{384} Там же, с. 111. [624].

{385} Милюков П.Н. Воспоминания. М., 1992, с. 316.

{386} Bratianu G. Memoirs. London, 1923, p. 341.

{387} «New York Times», May 15, 1917.

{388} См.: Williams W. American-Russian Relations: 1781-1947. N.Y., 1952, p. 87.

{389} FRUS, 1918, Russia, W., 1931 Vol. 1, p. 147-8.

{390} FRUS, 1918, Russia, W., 1931, Vol. 1, p. 122.

{391} Maddox R. The Unknown War with Russia. Wilson's Siberian Intervention. San Rafael, 1977, p. 33.

{392} Kennan G. Op. cit., v. I, p. 23.

{393} Maddox R. The Unknown War with Russia. Wilson's Siberian Intervention. San Rafael, 1977, p. 47.

{394} Warth R. The Allies and the Russian Revolution. Durham, 1954, p. 102.

{395} Gray R. Chronicle of the First World War. Vol. 2, Oxford, 1991, p. 38.

{396} Gilbert М. The First World War. London, 1994, p. 325.

{397} Палеолог М. Царская Россия накануне революции. М. 1923, с. 430.

{398} Lloyd Gardner С. Op. cit., p. 137.

{399} FRUS, 1917, Supplement 2, v. 1, p. 71-73.

{400} Francis D. Op. cit., N.Y., 1921, p. 273.

{401} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, p. 128.

{402} Kerensky A.F. Catastrophe. N.Y. 1927, p. 432.

{403} Maddox R. The Unknown War with Russia. Wilson's Siberian Intervention. San Rafael, 1977, p. 112.

{404} Wheeler-Bennett J. Brest-Litovsk, The Forgotten Peace, March 1918. London, 1938, p. 45.

{405} Палеолог М. Царская Россия накануне революции. М. 1923, с. 462.

{406} Buchanan G. Op. cit., p. 139.

{407} Hoffmann М. War Diaries and other papers. Vol. 2, London, 1929, p. 249.

{408} Knox A. With the Russian Army 1914-1917. Vol. 2, London, 1921, p. 278.

{409} Fischer F. Op. cit., p. 444.

{410} Там же, с. 457.

{411} Klemas P. Werdegang des lituanischen Staates von 1915 bis rur Bildung der provisorischen Regierung in November 1918, Berlin,.

1919 (Doc. N XIII). «P. Klimas. Op. cit., Doc. N XVII, XVIII.

{413} «Русский инвалид», 5 мая 1917 г.

{414} Рахметов В. Апрельские дни 1917 года в Петрограде («Красный Архив», 1929, № 33, с. 34-81.) [625].

{415} Милюков П.Н. История Второй русской революции. Т. 1. София, 1921, с. 108-109.

{416} USA, Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States. 1918/1919, vol. I, p. 146.

{417} Архив полковника Хауза, т. 3. М., 1939, с. 99-100.

{418} Lloyd Gardner С. Safe for Democracy. The Anglo — American Responce to Revolution, 1913-1923. N.Y., 1984, p. 358.

{419} Цит. по: Lloyd Gardner С, Op, cit., p. 139. «.

{420} Цит. по: Wade R. Russian Search for Peace. Stanford, 1980, p. 106-107.

{421} Abraham R. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution N.Y., 1987, p. 162.

{422} Farmborough F. Nurse at the Russian Front. London, 1977, p. 269-270.

{423} «Journal», 12/25 mai 1917.

{424} Kerensky A.F. The Catastrophe. N.Y., 1927, p. 216.

{425} Kerensky A. F. Catastrophe, p. 262-267.

{426} Hoffmann М. War diaries and other papers. London, 1929, Vol. 2, p. 316.

{427} Abraham R. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution N.Y., 1987, p. 242.

{428} Bihl W. Osterreich-Ungam und die Friedensschlusse von Brest-Litovsk. Wien, 1970, S. 12.

{429} Abraham R. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution. N.Y., 1987, p. 243. .,.

{430} Erzberger М. Eriebnisse im Weltkriege. Stuttgart, 1920, p. 251.

{431} Jarausch K. The Enigmatic Chancellor: Bethmann Hollweg und the Hubris of Imperial Germany. New Haven, 1973, p. 223.

{432} Kerensky A. F. Russia and History's Turning Point. London, 1966, p. 432-433.

{433} Gilbert М. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 340.

{434} Gilbert М. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 336.

{435} Gilbert М. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 335.

{436} Gilbert М. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 337.

{437} Buchanan G. My Mission to Russia and other Diplomatic Memories. Boston, 1923, p. 147.

