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Купить книгу Saving Higher Education. The Integrated, Competency-Based Three-Year Bachelor's Degree Program, автора
Saving Higher Education. The Integrated, Competency-Based Three-Year Bachelor's Degree Program
Купить книгу Geological Carbon Storage. Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity, автора Jonathan  Ajo-Franklin
Geological Carbon Storage. Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity
Geological Carbon Storage Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity Seals and caprocks are an essential component of subsurface hydrogeological systems, guiding the movement and entrapment of hydrocarbon and other fluids. Geological Carbon Storage: Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity offers a survey of the wealth of recent scientific work on caprock integrity with a focus on the geological controls of permanent and safe carbon dioxide storage, and the commercial deployment of geological carbon storage. Volume highlights include: Low-permeability rock characterization from the pore scale to the core scale Flow and transport properties of low-permeability rocks Fundamentals of fracture generation, self-healing, and permeability Coupled geochemical, transport and geomechanical processes in caprock Analysis of caprock behavior from natural analogues Geochemical and geophysical monitoring techniques of caprock failure and integrity Potential environmental impacts of carbon dioxide migration on groundwater resources Carbon dioxide leakage mitigation and remediation techniques Geological Carbon Storage: Subsurface Seals and Caprock Integrity is an invaluable resource for geoscientists from academic and research institutions with interests in energy and environment-related problems, as well as professionals in the field.
Купить книгу Noble Gas Chemistry. Structure, Bonding, and Gas-Phase Chemistry, автора Felice  Grandinetti
Noble Gas Chemistry. Structure, Bonding, and Gas-Phase Chemistry
Authored by one of the world's leading experts in the chemistry of lighter noble gases, this comprehensive monograph fills the need for an up-to-date review of the diverse experimental techniques and theoretical methods currently in practice. After reviewing the experiments breaking the paradigm of «non-reactive» noble gases, the physico-chemical background is introduced. Besides the emphasis on gas phase reactions, the author presents other relevant systems, such as chemistry in the bulk phase, under high pressure, and cold matrices. The discussion of gas-phase chemistry of the noble gases covers neutral and ionic compounds, diatomic molecules, complexes with small molecules and metal compounds, up to large clusters.
Купить книгу Drought. Science and Policy, автора
Drought. Science and Policy
Comprehensive coverage of understanding, prevention, and risk management of extreme drought events, with examples of approaches followed in water-stressed regions This book describes the progress made in our understanding of severe drought and explains how we can deal with—and even avoid—complete devastation brought on by such punishing events. It brings forward advanced knowledge on drought hazard analysis and management, particularly from EU-funded research projects, to assist in the development of the corresponding drought management plans. In addition, this book addresses issues of social vulnerability to drought and science-policy interfaces, which are important elements of drought management. Divided into three sections, this book covers the diagnosis of physical processes, historic drought and the trends in historic drought, and perspectives of future drought. It takes an academic approach to risk evaluation, including characterization of drought episodes, development of indicators of risk in hydrological and agricultural systems, and analysis of the role of socio-economic instruments for risk mitigation. It also discusses the interactions that have resulted in the complex institutional framework, and highlights the importance of stakeholder involvement and awareness building for successful drought management. In addition, Drought: Science and Policy features a collection of case studies that include the description of effective measures taken in the past. Addresses the growing issue of drought preparedness planning, monitoring, and mitigation Teaches methodologies and lessons focused on specific, drought-prone regions so the applications have more significance Provides examples of approaches followed in water-stressed regions (river basin and national scale) with drought analyses at the pan-European scale Drought: Science and Policy will be an invaluable reference for researchers and practitioners in the field as well as Masters students taking relevant courses in drought management and natural disaster management.
Купить книгу Urban Pollution. Science and Management, автора
Urban Pollution. Science and Management
Multidisciplinary treatment of the urgent issues surrounding urban pollution worldwide Written by some of the top experts on the subject in the world, this book presents the diverse, complex and current themes of the urban pollution debate across the built environment, urban development and management continuum. It uniquely combines the science of urban pollution with associated policy that seeks to control it, and includes a comprehensive collection of international case studies showing the status of the problem worldwide. Urban Pollution: Science and Management is a multifaceted collection of chapters that address the contemporary concomitant issues of increasing urban living and associated issues with contamination by offering solutions specifically for the built environment. It covers: the impacts of urban pollution; historical urban pollution; evolution of air quality policy and management in urban areas; ground gases in urban environments; bioaccessibility of trace elements in urban environments; urban wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal; living green roofs; light pollution; river ecology; greywater recycling and reuse; containment of pollution from urban waste disposal sites; bioremediation in urban pollution mitigation; air quality monitoring; urban pollution in China and India; urban planning in sub–Saharan Africa and more. Deals with both the science and the relevant policy and management issues Examines the main sources of urban pollution Covers both first-world and developing world urban pollution issues Integrates the latest scientific research with practical case studies Deals with both legacy and emerging pollutants and their effects The integration of physical and environmental sciences, combined with social, economic and political sciences and the use of case studies makes Urban Pollution: Science and Management an incredibly useful resource for policy experts, scientists, engineers and those interested in the subject.
