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Купить книгу Стратегия фирмы. Практикум: Выпуск №10. Управление изменениями, автора Владимира Токарева
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Стратегия фирмы. Практикум: Выпуск №10. Управление изменениями
Практическое приложение к книге «Стратегические секреты консультанта». Включает пошаговый алгоритм разработки стратегии, необходимые формы для заполнения, когда они требуются. Даны дополнительные материалы, облегчающие самостоятельную разработку стратегии компании: сквозной пример по разработке стратегии, необходимый понятийный аппарат, вопросы и ответы по теме разработки стратегии. Материал книги основан на двадцатилетнем опыте автора по разработке стратегий фирм из самых разных отраслей.
Купить книгу Магия числа «40», автора Аркадия Эйзлера
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Магия числа «40»
Существует ли универсальный закон Вселенной, способный объяснить и явления природы, и поведение человека? Или, может быть, нашей жизнью управляет принцип случайности и неопределенности? Какую роль в познании играют совпадения достижений науки и предсказаний древних мудрецов? Является ли магическое число «40» для научного мира таким же значимым, как и для метафизического? Аркадий Эйзлер в своей новой книге пытается найти ответы на эти вопросы у известных ученых прошлого и современности.
Купить книгу Пятая международная конференция «Современный эконометрический инструментарий и его приложения» V International Conference «Modern Econometric Tools and Applications», META2018, автора С. А. Лапиновой
Пятая международная конференция «Современный эконометрический инструментарий и его приложения» V International Conference «Modern Econometric Tools and Applications», META2018
Конференция является хорошей школой для молодых исследователей, которые ежегодно представляют свои доклады на студенческой секции, предваряющей работу основных секций.
Купить книгу Криминалистическая идентификация по мысленному образу и особенности реализации ее процессуальной формы, автора Дианы Аркадьевны Степаненко
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Криминалистическая идентификация по мысленному образу и особенности реализации ее процессуальной формы
В монографии рассматриваются научные основы учения о криминалистической идентификации по мысленному образу, раскрываются психологические закономерности и механизмы, являющиеся базисными как для понимания собственно идентификационной сущности предъявления для опознания, так и для правильной организации взаимодействия различных участников данного следственного действия. Основные выводы и положения содержат практические рекомендации по тактике и технологии предъявления для опознания как процессуальной формы реализации идентификации по мысленному образу.
Купить книгу Реформа административной ответственности в России, автора Коллектива авторов
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Реформа административной ответственности в России
В монографии авторами, имеющими многолетний законотворческий, экспертный и научный опыт работы, проанализированы основные проблемы практики применения и изменения норм Кодекса Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях 2001 г. Обоснована необходимость новой кодификации административно-деликтного законодательства и предложена ее авторская концепция.
Купить книгу Заикание: ставка-жизнь, автора Андрея Кузнецова
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Заикание: ставка-жизнь
Андрей заикается с детства, но его это не беспокоит, ведь он считает заикание неизлечимой болезнью. Год за годом он пытается устроиться на работу с достойной оплатой, но из-за заикания не может пройти по карьерной лестнице. Он заканчивает университет, но ничего не меняется. Тогда он становится предпринимателем, но и здесь заикание встаёт на пути. Постепенно Андрей начинает понимать, что именно заикание мешает ему двигаться вперёд, каждый день бросая перчатку в лицо. Он принимает вызов…
Купить книгу Doctors and Healers, автора Tobie  Nathan
Doctors and Healers
We think we know what healers do: they build on patients’ irrational beliefs and treat them in a ‘symbolic’ way. If they get results, it’s thanks to their capacity to listen, rather than any influence on a clinical level. At the same time, we also think we know what modern medicine is: a highly technical and rational process, but one that scarcely listens to patients at all. In this book, ethnopsychiatrist Tobie Nathan and philosopher Isabelle Stengers argue that this commonly posed opposition between traditional and modern medicine is misleading. They show instead that healers are interesting precisely because they don’t listen to patients, using techniques of ‘divination’ rather than ‘diagnosis’. Healers construct genuine therapeutic strategies by identifying the origins of symptoms in external forces, outside of the mind of the sufferer. Modern medicine, for its part, is characterized by empiricism rather than rationality. What appears to be the pursuit of rationality is ultimately only a means to dismiss and exclude other forms of treatment. Blurring the distinctions between traditional and modern practices and drawing on perspectives from across the globe, this ethnopsychiatric manifesto encourages us to think in radically new ways about illness, challenging accepted notions on the relationship between sufferer and symptom.
Купить книгу Energy Transfers by Conduction, автора Abdelhanine  Benallou
Energy Transfers by Conduction
While the topic of heat and mass transfer is an old subject, the way the book introduces the concepts, linking them strongly to the real world and to the present concerns, is particular. The scope of the different developments keeps in mind a practical energy engineering view.