{438} Kerensky A.F. The Catastrophe. N.Y., N.Y., 1927, p. 208.

{439} Там же, с. 207.

{440} Hoffmann M. War diaries and other papers. London, 1929, Vol. 2, p. 328.

{441} Stone N. The Eastern Front. London, 1975, p. 272.

{442} Kennan G. Russia and the West. Boston, 1960, p. 17.

{443} Browder R., Kerensky A.F. (eds). The Russian Provisional Government of 1917: Documents. Vol. Н, Stanford 1961, p. 989-1010. [626].

{444} Knox A. With the Russian Army 1914-1917. London, vol. II, p. 669.

{445} Lloyd Gardner C. Safe for Democracy. The Angto — American Responce to Revolution, 1913-1923. N.Y., 1984, p. 370.

{446} Prince Max fon Baden. Erinnerungen und Documente. Stuttgart, 1927, S. 114.

{447} Bethmann Hollweg Th. Betrachtungen zum Weltkrieg. Band II, Berlin, 1921, S. 232-235.

{448} Gilbert M. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 348.

{449} Graubard S. British Labour and the Russian Revolution. Cambridge, 1956, p. 26-30.

{450} Lloyd George D. War Memoirs. L., 1935, Vol. II, p. 1130-1135.

{451} Buchanan G. My mission to Russia and other Diplomatic Memoirs. Vol. 2, London, 1923, p. 373 .

{452} Ibid., p. 380.

{453} Maugham S. The Summing Up. 1938, p. 202-205.

{454} Knox A. With the Russian Army, vol. II, p. 676-7.

{455} Alexinsky G. Du tsarisme au communisme. Paris, 1923, p. 50-51.

{456} Архив полковника Хауза. М., 1940, т. 3, с. 214.

{457} FRUS, 1917, Supplement 2, v. l, p. 144-146.

{458} Lansmg R. War Memoirs of Robert Lansing, Secretary of State. Indianapolis, 1935, p. 337.

{459} Там же, с. 337.

{460} Abraham R. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution. N.Y., 1987, p. 258.

{461} Бьюкенен Дж. Цит. пр., с. 245.

{462} Гиппиус 3. Синяя книга: Петербургский дневник 1914-1918, Белград, 1929, с. 219.

{463} Poincare R. Au service de la France. Tom 9, Pans, 1930, p. 345.

{464} Browder R., Kerensky A.F. (eds). The Russian Provisional Government of 1917: Documents. Vol. HI, Stanford 1961, p. 1573.

{465} Бочкарева, Яшка, с. 219-222.

{466} Бьюкенен Дж. Мемуары дипломата, с. 254-5.

{467} Ullman R. Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921. Princeton, 1961, V. I, p. 11-12.

{468} Buchanan G. My mission to Russia and other Diplomatic Memoirs. Vol. 2, London, 1923, p. 194-196.

{469} Abraham R. Alexander Kerensky. The Filst Love of the Revolution. N.Y., 1987, p. 297.

{470} Abraham R. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution. N.Y., 1987, p. 298.

{471} Buchanan G. Mission, vol. II, p. 194-196.

{472} Abraham R. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution. N.Y., 1987, p. 308. [627].

{473} Sokolov B.T. The White Nights: Pages from a Russian Doctor's Notebook. N.Y., 1956, p. 97, 166.

{474} Верховский А. И. Россия на Голгофе. Из походного дневника 1914-1918 г. М., 1959, с. 124.

{475} Chemin О. Im Weltkrieg. Berlin. 1919, p. 296-299.

{476} Цит. по: Michon G. The Franco — Russian Alliance. London, 1969, p. 317.

{477} FRUS, 1917, Supplement 2, v. 1, p. 222-3.

{478} FRUS, 1917, Supplement 2, v. 1, p. 284-5.

{479} Woodward D. The Collapse of Power. London., 1973, p. 12.

{480} Gilbert М. The First World War. N.Y., 1994, p. 363.

{481} Fischer F. German Aims.. P. 435.

{482} Hoffmann М. War diaries and other papers. London, 1929, Vol. 2, p. 388.

{483} Ullman R. Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921. Princeton, 1961, V.I, p. 15.

{484} Williams W. American-Russian Relations, 1781-1947, N.Y., 1952, p. 102.

{485} Williams W. American-Russian Relations, 1781-1947, N.Y., 1952, p. 103.

{486} FRUS, Russia, 1918, v. II, p. 26-27.

{487} Francis D. Russia from the American Embassy. N.Y., 1921, p. 164.