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Купить книгу Monitoring and Modelling Dynamic Environments (A Festschrift in Memory of Professor John B. Thornes), автора Mark  Mulligan
Monitoring and Modelling Dynamic Environments (A Festschrift in Memory of Professor John B. Thornes)
The Times (Obituaries, 4 August 2008) reported that “John Thornes was one of the most eminent and influential physical geographers of his generation.” John’s keen interest in understanding landform processes and evolution was furthered through a variety of methods and informed across a range of disciplinary boundaries. In particular he pushed for better integration of monitoring, theoretical and simulation modelling, field and laboratory experimentation and remote sensing techniques. Although dominated by an interest in the Mediterranean region and problems of land degradation, his research activities ranged across a number of time scales and with other environmental perspectives. This collection of papers reflects this wide range of John’s interests through the recent work of scientists and professionals most strongly influenced by his rigorous training or leadership. The thematic focus of the book, which runs through all of the main contributions, is the integration of different methodologies and the application of this approach to improved understanding of natural systems and the development of appropriate strategies for environmental and resource management. Short overviews of John’s contributions to geomorphological research are also presented to provide context for the origins of this book.
Купить книгу Fundamentals of Ionic Liquids. From Chemistry to Applications, автора
Fundamentals of Ionic Liquids. From Chemistry to Applications
Written by experts who have been part of this field since its beginnings in both research and academia, this textbook introduces readers to this evolving topic and the broad range of applications that are being explored. The book begins by examining what it is that defines ionic liquids and what sets them apart from other materials. Chapters describe the various types of ionic liquids and the different techniques used to synthesize them, as well as their properties and some of the methods used in their measurement. Further chapters delve into synthetic and electrochemical applications and their broad use as «Green» solvents. Final chapters examine important applications in a wide variety of contexts, including such devices as solar cells and batteries, electrochemistry, and biotechnology. The result is a must-have resource for any researcher beginning to work in this growing field, including senior undergraduates and postgraduates.
Купить книгу Translational Research and Discovery in Gastroenterology. Organogenesis to Disease, автора
Translational Research and Discovery in Gastroenterology. Organogenesis to Disease
Translational Gastroenterology: Organogenesis to Disease bridges the gap between basic and clinical research by providing information on GI (gastrointestinal) organ development discovered through scientific inquiry, alongside clinical observations of acquired and congenital abnormalities. Paired chapters, written from basic science and clinical viewpoints, review the major biological pathways and molecules at work in organ ontogeny and disease. In addition to a comprehensive survey of GI organ development and pathologies, the book also highlights model organisms and new areas of research, with chapters devoted to recent advances in the field of GI stem cell biology, and the potential for tissue engineering of GI organs. The topics covered provide a unique window onto current activity in the field of gastroenterology, fostering enhanced knowledge for developmental biologists as well as for clinical practitioners. Notable features include the following: • Basic science chapters review the molecular and cellular pathways of GI organ development alongside clinical chapters examining organ-based diseases, closing the gap between the bench and the clinic. • Derivative organs – esophagus, stomach, pylorus, small intestine, colon, liver, and pancreas –as well as tissues such as serosa and enteric nervous system that are common to multiple GI organs. • Chapters detailing the use of model organisms – Drosophila, sea urchin, zebrafish, C. elegans, Xenopus – for basic discovery studies are included. • Chapters on GI stem cells and the potential for tissue engineering of the GI organs provide a view to the future of research and therapy in these organs.
Купить книгу Magnetic Resonance Elastography. Physical Background and Medical Applications, автора Jurgen  Braun
Magnetic Resonance Elastography. Physical Background and Medical Applications
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is a medical imaging technique that combines magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with mechanical vibrations to generate maps of viscoelastic properties of biological tissue. It serves as a non-invasive tool to detect and quantify mechanical changes in tissue structure, which can be symptoms or causes of various diseases. Clinical and research applications of MRE include staging of liver fibrosis, assessment of tumor stiffness and investigation of neurodegenerative diseases. The first part of this book is dedicated to the physical and technological principles underlying MRE, with an introduction to MRI physics, viscoelasticity theory and classical waves, as well as vibration generation, image acquisition and viscoelastic parameter reconstruction. The second part of the book focuses on clinical applications of MRE to various organs. Each section starts with a discussion of the specific properties of the organ, followed by an extensive overview of clinical and preclinical studies that have been performed, tabulating reference values from published literature. The book is completed by a chapter discussing technical aspects of elastography methods based on ultrasound.
