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Купить книгу Missional Communities. The Rise of the Post-Congregational Church, автора Reggie  McNeal
Missional Communities. The Rise of the Post-Congregational Church
The third book in the trilogy that explores the popular missional movement From Reggie McNeal, the bestselling author of The Present Future and Missional Renaissance, comes the third book in the series that helps to define and illuminate the popular missional movement. This newest book in the trilogy examines a natural outgrowth of the move toward a missional orientation: the deconstruction of congregations into very small Christian communities. For all those thousands of churches and leaders who have followed Reggie McNeal's bold lead, this book details the rise of a new life form in churches. Discusses how to move a church from an internal to an external ministry focus Reggie McNeal is a recognized leader in the missional movement Outlines an alternative to the program church model that is focused on the projects and passions of the congregants This book draws on McNeal's twenty years of leadership roles in local congregations and his work over the last decade with thousands of clergy and church leaders.
Купить книгу Beyond Forgiveness. Reflections on Atonement, автора Phil  Cousineau
Beyond Forgiveness. Reflections on Atonement
If we harbor thoughts of violence or hatred, or seek revenge or retribution, we are contributing to the wounding of the world; if we transform those thoughts into forgiveness and compassion, and then move beyond them to actually make amends or restitution, we are contributing to the healing of the world. This timely, powerful and compassionate book helps show us the way. —Deepak Chopra «Nothing will help us survive the present age more than breaking the tragic cycles of violence and revenge that threaten our very existence. To do so, we must honor our soul's desire for deeper forms of reconciliation, a process that Phil Cousineau reveals here as being on the other side of forgiveness, in the ancient ritual of atonement. His book is a profoundly important contribution to the healing of the world, and I give it my blessing.» —Robert A. Johnson, author of Transformation, Inner Work and Owning Your Own Shadow As indispensable as forgiveness has been to the healing process throughout history, there is another equally profound action that is needed for ultimate reconciliation, which Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandas Gandhi, calls “the other side of the coin.” Turning over the coin of forgiveness, we discover atonement, the half-hidden, much-overlooked other half of the reconciliation process. Beyond Forgiveness shows how acts of atonement—making amends, providing restitution, restoring balance—can relieve us of the pain of the past and give us a hopeful future. This rich and powerful book includes 15 thoughtful contributions by high-profile thinkers and activists including Huston Smith, Michael Bernard Beckwith, Azim Khamisa, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Jacob Needleman, Michael Nagler, Diane Hennacy Powell, James O’Dea, Arun Gandhi, Kate Dahlstedt, Ed Tick, Richard J. Meyer, Rev. Heng Sure, Douglas George-Kanentiio and Katharine Dever. Atonement is put forward as a process that we must all learn to practice—from individuals to nations—if we are to heal our wounds and move forward.
Купить книгу The Underground Church. Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus, автора Robin  Meyers
The Underground Church. Reclaiming the Subversive Way of Jesus
A new way to follow Jesus that draws on old ways of following Him The Underground Church proposes that the faithful recapture the spirit of the early church with its emphasis on what Christians do rather than what they believe. Prominent progressive writer, speaker, and minister Robin Meyers proposes that the best way to recapture the spirit of the early Christian church is to recognize that Jesus-following was and must be again subversive in the best sense of the word because the gospel taken seriously turns the world upside down. No matter how the church may organize itself or worship, the defining characteristic of church of the future will be its Jesus-inspired countercultural witness. Debunks commonly held beliefs about the early church and offers a vision for the future rooted in the past Proposes that the church of the future must leave doctrinal tribalism behind and seek a unity of mission instead Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu said,"Robin Meyers has spoken truth to power, and the church he loves will never be the same."
