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Купить книгу C++ For Dummies, автора
C++ For Dummies
If you’ve thought of programmers as elite intelligentsia who possess expertise (and perhaps genes) the rest of us will never have, think again. C++ For Dummies, 5th Edition, debunks the myths, blasts the barriers, shares the secrets, and gets you started. In fact, by the end of Chapter 1, you’ll be able to create a C++ program. OK, it won’t be newest, flashiest video game, but it might be a practical, customized inventory control or record-keeping program. Most people catch on faster when they actually DO something, so C++ For Dummies includes a CD-ROM that gives you all you need to start programming (except the guidance in the book, of course), including: Dev-C, a full-featured, integrated C++ compiler and editor you install to get down to business The source code for the programs in the book, including code for BUDGET, programs that demonstrate principles in the book Documentation for the Standard Template Library Online C++ help files Written by Stephen Randy Davis, author of C++ Weekend Crash Course, C++ for Dummies, takes you through the programming process step-by-step. You’ll discover how to: Generate an executable Create source code, commenting it as you go and using consistent code indentation and naming conventions Write declarations and name variables, and calculate expressions Write and use a function, store sequences in arrays, and declare and use pointer variables Understand classes and object-oriented programming Work with constructors and destructors Use inheritance to extend classes Use stream I/O Comment your code as you go, and use consistent code indentation and naming conventions Automate programming with the Standard Template Library (STL) C++ for Dummies 5th Edition is updated for the newest ANSI standard to make sure you’re up to code. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Купить книгу C For Dummies, автора Dan  Gookin
C For Dummies
while (dead_horse) beat (): If you’re like most people, the above seems like nonsense. Actually, it’s computer sense—C programming. After digesting C For Dummies, 2nd Edition, you’ll understand it. C programs are fast, concise and versatile. They let you boss your computer around for a change. So turn on your computer, get a free compiler and editor (the book tells you where), pull up a chair, and get going. You won’t have to go far (page 13) to find your first program example. You’ll do short, totally manageable, hands-on exercises to help you make sense of: All 32 keywords in the C language (that’s right—just 32 words) The functions—several dozen of them Terms like printf(), scanf(), gets (), and puts () String variables, numeric variables, and constants Looping and implementation Floating-point values In case those terms are almost as intimidating as the idea of programming, be reassured that C For Dummies was written by Dan Gookin, bestselling author of DOS For Dummies, the book that started the whole library. So instead of using expletives and getting headaches, you’ll be using newly acquired skills and getting occasional chuckles as you discover how to: Design and develop programs Add comments (like post-it-notes to yourself) as you go Link code to create executable programs Debug and deploy your programs Use lint, a common tool to examine and optimize your code A helpful, tear-out cheat sheet is a quick reference for comparison symbols, conversion characters, mathematical doodads, C numeric data types, and more. C For Dummies takes the mystery out of programming and gets you into it quickly and painlessly.
Купить книгу XML Programming Bible, автора
XML Programming Bible
Covers all the most recent XML core and related specifications including XML 1.1, J2EE 1.4, Microsoft .NET's latest iteration, as well as open source XML items from the Apache project. Strong coverage of XML use with databases, transactions, and XML security. Discusses both Microsoft (.NET) and Sun (Java) programming integration with XML, an approach not taken in any other book. Presents extensive business examples, including several major applications developed throughout the book. No previous exposure to XML is assumed.