Купить книгу Pharmaceutical Crystals. Science and Engineering, автора Tonglei  Li
Pharmaceutical Crystals. Science and Engineering
An important resource that puts the focus on understanding and handling of organic crystals in drug development Since a majority of pharmaceutical solid-state materials are organic crystals, their handling and processing are critical aspects of drug development. Pharmaceutical Crystals: Science and Engineering offers an introduction to and thorough coverage of organic crystals, and explores the essential role they play in drug development and manufacturing. Written contributions from leading researchers and practitioners in the field, this vital resource provides the fundamental knowledge and explains the connection between pharmaceutically relevant properties and the structure of a crystal. Comprehensive in scope, the text covers a range of topics including: crystallization, molecular interactions, polymorphism, analytical methods, processing, and chemical stability. The authors clearly show how to find solutions for pharmaceutical form selection and crystallization processes. Designed to be an accessible guide, this book represents a valuable resource for improving the drug development process of small drug molecules. This important text: Includes the most important aspects of solid-state organic chemistry and its role in drug development Offers solutions for pharmaceutical form selection and crystallization processes Contains a balance between the scientific fundamental and pharmaceutical applications Presents coverage of crystallography, molecular interactions, polymorphism, analytical methods, processing, and chemical stability Written for both practicing pharmaceutical scientists, engineers, and senior undergraduate and graduate students studying pharmaceutical solid-state materials, Pharmaceutical Crystals: Science and Engineering is a reference and textbook for understanding, producing, analyzing, and designing organic crystals which is an imperative skill to master for anyone working in the field.
Купить книгу Blue Biotechnology. Production and Use of Marine Molecules, автора
Blue Biotechnology. Production and Use of Marine Molecules
With its integral treatment of ecosystem and resource management, this is the only overview of the field to address current thinking and future trends. All contributions have been written with the novice in mind, explaining the basics and highlighting recent developments and achievements. Unmatched in scope, this two-volume reference covers both traditional and well-established areas of marine biotechnology, such as biomass production, alongside such novel ones as biofuels, biological protection of structures and bioinspired materials. In so doing, it ties together information usually only found in widely dispersed sources to assemble a grand unified view of the current state of and prospects for this multi-faceted discipline. The combination of the breadth of topics and the focus on modern ideas make this introductory book especially suitable for teaching purposes and for guiding newcomers to the many possibilities offered by this booming field.
Купить книгу Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials. Processing and Characterization, автора Shakeel  Ahmed
Green and Sustainable Advanced Materials. Processing and Characterization
Sustainable development is a very prevalent concept of modern society. This concept has appeared as a critical force in combining a special focus on development and growth by maintaining a balance of using human resources and the ecosystem in which we are living. The development of new and advanced materials is one of the powerful examples in establishing this concept. Green and sustainable advanced materials are the newly synthesized material or existing modified material having superior and special properties. These fulfil today’s growing demand for equipment, machines and devices with better quality for an extensive range of applications in various sectors such as paper, biomedical, textile, and much more. Volume 1 gives overviews on a variety of topics of characterization of green and sustainable advanced materials including biopolymers, biocomposites, nanomaterials, polymeric materials, green functional textiles materials and hybrid materials, as well as processing chapters on the design and process aspects of nanofabrication.