Купить книгу Viral Churches. Helping Church Planters Become Movement Makers, автора Ed  Stetzer
Viral Churches. Helping Church Planters Become Movement Makers
A groundbreaking guide for multiplying the impact of church plants Based on a study that was commissioned by the Leadership Network, this book reveals the best practices in church planting and uncovers the common threads among them. A much-needed resource, this book will inform, guide, and even catalyze today's many church planting leaders. The authors clearly show leaders how to plant churches that create a multiplication movement and offer inspiration for them to do so. The book addresses their questions about what to do next in their church planting strategies, in light of research on what's actually working best. Author Ed Stetzer heads up LifeWay Research Provides reliable, credible information about what church planting strategies work best A volume in the Leadership Network Series Offers a definitive guide for church planting and the burgeoning movement it is part of.
Купить книгу About You. Fully Human, Fully Alive, автора Dick  Staub
About You. Fully Human, Fully Alive
In About You, Dick Staub addresses irreligious, religious, spiritual seekers and all kinds of Christians and shows us that Jesus came to satisfy our universal longing for a fully human life, not to establish a narrow us versus them religion. In short, Jesus didn't come to make us Christian; Jesus came to make us fully human. In a fresh exploration of the ancient Biblical stories of creation, fall and redemption, Staub explains that salvation is not about going to heaven when we die; it is about a full and abundant life now. In practical, down-to-earth, language, About You deals with this concept on three levels: anthropologically (our common story and universal human needs), theologically (God’s awareness and response to our needs), and practically (how we can attain and maintain a more complete and satisfying life). Staub's previous book (The Culturally Savvy Christian) was selected by Kirkus Reviews for their 2007 Religion and Spirituality edition. This new book is designed to help those who are seeking a way to integrate both a fully alive spirituality and a fully alive humanity—a way that is embodied in the often-misunderstood life and teaching of Jesus Christ. This groundbreaking book illuminates the path towards becoming the best version of yourself.
Купить книгу Jesus Freak. Feeding Healing Raising the Dead, автора Sara  Miles
Jesus Freak. Feeding Healing Raising the Dead
I came late to Christianity, writes Sara Miles, «knocked upside down by a mid-life conversion centered around eating a literal chunk of bread. I hadn't decided to profess an article of doctrine, but discovered a force blowing uncontrollably through the world.» In this new book, Sara Miles tells what happened when she decided to follow the flesh and blood Jesus by doing something real. For everyone afraid to feed hungry strangers, love the unlovable, or go to dark places to bless and heal, she offers hope. She holds out the promise of a God who gave a bunch of housewives and fishermen authority to forgive sins and raise the dead, and who continues to call us to action. And she tells, in vivid, heartbreakingly honest stories, how the ordinary people around her are transformed by taking up God's work in the world. Sara Miles offers a fresh, fully embodied faith that sweeps away the anxious formulas of religion to reveal the scandalous power of eating with sinners, embracing the unclean, and loving the wrong people. Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead is her inspiring book for undomesticated Christians who still believe, as she writes, «that Jesus has given us the power to be Jesus.»
Купить книгу Prodigal Christianity. 10 Signposts into the Missional Frontier, автора Geoffrey  Holsclaw
Prodigal Christianity. 10 Signposts into the Missional Frontier
An engaging and thoughtful book that guides readers into the frontiers of being a missional Christian Prodigal Christianity offers a down-to-earth, accessible, and yet provocative understanding of God's mission of redemption in the world, and how followers of Christ can participate in this work. It speaks into the discontent of all those who have exhausted conservative, liberal, and even emergent ways of being Christian and are looking for a new way forward. It offers building blocks for missional theology and practice that moves Christians into a gospel-centered way of life for our culture and our times. Offers a compelling and creative vision for North American Christians Puts forth a theology and ten critical signposts that must be observed to follow a missional way of life: post-Christendom, missio Dei, incarnation, witness, scripture, gospel, church, sexuality, justice, pluralism Asks questions and points to issues that trouble many leaders in the post-modern, post-denominational, post-Christendom church This book can fill the gap for the average Christian left discontented with the current options «after evangelicalism.»
