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Купить книгу Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics. Mathematical Aspects, автора
Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics. Mathematical Aspects
A unique discussion of mathematical methods with applications to quantum mechanics Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics: Mathematical Aspects presents various mathematical constructions influenced by quantum mechanics and emphasizes the spectral theory of non-adjoint operators. Featuring coverage of functional analysis and algebraic methods in contemporary quantum physics, the book discusses the recent emergence of unboundedness of metric operators, which is a serious issue in the study of parity-time-symmetric quantum mechanics. The book also answers mathematical questions that are currently the subject of rigorous analysis with potentially significant physical consequences. In addition to prompting a discussion on the role of mathematical methods in the contemporary development of quantum physics, the book features: Chapter contributions written by well-known mathematical physicists who clarify numerous misunderstandings and misnomers while shedding light on new approaches in this growing area An overview of recent inventions and advances in understanding functional analytic and algebraic methods for non-selfadjoint operators as well as the use of Krein space theory and perturbation theory Rigorous support of the progress in theoretical physics of non-Hermitian systems in addition to mathematically justified applications in various domains of physics such as nuclear and particle physics and condensed matter physics An ideal reference, Non-Selfadjoint Operators in Quantum Physics: Mathematical Aspects is useful for researchers, professionals, and academics in applied mathematics and theoretical and/or applied physics who would like to expand their knowledge of classical applications of quantum tools to address problems in their research. Also a useful resource for recent and related trends, the book is appropriate as a graduate-level and/or PhD-level text for courses on quantum mechanics and mathematical models in physics.
Купить книгу Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere, автора
Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 199. Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere draws together current knowledge of the radiation belts prior to the launch of Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RPSP) and other imminent space missions, making this volume timely and unique. The volume will serve as a useful benchmark at this exciting and pivotal period in radiation belt research in advance of the new discoveries that the RPSP mission will surely bring. Highlights include the following: a review of the current state of the art of radiation belt science; a complete and up-to-date account of the wave-particle interactions that control the dynamical acceleration and loss processes of particles in the Earth's radiation belts and inner magnetosphere; a discussion emphasizing the importance of the cross-energy coupling of the particle populations of the radiation belts, ring current, and plasmasphere in controlling the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere; an outline of the design and operation of future satellite missions whose objectives are to discover the dominant physical processes that control the dynamics of the Earth's radiation belts and to advance our level of understanding of radiation belt dynamics ideally to the point of predictability; and an examination of the current state of knowledge of Earth's radiation belts from past and current spacecraft missions to the inner magnetosphere. Dynamics of the Earth's Radiation Belts and Inner Magnetosphere will be a useful reference work for the specialist researcher, the student, and the general reader. In addition, the volume could be used as a supplementary text in any graduate-level course in space physics in which radiation belt physics is featured.
Купить книгу Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation. Exploring the Evidence for a Link, автора Dilys  Roe
Biodiversity Conservation and Poverty Alleviation. Exploring the Evidence for a Link
Biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation are both important societal goals demanding increasing international attention. While they may seem to be unrelated, the international policy frameworks that guide action to address them make an explicit assumption that conserving biodiversity will help to tackle global poverty. Part of the Conservation Science and Practice Series published with the Zoological Society of London, this book explores the validity of that assumption. The book addresses a number of critical questions: Which aspects of biodiversity are of value to the poor? Does the relationship between biodiversity and poverty differ according to particular ecological conditions? How do different conservation interventions vary in their poverty impacts? How do distributional and institutional issues affect the poverty impacts of interventions? How do broader issues such as climate change and the global economic system affect the biodiversity – poverty relationship at different scales? This volume will be of interest to policy-makers, practitioners and researchers concerned with understanding the potential – and limitations – of integrated approaches to biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation.
