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Купить книгу A Companion to the Anthropology of Education, автора
A Companion to the Anthropology of Education
A Companion to the Anthropology of Education presents a comprehensive and state-of-the-art overview of the field, exploring the social and cultural dimension of educational processes in both formal and nonformal settings. Explores theoretical and applied approaches to cultural practice in a diverse range of educational settings around the world, in both formal and non-formal contexts Includes contributions by leading educational anthropologists Integrates work from and on many different national systems of scholarship, including China, the United States, Africa, the Middle East, Colombia, Mexico, India, the United Kingdom, and Denmark Examines the consequences of history, cultural diversity, language policies, governmental mandates, inequality, and literacy for everyday educational processes
Купить книгу Quantitative and Statistical Research Methods. From Hypothesis to Results, автора
Quantitative and Statistical Research Methods. From Hypothesis to Results
Quantitative and Statistical Research Methods This user-friendly textbook teaches students to understand and apply procedural steps in completing quantitative studies. It explains statistics while progressing through the steps of the hypothesis-testing process from hypothesis to results. The research problems used in the book reflect statistical applications related to interesting and important topics. In addition, the book provides a Research Analysis and Interpretation Guide to help students analyze research articles. Designed as a hands-on resource, each chapter covers a single research problem and offers directions for implementing the research method from start to finish. Readers will learn how to: Pinpoint research questions and hypotheses Identify, classify, and operationally define the study variables Choose appropriate research designs Conduct power analysis Select an appropriate statistic for the problem Use a data set Conduct data screening and analyses using SPSS Interpret the statistics Write the results related to the problem Quantitative and Statistical Research Methods allows students to immediately, independently, and successfully apply quantitative methods to their own research projects.
Купить книгу Social Work Fields of Practice. Historical Trends, Professional Issues, and Future Opportunities, автора
Social Work Fields of Practice. Historical Trends, Professional Issues, and Future Opportunities
A contemporary look at social work practice and the many career possibilities—with detailed coverage of important new and emerging trends As the practice of social work continues to diversify, students need a clear picture of the current state of the field and an up-to-date source of information and guidance on emerging career opportunities. Social Work Fields of Practice provides both. Written by a team of experts in their respective specialties, this book features a comprehensive overview of contemporary social work practice, discussing historical trends and demographics, professional issues, ethics, and diversity for each practice area. Both traditional areas and new fields are considered from a variety of perspectives, including the clinical, ethical, cultural, legal, theoretical, and technological. Addressing the Council on Social Work Education's required competencies for accreditation (EPAS), Social Work Fields of Practice contains pedagogical features such as Key Terms, Review Questions for Critical Thinking, and Online Resources. It is the most timely, all-encompassing resource of its kind, covering: Child welfare Family-centered practice School social work Substance abuse Mental health Social work disability practice Gerontological social work Forensic social work Veterinary social work Military social work International social work Social work practice with immigrant and indigenous populations With expert, in-depth discussions of the most important specialties and practice environments for today's social worker, Social Work Fields of Practice is an invaluable resource for undergraduate and graduate students preparing to enter this noble profession, as well as social workers seeking to expand their professional horizons.
