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Купить книгу Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation. An Engineering Approach Using MATLAB, автора
Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation. An Engineering Approach Using MATLAB
A practical introduction to intelligent computer vision theory, design, implementation, and technology The past decade has witnessed epic growth in image processing and intelligent computer vision technology. Advancements in machine learning methods—especially among adaboost varieties and particle filtering methods—have made machine learning in intelligent computer vision more accurate and reliable than ever before. The need for expert coverage of the state of the art in this burgeoning field has never been greater, and this book satisfies that need. Fully updated and extensively revised, this 2nd Edition of the popular guide provides designers, data analysts, researchers and advanced post-graduates with a fundamental yet wholly practical introduction to intelligent computer vision. The authors walk you through the basics of computer vision, past and present, and they explore the more subtle intricacies of intelligent computer vision, with an emphasis on intelligent measurement systems. Using many timely, real-world examples, they explain and vividly demonstrate the latest developments in image and video processing techniques and technologies for machine learning in computer vision systems, including: PRTools5 software for MATLAB—especially the latest representation and generalization software toolbox for PRTools5 Machine learning applications for computer vision, with detailed discussions of contemporary state estimation techniques vs older content of particle filter methods The latest techniques for classification and supervised learning, with an emphasis on Neural Network, Genetic State Estimation and other particle filter and AI state estimation methods All new coverage of the Adaboost and its implementation in PRTools5. A valuable working resource for professionals and an excellent introduction for advanced-level students, this 2nd Edition features a wealth of illustrative examples, ranging from basic techniques to advanced intelligent computer vision system implementations. Additional examples and tutorials, as well as a question and solution forum, can be found on a companion website.
Купить книгу Lagrangian Modeling of the Atmosphere, автора Peter  Webley
Lagrangian Modeling of the Atmosphere
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 200. Trajectory-based (“Lagrangian”) atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling has gained in popularity and sophistication over the previous several decades. It is common practice now for researchers around the world to apply Lagrangian models to a wide spectrum of issues. Lagrangian Modeling of the Atmosphere is a comprehensive volume that includes sections on Lagrangian modeling theory, model applications, and tests against observations. Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series. Comprehensive coverage of trajectory-based atmospheric dispersion modeling Important overview of a widely used modeling tool Sections look at modeling theory, application of models, and tests against observations
Купить книгу Desiccation Cracks and their Patterns. Formation and Modelling in Science and Nature, автора Lucas  Goehring
Desiccation Cracks and their Patterns. Formation and Modelling in Science and Nature
Bringing together basic ideas, classical theories, recent experimental and theoretical aspects, this book explains desiccation cracks from simple, easily-comprehensible cases to more complex, applied situations. The ideal team of authors, combining experimental and theoretical backgrounds, and with experience in both physical and earth sciences, discuss how the study of cracks can lead to the design of crack-resistant materials, as well as how cracks can be grown to generate patterned surfaces at the nano- and micro-scales. Important research and recent developments on tailoring desiccation cracks by different methods are covered, supported by straightforward, yet deep theoretical models. Intended for a broad readership spanning physics, materials science, and engineering to the geosciences, the book also includes additional reading especially for students engaged in pattern formation research.
Купить книгу Chemistry as a Game of Molecular Construction. The Bond-Click Way, автора Sason  Shaik
Chemistry as a Game of Molecular Construction. The Bond-Click Way
Chemistry as a Game of Molecular Construction: The Bond-Click Way utilizes an innovative and engaging approach to introduce students to the basic concepts and universal aspects of chemistry, with an emphasis on molecules’ beauty and their importance in our lives. • Offers a unique approach that portrays chemistry as a window into mankind’s material-chemical essence • Reveals the beauty of molecules through the “click” method, a teaching methodology comprised of the process of constructing molecules from building blocks • Styles molecular construction in a way that reveals the universal aspect of chemistry • Allows students to construct molecules, from the simple hydrogen molecule all the way to complex strands of DNA, thereby showing the overarching unity of matter • Provides problems sets and solutions for each chapter
Купить книгу Intelligent Non-hierarchical Manufacturing Networks, автора
Intelligent Non-hierarchical Manufacturing Networks
This book provides the latest models, methods and guidelines for networked enterprises to enhance their competitiveness and move towards innovative high performance and agile industrial systems. In the new global market, competitiveness and economic growth rely greatly on the move toward innovative high performance industrial systems and agile networked enterprises through the creation and consolidation of non-hierarchical manufacturing networks of multi-national SMEs as opposed to networks based on powerful large-scale companies. Network performance can be significantly improved through more harmonious and equitable peer-to-peer inter-enterprise relationships, conforming decentralized and collaborative decision-making models. Traditional hierarchical manufacturing networks are based on centralized models, where some of the actors involved must adapt themselves to the constraints defined by those who are most dominant. Real-world experiences of such models have revealed some major problems due to the centralized vision of the supply chain and the sub-optimal performance of centralized decision-making. For the current highly dynamic markets, this generates major inefficiencies in operation throughout the supply chain. This book collects the latest research regarding non-hierarchical manufacturing networks and provides enterprises with valuable models, methods and guidelines to improve their competitiveness.
