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Купить книгу Stochastic Numerical Methods. An Introduction for Students and Scientists, автора Pere  Colet
Stochastic Numerical Methods. An Introduction for Students and Scientists
Stochastic Numerical Methods introduces at Master level the numerical methods that use probability or stochastic concepts to analyze random processes. The book aims at being rather general and is addressed at students of natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, etc.) and Engineering, but also social sciences (Economy, Sociology, etc.) where some of the techniques have been used recently to numerically simulate different agent-based models. Examples included in the book range from phase-transitions and critical phenomena, including details of data analysis (extraction of critical exponents, finite-size effects, etc.), to population dynamics, interfacial growth, chemical reactions, etc. Program listings are integrated in the discussion of numerical algorithms to facilitate their understanding. From the contents: Review of Probability Concepts Monte Carlo Integration Generation of Uniform and Non-uniform Random Numbers: Non-correlated Values Dynamical Methods Applications to Statistical Mechanics Introduction to Stochastic Processes Numerical Simulation of Ordinary and Partial Stochastic Differential Equations Introduction to Master Equations Numerical Simulations of Master Equations Hybrid Monte Carlo Generation of n-Dimensional Correlated Gaussian Variables Collective Algorithms for Spin Systems Histogram Extrapolation Multicanonical Simulations
Купить книгу Magnetoelectric Polymer-Based Composites. Fundamentals and Applications, автора
Magnetoelectric Polymer-Based Composites. Fundamentals and Applications
The first book on this topic provides a comprehensive and well-structured overview of the fundamentals, synthesis and emerging applications of magnetoelectric polymer materials. Following an introduction to the basic aspects of polymer based magnetoelectric materials and recent developments, subsequent chapters discuss the various types as well as their synthesis and characterization. There then follows a review of the latest applications, such as memories, sensors and actuators. The book concludes with a look at future technological advances. An essential reference for entrants to the field as well as for experienced researchers.
Купить книгу Chemical Analysis of Non-antimicrobial Veterinary Drug Residues in Food, автора Jian  Wang
Chemical Analysis of Non-antimicrobial Veterinary Drug Residues in Food
Provides a single-source reference for readers interested in the development of analytical methods for analyzing non-antimicrobial veterinary drug residues in food Provides a comprehensive set of information in the area of consumer food safety and international trade Covers general issues related to analytical quality control and quality assurance, measurement uncertainty, screening and confirmatory methods Details many techniques including nanotechnology and aptamer based assays covering current and potential applications for non-antimicrobial veterinary drugs Provides guidance for analysis of banned drugs including natural and synthetic steroids, Resorcylic acid lactones, and Beta-agonists
Купить книгу High Throughput Analysis for Food Safety, автора
High Throughput Analysis for Food Safety
This book focuses on high-throughput analyses for food safety. Because of the contributors domestic and international expertise from industry and government the book appeals to a wider audience. It includes the latest development in rapid screening, with a particular emphasis on the growing use and applicability of a variety of stand-alone mass spectrometry methods as well as using mass spectrometry in hyphenated techniques such as gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Readers will be educated to the field of food safety and rapid testing in the most commonly used techniques. Divided into three parts (Basics of High Throughput Analyses, Mass Spectrometry in High Throughput Analyses, and International Food Safety Testing) this book covers many important aspects of high-throughput analyses for food safety.
Купить книгу Ethics and Law for School Psychologists, автора Susan  Jacob
Ethics and Law for School Psychologists
Ethics and Law for School Psychologists is the single best source of authoritative information on the ethical and legal issues school psychologists face every day. Designed specifically to meet the unique needs of psychologists in school settings, this book includes the most up-to-date standards and requirements while providing an introduction to ethical codes, ethical decision making, and the legal underpinnings that protect the rights of students and their parents. This new seventh edition has been extensively updated with the latest research and changes to the law, with an increased focus on ethical-legal considerations associated with the use of digital technologies. Coverage includes new case law on privacy rights, electronic record keeping, the 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, digital assessment platforms, the latest interpretations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and more. Ethics texts for counseling and psychology are plentiful, and often excellent—but this book is the only reference that speaks directly to the concerns and issues specific to psychologists in school settings. Case vignettes, end-of-chapter questions, and discussion topics facilitate deeper insight and learning, while updated instructor's resources bring this key reference right into the classroom. Keeping up with the latest research and legal issues is a familiar part of a psychologist's duties, but a practice centered on children in an educational setting makes it both critical and more complex. Ethics and Law for School Psychologists provides a central resource for staying up to date and delivering ethically and legally sound services within a school setting.
