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Купить книгу Изучаем Python. Программирование игр, визуализация данных, веб-приложения, автора Эрика Мэтиза
Изучаем Python. Программирование игр, визуализация данных, веб-приложения
Книга «Изучаем Python» – это ускоренный курс, который позволит вам сэкономить время и сразу начать писать работоспособные программы (игры, визуализации данных, веб-приложения и многое другое). Хотите стать программистом? В первой части книги вам предстоит узнать о базовых принципах программирования, познакомиться со списками, словарями, классами и циклами, вы научитесь создавать программы и тестировать код. Во второй части книги вы начнете использовать знания на практике, работая над тремя крупными проектами: создадите собственную «стрелялку» с нарастающей сложностью уровней, займетесь работой с большими наборами данных и освоите их визуализацию и, наконец, создадите полноценное веб-приложение на базе Django, гарантирующее конфиденциальность пользовательской информации. Если вы решились разобраться в том, что такое программирование, не нужно ждать. Ключ на старт и вперед!
Купить книгу Custom CGI Scripting with Perl, автора
Custom CGI Scripting with Perl
The only one-stop resource for Web developers and programmers This book is an indispensable resource for Web developers and programmers who program CGI applications in Perl. It is designed to function as both a comprehensive reference to the fundamentals and a hands-on tutorial with detailed examples on creating and customizing CGI applications for the Web. Readers learn how to set up a server for integrating CGI scripts, how to work with HTTP variables, and other important CGI basics. They get a complete review of all the Perl syntax needed to create CGI programs and learn how to upload and test scripts and how to use libraries effectively.
Купить книгу Enterprise Java with UML, автора
Enterprise Java with UML
How to use UML to model Enterprise JavaBeans, Swing components, CORBA, and other popular technologies Enterprise Java with UML is the first comprehensive guide on using UML (Unified Modeling Language) to model Java applications. Written by three well-known members of the UML and Java community, the book presents strategies for developing enterprise systems using Java and related technologies – XML, Servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans, Swing Components, CORBA, RMI, and others. The authors explain how UML is used as a modeling tool for object-oriented computer systems in the real world, break down common situations that development teams encounter, and discuss the tradeoffs of using different technologies in different combinations. They also explore different products, looking closely at their strengths and weaknesses. Four in-depth studies complete the presentation, showing readers how to make the right decision for their project through examples of both successes and failures.
Купить книгу Reversing. Secrets of Reverse Engineering, автора Eldad  Eilam
Reversing. Secrets of Reverse Engineering
Beginning with a basic primer on reverse engineering-including computer internals, operating systems, and assembly language-and then discussing the various applications of reverse engineering, this book provides readers with practical, in-depth techniques for software reverse engineering. The book is broken into two parts, the first deals with security-related reverse engineering and the second explores the more practical aspects of reverse engineering. In addition, the author explains how to reverse engineer a third-party software library to improve interfacing and how to reverse engineer a competitor's software to build a better product. * The first popular book to show how software reverse engineering can help defend against security threats, speed up development, and unlock the secrets of competitive products * Helps developers plug security holes by demonstrating how hackers exploit reverse engineering techniques to crack copy-protection schemes and identify software targets for viruses and other malware * Offers a primer on advanced reverse-engineering, delving into «disassembly»-code-level reverse engineering-and explaining how to decipher assembly language
Купить книгу Java Enterprise Design Patterns. Patterns in Java, автора Mark  Grand
Java Enterprise Design Patterns. Patterns in Java
A how-to guide for Java programmers who want to use design patterns when developing real-world enterprise applications This practical book explores the subject of design patterns, or patterns that occur in the design phase of a project's life cycle. With an emphasis on Java for the enterprise, Mark Grand guides Java programmers on how to apply traditional and new patterns when designing a large enterprise application. The author clearly explains how existing patterns work with the new enterprise design patterns and demonstrates through case studies how to use design patterns in the real world. Features include over 50 design patterns, each mapped out by UML, plus an overview of UML 1.4 and how it fits in with the different phases of a project's life cycle.
Купить книгу Architecting Enterprise Solutions. Patterns for High-Capability Internet-based Systems, автора Paul  Dyson
Architecting Enterprise Solutions. Patterns for High-Capability Internet-based Systems
A practical, nuts-and-bolts guide to architectural solutions that describes step-by-step how to design robustness and flexibility into an Internet-based system Based on real-world problems and systems, and illustrated with a running case study Enables software architects and project managers to ensure that nonfunctional requirements are met so that the system won't fall over, that it can be maintained and upgraded without being switched off, and that it can deal with security, scalability, and performance demands Platform and vendor independence will empower architects to challenge product-dictated limitations
Купить книгу Convergent Architecture. Building Model-Driven J2EE Systems with UML, автора Richard  Hubert
Convergent Architecture. Building Model-Driven J2EE Systems with UML
The only complete technical guide to building integrated business systems using the convergent architecture approach In his groundbreaking Business Engineering with Object Technology (0-471-04521-7), David Taylor introduced the concept of convergent architecture (CA), a framework for building the business design directly into the software systems that support it. Now, in this important follow-up to that 1995 classic, expert Richard Hubert provides systems developers and architects with their first complete blueprint for building integrated CA business systems using the hottest technologies, including Enterprise JavaBeans, XML, UML, Rational Rose, and others. Following a detailed introduction to the elements of CA, he walks readers through the entire CA design and implementation process, using examples in Java and EJB to illustrate key points. Companion Website provides hands-on tutorials, links to related tool sites, and updates to the CA methodology.