Купить книгу The Art of Integrative Counseling, автора Gerald  Corey
The Art of Integrative Counseling
Useful as a supplemental text in advanced theories and practicum courses, this fourth edition discusses the key concepts and techniques from many contemporary theories and how to develop an integrative approach to the counseling process to better meet individual client needs. Dr. Corey introduces the techniques that he draws from in his own integrative approach to counseling using a wide variety of case examples with diverse clients. Topics covered include assessing presenting issues; developing a productive working alliance; establishing therapeutic goals; understanding and addressing diversity; working with resistant clients; using evidence-based practice in cognitive, emotive, and behavioral work with clients; dealing with transference and countertransference; and incorporating trends in integrative therapies. To encourage active learning, reflective exercises throughout the text provide readers with opportunities to put themselves in the role of therapist and client. “No one knows more about theory-based counseling than Gerald Corey, who has spent the past 50+ years helping us to gain real insight into multiple models. In this book, Corey takes readers from forming a working alliance with clientsthrough the processes for setting and achieving goals. His skill at and understanding of the termination processes is worth the entire book. Not only will The Art of Integrative Counseling be the core text for counseling process and skills courses, it will provide the foundation for effective, truly integrated counseling throughout one’s career.” —James Robert Bitter, EdD, East Tennessee State University “Gerald Corey’s fourth edition of The Art of Integrative Counseling provides important concepts to consider when developing an integrative approach to working with clients. For beginning counselors, it demonstrates how one can be integrative whether one is behaviorally, cognitively, or affectively oriented. For more advanced counselors, it reminds them of the wealth of information that all theories offer and how techniques or theories can be synthesized into a more effective approach. Whether you are a new counselor trying to figure out how to integrate the many theories you learned about, or a seasoned professional seeking new ways of working with clients, this book has something for you.” —Edward Neukrug, EdD, Old Dominion University Gerald Corey, EdD, ABPP, is professor emeritus of Human Services and Counseling at California State University at Fullerton.
Купить книгу Horticultural Reviews, Volume 46, автора Ian  Warrington
Horticultural Reviews, Volume 46
Horticultural Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticultural science and technology covering both basic and applied research. Topics covered include the horticulture of fruits, vegetables, nut crops, and ornamentals. These review articles, written by world authorities, bridge the gap between the specialized researcher and the broader community of horticultural scientists and teachers.
Купить книгу Essential Practices for Creating, Strengthening, and Sustaining Process Safety Culture, автора CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
Essential Practices for Creating, Strengthening, and Sustaining Process Safety Culture
An essential guide that offers an understanding of and the practices needed to assess and strengthen process safety culture Essential Practices for Developing, Strengthening and Implementing Process Safety Culture presents a much-needed guide for understanding an organization's working culture and contains information on why a good culture is essential for safe, cost-effective, and high-quality operations. The text defines process safety culture and offers information on a safety culture’s history, organizational impact and benefits, and the role that leadership plays at all levels of an organization. In addition, the book outlines the core principles needed to assess and strengthen process safety culture such as: maintain a sense of vulnerability; combat normalization of deviance; establish an imperative for safety; perform valid, timely, hazard and risk assessments; ensure open and frank communications; learn and advance the culture. This important guide also reviews leadership standards within the organizational structure, warning signs of cultural degradation and remedies, as well as the importance of using diverse methods over time to assess culture. This vital resource: Provides an overview for understanding an organization's working culture Offers guidance on why a good culture is essential for safe, cost-effective, and high quality operations Includes down-to-earth advice for recognizing, assessing, strengthening and sustaining a good process safety culture Contains illustrative examples and cases studies, and references to literature, codes, and standards Written for corporate, business and line managers, engineers, and process safety professionals interested in excellent performance for their organization, Essential Practices for Developing, Strengthening and Implementing Process Safety Culture is the go-to reference for implementing and keeping in place a culture of safety.
Купить книгу Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies, автора
Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies
A guide to the issues relevant to the design, analysis, and interpretation of toxicity studies that examine chemicals for use in the environment Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies offers a guide to the design, analysis, and interpretation of a range of experiments that are used to assess the toxicity of chemicals. While the book highlights ecotoxicity studies, the methods presented are applicable to the broad range of toxicity studies. The text contains myriad datasets (from laboratory and field research) that clearly illustrate the book’s topics. The datasets reveal the techniques, pitfalls, and precautions derived from these studies. The text includes information on recently developed methods for the analysis of severity scores and other ordered responses, as well as extensive power studies of competing tests and computer simulation studies of regression models that offer an understanding of the sensitivity (or lack thereof) of various methods and the quality of parameter estimates from regression models. The authors also discuss the regulatory process indicating how test guidelines are developed and review the statistical methodology in current or pending OECD and USEPA ecotoxicity guidelines. This important guide: • Offers the information needed for the design and analysis to a wide array of ecotoxicity experiments and to the development of international test guidelines used to assess the toxicity of chemicals • Contains a thorough examination of the statistical issues that arise in toxicity studies, especially ecotoxicity • Includes an introduction to toxicity experiments and statistical analysis basics • Includes programs in R and excel • Covers the analysis of continuous and Quantal data, analysis of data as well as Regulatory Issues • Presents additional topics (Mesocosm and Microplate experiments, mixtures of chemicals, benchmark dose models, and limit tests) as well as software Written for directors, scientists, regulators, and technicians, Statistical Analysis of Ecotoxicity Studies provides a sound understanding of the technical and practical issues in designing, analyzing, and interpreting toxicity studies to support or challenge chemicals for use in the environment.