Купить книгу International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture, автора
International Handbook of Research on Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture
The International Handbook of Research in Children's Literacy, Learning and Culture presents an authoritative distillation of current global knowledge related to the field of primary years literacy studies. Features chapters that conceptualize, interpret, and synthesize relevant research Critically reviews past and current research in order to influence future directions in the field of literacy Offers literacy scholars an international perspective that recognizes and anticipates increasing diversity in literacy practices and cultures
Купить книгу Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine. Science, Regulation and Business Strategies, автора
Stem Cells in Regenerative Medicine. Science, Regulation and Business Strategies
This book is a unique guide to emerging stem cell technologies and the opportunities for their commercialisation. It provides in-depth analyses of the science, business, legal, and financing fundamentals of stem cell technologies, offering a holistic assessment of this emerging and dynamic segment of the field of regenerative medicine. • Reviews the very latest advances in the technology and business of stem cells used for therapy, research, and diagnostics • Identifies key challenges to the commercialisation of stem cell technology and avenues to overcome problems in the pipeline • Written by an expert team with extensive experience in the business, basic and applied science of stem cell research This comprehensive volume is essential reading for researchers in cell biology, biotechnology, regenerative medicine, and tissue engineering, including scientists and professionals, looking to enter commercial biotechnology fields.
Купить книгу Applied Biocatalysis. From Fundamental Science to Industrial Applications, автора Andreas  Liese
Applied Biocatalysis. From Fundamental Science to Industrial Applications
This reference book originates from the interdisciplinary research cooperation between academia and industry. In three distinct parts, latest results from basic research on stable enzymes are explained and brought into context with possible industrial applications. Downstream processing technology as well as biocatalytic and biotechnological production processes from global players display the enormous potential of biocatalysts. Application of «extreme» reaction conditions (i.e. unconventional, such as high temperature, pressure, and pH value) – biocatalysts are normally used within a well defined process window – leads to novel synthetic effects. Both novel enzyme systems and the synthetic routes in which they can be applied are made accessible to the reader. In addition, the complementary innovative process technology under unconventional conditions is highlighted by latest examples from biotech industry.
Купить книгу The Galapagos: A Natural Laboratory for the Earth Sciences, автора
The Galapagos: A Natural Laboratory for the Earth Sciences
The Galápagos Islands are renown for their unique flora and fauna, inspiring Charles Darwin in the elaboration of his theory of evolution. Yet in his Voyage of the Beagle, published in 1839, Darwin also remarked on the fascinating geology and volcanic origin of these enchanted Islands. Since then, the Galápagos continue to provide scientists with inspiration and invaluable information about ocean island formation and evolution, mantle plumes, and the deep Earth. Motivated by an interdisciplinary Chapman Conference held in the Islands, this AGU volume provides cross-disciplinary collection of recent research into the origin and nature of ocean islands, from their deepest roots in Earth's mantle, to volcanism, surface processes, and the interface between geology and biodiversity. Volume highlights include: Case studies in biogeographical, hydrological, and chronological perspective Understanding the connection between geological processes and biodiversity Synthesis of decades of interdisciplinary research in physical processes from surface to deep interior of the earth In-depth discussion of the concept of the island acting as a natural laboratory for earth scientists Integrated understanding of the Galápagos region from a geological perspective Collectively, The Galápagos presents case studies illustrating the Galápagos Archipelago as a dynamic natural laboratory for the earth sciences. This book would be of special interest to a multidisciplinary audience in earth sciences, including petrologists, volcanologists, geochronologists, geochemists, and geobiologists.
Купить книгу Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation, автора
Applied Studies in Climate Adaptation
The book advances knowledge about climate change adaptation practices through a series of case studies. It presents important evidence about adaptation practices in agriculture, businesses, the coastal zone, community services, disaster management, ecosystems, indigneous populations, and settlements and infrastructure. In addition to 38 case studies across these sectors, the book contains horizon-scoping essays from international experts in adaptation research, including Hallie Eakin, Susanne Moser, Jonathon Overpeck, Bill Solecki, and Gary Yohe. Australia’s social-ecological systems have a long history of adapting to climate variability and change, and in recent decades has been a world-leader in implementing and researching adaptation, making this book of universal relevance to all those working to adapt our environment and societies to climate change.
