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Купить книгу Almost Catholic. An Appreciation of the History, Practice, and Mystery of Ancient Faith, автора Jon  Sweeney
Almost Catholic. An Appreciation of the History, Practice, and Mystery of Ancient Faith
Jon Sweeney, a self-described “evolved Protestant” and noted religious writer, has long been fascinated by the Catholic Church. However, it wasn’t until he was a young missionary in the Philippines that he truly began to understand the Church’s traditions, mysteries, and religious beliefs and its hold on those who follow the tradition. As he explains, Catholic spirituality is all about responding to the fundamental mystery of Jesus, the incarnation, and what it all meant in the beginning as well as what it means today. In Almost Catholic, Sweeney offers an appreciation of Catholicism, weaving in the story of his own explorations with those of others who have also been attracted to this tradition. He finds himself drawn to the Church’s ancient and medieval traditions out of a desire to connect with the deepest and widest paths on the way. Two millennia of saints and practices and teachings and mystery form a connection for him to the very beginnings of Christianity.
Купить книгу A New Kind of Christian. A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey, автора
A New Kind of Christian. A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey
A Leadership Network Publication A New Kind of Christian's conversation between a pastor and his daughter's high school science teacher reveals that wisdom for life's most pressing spiritual questions can come from the most unlikely sources. This stirring fable captures a new spirit of Christianity–where personal, daily interaction with God is more important than institutional church structures, where faith is more about a way of life than a system of belief, where being authentically good is more important than being doctrinally «right,» and where one's direction is more important than one's present location. Brian McLaren's delightful account offers a wise and wondrous approach for revitalizing Christian spiritual life and Christian congregations. If you are interested in joining a discussion group devoted to a A New Kind of Christian please visit groups.yahoo.com/group/NKOC.
Купить книгу Living the Sermon on the Mount. A Practical Hope for Grace and Deliverance, автора
Living the Sermon on the Mount. A Practical Hope for Grace and Deliverance
In Living the Sermon on the Mount, theologian and award-winning author Glen H. Stassen helps us to see that the revolutionary ideas in the Sermon on the Mount about loving and caring for each other, living in peace, and acting justly are not unattainable ideals but a recipe for wholeness and healing in our human relationships and deliverance from the vicious cycles that we get stuck in.
Купить книгу The Phoenix Affirmations. A New Vision for the Future of Christianity, автора Eric  Elnes
The Phoenix Affirmations. A New Vision for the Future of Christianity
The Phoenix Affirmations, named for the town in which the principles were created and the mythological bird adopted by ancient Christians as a symbol of resurrection, offers disillusioned and spiritually homeless Christians and others a sense of hope and a more tolerant, joyful, and compassionate message than those we often hear from the media and some Christian leaders. These twelve central affirmative principles of Christian faith are built on the three great loves that the Bible reveals: love of God, love of neighbor, and love of self. They reflect commitments to environmental stewardship, social justice, and artistic expression as well as openness to other faiths. Transcending theological and culture wars, inclusive and generous in spirit and practice, these principles ask believers and seekers alike to affirm their Christian faith in a fresh way.
Купить книгу Why the Christian Right Is Wrong. A Minister's Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, Your Future, автора Robin  Meyers
Why the Christian Right Is Wrong. A Minister's Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, Your Future
"I join the ranks of those who are angry, because I have watched as the faith I love has been taken over by fundamentalists who claim to speak for Jesus but whose actions are anything but Christian." —Robin Meyers, from his «Speech Heard Round the World» Millions of Americans are outraged at the Bush administration's domestic and foreign policies and even angrier that the nation's religious conservatives have touted these policies as representative of moral values. Why the Christian Right Is Wrong is a rousing manifesto that will ignite the collective conscience of all whose faith and values have been misrepresented by the Christian Right. Praise for Why the Christian Right Is Wrong: «In the pulpit, Robin Meyers is the new generation's Harry Emerson Fosdick, George Buttrick, and Martin Luther King. In these pages, you will find a stirring message for our times, from a man who believes that God's love is universal, that the great Jewish prophets are as relevant now as in ancient times, and that the Jesus who drove the money changers from the Temple may yet inspire us to embrace justice and compassion as the soul of democracy. This is not a book for narrow sectarian minds; read it, and you will want to change the world.» —Bill Moyers «In this book, a powerful and authentic religious voice from America's heartland holds up a mirror to the Bush administration and its religious allies. The result is a vision of Orwellian proportions in which values are inverted and violence, hatred, and bigotry are blessed by one known as 'The Prince of Peace,' who called us to love our enemies. If you treasure this country and tremble over its present direction, this book is a must-read!» —John Shelby Spong author, The Sins of Scripture: Exposing the Bible's Texts of Hate to Reveal the God of Love «This is a timely warning and a clarion call to the church to recover the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to a great nation to resist the encroachment of the Christian Right and of Christian fascism. Many of us in other parts of the world are praying fervently that these calls will be heeded.» —Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Купить книгу Pocket Guide to the Bible. A Little Book About the Big Book, автора Jason  Boyett
Pocket Guide to the Bible. A Little Book About the Big Book
"Jason Boyett's Pocket Guides are smart and hilarious. And they're sneaky too: You don't realize how much you're learning because you're having so much fun." —AJ Jacobs, author, The Year of Living Biblically Americans consistently identify the Bible as the most influential book in history, but seriously: are you really reading it? Probably not. If all you know about the Bible are a few Psalms and the Christmas story, then you're missing out on a book that's wilder, weirder, and more entertaining than you ever imagined. With a stealthy combo of entertainment and insight, Jason Boyett's Pocket Guide to the Bible fills the gaps in your religious education. It introduces you to the characters you must know, reveals the thrilling development of the biblical canon, and details the less-churchy parts of Scripture (hello, sex and violence!). Don't miss out on discovering How God employs talking donkeys, mentally unstable prophets, and helpful prostitutes in his master plan Which moral failures may result in an old-fashioned smiting Why Catholic Bibles include books some Protestants refuse to recognize Whether your New International Version of the Bible may in fact be demonic With Pocket Guide to the Bible, you'll finally realize what's so good about the Good Book.