Купить книгу The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Human Geography, автора
The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Human Geography
This volume provides an up-to-date, authoritative synthesis of the discipline of human geography. Unparalleled in scope, the companion offers an indispensable overview to the field, representing both historical and contemporary perspectives. Edited and written by the world's leading authorities in the discipline Divided into three major sections: Foundations (the history of human geography from Ancient Greece to the late nineteenth century); The Classics (the roots of modern human geography); Contemporary Approaches (current issues and themes in human geography) Each contemporary issue is examined by two contributors offering distinctive perspectives on the same theme
Купить книгу A Companion to Border Studies, автора
A Companion to Border Studies
A Companion to Border Studies introduces an exciting and expanding field of interdisciplinary research, through the writing of an international array of scholars, from diverse perspectives that include anthropology, development studies, geography, history, political science and sociology. Explores how nations and cultural identities are being transformed by their dynamic, shifting borders where mobility is sometimes facilitated, other times impeded or prevented Offers an array of international views which together form an authoritative guide for students, instructors and researchers Reflects recent significant growth in the importance of understanding the distinctive characteristics of borders and frontiers, including cross-border cooperation, security and controls, migration and population displacements, hybridity, and transnationalism
Купить книгу A Companion to Organizational Anthropology, автора
A Companion to Organizational Anthropology
The first comprehensive guide to anthropological studies of complex organizations Offers the first comprehensive reference to the anthropological study of complex organizations Details how organizational theory and research in business has adopted anthropology’s key concept of culture, inspiring new insights into organizational dynamics and development Highlights pioneering theoretical perspectives ranging from symbolic and semiotic approaches to neuroscientific frameworks for studying contemporary organizations Addresses the comparative and cross-cultural dimensions of multinational corporations and of non-governmental organizations working in the globalizing economy Topics covered include organizational dynamics, entrepreneurship, innovation, social networks, cognitive models and team building, organizational dysfunctions, global networked organizations, NGOs, unions, virtual communities, corporate culture and social responsibility Presents a body of work that reflects the breadth and depth of the field of organizational anthropology and makes the case for the importance of the field in the anthropology of the twenty-first century
Купить книгу Female Sexual Offenders. Theory, Assessment and Treatment, автора
Female Sexual Offenders. Theory, Assessment and Treatment
Featuring a collection of essays by leading experts, Female Sexual Offenders: Theory, Assessment and Treatment is the first book to bring together current research, clinical assessment, and treatment techniques of female sexual offenders into one accessible volume. Describes the most recent research data regarding female sexual offenders, covering such issues as female-perpetrated sexual abuse prevalence and juvenile offenders Includes an assessment of the risk of recidivism, international treatment initiatives, and a discussion on the use of the polygraph with female sexual offenders Features practitioner-focused essays which evaluate current assessment strategies, treatment needs, effectiveness, and processes for female sexual offenders
Купить книгу Символический порядок, автора Светланы Адоньевой
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Символический порядок
Автор рассматривает полоскание белья как форму любви и признания, обращение с мусором – как форму доминирования, контроля и ответственности, воду – как категорию психологической трансформации, образ Хозяйки Медной горы – как форму границы внутреннего опыта, уничтожение чучел – как форму социального единства и разделения. Обнаружение символического порядка в событиях и практиках позволяет понять их условную природу или «мягкость». Предложенным формам понимания можно следовать или противиться.
Купить книгу Комплекс Чебурашки, или Общество послушания, автора Инны Веселовой
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Комплекс Чебурашки, или Общество послушания
В фокусе внимания настоящей книги – символические практики социального контроля: феномен страха сглаза, ожидание похвалы, готовность ради нее быть «хорошим» и послушным, соревнования за престижную роль Снегурочки в детских карнавалах, привычка к публичным награждениям (от вручения похвальных грамот в школе до обретения чебурашек в Кремле), а также вызывающие общественный резонанс отказы от наград.
Купить книгу Образование и образованность в социальной истории России: от Средневековья к Новому времени, автора Андрея Андреева
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Образование и образованность в социальной истории России: от Средневековья к Новому времени
В книге особенности социально-исторического развития российского общества рассматриваются сквозь призму истории образования. Прослеживается роль образования в социальной истории страны, начиная с Киевской Руси до преобразований Петра Великого. Предлагается новая концепция эволюции российского социума, в центре которой стоит идея просветительской модернизации. Значительное внимание уделено характеристике интеллектуальных сред и сообществ, складывавшихся на разных этапах российской истории.
Купить книгу 2016: социально-экономическое положение населения – продолжающийся кризис или новая реальность?, автора Коллектива авторов
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2016: социально-экономическое положение населения – продолжающийся кризис или новая реальность?
«Экономические итоги 2016 г. имеют различную интерпретацию – от осторожного оптимизма правительства, заявляющего об окончании кризиса и о вхождении в новую экономическую фазу «новая экономическая реальность», до пессимизма экспертного сообщества, продолжающего рассматривать экономическую ситуацию в стране в терминах затяжного системного кризиса. Чем же в итоге этот год войдет в экономическую историю?..»
Купить книгу Механизмы трудоустройства российской молодежи, автора Е. М. Авраамовой
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Механизмы трудоустройства российской молодежи
Цель исследования состояла в выявлении и описании основных моделей поведения молодежных групп с разным уровнем профессионального образования на современном рынке труда, а также определении факторов, способствующих формированию соответствующих моделей поведения. В исследовании была использована методология, включающая количественные и качественные методы социологического анализа.