Купить книгу Mastering Apache Velocity, автора
Mastering Apache Velocity
A comprehensive tutorial on how to use the power of Velocity 1.3 to build Web sites and generate content Designed to work hand-in-hand with Apache Turbine, Struts, and servlets, Velocity is a powerful template language that greatly enhances the developer's ability to customize Web sites. It separates Java code from the Web pages, making a site more maintainable. Because of this, it is a viable alternative to JSPs and PHP and is expected to become the standard template engine. In addition to its use with Struts and Turbine, Velocity can also be used to generate Java and XML source code, XML schemas, HTML templates, and SQL code. Even with all its promise, finding expert instructions on how to properly program with this language has been difficult. This code-intensive tutorial gives you all the tools you'll need. It begins by quickly bringing you up to speed on all of the Velocity fundamentals and the Velocity Template Language. You'll then learn how to apply Velocity in a variety of areas with the help of richly detailed code examples. Additionally, you'll be taken through the steps of building a complete application in order to see how you can utilize all of the techniques and technologies discussed in the book. Covering the latest features of Velocity 1.3, Mastering Apache Velocity shows you how to: * Build Java-based Web sites with Struts, servlets, Turbine, and other open-source tools * Generate a wide variety of Web content and code, including Java, XML, SQL, and Postgres
Купить книгу Mastering MIcrosoft VBA, автора Guy  Hart-Davis
Mastering MIcrosoft VBA
VBA is used for writing macros, automating Office applications, and creating custom applications in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access Easily accessible by novice programmers, VBA is also powerful enough for IT professionals who need to create specialized business applications, generating wide interest Completely revised for the new versions of the language and the Office suite, this book is the most up-to-date VBA guide on the market Includes what everyone, from power users to system administrators and professional developers, needs to know Covers all Office products in depth
Купить книгу Mastering Tomcat Development, автора Ian  McFarland
Mastering Tomcat Development
Learn how to use Tomcat to quickly build more sophisticated Web applications This comprehensive introduction to developing complex Web applications using Tomcat and related Apache Jakarta technologies examines everything you need to know about Tomcat 4—the popular, award-winning server for implementing and deploying servlets and JavaServer Pages. Tomcat helps developers create dynamic Web content without the problems associated with other methods, like CGI scripts. Author Peter Harrison has written the first book to cover Tomcat from a developer's perspective. He shows you how to use Tomcat by itself as well as with related Apache Jakarta technologies to develop dynamic Web applications, and you'll also learn techniques for improving your programming productivity. This practical, guide is packed with source code and examples of real-world Web applications. Plus, you'll discover other exciting features of Tomcat, including: A code-intensive guide to building Web applications that run on Tomcat Details on using other Apache Jakarta technologies-including Struts, Taglibs, Velocity, and CVS-with Tomcat to form a comprehensive Java Web development process Complete guidelines for installing, configuring, and administering Tomcat, including coverage of the new Manager application and Web application deployment process The companion Web site contains: All source code from the book Working demonstrations Links to additional resources
Купить книгу XML Schema Essentials, автора Andrew  Watt
XML Schema Essentials
Replacing DTDs (Document Type Definitions) as the way in which XML documents are described and validated, XML schemas are essential for ensuring the accuracy and security of information in B2B transactions and other XML applications. This how-to guide employs extensive examples and source code to help developers and programmers get quickly up to speed on the practical application of this important technology. With in-depth explanations for each example, XML expert Mike Fitzgerald acquaints readers with coding structures, then moves to more advanced topics, including unique element and attribute values, keys, and how to use schemas with HTML. Like the other books in the series, this guide features comprehensive appendices listing all the datatypes and data facets, code indexes, and other time-saving features.
