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Купить книгу Stereoselective Multiple Bond-Forming Transformations in Organic Synthesis, автора Jean  Rodriguez
Stereoselective Multiple Bond-Forming Transformations in Organic Synthesis
Combining the important research topic of multiple bond-forming transformations with green chemistry, this book helps chemists identify recent sustainable stereoselective synthetic sequences. • Combines the important research topic of multiple bond-forming transformations with green chemistry and sustainable development • Offers a valuable resource for preparing compounds with multiple stereogenic centers, an important field for synthetic chemists • Organizes chapters by molecular structure of final products, making for a handbook-style resource • Discusses applications of the synthesis of natural products and of drug intermediates • Brings together otherwise-scattered information about a number of key, efficient chemical reactions
Купить книгу Bioinformatics Challenges at the Interface of Biology and Computer Science. Mind the Gap, автора
Bioinformatics Challenges at the Interface of Biology and Computer Science. Mind the Gap
This innovative book provides a completely fresh exploration of bioinformatics, investigating its complex interrelationship with biology and computer science. It approaches bioinformatics from a unique perspective, highlighting interdisciplinary gaps that often trap the unwary. The book considers how the need for biological databases drove the evolution of bioinformatics; it reviews bioinformatics basics (including database formats, data-types and current analysis methods), and examines key topics in computer science (including data-structures, identifiers and algorithms), reflecting on their use and abuse in bioinformatics. Bringing these disciplines together, this book is an essential read for those who wish to better understand the challenges for bioinformatics at the interface of biology and computer science, and how to bridge the gaps. It will be an invaluable resource for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, and for lecturers, researchers and professionals with an interest in this fascinating, fast-moving discipline and the knotty problems that surround it.
Купить книгу Forward-Time Population Genetics Simulations. Methods, Implementation, and Applications, автора Bo  Peng
Forward-Time Population Genetics Simulations. Methods, Implementation, and Applications
The only book available in the area of forward-time population genetics simulations—applicable to both biomedical and evolutionary studies The rapid increase of the power of personal computers has led to the use of serious forward-time simulation programs in genetic studies. Forward-Time Population Genetics Simulations presents both new and commonly used methods, and introduces simuPOP, a powerful and flexible new program that can be used to simulate arbitrary evolutionary processes with unique features like customized chromosome types, arbitrary nonrandom mating schemes, virtual subpopulations, information fields, and Python operators. The book begins with an overview of important concepts and models, then goes on to show how simuPOP can simulate a number of standard population genetics models—with the goal of demonstrating the impact of genetic factors such as mutation, selection, and recombination on standard Wright-Fisher models. The rest of the book is devoted to applications of forward-time simulations in various research topics. Forward-Time Population Genetics Simulations includes: An overview of currently available forward-time simulation methods, their advantages, and shortcomings An overview and evaluation of currently available software A simuPOP tutorial Applications in population genetics Applications in genetic epidemiology, statistical genetics, and mapping complex human diseases The only book of its kind in the field today, Forward-Time Population Genetics Simulations will appeal to researchers and students of population and statistical genetics.
Купить книгу Diagnostic Electron Microscopy. A Practical Guide to Interpretation and Technique, автора Alan  Curry
Diagnostic Electron Microscopy. A Practical Guide to Interpretation and Technique
Diagnostic Electron Microscopy: A Practical Guide to Interpretation and Technique summarises the current interpretational applications of TEM in diagnostic pathology. This concise and accessible volume provides a working guide to the main, or most useful, applications of the technique including practical topics of concern to laboratory scientists, brief guides to traditional tissue and microbiological preparation techniques, microwave processing, digital imaging and measurement uncertainty. The text features both a screening and interpretational guide for TEM diagnostic applications and current TEM diagnostic tissue preparation methods pertinent to all clinical electron microscope units worldwide. Containing high-quality representative images, this up-to-date text includes detailed information on the most important diagnostic applications of transmission electron microscopy as well as instructions for specific tissues and current basic preparative techniques. The book is relevant to trainee pathologists and practising pathologists who are expected to understand and evaluate/screen tissues by TEM. In addition, technical and scientific staff involved in tissue preparation and diagnostic tissue evaluation/screening by TEM will find this text useful.