Купить книгу Taoism For Dummies, автора Jonathan  Herman
Taoism For Dummies
The definitive guide to understanding Taoism—no matter your background or faith Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching is the second most translated book in the world, and the practice of religious Taoism is on the rise in China, where adherents currently number in the hundreds of millions. Yet there remains a remarkable lack of reliable information about Taoism for curious westerners. Taoism For Dummies provides comprehensive coverage of Taoism's origins in China's Chou Dynasty, its underlying quietist principles, its emergence as a major religion, various interpretation of its core texts, including both Eastern and Western interpretations, key Taoist concepts, and much more. It also provides a fascinating glimpse of Taoism in contemporary China. The ideal guide for readers interested in this influential religion, as well as those taking an introductory course on Taoism or Chinese Religion A valuable source of insight for those with an interest in modern Chinese culture and beliefs
Купить книгу Hinduism For Dummies, автора
Hinduism For Dummies
Your hands-on guide to one of the world's major religions The dominant religion of India, «Hinduism» refers to a wide variety of religious traditions and philosophies that have developed over thousands of years. Today, the United States is home to approximately one million Hindus. If you've heard of this ancient religion and are looking for a reference that explains the intricacies of the customs, practices, and teachings of this ancient spiritual system, Hinduism For Dummies is for you! Provides a thorough introduction to this earliest and popular world belief system Information on the rites, rituals, deities, and teachings associated with the practice of Hinduism Explores the history and teachings of the Vedas, Brahmans, and Upanishads Offers insight into the modern daily practice of Hinduism around the world Continuing the Dummies tradition of making the world's religions engaging and accessible to everyone, Hinduism For Dummies is your hands-on, friendly guide to this fascinating religion.
Купить книгу Catholic Mass For Dummies, автора
Catholic Mass For Dummies
An unintimidating guide to understanding the Catholic Mass Throughout the centuries, the liturgy of the Church has taken a variety of regional and historical forms, but one thing has remained constant: the Mass has always been the central form of Catholic worship. Catholic Mass For Dummies gives you a step-by-step overview of the Catholic Mass, as well as a close look at the history and meaning of the Mass as a central form of Catholic worship. You'll find information on the order of a Mass and coverage of major Masses. Covers standard Sunday Mass, weddings, funerals, holiday services, and holy days of obligation Provides insight on the events, symbols, themes, history, and language of the Mass Translations of a Mass in Castilian and Latin American Spanish If you're a Catholic looking to enhance your knowledge of your faith, an adult studying to convert to Catholicism, a CCD instructor, or a non-Catholic who wants to understand the many nuances of the Catholic Mass, this hands-on, friendly guide has you covered.
Купить книгу Divine Intuition. Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity, автора
Divine Intuition. Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity
A guide for getting in touch with the inner wisdom that can lead to a more abundant and successful life When you are in touch with your intuition, every moment in your life takes on a whole new dimension as intuitive wisdom pours in. Your ability to assess each situation for immediate guidance allows you to move smoothly on your chosen path. Decision-making becomes quick, easy, and fruitful. And you move closer and closer to your best life by divining what is true for you. Divine Intuition is more than simply a book about paying attention to your intuition. The book is filled with inspirational quotes, helpful exercises, and information on how to live a life you love. Offers practical wisdom for creating an abundant life of purpose and fulfillment Shows how to look within for guidance and build patience, faith, and trust Helps to identify the primary ways that you can tap your intuition This inspirational book will give you the practical tools you need to envision, attract, and create the abundant and successful life you were meant to live.
Купить книгу The Other 80 Percent. Turning Your Church's Spectators into Active Participants, автора Warren  Bird
The Other 80 Percent. Turning Your Church's Spectators into Active Participants
A research-based approach to developing more active and involved congregations In this practical resource, well-known and respected researcher Scott Thumma and professional co-writer Warren Bird draw upon new and heretofore unpublished research across a broad range of Protestant churches of all sizes and show how to create more active members. Offers solid information of what church leaders need to know about the factors and practices that create church members who are more actively and passionately involved in their congregations. Offers a first of its kind resource for developing engaged congregations Lead author Scott Thumma is a noted researcher and writer on congregational studies Warren Bird is coauthor of Culture Shift and Viral Churches This book offers advice for moving church members from being spectators to living a life of discipleship and faith.