Купить книгу Spectroscopy. Principles and Instrumentation, автора
Spectroscopy. Principles and Instrumentation
Provides students and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the theory of spectroscopy and the design and use of spectrophotometers In this book, you will learn the fundamental principles underpinning molecular spectroscopy and the connections between those principles and the design of spectrophotometers. Spectroscopy, along with chromatography, mass spectrometry, and electrochemistry, is an important and widely-used analytical technique. Applications of spectroscopy include air quality monitoring, compound identification, and the analysis of paintings and culturally important artifacts. This book introduces students to the fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy – including UV-visible, infrared, fluorescence, and Raman spectroscopy – in an approachable and comprehensive way. It goes beyond the basics of the subject and provides a detailed look at the interplay between theory and practice, making it ideal for courses in quantitative analysis, instrumental analysis, and biochemistry, as well as courses focused solely on spectroscopy. It is also a valuable resource for practitioners working in laboratories who regularly perform spectroscopic analyses. Spectroscopy: Principles and Instrumentation: Provides extensive coverage of principles, instrumentation, and applications of molecular spectroscopy Facilitates a modular approach to teaching and learning about chemical instrumentation Helps students visualize the effects that electromagnetic radiation in different regions of the spectrum has on matter Connects the fundamental theory of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on matter to the design and use of spectrophotometers Features numerous figures and diagrams to facilitate learning Includes several worked examples and companion exercises throughout each chapter so that readers can check their understanding Offers numerous problems at the end of each chapter to allow readers to apply what they have learned Includes case studies that illustrate how spectroscopy is used in practice, including analyzing works of art, studying the kinetics of enzymatic reactions, detecting explosives, and determining the DNA sequence of the human genome Complements Chromatography: Principles and Instrumentation The book is divided into five chapters that cover the Fundamentals of Spectroscopy, UV-visible Spectroscopy, Fluorescence/Luminescence Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy, and Raman Spectroscopy. Each chapter details the theory upon which the specific techniques are based, provides ways for readers to visualize the molecular-level effects of electromagnetic radiation on matter, describes the design and components of spectrophotometers, discusses applications of each type of spectroscopy, and includes case studies that illustrate specific applications of spectroscopy. Each chapter is divided into multiple sections using headings and subheadings, making it easy for readers to work through the book and to find specific information relevant to thei
Купить книгу Membrane Processes. Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation for Industrial Scale Separations, автора
Membrane Processes. Pervaporation, Vapor Permeation and Membrane Distillation for Industrial Scale Separations
Separation processes are challenging steps in any process industry for isolation of products and recycling of reactants. Membrane technology has shown immense potential in separation of liquid and gaseous mixtures, effluent treatment, drinking water purification and solvent recovery. It has found endless popularity and wide acceptance for its small footprint, higher selectivity, scalability, energy saving capability and inherent ease of integration into other unit operations. There are many situations where the target component cannot be separated by distillation, liquid extraction, and evaporation. The different membrane processes such as pervaporation, vapor permeation and membrane distillation could be used for solving such industrial bottlenecks. This book covers the entire array of fundamental aspects, membrane synthesis and applications in the chemical process industries (CPI). It also includes various applications of pervaporation, vapor permeation and membrane distillation in industrially and socially relevant problems including separation of azeotropic mixtures, close-boiling compounds, organic–organic mixtures, effluent treatment along with brackish and seawater desalination, and many others. These processes can also be applied for extraction of small quantities of value-added compounds such as flavors and fragrances and selective removal of hazardous impurities, viz., volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as vinyl chloride, benzene, ethyl benzene and toluene from industrial effluents. Including case studies, this is a must-have for any process or chemical engineer working in the industry today. Also valuable as a learning tool, students and professors in chemical engineering, chemistry, and process engineering will benefit greatly from the groundbreaking new processes and technologies described in the volume.
Купить книгу Nucleation and Crystal Growth. Metastability of Solutions and Melts, автора Keshra  Sangwal
Nucleation and Crystal Growth. Metastability of Solutions and Melts
A unique text presenting practical information on the topic of nucleation and crystal growth processes from metastable solutions and melts Nucleation and Crystal Growth is a groundbreaking text thatoffers an overview and description of the processes and phenomena associated with metastability of solutions and melts. The author—a noted expert in the field—puts the emphasis on low-temperature solutions that are typically involved in crystallization in a wide range of industries. The text begins with a review of the basic knowledge of solutions and the fundamentals of crystallization processes. The author then explores topics related to the metastable state of solutions and melts from the standpoint of three-dimensional nucleation and crystal growth. Nucleation and Crystal Growth is the first text that contains a unified description and discussion of the many processes and phenomena occurring in the metastable zone of solutions and melts from the consideration of basic concepts of structure of crystallization. This important text: Outlines an interdisciplinary approach to the topic and offers an essential guide for crystal growth practitioners in materials science, physics, and chemical engineering Contains a comprehensive content that details the crystallization processes starting from the initial solutions and melts, all the way through nucleation, to the final crystal products Presents a unique focus and is the first book on understanding, and exploiting, metastability of solutions and melts in crystallization processes Written for specialists and researchers in the fields of materials science, condensed matter physics, and chemical engineering. Nucleation and Crystal Growth is a practical resource filled with hands-on knowledge of nucleation and crystal growth processes from metastable solutions and melts.
Купить книгу The Consumer-Resource Relationship. Mathematical Modeling, автора Claude  Lobry
The Consumer-Resource Relationship. Mathematical Modeling
Better known as the «predator-prey relationship,» the consumer-resource relationship means the situation where a single species of organisms consumes for survival and reproduction. For example, Escherichia coli consumes glucose, cows consume grass, cheetahs consume baboons; these three very different situations, the first concerns the world of bacteria and the resource is a chemical species, the second concerns mammals and the resource is a plant, and in the final case the consumer and the resource are mammals, have in common the fact of consuming. In a chemostat, microorganisms generally consume (abiotic) minerals, but not always, bacteriophages consume bacteria that constitute a biotic resource. ‘The Chemostat’ book dealt only with the case of abiotic resources. Mathematically this amounts to replacing in the two equation system of the chemostat the decreasing function by a general increasing then decreasing function. This simple change has greatly enriched the theory. This book shows in this new framework the problem of competition for the same resource.