Купить книгу Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management, автора Graeme  Caughley
Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management
To understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and ecosystem dynamics. With emphasis on practical application and quantitative skill development, this book weaves together these disparate elements in a single coherent textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It reviews analytical techniques, explaining the mathematical and statistical principles behind them, and shows how these can be used to formulate realistic objectives within an ecological framework. This third edition is comprehensive and up-to-date, and includes: Brand new chapters that disseminate rapidly developing topics in the field: habitat use and selection; habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors; population viability. analysis, the consequences of climate change; and evolutionary responses to disturbance A thorough updating of all chapters to present important areas of wildlife research and management with recent developments and examples. A new online study aid – a wide variety of downloadable computer programs in the freeware packages R and Mathcad, available through a companion website. Worked examples enable readers to practice calculations explained in the text and to develop a solid understanding of key statistical procedures and population models commonly used in wildlife ecology and management. The first half of the book provides a solid background in key ecological concepts. The second half uses these concepts to develop a deeper understanding of the principles underlying wildlife management and conservation. Global examples of real-life management situations provide a broad perspective on the international problems of conservation, and detailed case histories demonstrate concepts and quantitative analyses. This third edition is also valuable to professional wildlife managers, park rangers, biological resource managers, and those working in ecotourism.
Купить книгу Money and Finance After the Crisis. Critical Thinking for Uncertain Times, автора Andrew  Leyshon
Money and Finance After the Crisis. Critical Thinking for Uncertain Times
Money and Finance After the Crisis provides a critical multi-disciplinary perspective on the post-crisis financial world in all its complexity, dynamism and unpredictability. Contributions illuminate the diversity of ways in which money and finance continue to shape global political economy and society. A multidisciplinary collection of essays that study the geographies of money and finance that have unfolded in the wake of the financial crisis Contributions discuss a wide range of contemporary social formations, including the complexities of modern debt-driven financial markets Chapters critically explore proliferating forms and spaces of financial power, from the realms of orthodox finance capital to biodiversity conservation Contributions demonstrate the centrality of money and finance to contemporary capitalism and its political and cultural economies
Купить книгу The Greening of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Applications for Mental Disorder Treatments, автора
The Greening of Pharmaceutical Engineering, Applications for Mental Disorder Treatments
This third volume in a four-volume set offers new theories and applications for the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Having laid the groundwork in the first two volumes, the authors now embark on significant, real-life scenarios that apply their philosophy to mental disorder treatments. The goal of the project is to take the industry toward sustainability, not just in terms of the chemical engineering used to create medicines, but also environmentally, economically, and personally. Their unique approach uses a more holistic and philosophically cohesive method for treating mental disorders, making the industry «greener» and the patient healthier. The four volumes in «The Greening of Pharmaceutical Engineering» are: Volume 1: Practice, Analysis, and Methodology Volume 2: Theories and Solutions Volume 3: Applications for Mental Disorder Treatments Volume 4: Applications for Physical Disorder Treatments This ground-breaking set of books is a unique and state-of-the-art study that only appears here, within these pages. A fascinating study for the engineer, scientist, and pharmacist working in the pharmaceutical industry and interested in sustainability, it is also a valuable textbook for students and faculty studying these subjects.
Купить книгу Genomes, Evolution, and Culture. Past, Present, and Future of Humankind, автора
Genomes, Evolution, and Culture. Past, Present, and Future of Humankind
This book combines recent information and discoveries in the field of human molecular biology and human molecular evolution. It provides an interdisciplinary approach drawing together data from various diverse disciplines to address both the more classical anthropological content and the current more contemporary molecular focus of courses. Chapters include a history of human evolutionary genetics; the human genome structure and function; population structure and variability; gene and genomic dynamics; culture; health and disease; bioethics; future.
Купить книгу Handbook of LC-MS Bioanalysis. Best Practices, Experimental Protocols, and Regulations, автора Wenkui  Li
Handbook of LC-MS Bioanalysis. Best Practices, Experimental Protocols, and Regulations
Consolidates the information LC-MS bioanalytical scientists need to analyze small molecules and macromolecules The field of bioanalysis has advanced rapidly, propelled by new approaches for developing bioanalytical methods, new liquid chromatographic (LC) techniques, and new mass spectrometric (MS) instruments. Moreover, there are a host of guidelines and regulations designed to ensure the quality of bioanalytical results. Presenting the best practices, experimental protocols, and the latest understanding of regulations, this book offers a comprehensive review of LC-MS bioanalysis of small molecules and macromolecules. It not only addresses the needs of bioanalytical scientists working on routine projects, but also explores advanced and emerging technologies such as high-resolution mass spectrometry and dried blood spot microsampling. Handbook of LC-MS Bioanalysis features contributions from an international team of leading bioanalytical scientists. Their contributions reflect a review of the latest findings, practices, and regulations as well as their own firsthand analytical laboratory experience. The book thoroughly examines: Fundamentals of LC-MS bioanalysis in drug discovery, drug development, and therapeutic drug monitoring The current understanding of regulations governing LC-MS bioanalysis Best practices and detailed technical instructions for LC-MS bioanalysis method development, validation, and stability assessment of analyte(s) of interest Experimental guidelines and protocols for quantitative LC-MS bioanalysis of challenging molecules, including pro-drugs, acyl glucuronides, N-oxides, reactive compounds, and photosensitive and autooxidative compounds With its focus on current bioanalytical practice, Handbook of LC-MS Bioanalysis enables bioanalytical scientists to develop and validate robust LC-MS assay methods, all in compliance with current regulations and standards.