Купить книгу Flavonoid Pharmacokinetics. Methods of Analysis, Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Toxicology, автора
Flavonoid Pharmacokinetics. Methods of Analysis, Preclinical and Clinical Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Toxicology
SETS FORTH A FRAMEWORK FOR THE ANALYSIS AND STUDY OF FLAVONOIDS More and more dietary supplements contain flavonoids. These products are typically viewed as food rather than drug products by regulatory agencies and therefore not subjected to rigorous clinical trials before they are marketed to the general public. As a result, the use of flavonoid-containing supplements presents a potential public health risk. From discovery to therapeutic application, this book is a comprehensive guide to both achiral and chiral flavonoids, enabling researchers to perform essential preclinical and clinical pharmacokinetics studies in order to ensure the efficacy of flavonoids marketed for therapeutic use. Moreover, the book examines the safety and toxicology of flavonoids as well as flavonoid-drug interactions. With contributions from a multidisciplinary team of leading researchers, Flavonoids Pharmacokinetics reviews and synthesizes the most recent research findings and results from preclinical and clinical studies. The book begins with a comprehensive overview of polyphenols and flavonoids. Next, the book covers: Methods of analysis of achiral flavonoids Preclinical pharmacokinetic of flavonoids Toxicology and safety of flavonoids Methods of analysis for chiral flavonoids Clinical pharmacokinetics of flavonoids Flavonoids and drug interactions Throughout the book, the authors provide examples that demonstrate the use of pharmacokinetics concepts during the preclinical and clinical drug development process. Flavonoid Pharmacokinetics is written for pharmaceutical, food, and nutritional scientists and students, offering the tools they need to thoroughly analyze and test flavonoids and flavonoid-containing supplements to ensure their safety and efficacy.
Купить книгу Computational Approaches to Energy Materials, автора Richard  Catlow
Computational Approaches to Energy Materials
The development of materials for clean and efficient energy generation and storage is one of the most rapidly developing, multi-disciplinary areas of contemporary science, driven primarily by concerns over global warming, diminishing fossil-fuel reserves, the need for energy security, and increasing consumer demand for portable electronics. Computational methods are now an integral and indispensable part of the materials characterisation and development process. Computational Approaches to Energy Materials presents a detailed survey of current computational techniques for the development and optimization of energy materials, outlining their strengths, limitations, and future applications. The review of techniques includes current methodologies based on electronic structure, interatomic potential and hybrid methods. The methodological components are integrated into a comprehensive survey of applications, addressing the major themes in energy research. Topics covered include: • Introduction to computational methods and approaches • Modelling materials for energy generation applications: solar energy and nuclear energy • Modelling materials for storage applications: batteries and hydrogen • Modelling materials for energy conversion applications: fuel cells, heterogeneous catalysis and solid-state lighting • Nanostructures for energy applications This full colour text is an accessible introduction for newcomers to the field, and a valuable reference source for experienced researchers working on computational techniques and their application to energy materials.
Купить книгу Theory and Applications of the Empirical Valence Bond Approach. From Physical Chemistry to Chemical Biology, автора Fernanda  Duarte
Theory and Applications of the Empirical Valence Bond Approach. From Physical Chemistry to Chemical Biology
A comprehensive overview of current empirical valence bond (EVB) theory and applications, one of the most powerful tools for studying chemical processes in the condensed phase and in enzymes. Discusses the application of EVB models to a broad range of molecular systems of chemical and biological interest, including reaction dynamics, design of artificial catalysts, and the study of complex biological problems Edited by a rising star in the field of computational enzymology Foreword by Nobel laureate Arieh Warshel, who first developed the EVB approach
Купить книгу The Chemistry of Heterocycles. Structures, Reactions, Synthesis, and Applications, автора Theophil  Eicher
The Chemistry of Heterocycles. Structures, Reactions, Synthesis, and Applications
This classical textbook in the best sense of the word is now completely revised, updated and with more than 40 % new content. The approved ordering system according to the ring size of the heterocycles has been retained, while the important chapter on «Problems and their Solutions» has been almost completely renewed by introduction of up-to-date scientific exercises, resulting in a great tool for self-testing and exams. There was maintained a chapter on nomenclature and a helpful index of name reactions. With approximately 1,000 new literature citations, this book remains a brilliant gateway to modern heterocyclic science for master and graduate students, as well as PhDs and researchers entering the field. «If you want quick information about the basic (or acidic!) properties of a heterocycle, some interesting facts, or an assorted few ways of making it, this book provides a welcoming, accurate, and concise introduction.» Angewandte Chemie IE «Eicher, Speicher and Hauptmann provide an up to date introduction to the field for the advanced undergraduate and graduate students. … The book is carefully produced to a very high standard.» European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry
Купить книгу Electromagnetics of Body Area Networks. Antennas, Propagation, and RF Systems, автора
Electromagnetics of Body Area Networks. Antennas, Propagation, and RF Systems
The book is a comprehensive treatment of the field, covering fundamental theoretical principles and new technological advancements, state-of-the-art device design, and reviewing examples encompassing a wide range of related sub-areas. In particular, the first area focuses on the recent development of novel wearable and implantable antenna concepts and designs including metamaterial-based wearable antennas, microwave circuit integrated wearable filtering antennas, and textile and/or fabric material enabled wearable antennas. The second set of topics covers advanced wireless propagation and the associated statistical models for on-body, in-body, and off-body modes. Other sub-areas such as efficient numerical human body modeling techniques, artificial phantom synthesis and fabrication, as well as low-power RF integrated circuits and related sensor technology are also discussed. These topics have been carefully selected for their transformational impact on the next generation of body-area network systems and beyond.