Купить книгу Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration, автора
Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration
An updated guide to GNSS, and INS, and solutions to real-world GNSS/INS problems with Kalman filtering Written by recognized authorities in the field, this third edition of a landmark work provides engineers, computer scientists, and others with a working familiarity of the theory and contemporary applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Inertial Navigational Systems, and Kalman filters. Throughout, the focus is on solving real-world problems, with an emphasis on the effective use of state-of-the-art integration techniques for those systems, especially the application of Kalman filtering. To that end, the authors explore the various subtleties, common failures, and inherent limitations of the theory as it applies to real-world situations, and provide numerous detailed application examples and practice problems, including GNSS-aided INS (tightly and loosely coupled), modeling of gyros and accelerometers, and SBAS and GBAS. Drawing upon their many years of experience with GNSS, INS, and the Kalman filter, the authors present numerous design and implementation techniques not found in other professional references. The Third Edition includes: Updates on the upgrades in existing GNSS and other systems currently under development Expanded coverage of basic principles of antenna design and practical antenna design solutions Expanded coverage of basic principles of receiver design and an update of the foundations for code and carrier acquisition and tracking within a GNSS receiver Expanded coverage of inertial navigation, its history, its technology, and the mathematical models and methods used in its implementation Derivations of dynamic models for the propagation of inertial navigation errors, including the effects of drifting sensor compensation parameters Greatly expanded coverage of GNSS/INS integration, including derivation of a unified GNSS/INS integration model, its MATLAB® implementations, and performance evaluation under simulated dynamic conditions The companion website includes updated background material; additional MATLAB scripts for simulating GNSS-only and integrated GNSS/INS navigation; satellite position determination; calculation of ionosphere delays; and dilution of precision.
Купить книгу Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues and their Metabolites, автора Despina  Tsipi
Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues and their Metabolites
Provides an overview of the use of mass spectrometry (MS) for the analysis of pesticide residues and their metabolites. Presents state of the-art MS techniques for the identification of pesticides and their transformation products in food and environment Covers important advances in MS techniques including MS instrumentation and chromatographic separations (e.g. UPLC, HILIC, comprehensive GCxGC) and applications Illustrates the main sample preparation techniques (SPE, QuEChERS, microextraction) used in combination with MS for the analysis of pesticides Describes various established and new ionization techniques as well as the main MS platforms, software tools and mass spectral libraries
Купить книгу Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, автора
Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis
This long-awaited second edition of the successful introduction to the fundamentals of heterogeneous catalysis is now completely revised and updated. Written by internationally acclaimed experts, this textbook includes fundamentals of adsorption, characterizing catalysts and their surfaces, the significance of pore structure and surface area, solid-state and surface chemistry, poisoning, promotion, deactivation and selectivity of catalysts, as well as catalytic process engineering. A final section provides a number of examples and case histories. With its color and numerous graphics plus references to help readers to easily find further reading, this is a pivotal work for an understanding of the principles involved.
Купить книгу Active Plasmonics and Tuneable Plasmonic Metamaterials, автора Stefan  Maier
Active Plasmonics and Tuneable Plasmonic Metamaterials
This book, edited by two of the most respected researchers in plasmonics, gives an overview of the current state in plasmonics and plasmonic-based metamaterials, with an emphasis on active functionalities and an eye to future developments. This book is multifunctional, useful for newcomers and scientists interested in applications of plasmonics and metamaterials as well as for established researchers in this multidisciplinary area.
Купить книгу Physical Chemistry for the Biological Sciences, автора Sharon  Hammes-Schiffer
Physical Chemistry for the Biological Sciences
This book provides an introduction to physical chemistry that is directed toward applications to the biological sciences. Advanced mathematics is not required. This book can be used for either a one semester or two semester course, and as a reference volume by students and faculty in the biological sciences.
Купить книгу Equilibria and Kinetics of Biological Macromolecules, автора
Equilibria and Kinetics of Biological Macromolecules
Progressively builds a deep understanding of macromolecular behavior Based on each of the authors' roughly forty years of biophysics research and teaching experience, this text instills readers with a deep understanding of the biophysics of macromolecules. It sets a solid foundation in the basics by beginning with core physical concepts such as thermodynamics, quantum chemical models, molecular structure and interactions, and water and the hydrophobic effect. Next, the book examines statistical mechanics, protein-ligand binding, and conformational stability. Finally, the authors address kinetics and equilibria, exploring underlying theory, protein folding, and stochastic models. With its strong emphasis on molecular interactions, Equilibria and Kinetics of Biological Macromolecules offers new insights and perspectives on proteins and other macromolecules. The text features coverage of: Basic theory, applications, and new research findings Related topics in thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, and molecular simulations Principles and applications of molecular simulations in a dedicated chapter and interspersed throughout the text Macromolecular binding equilibria from the perspective of statistical mechanics Stochastic processes related to macromolecules Suggested readings at the end of each chapter include original research papers, reviews and monographs, enabling readers to explore individual topics in greater depth. At the end of the text, ten appendices offer refreshers on mathematical treatments, including probability, computational methods, Poisson equations, and defining molecular boundaries. With its classroom-tested pedagogical approach, Equilibria and Kinetics of Biological Macromolecules is recommended as a graduate-level textbook for biophysics courses and as a reference for researchers who want to strengthen their understanding of macromolecular behavior.
Купить книгу The Chemical Bond. Chemical Bonding Across the Periodic Table, автора Sason  Shaik
The Chemical Bond. Chemical Bonding Across the Periodic Table
A unique overview of the different kinds of chemical bonds that can be found in the periodic table, from the main-group elements to transition elements, lanthanides and actinides. It takes into account the many developments that have taken place in the field over the past few decades due to the rapid advances in quantum chemical models and faster computers. This is the perfect complement to «Chemical Bonding – Fundamentals and Models» by the same editors, who are two of the top scientists working on this topic, each with extensive experience and important connections within the community.