Купить книгу The Chemistry of Contrast Agents in Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging, автора Lothar  Helm
The Chemistry of Contrast Agents in Medical Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is one of the most important tools in clinical diagnostics and biomedical research. The number of MRI scanners operating around the world is estimated to be approximately 20,000, and the development of contrast agents, currently used in about a third of the 50 million clinical MRI examinations performed every year, has largely contributed to this significant achievement. This completely revised and extended second edition: Includes new chapters on targeted, responsive, PARACEST and nanoparticle MRI contrast agents. Covers the basic chemistries, MR physics and the most important techniques used by chemists in the characterization of MRI agents from every angle from synthesis to safety considerations. Is written for all of those involved in the development and application of contrast agents in MRI. Presented in colour, it provides readers with true representation and easy interpretation of the images. A word from the Authors: Twelve years after the first edition published, we are convinced that the chemistry of MRI agents has a bright future. By assembling all important information on the design principles and functioning of magnetic resonance imaging probes, this book intends to be a useful tool for both experts and newcomers in the field. We hope that it helps inspire further work in order to create more efficient and specific imaging probes that will allow materializing the dream of seeing even deeper and better inside the living organisms. Reviews of the First Edition: «…attempts, for the first time, to review the whole spectrum of involved chemical disciplines in this technique…»—Journal of the American Chemical Society «…well balanced in its scope and attention to detail…a valuable addition to the library of MR scientists…»—NMR in Biomedicine
Купить книгу Management of the Effects of Coastal Storms. Policy, Scientific and Historical Perspectives, автора Paolo  Ciavola
Management of the Effects of Coastal Storms. Policy, Scientific and Historical Perspectives
A large part of the world’s coastlines consists of sandy beaches and dunes that may undergo dramatic changes during storms. Extreme storm events in some cases dominate the erosion history of the coastline and may have dramatic impacts on densely populated coastal areas. Policy, research and historical background are essential elements that need to be interconnected for effective coastal planning and management. This book discusses this framework, with Chapter 1 providing an insight into policy settings and science-policy interactions in the area of coastal risks related to storms and flooding, and integrated coastal zone management. This is followed by a review of the current understanding of the processes generating extreme coastal events, the morphological evolution of coastlines during and after the events, and the methods for monitoring the process as it occurs or for post-event appraisal. The final chapter discusses the importance of historical approaches regarding coastal threats, taking the Xynthia storm as an example.
Купить книгу Biorefineries and Chemical Processes. Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis, автора Jhuma  Sadhukhan
Biorefineries and Chemical Processes. Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis
As the range of feedstocks, process technologies and products expand, biorefineries will become increasingly complex manufacturing systems. Biorefineries and Chemical Processes: Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis presents process modelling and integration, and whole system life cycle analysis tools for the synthesis, design, operation and sustainable development of biorefinery and chemical processes. Topics covered include: Introduction: An introduction to the concept and development of biorefineries. Tools: Included here are the methods for detailed economic and environmental impact analyses; combined economic value and environmental impact analysis; life cycle assessment (LCA); multi-criteria analysis; heat integration and utility system design; mathematical programming based optimization and genetic algorithms. Process synthesis and design: Focuses on modern unit operations and innovative process flowsheets. Discusses thermochemical and biochemical processing of biomass, production of chemicals and polymers from biomass, and processes for carbon dioxide capture. Biorefinery systems: Presents biorefinery process synthesis using whole system analysis. Discusses bio-oil and algae biorefineries, integrated fuel cells and renewables, and heterogeneous catalytic reactors. Companion website: Four case studies, additional exercises and examples are available online, together with three supplementary chapters which address waste and emission minimization, energy storage and control systems, and the optimization and reuse of water. This textbook is designed to bridge a gap between engineering design and sustainability assessment, for advanced students and practicing process designers and engineers.