Купить книгу SAS For Dummies, автора Stephen  McDaniel
SAS For Dummies
The fun and easy way to learn to use this leading business intelligence tool Written by an author team who is directly involved with SAS, this easy-to-follow guide is fully updated for the latest release of SAS and covers just what you need to put this popular software to work in your business. SAS allows any business or enterprise to improve data delivery, analysis, reporting, movement across a company, data mining, forecasting, statistical analysis, and more. SAS For Dummies, 2nd Edition gives you the necessary background on what SAS can do for you and explains how to use the Enterprise Guide. SAS provides statistical and data analysis tools to help you deal with all kinds of data: operational, financial, performance, and more Places special emphasis on Enterprise Guide and other analytical tools, covering all commonly used features Covers all commonly used features and shows you the practical applications you can put to work in your business Explores how to get various types of data into the software and how to work with databases Covers producing reports and Web reporting tools, analytics, macros, and working with your data In the easy-to-follow, no-nonsense For Dummies format, SAS For Dummies gives you the knowledge and the confidence to get SAS working for your organization. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Купить книгу SmartDraw For Dummies, автора
SmartDraw For Dummies
Diagrams, organizational charts, flowcharts, even floor plans – they’re all types of business graphics. Only one tool does ’em all: SmartDraw. SmartDraw For Dummies shows you how this business graphics software helps you make boring presentations exciting and how to create graphics that can help you sell, manage, inform, motivate, and more. You’ll learn how to set up the program, navigate its somewhat unique interface, and work with SmartDraw’s thousands of templates. You don’t need artistic talent, just this handy guide and the extended, fully functional trial version of SmartDraw that’s on the bonus CD! Use SmartDraw templates to create org charts, flowcharts, express charts, mind maps, Live Maps, and more Dress up your graphics with color, effects, and design themes Learn to integrate your graphics into Microsoft Office applications and animate graphics for cool PowerPoint presentations Explore SmartDraw diagrams for Web pages and e-mail newsletters Import SmartDraw graphics into Word and Excel documents Take advantage of extra software and additional templates, sample drawings and flowcharts, image editing tools, maps, and flyers on the CD You’ll also find graphics guidelines to help you create more effective charts and presentations, plus tips on using color and images to your advantage. Written by a Microsoft PowerPoint MVP and a SmartDraw vice president, SmartDraw For Dummies helps you banish boring charts forever! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Купить книгу InDesign CS4 Bible, автора Galen  Gruman
InDesign CS4 Bible
The soup-to-nuts guide on everything InDesign users need to know about the much-anticipated CS4 release! Packed with more than one thousand pages of real-world insight and valuable guidance, this authoritative resource describes the power and potential of InDesign—whose popularity as a page-layout program is growing stronger and gaining new converts every day No matter what your skill level, you will get everything you need to know in order to make the most of this software and take advantage of InDesign CS4’s innovative architecture, functionality, and many ingenious features Learn how to edit Photoshop, Illustrator, and PDF files from within InDesign; export documents in HTML for publication on CD-ROM or the Web; tap the power of multiple layers and master pages; optimize InDesign for efficient project workflow; take advantage of dynamic spell-checking; and more Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.
Купить книгу Silverlight 2 Bible, автора Brad  Dayley
Silverlight 2 Bible
Create rich, cross-platform, interactive Web applications with Microsoft's new Silverlight and this essential guide. Designers will discover how to add animation, audio, video, and other high-impact effects. Programmers will cover Visual Studio, .NET, and other programming tools—and work with Silverlight's presentation, communications, and data frameworks. Packed with techniques, tips, and a 16-page color insert of striking examples, this is the book you need to succeed with Silverlight—whether you're a designer or programmer.
Купить книгу LINQ For Dummies, автора
LINQ For Dummies
If you’ve asked yourself “Why can’t I develop database and XML queries in a language I already know?”, then Language INtegrated Query, or LINQ, is for you. LINQ For Dummies introduces you to LINQ and the .NET Framework technologies, so you can use LINQ to query any object, any data set, any kind of XML, and SQL Server—no questions asked. This plain-English guide gives you a thorough overview of LINQ, from understanding the tasks it performs to making LINQ work with both Visual Basic and Visual Studio 2005. It explains the four LINQ providers in the .NET Framework, the easiest ways to go about accessing data, and how to write more efficient applications with less code using LINQ. There’s also clear guidance on combining third-party providers with LINQ to create even more powerful apps. With this single, comprehensive guide, you’ll discover how to: Use one query language with all Microsoft languages Examine .NET language extensions and work with extension methods, partial methods, lambda expressions, and query expressions LINQ to DataSet operators, SQL server operations, XML API, or Active Directory Deal with databases – download and install the Northwind database, generate Northwind entity classes, and create the Northwind XML mapping file Create the partial class example, the partial method example, and the database modification example Use objects with LINQ Query databases in Visual Basic and C# As an added bonus, you can visit the companion Web site for LINQ examples in C# and Visual Basic. With LINQ For Dummies, you’ll link up with LINQ in no time and see how you can query almost anything! Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.