Купить книгу The Words of Jesus. A Gospel of the Sayings of Our Lord with Reflections by Phyllis Tickle, автора Phyllis  Tickle
The Words of Jesus. A Gospel of the Sayings of Our Lord with Reflections by Phyllis Tickle
What if you could encounter the words of Jesus on their own, lifted up from the surrounding narratives and presented in their full power and mystery? That’s the question Phyllis Tickle—one of America’s most beloved writers on Christian spirituality—asked when she set out to write what she calls a “Sayings gospel.” In The Words of Jesus Tickle has compiled and arranged all the sayings of Jesus from the first four books of the New Testament and the first chapter of the Book of Acts in a way that creates an entirely new kind of encounter with the texts. And she has accompanied those sayings with her own personal reflections and commentaries not just on the words themselves but on the One who spoke them.
Купить книгу The Promise of Paradox. A Celebration of Contradictions in the Christian Life, автора
The Promise of Paradox. A Celebration of Contradictions in the Christian Life
First published in 1980—and reissued here with a feisty new introductory essay—The Promise of Paradox launched Parker J. Palmer’s career as an author and his ongoing exploration of the contradictions that vex and enrich our lives. In this probing and heartfelt book, the distinguished writer, teacher, and activist examines some of the challenging questions at the core of Christian spirituality. How do we live with the apparent opposition between good and evil, scarcity and abundance, individuality and community, death and new life? We can hold them as paradoxes, not “either/ors,” allowing them to open our minds and hearts to new ways of seeing and being.
Купить книгу Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church. Mandate, Commitments and Practices of a Diverse Congregation, автора Mark  DeYmaz
Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church. Mandate, Commitments and Practices of a Diverse Congregation
Through personal stories, proven experience and a thorough analysis of the biblical text, Building a Healthy Multi-ethnic Church illustrates both the biblical mandate for the multi-ethnic church as well as the seven core commitments required to bring it about. Mark DeYmaz, pastor of one of the most proven multi-ethnic churches in the country, writes both from his experience and his extensive study of how to plant, grow, and encourage more ethnically diverse churches. He argues that the «homogenous unit principle» will soon become irrelevant and that the most effective way to spread the Gospel in an increasingly diverse world is through strong and vital multi-ethnic churches.
Купить книгу Dare to Wear Your Soul on the Outside. Live Your Legacy Now, автора
Dare to Wear Your Soul on the Outside. Live Your Legacy Now
In this inspirational book, Gloria Burgess uses the touching story of her father's relationship with William Faulkner as a starting point to explore a classic topic: how to bring forth the character qualities of love, wisdom, trust, faith, gratitude, creative action, vision, and integrity. Burgess declares the sacred promises of legacy living as part of a transformational process that helps us connect to our past by honoring those who came before us, living with intention in the present, and freeing our talents so we can realize our potential. Dare to Ware Your Soul on the Outside also includes practical exercises for fostering greater authenticity and purpose in our lives.
Купить книгу Превращая заблуждение в ясность. Руководство по основополагающим практикам тибетского буддизма., автора Йонге Мингьюра Ринпоче
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Превращая заблуждение в ясность. Руководство по основополагающим практикам тибетского буддизма.
В этой книге собраны наставления известного современного учителя тибетского буддизма Йонге Мингьюра Ринпоче по основополагающим, или предварительным, практикам нёндро. В них отражена самая сущность этих основополагающих практик, их бесконечная глубина и безграничное богатство смысла. Конкретные указания разъясняют практические аспекты нёндро, а многочисленные примеры из собственного опыта Ринпоче и его учителей вдохновляют и придают уверенности вступающему на этот путь.
Купить книгу Практика радости. Как ходить осознанно, автора Тит Нат Хана
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Практика радости. Как ходить осознанно
Мы думаем, что научились ходить еще в детстве. Но так ли это на самом деле? О том, как превратить каждый шаг в практику радости, рассказывает в этой книге Тит Нат Хан, мудрый монах из Вьетнама, которому больше 90 лет. Как и Далай-лама, он считается на Западе одним из величайших учителей буддизма в современном мире.