Купить книгу Ligand Design in Metal Chemistry. Reactivity and Catalysis, автора
Ligand Design in Metal Chemistry. Reactivity and Catalysis
The design of ancillary ligands used to modify the structural and reactivity properties of metal complexes has evolved into a rapidly expanding sub-discipline in inorganic and organometallic chemistry. Ancillary ligand design has figured directly in the discovery of new bonding motifs and stoichiometric reactivity, as well as in the development of new catalytic protocols that have had widespread positive impact on chemical synthesis on benchtop and industrial scales. Ligand Design in Metal Chemistry presents a collection of cutting-edge contributions from leaders in the field of ligand design, encompassing a broad spectrum of ancillary ligand classes and reactivity applications. Topics covered include: Key concepts in ligand design Redox non-innocent ligands Ligands for selective alkene metathesis Ligands in cross-coupling Ligand design in polymerization Ligand design in modern lanthanide chemistry Cooperative metal-ligand reactivity P,N Ligands for enantioselective hydrogenation Spiro-cyclic ligands in asymmetric catalysis This book will be a valuable reference for academic researchers and industry practitioners working in the field of ligand design, as well as those who work in the many areas in which the impact of ancillary ligand design has proven significant, for example synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, medicinal chemistry, polymer science and materials chemistry.
Купить книгу Non-covalent Interactions in the Synthesis and Design of New Compounds, автора
Non-covalent Interactions in the Synthesis and Design of New Compounds
This book aims to overview the role of non-covalent interactions, such as hydrogen and halogen bonding, π-π, π-anion and electrostatic interactions, hydrophobic effects and van der Waals forces in the synthesis of organic and inorganic compounds, as well as in design of new crystals and function materials. The proposed book should allow to combine, in a systematic way, recent advances on the application of non-covalent interactions in synthesis and design of new compounds and functional materials with significance in Inorganic, Organic, Coordination, Organometallic, Pharmaceutical, Biological and Material Chemistries. Therefore, it should present a multi- and interdisciplinary character assuring a rather broad scope. We believe it will be of interest to a wide range of academic and research staff concerning the synthesis of new compounds, catalysis and materials. Each chapter will be written by authors who are well known experts in their respective fields.
Купить книгу Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Principles and Practices, автора
Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Principles and Practices
Water, energy and food are key resources to sustain life, and are the fundamental to national, regional and global economies. These three resources are interlinked in multiple ways, and the term “nexus” captures the interconnections. The nexus has been discussed, debated, researched, and advocated widely but the focus is often on the pairings of “water-energy” or “water-food” or “energy-food”. To really benefit from the nexus approach in terms of resource use efficiency it is essential to understand, operationalize and practice the nexus of all three resources. As demand for these resources increases worldwide, using them sustainability is a critical concern for scientists and citizens, governments and policy makers. Volume highlights include: Contributions to the global debate on water-energy-food nexus Examples of the nexus approach in practice from different regions of the world Perspectives on the future of the nexus agenda Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Theories and Practices is a valuable resource for students, research scholars and professionals in academic institutions with strong interests in interdisciplinary research involving geography, earth science, environmental science, environmental management, sustainability science, international development, and ecological economics. The volume will also be useful for professionals, practitioners and consultants in /NGOs, government, and international agencies.
Купить книгу Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Plates with Mixed Boundary Conditions, автора Igor  Andrianov
Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Plates with Mixed Boundary Conditions
Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Plates with Mixed Boundary Conditions comprehensively covers the theoretical background of asymptotic approaches and their use in solving mechanical engineering-oriented problems of structural members, primarily plates (statics and dynamics) with mixed boundary conditions. The first part of this book introduces the theory and application of asymptotic methods and includes a series of approaches that have been omitted or not rigorously treated in the existing literature. These lesser known approaches include the method of summation and construction of the asymptotically equivalent functions, methods of small and large delta, and the homotopy perturbations method. The second part of the book contains original results devoted to the solution of the mixed problems of the theory of plates, including statics, dynamics and stability of the studied objects. In addition, the applicability of the approaches presented to other related linear or nonlinear problems is addressed. Key features: • Includes analytical solving of mixed boundary value problems • Introduces modern asymptotic and summation procedures • Presents asymptotic approaches for nonlinear dynamics of rods, beams and plates • Covers statics, dynamics and stability of plates with mixed boundary conditions • Explains links between the Adomian and homotopy perturbation approaches Asymptotic Methods in the Theory of Plates with Mixed Boundary Conditions is a comprehensive reference for researchers and practitioners working in the field of Mechanics of Solids and Mechanical Engineering, and is also a valuable resource for graduate and postgraduate students from Civil and Mechanical Engineering.