Купить книгу OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communications, автора Shengli  Zhou
OFDM for Underwater Acoustic Communications
A blend of introductory material and advanced signal processing and communication techniques, of critical importance to underwater system and network development This book, which is the first to describe the processing techniques central to underwater OFDM, is arranged into four distinct sections: First, it describes the characteristics of underwater acoustic channels, and stresses the difference from wireless radio channels. Then it goes over the basics of OFDM and channel coding. The second part starts with an overview of the OFDM receiver, and develops various modules for the receiver design in systems with single or multiple transmitters. This is the main body of the book. Extensive experimental data sets are used to verify the receiver performance. In the third part, the authors discuss applications of the OFDM receiver in i) deep water channels, which may contain very long separated multipath clusters, ii) interference-rich environments, where an unintentional interference such as Sonar will be present, and iii) a network with multiple users where both non-cooperative and cooperative underwater communications are developed. Lastly, it describes the development of a positioning system with OFDM waveforms, and the progress on the OFDM modem development. Closely related industries include the development and manufacturing of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and scientific sensory equipment. AUVs and sensors in the future could integrate modems, based on the OFDM technology described in this book. Contents includes: Underwater acoustic channel characteristics/OFDM basics/Peak-to-average-ratio control/Detection and Doppler estimation (Doppler scale and CFO)/Channel estimation and noise estimation/A block-by-block progressive receiver and performance results/Extensions to multi-input multi-output OFDM/Receiver designs for multiple users/Cooperative underwater OFDM (Physical layer network coding and dynamic coded cooperation)/Localization with OFDM waveforms/Modem developments A valuable resource for Graduate and postgraduate students on electrical engineering or physics courses; electrical engineers, underwater acousticians, communications engineers
Купить книгу Active Global Seismology. Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, автора Ibrahim  Cemen
Active Global Seismology. Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Neotectonics involves the study of the motions and deformations of the Earth's crust that are current or recent in geologic time. The Mediterranean region is one of the most important regions for neotectonics and related natural hazards. This volume focuses on the neotectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region, which has experienced many major extensive earthquakes, including the devastating Izmit, Turkey earthquake on August 17, 1999. The event lasted for 37 seconds, killing around 17,000 people, injuring 44,000 people, and leaving approximately half a million people homeless. Since then, several North American, European, and Turkish research groups have studied the neotectonics and earthquake potential of the region using different geological and geophysical methods, including GPS studies, geodesy, and passive source seismology. Some results from their studies were presented in major North American and European geological meetings. This volume highlights the work involving the Eastern Mediterranean region, which has one of the world's longest and best studied active strike-slip (horizontal motion) faults: the east-west trending North Anatolian fault zone, which is very similar to the San Andreas fault in California. This volume features discussions of: Widespread applications in measuring plate motion that have strong implications in predicting natural disasters like earthquakes, both on a regional and a global scale Recent motions, particularly those produced by earthquakes, that provide insights on the physics of earthquake recurrence, the growth of mountains, orogenic movements, and seismic hazards Unique methodical approaches in collecting tectonophysical data, including field, seismic, experimental, computer-based, and theoretical approaches. Active Global Seismology is a valuable resource for geoscientists, particularly in the field of tectonophysics, geophysics, geodynamics, seismology, structural geology, environmental geology, and geoengineering.
Купить книгу Fluorescent Analogs of Biomolecular Building Blocks. Design and Applications, автора Marcus  Wilhelmsson
Fluorescent Analogs of Biomolecular Building Blocks. Design and Applications
Fluorescent Biomolecules and their Building Blocks focuses on the design of fluorescent probes for the four major families of macromolecular building blocks. Compiling the expertise of multiple authors, this book moves from introductory chapters to an exploration of the design, synthesis, and implementation of new fluorescent analogues of biomolecular building blocks, including examples of small-molecule fluorophores and sensors that are part of biomolecular assemblies.