Купить книгу From Depositional Systems to Sedimentary Successions on the Norwegian Continental Margin (Special Publication 46 of the IAS), автора
From Depositional Systems to Sedimentary Successions on the Norwegian Continental Margin (Special Publication 46 of the IAS)
The Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), focus of this special publication, is a prolific hydrocarbon region and both exploration and production activity remains high to this day with a positive production outlook. A key element today and in the future is to couple technological developments to improving our understanding of specific geological situations. The theme of the publication reflects the immense efforts made by all industry operators and their academic partners on the NCS to understand in detail the structural setting, sedimentology and stratigraphy of the hydrocarbon bearing units and their source and seal. The papers cover a wide spectrum of depositional environments ranging from alluvial fans to deepwater fans, in almost every climate type from arid through humid to glacial, and in a variety of tectonic settings. Special attention is given to the integration of both analogue studies and process-based models with the insights gained from extensive subsurface datasets.
Купить книгу Climate in Context. Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation, автора
Climate in Context. Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation
Society is increasingly affected by climate impacts, from prolonged water shortages to damaging coastal floods and wildfires. Scientists studying climate variations are eager to have their knowledge used in adaptive decision making. To achieve this, science and society must engage productively around complex management and policy challenges. For over 20 years, the science-society interface has been fertile ground for the Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) programs sponsored by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Climate in Context describes what it takes to help scientists and stakeholders work together to “co-produce” climate science knowledge, policy, and action. This state-of-the art synthesis reflects on lessons learned by RISA programs, and provides a sober assessment of the challenges ahead. Through case studies from various US regions, this book provides lessons and guidance for organizations and individuals who want to work at the science-society interface on a range of climate challenges.
Купить книгу An Introduction To High Content Screening. Imaging Technology, Assay Development, and Data Analysis in Biology and Drug Discovery, автора
An Introduction To High Content Screening. Imaging Technology, Assay Development, and Data Analysis in Biology and Drug Discovery
Using a collaborative and interdisciplinary author base with experience in the pharmaceutical industry and academia, this book is a practical resource for high content (HC) techniques. • Instructs readers on the fundamentals of high content screening (HCS) techniques • Focuses on practical and widely-used techniques like image processing and multiparametric assays • Breaks down HCS into individual modules for training and connects them at the end • Includes a tutorial chapter that works through sample HCS assays, glossary, and detailed appendices
Купить книгу Swimming Up Stream 2: Agency and Urgency in the Education of Black Men: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 150, автора
Swimming Up Stream 2: Agency and Urgency in the Education of Black Men: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, Number 150
This volume is the continuation of a two-part series that focuses on salient topics and issues affecting Black males as they engage in adult education and learning. Considering the historical and current effects on the way these men participate in adult education, this volume broadens the conversations around adult Black males’ educational experiences by utilizing academic research as well as program descriptions and personal narratives with a concern for the “lived experiences.” More specifically, the authors explore: the agency of Black men in carving out pathways to success, the programs that support these endeavors, and the role of civil society in facilitating or inhibiting their progress. Topics covered include the digital divide, sports, professional career development, sexuality, role of religion, college as a choice, and the Black Lives Matter initiative. Practitioners will be encouraged to reflect on their own practices as they work toward engagement of Black males in learning communities. This is the 150th volume of the Jossey Bass series New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education. Noted for its depth of coverage, it explores issues of common interest to instructors, administrators, counselors, and policymakers in a broad range of education settings, such as colleges and universities, extension programs, businesses, libraries, and museums.