Купить книгу ZBrush Character Creation. Advanced Digital Sculpting, автора Scott  Spencer
ZBrush Character Creation. Advanced Digital Sculpting
ZBrush's popularity is exploding giving more CG artists the power to create stunning digital art with a distinctively fine art feel. ZBrush Character Creation: Advanced Digital Sculpting is the must-have guide to creating highly detailed, lush, organic models using the revolutionary ZBrush software. Digital sculptor Scott Spencer guides you through the full array of ZBrush tools, including brushes, textures and detailing. With a focus on both the artistry and the technical know-how, you'll learn how to apply traditional sculpting and painting techniques to 3D art while uncovering the «why» behind the «how» for each step. You'll gain inspiration and insight from the beautiful full-color illustrations and professional tips from experienced ZBrush artists included in the book. And, above all, you'll have a solid understanding of how applying time-honored artistic methods to your workflow can turn ordinary digital art into breathtaking digital masterpieces.
Купить книгу Building B2B Applications with XML. A Resource Guide, автора Michael  Fitzgerald
Building B2B Applications with XML. A Resource Guide
What every IT manager and system administrator needs to know about the technology that drives the B2B marketplace The B2B marketplace is rapidly exploding–fast outpacing business-to-consumer e-commerce and expected to reach more than $7 trillion in sales by 2004. This guidebook equips XML authors, programmers, and managers with the technology know-how they need to create and develop simple yet robust B2B systems from scratch. It provides easy-to-understand explanations on how and why XML and other important technologies such as HTTP and MIME are driving the B2B marketplace. Along with XML and Java code examples, readers will find broad coverage of emerging standards and protocols, including Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), ebXML from OASIS/UN/CEFACT, XML Common Business Language (xCBL), BizTalk, and Commerce XML (cXML).
Купить книгу Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide. Programmer and Developer Exams, автора Simon  Roberts
Complete Java 2 Certification Study Guide. Programmer and Developer Exams
Here's the book you need to prepare for the Java 2 Programmer's and Developer's exams. This Study Guide provides: In-depth coverage of every exam objective for the Programmer's Exam for J2SE 1.4 Hundreds of challenging practice questions Leading-edge exam preparation software, including a test engine, sample simulation questions, and the entire book on PDF Authoritative coverage of all Programmer's exam objectives, including: Language fundamentals Operators and assignments Modifiers Converting and casting Flow control, exceptions, and assertions Objects and classes Threads The java.lang and java.util packages In-depth coverage of the topics covered in the Developer's exam, including: Swing components and events Layout managers Enhancing and extending the database Writing the network protocol Building the database server Connecting the client and server Note:CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Купить книгу Visual Basic .NET!. I Didn't Know You Could Do That..., автора Matt  Tagliaferri
Visual Basic .NET!. I Didn't Know You Could Do That...
Discover Visual Basic .NET Visual Basic .NET! I Didn't Know You Could Do That. . . will help you conquer the .NET learning curve quickly as you make the transition to Microsoft's new programming paradigm. Inside you'll find loads of ideas and advice that will teach you the essential aspects of VB.NET. You'll also find a companion CD loaded with more than 60 ready-to-run pieces of code that you can implement in your VB.NET projects. Stop Monkeyin' Around and Get Up to Speed on VB.NET This book covers all the key changes in the new version of Visual Basic. Numerous example projects provide both an excellent teaching aid and a great source library. With the tips and tricks in Visual Basic .NET! I Didn't Know You Could Do That…, you'll be impressing your fellow VB programmers in no time. Go Bananas—Become a VB.NET Expert Inside you'll learn how to: Write smarter code Use new object-oriented language features Understand garbage collection Use databases Use VB objects in ASP.NET pages Write and Consume XML web services And much more!
Купить книгу Mastering JSP, автора Todd  Cook
Mastering JSP
Server-Side Development Is Easier Than You Think Not so long ago, anyone who knew HTML, even casually, was considered to have a special skill. Now, if you don't at least dabble in server-side web development, you're already behind. Fortunately, Mastering JSP is a great way to build the skills you need today. Inside, you'll learn to design and develop a wide range of JSP-based web applications, beginning with a basic, dynamically generated website. From there you'll build apps that read from and write to databases, create your own custom tags, and process and present XML. Throughout, you're helped by detailed, completely illuminated examples. Coverage includes: Making a servlet configurable Using JavaBeans inside Java Server Pages Building basic JavaBeans for storing user preferences and utility functions Recovering source code from binary class files Building a basic database application Handling exceptions and using asserts Redirecting error output to a file Scanning error logs using a servlet Using a pop-up menu to avoid troublesome actions Displaying XML files using XSLT and JSP Making a servlet-based watermarking application Providing dynamic authentication with roles, permissions, and access Building a Model-View Controller application Improving prototyping with ResultSets using a custom class Abstracting data access code using Java Objects Creating a custom tag to handle client-side JavaScript Abstracting data access SQL using meta-data, JavaBeans, and EJB Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.