
Flip the Switch. Achieve Extraordinary Things with Simple Changes to How You Think
A hilarious argument for change from international behaviour expert Jez Rose Do you ever wonder why achieving results is such a struggle? Do you want that to change? Let Jez show you how to train your brain differently by uncovering strategies used by some of the most successful people in the world. Using real-world examples the former comedian examines why some people struggle to achieve, despite trying, while others appear to achieve extraordinary results. Jez will show you why we behave the way we do and how to change for the better. By changing the way we think, our behaviour and approach to life will also change. Aware that our success is also a result of other people, Flip the Switch will show you how to improve the behaviour and thought patterns of those around you too. Practical exercises to get you thinking differently Learn how to change for the better using a variety of techniques Get the confidence to go after what you want, when you want Become extraordinary by adopting Jez's down to earth and charismatic approach Flip the Switch: Achieve Extraordinary Things with Simple Changes to How You Think will change how you approach success and leave you ready to take on the world.
Купить книгу How To Change Your Life. Who am I and what should I do with my life?, автора Benjamin  Bonetti
How To Change Your Life. Who am I and what should I do with my life?
Find your purpose. Make a change. If you’re not happy, not fulfilled, feel empty and lack motivation, make a change. Don’t exist. Live. Turn things around and live a happy, successful, fulfilling life. Go on, you deserve to. Hypnotist and celebrity life-coach Benjamin Bonetti is an expert in addressing limiting beliefs, unlocking purpose and driving success. In How to Change Your Life he shows us how to uncover our ‘thing’ – how to discover what we should be doing with our lives and how to make that happen. With Benjamin’s help we can leap over hurdles, bash through barriers and drive forward towards successful and fulfilment. You will learn; How to discover your ‘thing’ – your purpose How to unleash your true potential by clearing out past beliefs and barriers. The secrets of high achievers and how to implement them yourself The real reasons why people underachieve
Купить книгу Как улучшить коммуникативные навыки, автора Алана Баркера
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Как улучшить коммуникативные навыки
Перед вами практическое руководство по эффективному вербальному, невербальному и письменному деловому общению. Проверенные советы и приемы помогут удержать интерес большой аудитории, произвести впечатление на потенциального работодателя или просто победить в дискуссии на важной встрече. Развитие коммуникативных навыков может иметь прямое влияние на ваш карьерный рост. В этой книге вы найдете все необходимое для плодотворного устного общения, налаживания отношений с коллегами, совершенствования навыков убеждения и эффективных презентаций, ведения переписки по электронной почте, а также успешного нетворкинга. Издание дополнено материалами по общению в рамках разных культур и команд, умению оказывать тонкое влияние на других людей и вести непростые разговоры, а также полезными упражнениями и списками для самопроверки. Книга поможет достичь успеха в устной, письменной и визуальной коммуникации и научит доносить свое сообщение до аудитории в любых обстоятельствах и ситуациях.
Купить книгу Как стать богатым и знаменитым. 12 правил НЛП, автора Евы Бергер
Как стать богатым и знаменитым. 12 правил НЛП
Хотите быть звездой? Считаете себя достойным славы и богатства? Не знаете, как подступиться к столь грандиозной цели? Инструкция к осуществлению вашей заветной мечты – у вас в руках.