Купить книгу River Science. Research and Management for the 21st Century, автора
River Science. Research and Management for the 21st Century
River Science is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary field at the interface of the natural sciences, engineering and socio-political sciences. It recognises that the sustainable management of contemporary rivers will increasingly require new ways of characterising them to enable engagement with the diverse range of stakeholders. This volume represents the outcome of research by many of the authors and their colleagues over the last 40 years and demonstrates the integral role that River Science now plays in underpinning our understanding of the functioning of natural ecosystems, and how societal demands and historic changes have affected these systems. The book will inform academics, policy makers and society in general of the benefits of healthy functioning riverine systems, and will increase awareness of the wide range of ecosystem goods and services they provide.
Купить книгу UV-B Radiation. From Environmental Stressor to Regulator of Plant Growth, автора
UV-B Radiation. From Environmental Stressor to Regulator of Plant Growth
Ultraviolet-B (UV-B) is electromagnetic radiation coming from the sun, with a medium wavelength which is mostly absorbed by the ozone layer. The biological effects of UV-B are greater than simple heating effects, and many practical applications of UV-B radiation derive from its interactions with organic molecules. It is considered particularly harmful to the environment and living things, but what have scientific studies actually shown? UV-B Radiation: From Environmental Stressor to Regulator of Plant Growth presents a comprehensive overview of the origins, current state, and future horizons of scientific research on ultraviolet-B radiation and its perception in plants. Chapters explore all facets of UV-B research, including the basics of how UV-B's shorter wavelength radiation from the sun reaches the Earth's surface, along with its impact on the environment's biotic components and on human biological systems. Chapters also address the dramatic shift in UV-B research in recent years, reflecting emerging technologies, showing how historic research which focused exclusively on the harmful environmental effects of UV-B radiation has now given way to studies on potential benefits to humans. Topics include: UV-B and its climatology UV-B and terrestrial ecosystems Plant responses to UV-B stress UB- B avoidance mechanisms UV-B and production of secondary metabolites Discovery of UVR8 Timely and important, UV-B Radiation: From Environmental Stressor to Regulator of Plant Growth is an invaluable resource for environmentalists, researchers and students who are into the state-of-the-art research being done on exposure to UV-B radiation.
Купить книгу Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria, автора Rainer  Kurmayer
Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria
A guide to state-of-the-art molecular tools for monitoring and managing the toxigenicity of cyanobacteria Runaway eutrophication and climate change has made the monitoring and management of toxigenic organisms in the world’s bodies of water more urgent than ever. In order to influence public policy regarding the detection and quantification of those organisms, it is incumbent upon scientists to raise the awareness of policy makers concerning the increased occurrence of toxigenic cyanobacteria and the threats they pose. As molecular methods can handle many samples in short time and help identify toxigenic organisms, they are reliable, cost-effective tools available for tracking toxigenic cyanobacteria worldwide. This volume arms scientists with the tools they need to track toxigenicity in surface waters and food supplies and, hopefully, to develop new techniques for managing the spread of toxic cyanobacteria. This handbook offers the first comprehensive treatment of molecular tools for monitoring toxigenic cyanobacteria. Growing out of the findings of the landmark European Cooperation in Science and Technology Cyanobacteria project (CYANOCOST), it provides detailed, practical coverage of the full array of available molecular tools and protocols, from water sampling, nucleic acid extraction, and downstream analysis—including PCR and qPCR based methods—to genotyping (DGGE), diagnostic microarrays, and community characterization using next-gen sequencing techniques. Offers an overview of the latest trends in the field, while providing a foundation for understanding and applying the tools and techniques described Provides detailed coverage of the full range of molecular tools currently available, with expert guidance on the analysis and interpretation of results Includes step-by-step guidance on standard operational procedures, including molecular tests used in environmental monitoring, with individual chapters devoted to each procedure Complements the published Handbook of Cyanobacterial Monitoring and Cyanotoxin Analysis from the CyanoCOST project This handbook is an indispensable working resource for scientists, lab technicians, and water management professionals and an excellent text/reference for graduate students and supervisors who use molecular tools. It will also be of great value to environmental health and protection officials and policy makers.